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    新人教版初三英语下学期Lesson 60.ppt

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    新人教版初三英语下学期Lesson 60.ppt

    1、Lesson 60 To complain too often is a lot of fun.To work hard isnt a good thing.To play with my pet is my dream.To be a doctor brings success.To read in a strong light is exciting.To do morning exercises is bad for your eyes.To try scuba diving keeps you healthy.earthquake rock as if at sea story a t

    2、wo-story house grab grabbed grabbing crash mobile phone notat all at least Help to keep the balance of nature(维持生态平衡)维持生态平衡)How do animals help us in our life?Who saved the baby?Exercises:1.True or false statements on Page 178.2.Fill in the blanks on Page 179.be sleeping/asleep in the bed be busy wi

    3、th the housework suddenly-all of a sudden As if she was in a storm at sea.try to reach the bed break in two-break into two halves on the edge of the two-story house break ones leg grab the baby in its mouth carefully call the police on her mobile phone not.at all be taken to the hospital It it true

    4、to say Helping animals is helping ourselves.People and animals should live on earth together.If animals and people become friends,the world will become more beautiful!Dont teach fish to swim.Love me,love my dog.Every dog has his day.A cat may look at king.Enjoy the proverbsEnjoy the proverbs To say

    5、is one thing and to do is another.To mention the wolfs name is to see the same.To save time is to lengthen life.。To know everything is to know nothing.To know oneself is true knowledge.Enjoy the proverbsEnjoy the proverbs说时容易,做时难。说时容易,做时难。说曹操,曹操到。说曹操,曹操到。人贵有自知之明。人贵有自知之明。节约时间就是延长生命节约时间就是延长生命事事通,事事松事事

    6、通,事事松Exercises:一,词汇一,词汇 (A)根据句意和首字母提示,用适当的词填空。1.To be a scientist is his d_2.Its n_ _ for me to help him.3.To be a doctor is very r_ _.4.Look,the dog is w_ his tail.5.Failure is the mother of s_.(B)用单词的适当形式填空。6.Pets give people a lot of_(pleasant)7._ too often isnt a good thing.(complain)8.There was

    7、 not _ in the sky.(cloudy)9.Tom seems _ ill today.(terrible)10.The weather was too hot for_ to the top of the mountain.(climb)climbingreamecessaryewardingaggingpleasureuccessTo complaincloudterriblyExercises:二,根据汉语意思完成句子。二,根据汉语意思完成句子。1._ _ _ _(学好英语)is very important.2.Do you like_ _ _(当医生)3._ _ _(样样

    8、皆通)is to know nothing.4._ _ _(养宠物)is a lot of fun.5.The pet dog makes us _ _(欢笑)and we love her very much.6.I like all kinds of the fruit,and I really dont have_ _ (最喜欢吃的)7.TO work hard _ _ _ _(带来成功)8._ _ _ _ (经常抱怨)is not a good thing.9.The dog _ _ its_ _ _ _ _(愉愉地摇了摇尾巴)To learn English wellbeing a doctorTo know everythingTo keep pets laugh a favouritebrings successTo complain too oftenwagged tail with pleasureHomework:1.Finish off the exercises in the workbook.2.Read the passage.


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