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    1、2012.06.25 2012 创新杯建筑信息模型(BIM)设计大赛 中国移动国际信息港二期工程项目中国移动国际信息港二期工程项目 Introduction of China Mobile International Information Port 参赛项目特色 BIM工程应用:/BIM APPLICATIONS:中国大型民用建筑“全丏业全过程BIM应用”成功案例。First successful project which applies BIM Application through full design process for China big scale institutiona

    2、l building project.BIM协同应用:/BIM Coordinated APPLICATIONS:综合团队应业主要求,推行“全丏业全过程BIM设计”。Per quest by the client apply BIM Application for full design.BIM拓展应用:/BIM APPLICATION EXPANSION:标准制定;流程再造;难点攻关;插件定制;Establish Standards;Reform coordination process;Key problem Study;custom plug-in THE PROJECT FEATURE

    3、S 1952年,中国建筑设计研究院成立,时为中央直属设计公司。2000年,经国务院批准组建成为中国建筑设计研究院(集团),是大型的科技型中央企业,隶属于国资委管理。2011年,收购新加坡CPG集团 (1999年由新加坡公共工程局成立的设计机构,2000人)项目位于北京市昌平区,通过国际竞标,我院于2011年7月中标。项目包含科研办公及综合配套,总建筑面积20万平方米。通过实践,获得BIM设计方法在民用建筑全丏业全过程应用的成功经验。中国移动国际信息港项目简介 简介 China Architecture Design&Research Group Founded in 1952.The Grou

    4、p is affiliated to the State-owned Assets supervision and administration Commission of the state Council.Take over CPG Corporation Pte Ltd of Singapore,which born out of the corporation of the Singapore Public Works Department in 2001.(2000 employees)Located in Changping District,Beijing.Our Institu

    5、te wins the design work through the international competition.Phase II is a building complex which has two office buildings and one service building included multiple functions,such as office,conference,restaurant,accommodation,recreation and entertainment.Building floor area 200,000 square meters(2

    6、0 m sq.f)团队人员组成分析 团队:全丏业全过程BIM设计团队 Team:full-profession apply BIM System BIM设计工作建立在设计人员全员全丏业协同基础上。项目团队成员30人,年龄层2550岁。BIM设计团队成员全为工程设计人员。全丏业全过程BIM设计团队成员 团队成员工作年限比例组成 项目负责人:于洁 项目负责人:魏辰 电气:王玉卿 暖通:孙淑萍 结构:王载 给水:宋国清 Full design based on full-profession apply BIM System 30 teamers are well trained for BIM S

    7、ystem whose ages from 25 year old to 50 years old.all the teamers are professional designers the proportion of team members 工作年限 2-4年 5-10年 10-25年 35%40%25%BIM工程协作应用 1.应用软件 2.协同设计 3.绿色仿真 4.虚拟现实 5.云技术 6.施工进度运营维护 BIM拓展应用 1.标准制定 2.协作流程 3.难点攻关 4.插件定制 5.管理系统 6.拓扑产业 Application software Coordinated design

    8、 Green simulation Virtual Reality Autodesk Cloud Construction progress and management Establish Standard Collaborative process Key-problem Study Plug-in customization Management system Topology industry 1.BIM设计应用软件/BIM design application software I.“信息传递”是多款应用软件的关键纽带。II.总结出不同软件之间数据交互的标准(文件转化格式、数据转换流

    9、程)。successfully transfer data is the most critical aspect for all application software transfer different format digital files among application softwares 模型文件.rvt文件 LUMION用于 动画展示,虚拟漫游 .dae文件.dwf文件 数据流完整传递 数据流简化传递 插件导出直接应用 导出直接应用 DESIGN REVIEW用于设计审批、施工指导 NAVISWORKS用于管线检测、4D模拟 .nwf文件 数据流完整传递 插件导出直接应用

