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    八年级英语can you come to my party课件16.ppt

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    八年级英语can you come to my party课件16.ppt

    1、Section B(3a-4)Section B(3a-4)Central topicCan you come to my party?invitation and responseobligationPart 1 Analysis of teaching material Part 2 Analysis of teaching methodPart 3 Analysis of learning methodPart 4 Teaching proceduresPart 5 Blackboard designPart 6 Valuation Part 7 SummaryAnalysis of t

    2、eaching materialprovides the students more reading and writing input and outputthe revision and extending of Section AA.Status and functionAnalysis of teaching materialB.Important and difficult pointsDifficult point:to describe their own feelings by using the target language Important point:talk abo

    3、ut invitation and obligationAnalysis of teaching materialC.Teaching aimsThe aims of the knowledge The aims of the abilitiesThe aims of moral educationAnalysis of teaching methodTask-based Language Teaching Cooperation Communicative MethodAnalysis of learning methodReviewtake part in the class activi

    4、tiesTeaching proceduresStep 1 Warming up1.Sing some English songs,like 2.I can sing a rainbow.2.What did you do last Sunday?What are you doing on Wednesday?Can you come to my party this week?(1)Skimminggo to the dentiststudy for chemistry test go shoppingtennis traininggo hikingbabysit her sisterSte

    5、p 2 While-reading(2)Scanning SundayMondayTuesdaydentistWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaygo to my cousins birthday partyhave tennis trainingstudy for my chemistry testgo to the movies(3)Summarizing Retell the passageSundayMondayTuesday dentistWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaygo to my cousins birthday par

    6、tyhave tennis trainingstudy for my chemistry testgo to the moviesStep 3 Post-reading(1)ListeningHi Henry,Thanks a lot for the invitation.Im sorry I cant visit next week.On Monday,I have to _.On Tuesday,Im _ with my friends.On Wednesday,I have to _ my dad.On Thursday,Im studying for_.And on Friday,_

    7、on vocation with _.Please call me after the vocation.Tonygo to the doctorshoppinglook afterEnglish testIm goingmy classmates(2)WritingE.G.:Im going shopping on Tuesday.I have to babysit my sister on Sunday.Step 4 GroupworkThe Best DesignerFirst write everything you have to do next week on the calend

    8、ar.Next choose a day and time to have a party.Then invite some of your classmates to your party.HomeworkWrite an e-mail to your friend.Say why you cant visit next week.Unit 5 Can you come to my party?invitation -Can you come to my party?chemistry -Sure,Id love to.training /Sorry,I cant.I have to Im doing Blackboard designValuationteacher to studentstudents to studentsboys to girls Summarymaster the main sentence patternsincrease the vocabularythe effect of competitionlearn to communicate with each other


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