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    八年级英语How was your school trip课件.ppt

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    八年级英语How was your school trip课件.ppt

    1、How was your school trip?Go for it Unit 8一、一、单元单元分析分析二、教学目标二、教学目标三、教学重难点三、教学重难点四、学习策略四、学习策略五五、课时安排课时安排单单元元分分析析 本单元是新目标英语八年级上册第本单元是新目标英语八年级上册第8单元,教单元,教材以材以“Spending holidays”为中心话题,围为中心话题,围绕着描述绕着描述“过去发生的事情过去发生的事情”展开,学习和展开,学习和运用一般过去时态的一般疑问句运用一般过去时态的一般疑问句Did you go/see/buy?Were there any?询问过去的询问过去的事件,让学

    2、生学会谈论和分享过去发生的事事件,让学生学会谈论和分享过去发生的事件。从件。从SectionA 的的“How was your school trip?What did you do?等扩展到等扩展到SectionB的其他一些假日的活动的其他一些假日的活动,篇章内容逐步加深篇章内容逐步加深,体现了融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构的循体现了融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构的循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。本课教学内容序渐进的生活化的学习程序。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。在学习活运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。在学习活动中

    3、,学生通过交换对过去发生的事情的描动中,学生通过交换对过去发生的事情的描述及看法,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感述及看法,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。交流,增进情谊。、单单元元分分析析教教学学目目标标1.1.学习并掌握下列重点词汇,如学习并掌握下列重点词汇,如:aquarium,science center,gift shop,seal,shark,octopus,autograph,win,ate,took,hung out,got,go for a drive,sleep late,yard sale,day off,luckily,souvenir语语言言知知识识目目标标教

    4、教学学目目标标语语言言知知识识目目标标2.2.掌握以下重点句型的用法:掌握以下重点句型的用法:Did you go to the zoo?Yes,I did.No,I didnt?Were there any seals?Yes,there were.No,there werent I saw some sharps/I went to the aquarium.What else did you do?How was?语语言言技技能能目目标标1.能听懂别人的旅游经历和感受能听懂别人的旅游经历和感受.2.能谈论自己的有趣经历能谈论自己的有趣经历,表达自己表达自己 的感受的感受,并能询问别人的旅

    5、游经历并能询问别人的旅游经历.3.能看懂别人的旅游经历能看懂别人的旅游经历.4.能写出自己的经历能写出自己的经历.教教学学目目标标情情感感目目标标1.1.谈论学校组织的旅游谈论学校组织的旅游,感受生活的感受生活的乐趣乐趣;2.2.通过描述过去所做的事,表达自己通过描述过去所做的事,表达自己的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会尊的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的喜好,增进情谊。了解他人的喜好,增进情谊。教教学学目目标标文文化化目目标标教教学学目目标标 用恰当的方式表达赞扬或自己的观点;了解英、美国家中小学生的业余生活,培养世界

    6、意识。教教学学重重难难点点 1.学习词汇学习词汇:aquarium,science center,gift shop,seal shark,octopus,autograph,win,ate,took,hang out,got,go for a drive,sleep,late,lucky,yard sale,day off,souvenir,2.学习句型学习句型:1,Did you go to the zoo?Yes,I did.No,I didnt 2,Were there any seals?Yes,there were.No,there werent 3,I saw some shar

    7、ps./I went to the aquarium.4,What else did you do?3.一般过去时的规则动词和不规则动词。一般过去时的规则动词和不规则动词。学学习习策策略略 本本单单元元将将在在课课堂堂活活动动中中把把学学生生分分成成四四人人小小组组的的学学习习小小组组,让让他他们们围围绕绕着着课课堂堂任任务务分分工工合合作作,在在活活动动中中相相互互探探讨讨、相相互互交交流流、相相互互合合作作,从从而而获获得得知知识识、技技能能和和情情感感体体验验,发发展展他他们们的的能能力力。创创建建开开放放式式,探探究究式式的的课课堂堂,有有意意识识渗渗透透学学习习策策略略的的训训练练。

    8、让让学学生生观观察察课课件件画画面面,回回答答问问题题,让让学学生生学学会会使使用用认认知知策策略略;让让学学生生表表演演对对话话,实实现现交交际际策策略略;引引导导学学生生交交际际,主主动动练练习习和和实实践践,是是调调控控策策略略的的体体现现。充充分分利利用用多多媒媒体体,录录音音,卡卡片片等等是资源策略。是资源策略。教教学学过过程程设设计计1.Period 1:SectionA(1a 2c and check 1)Period 2:SectionA(3a 4 and check 2)Period 3:SectionB(1a 2c and 4)Period 4:SectionB(3a 3c