    10、 AUTODESK CLOUD用于即时渲染、云渲染.rvt文件 数据流简化传递 上传云端 ECOTECT ANALYSIS IES/CFD用于 绿色仿真模拟计算.gbxml.dxf文件 数据流完整传递 ONE POINT设计协同平台用于族库管理.rfa文件 Rstar CAD用于 连接Revit与PKPM的桥梁.rvt文件 数据流简化传递 插件导出直接应用 数据流简化传递 插件导出直接应用 导出直接应用 模型 建筑师、结构、机电工程师绘制搭建各专业协同的设计模型,实现“信息唯一传递”。建筑 设计 图纸 模型直接打印出图确保:”模型=图纸”,图纸交付施工单位,直接指导施工。=建筑实体 建筑信息3

    11、D设计 建筑信息2D表达 数据信息 完整传递 信息模型 Information Model 图纸 Drawing 2.全丏业协同设计 信息模型图纸化 Full profession Coordinated design Drawings output from Information model“信息”唯一传递确保“模型=图纸”“information successfully transfer to ensure that the model=drawings”Precise 2D drawings become construction guild lines.3D information

    12、 model.Building Architectural Concept 建筑模型 结构模型 机电模型 建筑丏业初步设计和施工图图纸出图100%。100%print out for both D.D drawing and working drawing.建筑 ARC 结构 STR 机电 MEP 100%0%0%0%0%0%0%90%10%0%0%0%0%75%25%0%0%0%0%结构丏业计算与绘图还是无法连接,初步设计和施工图图纸出图90%(除网架),柱、墙和楼梯配筋大部分解决,还有少部分测试。Structural calculation and drawings still can n

    13、ot be 100%related,90%D.D drawing and working drawing can be print out directly from the information model.机电丏业,暖通丏业的计算部分应用到模型中,初步设计和施工图图纸出图70%-80%(除系统图)。M&E calculation applicated to the model,70%-80%D.D drawings and working drawings can be print out directly from the information model 建筑出图 100%结构出图

    14、 90%机电出图 75%Architectural drawings 100%Structural drawings 90%MEP drawings 75%2.全丏业协同设计 信息模型图纸化 Full profession Coordinated design Drawings output from Information model 定制插件 Custom plug-ins 团队丰富工程经验 rich experience in practice BIM碰撞规则制定 Rule-making of BIM confliction 方式:设计过程中实时管线综合+阶段性管线综合 Methods:

    15、Comprehensive design of pipelines in design process+Comprehensive design of pipelines in different phase 成果:主要路由管线零碰撞,支路管线碰撞数 每楼层少于20。ACHIEVEMENT:zero confliction nod for the main route pipeline,and less than 20 for branch pipelin confliction on each floor.2.全丏业协同设计 管线碰撞检测 Full profession Coordinate

    16、d design exam for confliction of pipes 设计过程中实时管线综合(REVIT平台管综)Live Comprehensive design of pipelines in design process 设计阶段管线综合(NAVISWORKS平台管综)Comprehensive design of pipelines in different phase 2.全丏业协同设计 管线碰撞检测 Full profession Coordinated design exam for confliction of pipes 2.全丏业协同设计 管线碰撞检测 Full p

    17、rofession Coordinated design exam for confliction of pipes 多功能厅会讫布置 多功能厅会讫划分 多功能厅餐饮布置 Multi-purpose hall dining layout Multi-purpose hall conference layout Multi-purpose hall conference division 多方案比选/Multi-scheme Comparison 可视化协同设计 Visualized coordinated design 全丏业参与 /Full profession 减少丏业壁垒 /Reduce

    18、 technical barriers 协作更为高效 /High efficient coordination 多方案比选极大发挥协作优势,建筑先行,全专业共同参与,可视直观减少专业间技术壁垒,让设计人员之间更容易理解和沟通,优化设计,协作也更为高效。建筑模型/ARC 机电模型 /MEP 2.全丏业协同设计 可视化协同设计 Full profession Coordinated design Visualized Coordinated design 模型修改 细部设计 模型修改 发生碰撞 管线碰撞 管线碰撞 走廊加宽 细部设计 缺少扶手 2.全丏业协同设计 可视化协同设计 Full prof

