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    八年级英语Numbers Language课件.ppt

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    八年级英语Numbers Language课件.ppt

    1、8A Chapter 4 NumbersLANGUAGEHokey Pokey “变戏法变戏法”1234Come in,please.Ben,dont be late for school.Look at the clock.Ben,close the door.Be quiet.用动词原形开头。用动词原形开头。Close the window.Close the window,please.Please close the window.礼貌化加礼貌化加please,please通常放在句首或句尾。通常放在句首或句尾。Please dont park here.Dont park here,

    2、please.()礼貌化加礼貌化加please,否定句,否定句please 通常放在句首。通常放在句首。Please dont walk on the grass.否定句在动词原形前加否定句在动词原形前加do not 或或dontLi Lei,pay attention.Or Pay attention,Li Lei私人化将人名放在句首或句尾。私人化将人名放在句首或句尾。Giving orders or instructions1.Do sth.Do sth,please.=Please do sth.2.Dont do sth.Please dont do sth.3.Cathy,pleas

    3、e do sth.Cathy,please dont do sth.Group A vs Group BTo give as many orders or instructions as you can.(尽可能多的发布命令或指令。)(尽可能多的发布命令或指令。)Addthree.andone1+3One plus three equals four.1+3=4 two.fromSubtract one21Two minus one equals one.21=1four.bythreeMultiply34Three multiplied by four equals twelve.34=12

    4、 26Multiply two by six.Two multiplied by six equals twelve.26=12 45Multiply four by five.Four multiplied by five equals twenty.45=20nineDividebythree.93Nine divided by three equals three.93=3Divide four by two.42Four divided by two equals two.42=2Divide twelve by four.124Twelve divided by four equal

    5、s three.124=3Instructions and statements about numbers1.A+BAB=CMultiply A by B.3.ABSubtract B from A.2.ABAB=CA plus B equals C.A+B=CAdd A and B.4.ABA multiplied by B equals C.AB=CDivide A by B.A divided by B equals C.A minus B equals C.9qualslus615ubtractfromultiplybybyivideddandddivideubtractultipl

    6、y13inus58quals7ultiplied8quals5616ivided4quals49qualslus61514qualslus492ivided19quals9303inusultiplied1Lets have a competition.Next17+14Add 7 and 14.7+14=7 plus 14 equals/is 21.21返回返回413413=Multiply 4 by 13.4 multiplied by 13 equals/is 52.52返回返回15-315 3=Subtract 3 from 15.15 minus 3 equals/is 12.12返

    7、回返回(20-4)2(20-4)2=Subtract 4 from 20 and divide the answer by 2.20 minus 4 divided by 2 equals/is 8.8返回返回18 3 18 3=Divide 18 by 3.18 divided by 3 equals/is 6.6返回返回(9+4)3(9+4)3=Add 9 and 4 and multiply the answer by 3.9 plus 4 multiplied by 3 equals/is 39.39返回返回abcA puzzleFollow the instructions belo

    8、w.1.Put the number 2 in Square ai.2.2.Put the number 4 in Square aiii.3.3.Put the number 5 in Square bii.4.4.Put the number 8 in Square ciii.5.Put 1,3,6,7,and 9 in the square so that when you add any of the 3 numbers from top to bottom,from left to right,or from corner to corner,the answer is always 15.SUM UPvGiving orders and instructionsvInstructions and statement about numbersHomeworkv1.Collect the orders or instructions that you can hear in real life and write them down.v2.Make up four math problems about real life and try to write in English.


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