    9、)课课 时时 结结 构构How was your school trip?Section A Period 1 Ask and answer in pairs.Ask and answer in pairs.-Howwasyourweekend?-Itwasfantastic/great/OK/boring.-Whatdidyoudoovertheweekend?-Iwenttothepark.cleaned the room went shopping read a bookcooked dinner went to the libraryMy National Day vacation a

    10、ctivitiesOct 1st,2005Oct 2nd,2005Oct 4th,2005Oct 6th,2005Oct 5th,2005aquarium(n.水族馆水族馆)OnNationalDayIalsowenttotheaquarium.shark sealsea horse starfish octopus dolphinWhat animals were there in the aquarium?(n.鲨鱼鲨鱼)(n.海狮海狮)aquarium(n.水族馆水族馆)Were there any beautiful fish in the?Yes,there were.Were th

    11、ere any sharks in the aquarium?Yes,there were.No,there werent any dogs.Were there any dogs in the aquarium?Were there any in the aquarium?Yes,there were /No,there werent.sharkssealssea horsesPairworkpenguinssealsdolphinsoctopussharksstarfisheselephantsWere there any in the aquarium?Yes,there were /N

    12、o,there werent What did you do on vacation?watched TVlistened to musicdanced exercisedsurfed the Internet played soccercleaned the roomwent swimmingwent to the beachhad some ice creamwent fishingwent to the aquariumwent skateboardingtook photoshung out with friendssaw the sealsWhat did you do on you

    13、r school trip?1a What did he do on his school trip?hang out with his friends?go fishing?have/eat ice cream?Didhe?No,he didnt.He went to zoo and saw the seals.buy a souvenir?What did Tina do on her school trip?Listen and circle the expressions in the box.went to the aquariumtook photoswent to the zoo

    14、had a hamburgerate some ice creamhung out with her friendssaw some sealsbought a souvenirsaw some sharks1bDid Laura?Yes,she did./No,she didnt.ShePairworkwent/go to the beachhad/have some ice creamwent/go fishingwent/go to the aquariumwent/go skateboardingtook/take photoshung/hang out with friendssaw

    15、/see to the beach2aListen and check()the questions you hear._ Did you buy that hat?_ What else did you do?_ Did you see any sharks?_ Did you win that hat?_ Did you get his autograph?_ Were there any seals?_ Did you take any photos?2bListen again and circle“T”(true)or“F”(false).1.Tina met a famous ac

    16、tor.T F2.2.Tina got Jake Deans autograph.T F3.3.Toby won a prize.T F4.4.Tina won a hat.T F5.5.There were many actors at the T F6.aquarium.Tina took Jake Deans photo.Tina bought a hat.She only saw Jake.elseget(got,got)autographgiftwin(won,won)2bRead the new wordsadv.其它其它v.获得获得n.亲笔签名亲笔签名n.礼物礼物v.赢赢buyw

    17、inwatchmeethave1.Marie _ first prize in yesterdays singing competition.2.We _ a famous basketball player.3.I _ a bowl of noodles for lunch.It was terrible!4.I helped Sally _ a new watch.5.5.We _ a movie about living in the future.wonmethadbuywatchMake a survey about what their friends did in their s

    18、chool trip or vacation?Homework How was your school trip?Section AThe second periodnWhat did you do over the weekend?Warming-upaquariumDo you know them?Do you know them?sealDo you know them?Do you know them?sharkDo you know them?Do you know them?souvenirDo you know them?Do you know them?Learn the ke

    19、y words1.have a great time =have a good time =have fun =enjoy oneself school tripBlue Water Aquarium Visitors Centerdolphin showOutdoor PooloctopusGift shoptook the busscience teacher过得愉快过得愉快郊游郊游蓝色水族馆蓝色水族馆游客中心游客中心海豚表演海豚表演室外池室外池章鱼章鱼礼品店礼品店乘公共汽车乘公共汽车自然科学老师自然科学老师Class 9 had a great time on the school tr

    20、ip.They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day.First they visited the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks.Then they watched a dolphin show.After that,they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus.After lunch,they went to the Gift shop and bought lots of gifts.Finally,tired but ha

    21、ppy,they took the bus back to school.At the end of the day,the science teacher was very happy because the students cleaned the bus after the trip.3a Read the article Class 9 had a great time on the school trip.They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day.First they visited the Visitors Center and wa

    22、tched a movie about sharks.Then they watched a dolphin show.After that,they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus.After that,they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus.After lunch,they went to the Gift shop and bought lots of gifts.Finally,tired but happy,they took the bus back to