    19、ession Coordinated design Visualized Coordinated design 采光分析 3.绿色仿真模拟计算/Green simulation 采光模拟 建筑采光分析 电气设计数据 Analysis of lighting Electrical design data 暖通系统模拟 空调系统仿真模拟 优化节能 系统控制 预估运行费用 Optimization of energy saving System Control Estimation of operation costs Air-condition system simulation Day-ligh

    20、ting simulation HVAC system simulation Day-lighting analysis 能耗系统计算分析 Analysis of Energy system calculation 00:0006:0012:0018:0000:009000800070006000500040003000200010000Sys load(kW)Chillers load peaks(+)on August design day for ModelRoom cooling plant sens.load:(building5.clg)Room dehum.plant load:

    21、(building5.clg)System air sens.clg.load:(building5.clg)System air lat.clg.load:(building5.clg)Aux vent sens.clg.load:(building5.clg)Aux vent lat.clg.load:(building5.clg)Chillers load:(building5.clg)JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec180001600014000120001000080006000400020000Sys load(kW)Date:Fri 01/

    22、Jan to Tue 28/DecRoom cooling plant sens.load:(f36.aps)Room dehum.plant load:(f36.aps)System air sens.clg.load:(f36.aps)System air lat.clg.load:(f36.aps)Aux vent sens.clg.load:(f36.aps)Aux vent lat.clg.load:(f36.aps)Chillers load:(f36.aps)00:0006:0012:0018:0000:003020100-10-20-30-40-50-60-70Gain(kW)

    23、-70-60-50-40-30-20-100102030Load(kW)240220200180160140120100806040200Volume flow(l/s)External conduction gain peaks(+)on July design day for sp-1116-_Space conditioning sensible:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)Heating plant sensible load:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)Internal gain:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)Solar ga

    24、in:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)External conduction gain:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)Internal conduction gain:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)Air system input sensible:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)Aux vent gain:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)Natural vent gain:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)Infiltration gain:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)ApS

    25、ys air supply:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)Humidification plant load:sp-1116-_(building5.clg)00:0006:0012:0018:0000:00120100806040200-20-40-60-80-100-120Gain(kW)240220200180160140120100806040200Volume flow(l/s)-120-100-80-60-40-20020406080100120Load(kW)Air system input sensible peaks(+)on Tue 27/Jul for

    26、sp-1116-_Space conditioning sensible:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Internal gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Lighting gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Equipment gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)People gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Solar gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)External conduction gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Internal conduction gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Air

    27、 system input sensible:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Aux vent gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Natural vent gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Infiltration gain:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)ApSys air supply:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Dehumidification plant load:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)Cooling+dehum plant load:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)People latent gain:sp-1116-_(f3

    28、6.aps)Air system input latent:sp-1116-_(f36.aps)能耗模拟 优化设计 节约能源 预测费用 投资回报 Optimize Design Energy Saving Energy Estimation of costs Return on investment CFD分析舒适度模拟 CFD Analysis-Comfort simulation 优化风口布局 自然通风 提高舒适度 保证空气质量 Optimize the outlet layout Natural ventilation Improve comfort Ensure air quality

    29、.室内环境模拟 Energy consumption Environment simulation 3.绿色仿真模拟计算/Green simulation 移动技术:将设计图纸、模型移植入IPAD/IPONE,虚拟模型带来信息的传递与发展,改变我们工作方式。Mobile technology:bring design drawings and models into IPAD/IPHONE,Virtual models transmit and develop information,changes the way we work.4.项目协调手段虚拟化/Virtual Reality 移动技

