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    八年级英语How to describe people课件.ppt

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    八年级英语How to describe people课件.ppt

    1、How to describe people No.SixNo.Six Middle School of Lao Shan Middle School of Lao ShanHuHu Lei Leiappearance:What does he/she look like?personality:What is he/she like?ABappearance:(外貌外貌)1.tall-short 2.2.thin-heavy/strong 3.3.curly straight/long hair 4.4.glasses、beard(胡子胡子)5.medium height/build(中等高

    2、度中等高度/身材身材)6.good looking、beautiful、personality(性格性格)1.athletic(强健的强健的)creative energetic confident 2.calm-wild outgoing-quiet polite-rude 3.lovely(可爱的)、可爱的)、lively(生机的)(生机的)4.outstanding(杰出的杰出的)、talented5.nervous 、serious 八上八上 Unit 6 P33.Fill in the chart.the same different Liu Li Liu Ying hair spo

    3、rtspersonality subjecthave black_ and black hairlongerlike _ more_more outgoingquieter smarterphysics chemistryP.E.enjoy_eyesgoing to partiessportsathletic_Useful words:as you can see,although,and,I think,however,Pair work:describe yourself and your best friend Target language:1.Im tall and thin.2.I

    4、 think she is the funniest in our class.3.He is more athletic than me.4.I like5.She prefers likes&dislikes whyfruit subject_and relaxedanimal_day_&_moviemusic_Target language:Whats your favorite animal/subject/day/fruit?What kind of movie/music do you like/prefer?an applean apple a day keeps the doc

    5、tor away.P.E excited pandasThey only live in China.Tuesday Thursdayhave PE class.Sinking shipsadpopenergetic like/enjoy/prefer 1.like 作动词作动词,意为喜欢意为喜欢,句型:句型:_ 同时同时like 为介词。为介词。如如 be like,放于感官动词后,表示放于感官动词后,表示起来像如:起来像如:_.2._ 意为意为“享受享受 乐趣,欣赏乐趣,欣赏.句型句型:_3._意为宁愿,更喜欢。主要句型有:意为宁愿,更喜欢。主要句型有:_用所给词的适当形式填空:用所给词的

    6、适当形式填空:1.He said he _himself at the party.2.Would you _go shopping with me?3.My brother _ swimming to running when he was young.look/feel/sound like enjoy doing/oneselfprefertoenjoyedlike topreferredlike to do like doingenjoypreferGroup work:Make a survey!Report:In my group,Tom wentlast week.next we

    7、ek Kates going past experience future activitiesS1went sightseeing going campingwill see my grandma S2 Target language:What did you do last week?What did you use to do?What will you do next week/in the future?词语辨析:过去常常_ 习惯于_ 被用来做 _ (复习指导P71)用所给词的适当形式填空:1.The box _ to store books.2.He _ hard work.4.Y

    8、ou must _getting up early.5.Stamps _sending letters.used tobe used to doing/sthbe used for/tois used is used to be used to are used for abilityjobreasonplan&dreams Tom Kate Target language What can you do?Can you What are you going to be when you grow up.What do you plan to do?Why do you want to be

    9、a?Pair work:有志者事竟成有志者事竟成peopleactivities (5W)interests&hobbiespersonalityappearancedreams&planZhou Yi:14,tall,thin,kind;favorite sport:listen to music:要求:要求:1.可用所给信息,可用所给信息,也可适当发挥。也可适当发挥。2.词数:词数:60-80 词词 写作思路:写作思路:组织本篇文章,一定要紧扣主组织本篇文章,一定要紧扣主题,题,记叙记叙一位好朋友的一些一位好朋友的一些情况情况,来体现与作者之间的纯真友谊。可来体现与作者之间的纯真友谊。可以

    10、以你朋友的一些小以以你朋友的一些小事事和他的和他的特征特征来表现你朋友的来表现你朋友的人格品行人格品行,最终要,最终要对你朋友给以对你朋友给以评价评价。My friend Now I want to tell you something about one of my best friends,Zhou Yi.He is a boy of 14 years old.He is tall and thin.He likes reading very much.He likes sports,such as swimming and playing basketball.When he is fr

    11、ee,He usually plays basketball with some other friends and me.Also he enjoys listening to music.Zhou Yi is kind.He often helps me with my study.Im happy that Ive such a good friend.名师点评:名师点评:短文介绍了好朋友的一些情况。短文介绍了好朋友的一些情况。通过他基本情况的描写来表现朋友通过他基本情况的描写来表现朋友的特点及爱好。用词较为考究,行的特点及爱好。用词较为考究,行文流畅,层次分明,结构严谨,结文流畅,层次

    12、分明,结构严谨,结尾是对拥有如此好的朋友而感到高尾是对拥有如此好的朋友而感到高兴。兴。Say it like her.The topic:myselfWriting:The topic:myself my best friend my favorite teacher 内容要求包含以下几个方面内容要求包含以下几个方面:1.appearance(外貌外貌)&personality(性格)性格)2.interests&hobbies.3.activities and ability(能力能力).4.future jobchoose one:1.1.Finish the writing.Finish the writing.2.2.Prepare for next topic.Prepare for next topic.Thank you for listening!


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