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    新目标九年级 问路和指路的专题.ppt

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    新目标九年级 问路和指路的专题.ppt

    1、Post officeWhere is the post office?Post officeon Bridge StreetBankbeside the bank/next to the bankon the left of the bankPost officeBankHotelbetween the hotel and the bankPost officeLibraryPark in front of the library across from the parkBridge StreetShowing the wayShowing the way Go straight./Go a

    2、head.Turn right/left.Turn right/left at the second turning.It is on the right/left.1.Could you tell me _ _ _ the park?2.Which is _ _ _ the park,please?3.Do you know _ _ _ the park?4.Do you know _ _ _ _ the park?5._ is the park,please?6._ can I _ _ the park?7._ _ a park near here?the way to the way t

    3、o the way to Where How get to Is there how to get to straight onturn rightturn left zebra crossingRoad signstraffic lightscrossroadsatYou must wait.You can cross the road.Go up this road to the end.Go on until you reach the end.Where is?Is this the way to?How can/do I get to?Can/could you tell me th

    4、e way to?Go straight.Go ahead.Turn right/left.Turn right/left at the third turning.It is on the right beside a supermarket.You can see it in front of you.She must _ if she wants to go to the cinema.She must _ if she wants to go to the post office.turn leftturn rightExercises for road signs(1)She mus

    5、t go _ if she wants to go to the mall.She must go by a _ if she wants to go to the park.straightzebra crossingExercises for road signs(2)She must look at the _.when she is at the _.traffic lightscrossroadsExercises for road signs(3)Can you read maps?Read mapsThe entrance is on your left.Walk along t

    6、his road.Turn right when you come to the crossroads.Cross the roadWalk along this road.Turn left when you come to the corner of the roadCross the road.The entrance is in front of you.Read maps1.径直走径直走2.在十字路口在十字路口3.在交通处在交通处4.向右转向右转5.向左转向左转6.斑马线斑马线7.在你的左边在你的左边8.在你的右边在你的右边Translate the following into C

    7、hinese(1).go straight on at the crossroads at the traffic lightsturn right turn leftzebra crossingon your left on your right 9.正确的一个正确的一个10.过马路过马路11.当你来到十字当你来到十字路口时路口时12.在街道角落处在街道角落处13.在教室的角落处在教室的角落处the correct one cross the road go/walk across the roadwhen you come to the corner of the road (crossr

    8、oads)at the street cornerin the corner of the classroomTranslate the following into Chinese(2).Look at the map below and use“crossroads,straight on,traffic lights,turn left,turn right,zebra crossing”to fill in the blanks._at the_.walk_ Sunnyside Street._ at the_.Walk along Sunshine Street You will f

    9、ind the _.MM School is just opposite the street.Turn leftcrossroadsstraight on Turn righttraffic lightszebra crossingWhere can you do these things?post some letters post office borrow some books library see a filmcinema take out some moneybankWhere can you do these things?take the guest to a place t

    10、o stay buy a pair of shoesshoe shop make a phone callpay phone do some shoppingsupermarketWalmarthotel Library Supermarket Bank Post office Video arcadePay phoneParkI want to go to the libraryI dont know.You canVideo ArcadeGARDENROADHotelPark F I F T H S T R E E TZooSupermarketMuseumMcDonalsKFCBridg

    11、e StreetSportsCenterPoliceofficeShoeshopPostOfficephoneBankCinemaHill RoadLibraryBook shopClothes shopPet shopHospital Go along Bridge Street and take the third turning on the right.Its on the Fifth Street across from the shoe shop.You cant miss it.Video ArcadeGARDENROADHotelPark F I F T H S T R E E

    12、 TZooSupermarketMuseumMcDonalsKFCBridge StreetSportsCenterPoliceofficeShoeshopPostOfficephoneBankCinemaHill RoadLibraryBook shopClothes shopPet shopHospital Please go to the police office Please go to the Sports Center Congratulations!You have found your prize!Video ArcadeGARDENROADHotelPark F I F T H S T R E E TZooSupermarketMuseumMcDonalsKFCBridge StreetSportsCenterPoliceofficeShoeshopPostOfficephoneBankCinemaHill RoadLibraryBook shopClothes shopPet shopHospital Please go to the hospital Please go to the library Please go to the shoe shop Congratulations!You have found your prize!


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