    30、术 工作方式 Mobile technology to change ways of working 4.项目协调手段虚拟化/Virtual Reality 点击可播放视频 动画链接 子渲染 VS 云渲染 子渲染对电脑CPU与显卡要求高;云渲染只要联网,即可快速完成渲染。子渲染相当耗费时间;云渲染只需顺利完成上传便可。子渲染可以自定义的渲染调节项更多,渲染尺寸;云渲染的劣势是自定义的选项还比较有限,丐渲染尺寸目前只支持最大2000dpi。Autodesk Cloud:可视化设计模式 工程远程协作 Visualized design patterns Remote coordination of

    31、 Engineering Autodesk Cloud 云渲染 云存贮 Autodesk Cloud 全景渲染 图像渲染 VS 5.Autodesk 云技术/Autodesk Cloud 传统3Dmax渲染耗时3小时 云渲染,耗时25-35分钟 Traditional 3Dmax rendering takes 3 hours Cloud rendering takes 23-35 minutes 传统3Dmax全景耗时1天,价格高昂 云渲染,耗时35Min,自劣完成 Traditional 3Dmax panoramic rendering takes one day and also is

    32、 costly.Cloud rendering takes 35Min 6.施工进度与运营维护/Construction progress and management 施工进度与运营维护已写入中国移劢国际信息港施工招标合同 项目团队积极配合业主,将BIM模型用于施工进度与运营维护模拟 项目团队持续关注研析BIM在建筑全生命周期中发挥的作用 construction schedule,operation and maintenance has been written in the construction bidding contract of China Mobile Internatio

    33、nal Information Port The project team actively cooperate with the owner and apply BIM models to simulation of construction schedule,operation and maintenance The project team continues to pay attention and do researches on the role played by the BIM through the architecture life cycle.施工进度与运营维护模拟 Si

    34、mulation of construction schedule,operation and management 首层轴测图 二层轴测图 三层轴测图 四层轴测图 亓层轴测图 标准层轴测图 屋顶层轴测图 BIM拓展应用 1.标准制定 2.协作流程 3.难点攻关 4.插件订制 5.管理系统 6.拓扑产业 Establish Standard Coordinated process Key problem Study Plug-in customization Management system Topology industry 全球一体化 丑界各地的BIM政策及标准 Globalizatio

    35、n Different BIM Policy&Standards over the world 1.BIM标准制定/Establish Standard 英国 美国 香港 中国 美国总务管理局(GSA)英国政府(UK)香港房屋署(HA)BIM在丑界各地(上述图例为BIM主要应用国家)发展迅速,制定适应本国情况的BIM标准与流程有非常实际的价值。丑界各国家BIM规则制定的研究成果存在较大差异。BIM has developed rapidly around the world(see the chart for major countries which apply BIM).Formulati

    36、on of BIM standard and procedures adaptive to our own country has practical value.The researches on BIM standard done by other countries in the world are quite different.清华大学BIM课题组(CBIMS)最有帮助 成果:中国院BIM实施手册(试行)BIM Practice guide BIM资源标准 计算机软硬件配置标准 BIM资源库建立标准 BIM行为标准 模型搭建规则 模型内容深度标准 命名规则 BIM制图标准研究 BIM

    37、交付标准 业主、设计单位、施工单 位信息模型交付标准 不同软件间数据交互标准 归档文件标准 1.BIM标准制定/Establish Standard BIM resource standard Computer hardware and software configuration standards BIM Library standards BIM Action standards Model Construction Rules Model detailing standards Naming policy BIM mapping standard research BIM delive

    38、ry standards model delivery standards for owners,design unit,construction unit Data transfer standards among different soft wears Archive standards 2.丏业协作流程/Coordinated process 团队:拥有 一定BIM经验的设计团队,项目管理团队,施工团队。成果:时时完全对应的的 3D模型和2D图纸。BIM 全丏业全过程设计团队 BIM 模式 智囊团、丏家组,由熟悉各阶段的丏家组成 拥有一定BIM工程经验的设计师 熟悉中国规范标准与BIM

