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    六年级英语Planning for the weekend课件3.ppt

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    六年级英语Planning for the weekend课件3.ppt

    1、(Part I)What are you going to do this weekend?Im going to fly a kite this weekend.my plan for the weekendtalk about their plans for the weekend 谈论他们的周末计划计划,打算What are you going to do this weekend?Im going toby the way顺便问一下What are you going to do this weekend?Im going toWhat is going to do this week

    2、end?He is going to take part in a singing contest 参加 歌咏比赛take part in a sports meeting 参加运动会 take part in a class meeting 参加班会take part in Olympic GamesWhat is going to do this weekend?He is going to see a Beijing opera 看京剧What are you going to do?Im going toWhat is he/she going to do?He/She is goin

    3、g to12345call1 What day is it?2 Whats the time?3 Whats the weather like?4 Do the children at school?5 What are they talking about?Saturdayhave school 上课,有课上课,有课have classescallIts on morning.It is and .The children do not have school today.SaturdayDavid is calling Gao Shan.They are talking about for

    4、 the .Who Activity When WhereWhat is Gao Shan going to do today?When are they going to see a Beijing opera?Where are they going to meet?Gao Shan and his Dadsee a Beijing opera at 1:30 this afternoonin front of the Garden Theatreconcert 音乐会at the concert 在音乐会What is David going to do tomorrow?He is g

    5、oing to play the violin at the concert.What is Nancy going to do tomorrow?She is going to play the piano.1.David is going to see the Beijing opera with us.2.He is going to meet us at six in front of the Garden Theatre.3.There is a concert in the school tomorrow.4.David is going to play the piano at

    6、the concert.5.Nancy is going to play the violin at the concert.TFTFFListen and judgeWhat are you going to do on May Day?fly a kitegrow treessee a Beijing operavisit our relatives and friendsgo to parksgo on an outingplay footballDo a survey:learn a saying(谚语谚语):A friend in need is a friendindeed.(患难之交才是真正的朋友。)Homework:1.Read A carefully,then recite it.2.Talk about your families plans for this weekend or for May Day.Im going to on.My father is going to and my mother is going to What are you going to do this weekend?Im going to


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