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    新人教版初三英语下学期lesson 38.ppt

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    新人教版初三英语下学期lesson 38.ppt

    1、1.在展出的恐龙在展出的恐龙2.参观自然历史博物馆参观自然历史博物馆3.对对有有/产生兴趣产生兴趣4.地下恐龙世界地下恐龙世界5.恐龙化石恐龙化石6.戈壁滩戈壁滩7.一群科学家一群科学家8.在在20世纪世纪20年代年代9.很久以前很久以前10.人类人类11.长羽毛的恐龙长羽毛的恐龙(2)12.将来将来 dinosaurs on displaya visit to the Museum of Natural History be interested in/become interested inan underground Dinosaur Worldfossils of dinosaurst

    2、he Gobi Desert a group of scientists in the 1920slong beforehuman beingsthe dinosaur covered with feathersthe feathered dinosaur in the future an underground Dinosaur Worldguide dinosaurs many kinds of dinosaurs the fossils of dinosaurs dinosaur eggswere laid long long ago by dinosaurs.were found in

    3、 the Gobi Desert in the 1920s feathers a dinosaur covered with feathers=a feathered dinosaur a special dinosaur on displayIt was discovered in Liaoning Province.Dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared.Its said that dinosaurs lived on the earth for over 150 million years,and then disappeare

    4、d about 65 million years ago.Many scientists try to explain their disappearance,but theyve got more questions than answers.How long did dinosaurs live and when did they disappear?1.What were you doing last Saturday afternoon?2.What can you see?3.Who found the dinosaur eggs?When were they laid?4.What

    5、 about the special dinosaur?Why is it special?We were visiting the Museum of Natural History.We can see the fossils of many kinds of dinosaurs.These eggs were found in the Gobi Desert by a group of scientists in the 1920s.These eggs were laid long long ago by dinosaurs.It was discovered in Liaoning

    6、Province.Because it is covered with feathers.In the future,some of you can go on studying the dinosaurs and more and more fossils of the dinosaurs can be discovered by you.Summary1.在展出的恐龙在展出的恐龙2.参观自然历史博物馆参观自然历史博物馆3.对对有有/产生兴趣产生兴趣4.地下恐龙世界地下恐龙世界5.恐龙化石恐龙化石6.戈壁沙漠戈壁沙漠7.一群科学家一群科学家8.在在20世纪世纪20年代年代9.很久以前很久以前

    7、10.人类人类11.长羽毛的恐龙长羽毛的恐龙(2)12.将来将来 dinosaurs on displaya visit to the Museum of Natural History be interested in/become interested inan underground Dinosaur Worldfossils of dinosaursthe Gobi Desert a group of scientists in the 1920slong beforehuman beingsthe dinosaur covered with feathersthe feathered

    8、 dinosaur in the future1.二十世纪二十年代科学家们就对许多种恐龙化石产生了兴趣。二十世纪二十年代科学家们就对许多种恐龙化石产生了兴趣。2.The scientists _ _ _ the _ _3.many _ _ dinosaurs _ the 1920s.4.2.一群科学家在戈壁沙漠发现了恐龙很久以前下的蛋。一群科学家在戈壁沙漠发现了恐龙很久以前下的蛋。5.The dinosaur eggs_ _ _ Gobi Desert _ a group of scientists and _ _ dinosaurs long long ago.6.3.信不信由你,人类出现之

    9、前恐龙就消失了。信不信由你,人类出现之前恐龙就消失了。7._ it _ _,the dinosaurs _before8._ _ _.9.4.科学家们试图解释他们消失的原因。科学家们试图解释他们消失的原因。10.The scientists_ _ _ _ _.11.5.The dinosaur covered with feathers is on show.12.=The _ dinosaur is _ _.became interested in fossils of kinds of in were found in by laid by Believe or not disappeared human beings appearedtry to explain their disappearance feathered on display


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