    23、school.At the end of the day,the science teacher was very happy because the students cleaned the bus after the trip.Correct the statements.1.The students had a terrible school trip.2.They saw an octopus in the Visitors Center.3.They took the subway back to school.4.The students watched a movie about

    24、 dolphins.5.The science teacher cleaned the bus.great timegreat timeOutdoor PoolOutdoor Poolbusbussharkssharksstudentsstudents Class 9 _(have)a great time on the school trip.They _(go)to Blue Water Aquarium for the day.First they _ (visit)the Visitors Center and _ (watch)a movie about sharks.Then th

    25、ey _ (watch)a dolphin show.After that,they _(go)to the Outdoor Pool and _(see)a big octopus.After lunch,they _ (go)to the Gift Shop and _ (buy)lots of gifts.Finally,tired but happy,they _ (take)the bus back to school.At the end of the day,the science teacher _ (is)very happy because the class monito

    26、r _ (clean)the bus after the trip.hadwentvisitedwatchedwatchedwentsawwentboughttookwascleanedRetell(复述复述)the storyVisitors CenterClass 9First and Then After thatAfter lunchFinally schoolAt the end of the day3b.Pair work Write down a list of places you visited and things you did there.Then make conve

    27、rsation using these phrases.A:I visited Chicago.B:Really?That sounds interesting.What did you see?A:I went to the Water Aquarium.I saw the dolphin show.B:Were there any delicious food?A:Yes,there were.B:Did you go shopping?A:Yes,I did.Chicago the Water Aquarium the dolphin showdelicious food go shop

    28、ping 4 Groupwork Circle Story Make up a story.Each student adds a sentence.A:Last week I visited my aunts house.B:She lives in California.The weather was beautiful.C:I went swimming.D:I had a great time.Self check 2write to a friend about your trip to some place.Where did you go?Were you with your f

    29、amily?What did you do?How was the weather?Was the food good?Did you buy anything?Do you want to go again?Dear Gina,I just came back from_HOMEWORKWrite an article about your last trip.You can use some photos of that.How was your school trip?Section BThe third periodCompetitionWhat do you do on your d

    30、ay off?when you dont go to school I listen to music on my day off.(write as many answers as you can in one minute)Who is the winner?在休息日在休息日watch TVWhat do they do on their day off?sleep lateWhat does she do on her day off?help momWhat does he do on his day off?take a classgo for a driveWhich of the

    31、 activities do you dislike to do most on your next day off?Rank them(15).Why?a.b.c.d.e.1()2()3()4()5()Pair work A:On my next ,I dont want to go for a drive.That sounds really boring.fun.day offB:Oh,really?I think that soundstiring,interesting,exciting,relaxing,popular.awful,terrible,great,goodgo hik

    32、ing/fishing/skateboarding,play the piano/the guitar/volleyballListen.What did Tina and Tony do on their last day off?helped mom and dadslept latewent for a drivewent camping in the rainTonyTinaListen again.Who said these things about their day off?It was really boring.The weather was terrible.Sounds

    33、 like a busy day off!Can you believe it?Listen and fillA:How was your day 1_B:It was 2_.A:Really?What happened?B:We went 3_ and the weather 4_ terrible.It rained and rained all day long.A:Thats too bad.B:Because the weather was so bad,we went for a 5 _,It was really 6 _.A:Sounds terrible.B:How about

    34、 your day off?A:It was terrible.I 7_ hard for my math exam last week,so I 8 _ late.Can you believe it?When I woke up,it was already 12 oclock.I 9_ up and went to my friend Daves house,but he10_ there.He was at the beach!B:So what did you do?A:I helped my mom dad clean the 11_.B:Sounds like a 12_day

    35、off!A:Uh-huh.offawfulcampingwasdriveboringstudiedsleptgotwasntyardbusyNameHowWhere Activities GoodorterribleWhyHow was your last day off?Where did you go?Did you see?Were there any?What did youdo?Was it a good trip or a terrible one?Why?Make a report.NameHowWhere Activities Good orterribleWhyHow was

    36、 your last day off?Where did you go?What did you do?Did you see?Were there any?Was it a good trip or a terrible one?Make a report.HomeworkGetreadytotelltheclassyourfriendstriponhis/herdayoffandhis/herfeeling.How was your school trip?Section BThe fourth periodThe past forms:go haveeatseetakebuygetwin

    37、swimhang ride putreadwenthadatesawtookboughtgotwonswamhungrodeputreadLets have a competition who can say more verbs and their past formsGroup A Group B Group C Group DLets talk in English.Lets see who can make sentences as quickly as possiblesummer camp,last summer,we,take part in(参加参加)We took part