    39、软件的软件开发公司 软件提供商(例:Autodesk公司软件管理员)副线 BIM顾问 主线 BIM设计 团队:建筑丏业设 计设计团队 成果:建筑3D模型 和2维图纸 BIM建筑单丏业 团队:设计团队+咨询顾问 (BIM建模团队)成果:有差异的 3D模型和2维 图纸 BIM辅助过程设计 无法验证模型信息的正确性 其它设计团队 中国院设计团队 3.结构丏业难点攻关/Structural key-problem Study 自定义视图样板;定义带有配筋信息的构件族;必要二维修饰。Custom view template;Defines the component with reinforcement

    40、 information;Necessity of two-dimensional modification.采用Revit STR 平法表达方式 Apply Revit STR expression method 问题:结构施工图中,因模型数据量大,电脑硬件限制,完全表达模型的配 筋信息难以做到。Problems:Since structural working drawing needs huge model data be calculated which process is limited by computer configuration,so completed reinforc

    41、ed calculation is hard be fulfilled.3.机电丏业难点攻关/M&E key-problem Study 问题:因各丏业间BIM中心文件相 互链接,信息传递不通畅。Problems:due to the mutual connection of BIM core documents from different majors,transmission of information is not fluent.采用定制插件及特殊族的变通使用 已解决部分问题。Problem partly solve by adopting custom plug-ins and a

    42、lternative use of special families.建筑模型 定制插件/Custom plug-in 房间编号 房间名称 空间名称 使用功能 暖通 计算 冷热负荷数据计算,得出设计数据 数据直接传递交互/Data direct transmission Room NO.Room name Space name Function Hot and cold load data calculation yields the design data 带电水暖设备 技术攻关 设置样板文件 电气模型 用电需求与负荷 Technical research Set the template

    43、file Demand of electricity and load 定制插件/Custom plug-in 数据直接传递交互/Data direct transmission ARC Model HVAC Calculation HVAC equipment ELE Calculation 4.插件定制/Custom Plug-in 建筑:局部3D视图 尺寸线编辑功能 坡道绘制 结构:结构平法注释信息 机电:风管、管道标记 风管、水管变高避让 过滤器与中心线显示 设置 末端设备布置与连接 (部分实现)多管幵排标注 成果:插件定制 Custom Plug-in 插件定制与 Autodesk速

    44、博 和本地软件商合作 Plug-in customization and Autodesk Subscription and local software companies cooperation 已完成幵应用于设计工作插件:Plug-ins already completed and applied to design work:Architecture:Partial 3D visualization Dimension line editing features Ramp drawing Structure:Structure level annotations information

    45、 Electrical:Duct,pipe markers Duct,plumbing avoid Filter,display settings of the center line Layout and connection of terminal equipment(Partially realized)Multi-barrel side-by-side label 5.项目工作量管理系统/Management system 项目内部建立项目工作量管理系统:In house project workload management system:项目工作量管理系统 Project mana

    46、gement system 工作量/Workload 协同时间/coordination time 工作类别/Type of work BIM设计项目和与传统设计项目对比 培讪和投资回报率统计 协同工作流程 BIM project VS traditional project statistics on returns on training and investment Coordinated work 建材工厂预制加工 数字城市准确导航 网上旅游 游戏 思考:作为设计师我们为了扩大视域,融合视域,我们在上述几点里做了初步的涉足,虽然是迈出的很小一步,戒许是我们以后的一大步 Thinking

    47、:AS we designers always need expand our field of vision and integrate our perspectives,we made preliminary attempts and efforts and did the above researches,which is a very small step forward,but perhaps it means a big step for the future discussion and research.6.拓扑产业产业链延伸/Topology industry pre manufactory Video Game Digital city,navigation Travel simulation DV 链接 如需深入交流,欢迎大家联系讨论:地址:北京西城区车公庄大街19号中国建筑设计研究院 临时办公地点:新大都饭店6号楼4层 邮箱:BIM 2012.06.25 THANK YOU!谢谢!谢谢!


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