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    八年级英语Detectives and crime Writing课件.ppt

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    八年级英语Detectives and crime Writing课件.ppt

    1、Writing Writing Chapter3 Chapter3 Chapter3 Chapter3 Detective and crimesDetective and crimesDetective and crimesDetective and crimes罗湖外语学校初中部罗湖外语学校初中部 谢谢 莉莉 Writing Writing Chapter3 Chapter3 Chapter3 Chapter3 Detective and crimesDetective and crimesDetective and crimesDetective and crimes罗湖外语学校初中部罗湖

    2、外语学校初中部 谢谢 莉莉 BrainstormdetectiveguiltywitnesscluethieftheftcriminalinnocentrobberrobberycrimeLListeningListen to Cindys descriptionListen to Cindys description 3 34 41 12 2What did he look like?He was wearing _ and _.a dark jacketa capHe was about _ years old.He had _ hair and was wearing _.60greyg

    3、lassesWhat did he look like?The man _ bald(adj.).He _ _ a T-shirt and jeans.He was a young man _ black hair.He was a young man _ black hair.He _ _ a bag.He _ _ a bag.waswas wearingwithwas carryingThe young man had black hair.Copyright by ARTCOM PT All rights reserved.www.art-com.co.krCompany Logo He

    4、 was.He was.He was wearingHe was wearing He had He had He was a man with He was a man withmedium heightslima blue suita strong build big eyes a round facea sweaterlong black hair SSpeakingTell what you sawa traffic jama traffic jambe drunkbe drunkfall a sleepfall a sleep The man _ a big nose is the

    5、driver.The man _ a big nose is the driver.He He was drunkwas drunk.There wasThere was _ at _ at XianhuXianhu Road _.Road _.A drunk driver A drunk driver _ in his car on the road in his car on the road and and _.withThe driver had a big nose.XianhuXianhu Road RoadNov.9Nov.9RReadingA funny crimeWho ar

    6、e they?Why did the man shoot his partner?Nov.8Nov.8Nov.8Nov.8A funny crime happened in Liantang last Sundaylast Sunday.Two robbersTwo robbers ran into a music shopa music shop.One of them was wearing a green T-shirt and carrying a red bag.The other robber was tall and thin.He was wearing red jeans.T

    7、here were many people in the shop.The robbers waved their guns at people.“Nobody move!”Shouted the first robber.All the people in the shop were frightened.They had to follow the robbers order and sat down.The second robber looked nervous.He took no notice and moved.At that time,the first robber was

    8、angry and shot him.A funny crimehowwhatwhoWhen wherewhyMain partMain partA crime reportwritinghowwhatwhoWhen wherewhyOutline wherewhoWhatshotshotwhenhowmovedmovedshoutedshoutedpointedpointedatatran intoran intowhyA funny crimeAn accidentMain partMain parthowwhatwhybe drunkwalk in a strange mannerhit

    9、 be bleeding(流血流血)the hit-and-run driverbe carried into the ambulancetake to WWritingWrite a crime report Write a crime report Requirements:1.Use Kidspiration to design an outline.2.Describe people briefly in your report.3.Write a crime report,containing “where,when,who,what,how,why”.Starting the st

    10、ory withStarting the story with A questionAn interesting fact 有趣的现象有趣的现象An anecdote 趣闻趣闻1.A terrible accident happened2.Who hurt the girl?Outline wherewhoWhat?whenhowsavedsaveddrovedrove away awayhithitdrankdrankdrovedrovewhyAn accident?Homework1.Finish writing the crime report.2.Summarize how to write an outline for a crime report.Thank you!


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