    38、in the summer camp last summer.beach,I,last night,my parents,I went to the beach with my parents last night.travel,3 days ago,by train,Smith,ChenduSmith traveled to Chendu by train 3 days ago.drink cafe,just now,my aunt,in a cafe My aunt drank coffee in a cafe just now.After lunch,they went to the G

    39、ift shop and bought lots of gifts.buy,go,lots of,the Gift Shop,after lunch,they,and,gift,tofriends,out,hung some,with,last weekend,II hang out with some friends last weekend.Game time (guess what I did last weekend)Did you?visit watch go see take clean I visited my primary teachers.I watched a footb

    40、all match on TV.I went to the hospital because I had a stomachache.I saw a serious traffic accident on my way to the hospital.I took a bus to the hospital.I cleaned my room because it was really too dirty.Another game Group A Group B Group C Group D name action place timeGroup A students write a sub

    41、ject.Group B students write an object.Group C students write a place.Group D students write a time.After finishing writing,ask them to make sentences.Talk about your summer vacationWhat did you do?Where did you go?What did you see?What did you buy?How did you feel?Now lets invite some students talk

    42、about their trips.这里是演示火山爆发的模拟体验区,这里是演示火山爆发的模拟体验区,采用声、光、电系统集成,模拟火山采用声、光、电系统集成,模拟火山爆发的全过程,整个过程演示时间为爆发的全过程,整个过程演示时间为150150秒。秒。地震历险这里是磁悬浮地球厅,营造了一种在宇宙中看地球的氛围。湿地,是指海、湖、河的浅水水域湿地,是指海、湖、河的浅水水域和滩涂,以及沼泽、池塘、泥炭地、和滩涂,以及沼泽、池塘、泥炭地、水库等。湿地有水库等。湿地有 地球之肾地球之肾 的美誉,的美誉,它能调蓄洪水、补充地下水,并像它能调蓄洪水、补充地下水,并像 海绵海绵 一样,吸附、降解水中毒物,一样,

    43、吸附、降解水中毒物,净化水质。净化水质。湿地湿地与机器人比射箭与机器人比射箭会做操的机器人会做操的机器人拳击拳击 近视眼的研究近视眼的研究人体模型演示剧场人体模型演示剧场太空影院太空影院lastsummervacation,Iwenttoshanghaiwithmyparents.Whatabeautifulcity!Atabouttenoclock,wegottoshanghaisciencemuseum.First,Wecametothesecondfloor,Howbeautifulitwas!Weplayedallthethings!Ittookmetwohourstoplay.For

    44、example,abigcomputer.Then,Wewenttothethirdfloor,Itsagarden.Therearemanymanyflowersandtheyweresobeautiful!,buttheywerentreal.Ok,thefifthfloorislikeazoo.Therearealotofanimals,Theyarenotallreal!So,Ifyourefree,youmustgothere!Thankyou!Some students of our Fengfan Middle School had a wonderful school trip

    45、 to Germany.Now let Qin Fen introduce this exciting trip.Dear Tony,How was your day off?Did you have fun camping?I didnt have a very fun day.I visited my cousins.It rained all day.In the morning,Ihouse and .In the afternoon,Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale!

    46、Unfortunately,it was kind of boring.No one came to the sale because the weather was so bad.See you soon,Nickstayed in thewatched videos,played computer games,and read 1.visited his cousin2.3.4.5.In my opinion,_.Dear Nick,Thanks for your letter.Im sorry you didnt have fun on your day off.My day off w

    47、as.I went,and I visited.It was.We saw.I bought.It was a reallyday.See you soon.Yours,Tony A Beautiful DressOne day Lucy went shopping.When her husband camehome in the evening,she said“I saw a beautiful dress ina shop,and I want to buy it.”“How much is it?”“$20”“Its too dear!”But every evening,Lucy t

    48、alked aboutthe dress.At last,after a week,his husband said“Oh,buythe dress,heres the money!”She was very happy.Butthe next evening,when her husband came home and asked about the dress,she said“It was still in thewindow of the shop after a week,so I thought nobodyelse wants this dress,so I dont want

    49、it.”Lets ReadLucy _ shopping last week.She _ a beautiful dress in a shop.Lucy _to buy the dress.But she _have money to buy it.Her husband_ her money,but she _buy it.She_ nobody else wants it over a week,so she _want it.Rewrite the passagewentsawwanteddidntgavedidnt thoughtdidntWrite an article:Write an article:An unforgettable vacationAn unforgettable vacation (难忘的假期)难忘的假期)


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