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    八年级英语How long have you studied English课件4.ppt

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    八年级英语How long have you studied English课件4.ppt

    1、Module 4 EducationUnit 1How long have you studied English?Chenglong began to live in Hong Kong in 1954.He has lived in Hong Kong for 52 years.He has lived in Hong Kong since 1954.Yao Ming began to play basketball for Houston Rockets in 2002.He has played basketball for Houston Rockets for four years

    2、.He has played basketball for Houston Rockets since 2002.Beckham began to play football for Real Madrid in 2003.He has played football for Real Madrid for three years.He has played football for Real Madrid since 2003.Real MadridMiss Zeng began to work in No.8 Middle School in 1989.She has worked her

    3、e for 17 years.She has worked here since 1989.They began to study in No.8 Middle School in 2004.They have studied in No.8 Middle School for two years.They have studied in No.8 Middle School since 2004.1.Cheng Long has lived in Hong Kong for 52 years.Cheng Long has lived in Hong Kong since 1954.2.Yao

    4、 Ming has played basketball for Houston Rockets for 4 years.Yao Ming has played basketball for Houston Rockets since 2002.3.Beckham has played football for Real Madrid for 3 years.Beckham has played football for Real Madrid since 2003.4.Miss Zeng has worked in No.8 Middle School for 17 years.Miss Ze

    5、ng has worked in No.8 Middle School since 1989.5.They have studied in No.8 Middle School for 2 years.They have studied in No.8 Middle School since 2004.1.从过去开始的动作从过去开始的动作,一直持续到现在一直持续到现在,应用现在完成时应用现在完成时.2.for+一段时间一段时间;since+具体时间具体时间;since+句子句子Fill in the blanks with“for or“since”:1.Uncle Wang has work

    6、ed on the farm _ three days.2.I have stayed at home _ a day.3.They have lived in GuiLin _ two years ago.4.She has known this man _ ten years.5.He has studied here _ last month.6.We have been here _ three oclock.7.I havent seen my grandpa _ 1989.8.The boy has learned English _ he was five.forfor sinc

    7、e for since sincesincesincePair work:A:How long has he?B:He has for.He has lived in Hong Kong for 52 years.He has played basketball for Houston Rockets for four years.Pair work:A:How long has he/she?B:He/She has for/since.a quarter15 minutes15 years30 years three hours20 minuteshalf an hourhalf an h

    8、ourActivity 1-21.Listen and match the year with the activities.2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer Bettys questions.Listen and choose the right answer:1.How long has Lingling known Sally?A.Nine months B.Two years C.in 20042.Why does Lingling get on well with Sally?A.Because she likes the Internet.B.Becau

    9、se they are the same age.C.Because they have the same hobbies.3._ has lived in China since 2004.A.Lingling B.Betty C.Sally4.How long has Betty studied English?A.For a year B.For two years C.For half a year5.Whats the Project Hope for?A.For the poor children B.For all the children C.For the rich Acti

    10、vity 4-51.Answer the questions2.Answer the questions abut the words in the box.Complete the sentences:1.Lingling knows Sally quite well,but she _.2.Sally and Lingling get on well because _.3.Sally hasnt been to China,so speaking Chinese _.4.Sally is coming to China because _.5.She has heard about th

    11、e Hope Schools,so _.6.Since 1989 Project Hope _.has never met her.they like the same things is difficult for her her school orchestra has some concerts in China she wants to visit a school in Gansu or Qingdao has built schools all over China1.We began to study here 2 years ago.2.She began to learn E

    12、nglish when she was five.3.They began to live here last year.4.Dad began to read newspaper at 7 oclock.(Now its 9 oclock.)5.I knew him in 2002.6.The boys began to play football 40 minutes ago.7.Mr Zhang began to teach us in 2004.8.Miss Lin began to live in Gui Lin in 1976.We have studied here for 2

    13、years/since 2 years ago/since 2004.She has learned English since she was five.They have lived here for one year./since a year ago./since 2005.Dad has read newspaper for 2 hours./since 7 oclock./since 2 hours ago.I have known him for 4 years./since 2002./since 4 years ago.The boys have played footbal

    14、l for 40 minutes./since 40 minutes ago.Mr Zhang has taught us for 2 years./since 2004./since 2 years ago.Miss Lin has lived in Gui Lin for 30 years./since 1976./since 30 years ago.2.将下列句子用将下列句子用for和和 since改为现在完成时改为现在完成时,每句改两句每句改两句:1.You began to study in No.8 Middle School in 2004.2.Miss Lin began to work in No.8 Middle School in 1992.3.He began to learn Chinese two months ago.4.LiLei began to live in GuiLin in 2000.5.David began to read English at 6 oclock.(Now its 9 oclock.)6.Lucy began to do homework an hour ago.Homework1.Read and recite the dialogue.


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