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    八年级英语Language in use课件.ppt

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    八年级英语Language in use课件.ppt

    1、Unit 3 Language in use.friendskindhappyfunnyniceablehumorouscleverinterestinghelpfulpolitebrightstronghonestWhat should a good friend be like?I think that a good friend should Discuss 1:How can you be a good friend?_ _ _ We should understand/care about/help each other.Though busy,we should spend som

    2、e time with our friends.We should give as much as we take.1.The writer said _ he had a wonderful time there.2.They wondered _ she was in New York.3.Nobody knows _ he will come back to America next year or not.4.My father told me _the earth goes around the sun.thatif/whetherwhetherthatFill in the bla

    3、nks1.Is your father at home tonight?Tell me.2.Can he come tomorrow?Could you tell me?Tell me if/whether your father is at home tonight.Could you tell me if/whether he can come tomorrow?3.Are you a student or not?He asked me.He asked me whether I was a student or not.Join the two sentences together T

    4、he Object Clause 宾语从句宾语从句引引导导词词 时时态态语语序序 人人称称 1 that2 if/whether3 when,where,how,why等疑问词。1主句现在时,从句可用任何任何时态。2 主句过去时,从句要改用相对应的过去过去某种时态。一般疑问句和特殊疑问句作从句的时候,都要变成陈述句语序陈述句语序.有时需要改变人称 但但客观事实、真理仍用一般现在时;客观事实、真理仍用一般现在时;Could you tell me.?只是只是委婉的委婉的“请求请求”,并不表示过去时,并不表示过去时,所以其后的宾语从句可根据需要用任何时态。所以其后的宾语从句可根据需要用任何时态。A

    5、nswers to Part 2:1.if2.how3.whether4.old5.where6.who7.why8.when9.when10.thatAnswers to Part 3:A.B.C.D.AAnswers to Part 4:1.classmates2.personal3.worry4.feel like5.lonely6.foreigner7.miss8.parentsAnswers to Part 5:B.C.G.D.F.E a.“My best friend has found a new best friend.”a.“My best friend has found

    6、a new best friend.”b.“My long friendship with someone is coming to an end.b.“My long friendship with someone is coming to an end.c.“I have moved to a new school and Im lonely.”c.“I have moved to a new school and Im lonely.”d.My best friends parents dont like me d.My best friends parents dont like me

    7、.1.Have you ever had any problems with your good friends?Describe them.2.What do you do when it happens?Part 67.7.Work in pairs.Choose the best advice for the Work in pairs.Choose the best advice for the problem above.problem above.a.a.Talk to your friend about the situation.Talk to your friend abou

    8、t the situation.b.b.Try to spend some time alone with your friend.Think Try to spend some time alone with your friend.Think about what was special about Sam,and try to find that about what was special about Sam,and try to find that special friendship again.special friendship again.c.c.Dont expect so

    9、 much from one person.Enjoy your Dont expect so much from one person.Enjoy your friendship with Sam,but look for new friendships,too.friendship with Sam,but look for new friendships,too.d.d.Forget about Sam.Nothing stays the same all the time.Forget about Sam.Nothing stays the same all the time.4312


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