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    八年级英语How do you make a banana课件1.ppt

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    八年级英语How do you make a banana课件1.ppt

    1、U7 How do you make a banana milk shake?(period 1)By Lina ZhaoU7 How do you make a banana milk shake?(period 1)By Lina Zhaopineapplesmangoescherrieswatermelonbananas Fifteen seconds for you to finish this game.Ready?Go!Look and find fruit zapplekpearraicmangobikeratrainbusubananaswapineapplenthoneyli

    2、cstrawberryotorangesrbtomatokefuotaxiyogjhoiwatermelonalkoie zapplekpearraicmangobikeratrainbusubananaswapineapplenthoneylicstrawberryotorangesrbtomatokefuotaxiyogjhoiwatermelonalkoieshake is it?What kind of thestrawberry shakebanana shakeapple shakebanana milk shakeWhat do we need to make a banana

    3、milk shake?blenderteaspoonknifecupplateWhat do we need to make a banana milk shake?What ingredients do we need?ice cream milkbananaHow to make a banana milk shake?peelcut upput into turn ondrinkpour into.Write the words in the right blanks:Write the words in the right blanks:_ the milk shakedrink_ t

    4、he milk in the blenderturn on cut up drinkpeelpour putpour_ the bananaspeel_ the bananascut up_ the blenderturn on_the bananas and ice cream in the blenderput Put the six sentences in the right order:Put the six sentences in the right order:_Turn on the blender._Cut up the bananas._Drink the milk sh

    5、ake._Pour the milk into the blender._Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender._Peel three bananas.1 Check your answers.Check your answers.52643How do you make a pear/an apple milk shake?A:How do you make a pear/an apple/milk shake?B:Well,first peel two pears A:Two pears?B:Yes.Then cut up the p

    6、ears.A:Ok.Then what to do next?B:Now put the pears and ice cream into the blender.Then pour the milk into the blender.A:Is this enough milk?B:I think so.Next,turn on the blender.Finally,you can drink it.Lets make fruit salad.What ingredients do we need?yogurt honeywatermelonsbananasapplesorangesHow

    7、many apples do we need?We need _.three applesone appletwo apples How many bananas do we need?We need _.three bananasone bananatwo bananasone watermelontwo watermelonsHow many watermelons do we need?one teaspoon of honeytwo teaspoons of honeyHow much honey do we need?one cup of yogurttwo cups of yogu

    8、rtHow much yogurt do we need?2aListen to Maria and Katie making fruit salad.Write the names of the ingredientsunder How much or How many in the chart below.MariaKatie IngredientsHow much.How many.yogurtbananashoneywatermelonsapplesorangesListen again.Write the name of the ingredient next to the corr

    9、ect amount.Amount Ingredientone cuptwoonetwo teaspoons threeyogurtappleswatermelon and orangehoneybananas2bGroupworkMake your own milk shake or fruit salad for Miss Lu.Four students a group.Discuss with your classmates.Then write down your plan in the blank.Name:What to do:How to do it:First,Then,Ne

    10、xt,After that,And then,Finally,Miss Lus birthday is coming!Show your recipe.Write a letter to Miss Lu.(please write like the following)Dear Miss Lu,we know tomorrow is your birthday.Happy birthday,Miss Lu!Tom,Lucy,Betty and I make a nice milk shake/fruit salad for you.We hope you enjoy it very much.

    11、Do you want to know how we make it?First,we peel three bananas,then.after thatnextfinally.we love you so much.Thank you for your hard work.We will study hard too!Yours,lovely studentsShow your cooking talent.Each group choose two students to act how to makedifferent kinds of shakes.Talent showHomewo

    12、rk1.Copy the new words on P41 and P42.2.Finish exercise books period 1 and period2.3.Make your own milk shake with your family and enjoy it.Put the phrases into English1.做一个水果奶昔 2.切碎两个苹果3.剥三只香蕉4.将草莓放进搅拌机中5.把牛奶倒入玻璃杯中6.打开电视机.make a fruit shakecut up two applespeel three bananasput the strawberries int

    13、o the blenderpour the milk into the glassturn on the TVExercises1.Please p_ the apples before you eat them.2.I dont like pure(纯的)milk,but I like y_.3.How many i_do we need to make a bananamilk shake?4.Dont p_the dirty water into the river.5.I often help my mom cut _watermelons.eelogurtngredientsourupTask 7Let us get the ingredients ready for the salad!A:lets make fruit salad.We need some some.And some B:Ok,good idea.How much do we need?A:one teaspoon/B:and how many do we need?A:Let me thinkWe need B:Ok,lets do it together.


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