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    新人教版初三英语下学期lesson 26.ppt

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    新人教版初三英语下学期lesson 26.ppt

    1、Unit 7 A man who never gave upLesson 26inventions inventorsLook at the picture on the right.1.Who do you think this man is?Thomas Alva Edison.He was a great American inventor.He had made more than 1000 inventions.He invented many things in his lifetime.2.What do you know about him?No matter how diff

    2、icult something seemed,he could find out the answer.Light bulbDo you want to be an inventor?What kind of spirit/spirit/(精神)精神)or characteristic(特点)do you need to be an inventor?carefulhardworkinglike to use hands and headnever give uplike to ask questionstry out new ideasnever lost heart/courageobse

    3、rvant(观察敏锐的)AgeWhat did he do?(sth.About him.)Young Tom10 years old12 years oldin 186216 years old22 years oldDuring his lifetimeTask 1Task 1 Read the text carefully,then fill in the Read the text carefully,then fill in the form in groups of four.form in groups of four.Young Tom:Young Tom:He stayed

    4、in school for onlyHe learned very fast and became very interested in science.three months.He asked many strange questions which had nothing to do with his lessons.10 10 years old:years old:He built a chemistry lab for himself.build-built-built v.建造;建设;建立building n.建筑物12 12 years old:years old:He sta

    5、rted writing his own newspaper.He printed it v.抄写 n.(报纸、杂志等的)份,册copyand sold copies on thetrains.It was the first newspaper sold on trains in America.In August,1862In August,1862He saw a little boy playing on the railway tracks.be frightened/fraitnd/=be afraid safe a.safety n.dangerousdangerWhen a t

    6、rain was coming near quickly the boy was too frightened to move.Edison rushed out and carried the boy to safety.16 16 years old:years old:He became very good at sending messages by telegraph.And later left home to work in different cities.telegraph/teligra:f/n.电报22 22 years old:years old:He moved to

    7、 New York to be an inventor.He opened up his own lab in New Jersey.During his lifetime:During his lifetime:He worked most of his lifetime in New Jersey.During his lifetime,he had 1,093 inventions.He never gave up.He would keep trying out different ideas.NameThomas Alva EdisonNationality(国籍)Experienc

    8、e School lifeAt the age of 10At the age of 12At the age of 16At the age of 22The amount(总数)of his inventions.HobbyThe USAHe was in school for only three months.He built a chemistry lab for himself.He started writing and selling his own newspaper.He saved a boy and learned how to send messages by tel

    9、egraph from the boys father.He moved to New York to be an inventor1093He was always asking questions and trying out new ideas.Lesson 26In Chinas history,there are many inventions.Who can tell me some of the famous inventions in China?gunpowderprintingcompasspaper makingDo you want to be an inventor?

    10、What would you like to be?What kind of spirit do you need to become an inventor?try out new ideas never give up Question:Question:What did he do when he was 10/12/16/22?1.When he was ten years old,he built a chemistry lab for himself.he started writing his own newspaper.2.At the age of 12,3.At the age of sixteen,he saved a boy playing on the railway tracks.4.When he was twenty-two,he moved to New York to be an inventor.


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