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    八年级英语Chapter5 Water talkLanguage课件.ppt

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    八年级英语Chapter5 Water talkLanguage课件.ppt

    1、Oxford EnglishOxford English Book 8B Book 8B Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Talking about amountslanguageThere are apples in the basket.There are apples in the basket.a lot ofa lot of many manyThere are apples in the basketThere are apples in the basket.a fewnot manynot many There are apples in the basket.Ther

    2、e are apples in the basket.noThere is water in the cup.a lot of muchThere is water in the cup.There is water in the cup.a littlenot muchno a few a lot of not many a little no not mucha lot of oranges a few a lot of not many a little no not mucha lot of bread a few a lot of not many a little no not m

    3、ucha few/not many noodles a few a lot of not many a little no not mucha lot of eggs a few a lot of not many a little no not much没有香蕉啦!没有香蕉啦!no bananas a few a lot of not many a little no not mucha little/not much meat a few a lot of not many a little no not mucha few/not many bananas a few a lot of

    4、not many a little no not mucha lot of milk a few a lot of not many a little no not mucha little/not much bread a few a lot of not many a little no not muchno orange juice a few a lot of not many a little no not much Today is rainy,so there are _ people on the street,but there are _ people at Daisys

    5、home,because she is having a party at home.Her home is small,so there is _ furniture in the room.Although the room is very small,it is very clean,because there is _ rubbish on the floor.not manya lot of not muchno On the table,we can see many different kinds of fruits and drinks.Daisy and her friend

    6、s eat _ bananas and drink _ orange juice,so there are only _ bananas left(剩剩下下),and there is only _ orange juice in the bottle,so Daisy needs to buy more bananas and orange juice.a few a lot of not many a little no not mucha lot of a lot of a few a littleFood pyramid油(油(油(油(oiloil),奶油),奶油),奶油),奶油(cr

    7、eamcream),糖),糖),糖),糖(sugarsugar)牛奶(牛奶(牛奶(牛奶(milkmilk)酸奶(酸奶(酸奶(酸奶(yogurtyogurt)奶酪(奶酪(奶酪(奶酪(cheesecheese)肉肉肉肉meat meat 鸡鸡鸡鸡chickenchicken鱼(鱼(鱼(鱼(fishfish)鸡蛋鸡蛋鸡蛋鸡蛋 (egg)(egg)vegetablesvegetablesfruit bread bread noodles noodlesrice(食物金字塔)(食物金字塔)Food list for dinner_Food list for lunch_Food list for breakfast_ a few a lot of not many a little some not muchMake your healthy food list,using these words.A lot of water makes you healthy!A little milk and meat make you healthy!Many vegetables and much fruit make you healthy!Remember:Homework Write a composition about your eating habit.


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