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    八年级英语Natural Disasters课件4.ppt

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    八年级英语Natural Disasters课件4.ppt

    1、Unit 6 Natural disastersTianjiabing Secondary SchoolZhang Li Hint 1Hint 2Hint 3Hint 4 strong windstrong windfrom the from the oceanoceanbringingbringingrainstormsrainstormsin summerin summer Hint 1Hint 2Hint 3Hint 4lots oflots ofwaterwater the result the result of the of the heavy rainheavy rain des

    2、troying destroying the cropsthe cropsmaking people making people leave homeleave homeflood Hint 1Hint 2Hint 3Hint 4 always always coming coming with with strong strong windwindin Beijingin Beijing making making the air the air pollutedpollutedbringing bringing sand and sand and dustdustsandstorm Hin

    3、t 1Hint 2Hint 3Hint 4 big noise big noise buildings buildings falling falling downdown shaking shaking the the earthearth crazy crazy animalsanimalsearthquakeearthquake*see some houses shaking*see some people screaming a fear*see some people running widely in all directions*see people trapped under

    4、the bricks and stonesThe Taiwan earthquakeThere was an earthquake in Taiwan in 1999.Many people lost their lives in the earthquake,but a boy called Timmy survived.vv1 Timmy was in a restaurant when the 1 Timmy was in a restaurant when the earthquake started.earthquake started.vv2 Timmy heard a loud

    5、noise like bombs at 2 Timmy heard a loud noise like bombs at first.first.vv3 Animals ran wildly everywhere.3 Animals ran wildly everywhere.vv4 Timmy was trapped in a dark place 4 Timmy was trapped in a dark place when the earthquake stopped.when the earthquake stopped.vv5 Timmy couldnt calm down unt

    6、il help 5 Timmy couldnt calm down until help arrived.arrived.vv6 People found Timmy at night6 People found Timmy at night.FFFTFF1.What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started?2.What happened in the shopping centre?3.What happened to the buildings?4.Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped?5.How

    7、did Timmy feel?6.What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help?7.How was he saved?There are a lot of words in the text whichdescribe noise,movement,fear and hopethunder scream real noise bombs shout for helpa slight shaking started to shake ran wildly ran in all directions walls began to come down

    8、 pieces of glass and bricks fell downin fear screamed were very frightened dark could not see at all a moment of fear was afraidcalm down still alive bright daylight safeNoise:Movement:Fear:Hope:123456Suppose you are Timmy and the partners are reporters,now they are interviewing you about the follow

    9、ing questions:1.Where were you when the earthquake started?2.What kind of noise did you hear?3.Why did some children scream?4.What did people do after they heard the noise?5.Did you know where you were when the noise and Shaking ended?Why?6.How did you feel when you knew you were trapped?7.Why did you stop shouting for help after you found no one came for a very long time?8.When did you begin to shout again?9.What did people do when they heard your scream?10.What do you want to say to those who have saved you?


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