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    1、1.一般现在时一般现在时 am/is/are+done2.一般过去时一般过去时 were/was+done3.一般将来时一般将来时 will/be going to+be done4.现在完成时现在完成时 has/have+been done 5.情态动词情态动词 can/could/must/should/may/need+be done be done I.被动语态的构成动词填空,请仔细观察时态与语态。动词填空,请仔细观察时态与语态。1.The office (clean)by us every day.2.Yesterday,a new film (show)in Dalian.3.To

    2、morrow each of us (give)10 dollars after we finish the work.4.How many songs (record)since Jay became famous in 2000?5.No food can (bring)to the library.was shownhave been recordedbe brought will be given is cleaned1.The policeman saw the thief enter the office.The thief was seen to enter the office

    3、 by the policeman.2.The manager made the man clean the room.The man was made to clean the room by the manager.3.I heard him talk about that matter.He was heard to talk about that matter by me.No.1 使动词和感官动词的被动语态使动词和感官动词的被动语态make,see,watch,notice,hearNo.2 No.2 带双宾语的动词带双宾语的动词 give,send,show,pass,sell,o

    4、ffer make,sing,buy-v.+sb.sth.=v.+sth.to sb.-v.+sb.sth.=v.+sth.for sb.1.He usually gives the lady a card as a present.is usually given to the lady by him.2.Mum made Alice a birthday cake.was made a birthday cake by her mum.was made for Alice by her mum.is usually given a card by him.A card_ The lady_

    5、Alice_A birthday cake_No.3 No.3 动词与介词搭配的短语动词与介词搭配的短语look after,speak to,take care of,listen to1.Jack takes care of his little cat carefully.The little cat is taken care of by Jack carefully.2.We should speak to the old politely.The old should be spoken to politely by us.take place,happen,open,sell w

    6、ell,No.4 用主动语态表示用主动语态表示1.The Olympic Games take place every four years.2.The books sell well.3.The shop opens at 9:00 every morning.IV.认真阅读课文,用所给的适当形式填空。Liu Xiang 1_(bear)in Shanghai on July 13,1983.He started training when he was very young.At first,he 2_(encourage)to train as a high jumper.In 1998

    7、,his skill at hurdling 3_(notice)by his coach Sun Haiping.Liu Xiang 4_(help)by a special programme later.It 5_(set)up in 2001.Lius races 6 _(record),and his performance 7_(compare)with the worlds best sports stars.Since 2002 many gold medals have been won for China by him.Of course he 8 _(choose)to

    8、represent China at the 29th Olympic Games.He 9 _(ask)to appear in advertisements and films and ever to record music,too.But Liu 10 _(advise)by his coach how to be a great sportsman because he was trained for gold.Liu Xiang 1 was born(bear)in Shanghai on July 13,1983.He started training when he was v

    9、ery young.At first,he 2 was encouraged(encourage)to train as a high jumper.In 1998,his skill at hurdling 3 was noticed(notice)by his coach Sun Haiping.Liu Xiang 4 was helped(help)by a special programme later.It 5 was set(set)up in 2001.Lius races 6 were recorded(record),and his performance 7 was com

    10、pared(compare)with the worlds best sports stars.Since 2002 many gold medals have been won for China by him.Of course he 8 was chosen (choose)to represent China at the 29th Olympic Games.He 9 will be asked(ask)to appear in advertisements and films and ever to record music in the future.But Liu 10 wil

    11、l be advised(advise)by his coach how to be a great sportsman because he was trained for gold.认真阅读课文,用所给的适当形式填空。1.You said your next match was_(对抗)a girls team.2.They were_(训练)him to use the new sailing system.3.Videos _(允许)you to record programmes and watch them later.4.Many companies are facing_(艰苦

    12、)competition.5.The enemy was_(打败)in a battle.6.He has won the first prize in a swimming _(比赛).7.Take the medicine _(规律)three times a day.8.Well have an _(一夜的)stop in Rome during my holiday.9.Liu Xiang is a _(标志)of Chinas international sporting success.10.After graduation he was_(授予)a scholarship to

    13、do research.1.You said your next match was against(对抗)a girls team.2.They were training(训练)him to use the new sailing system.3.Videos allow(允许)you to record programmes and watch them later.4.Many companies are facing tough(艰苦)competition.5.The enemy was beaten(打败)in a battle.6.He has won the first p

    14、rize in a swimming competition/race(比赛).7.Take the medicine regularly(规律)three times a day.8.Well have an overnight(一夜的)stop in Rome during my holiday.9.Liu Xiang is a symbol(标志)of Chinas international sporting success.10.After graduation he was awarded(授予)a scholarship to do research.1.What is the

    15、_(优势)of shopping online?2.That _(数码的)camera is so expensive that I cant afford it.3.Can books be _(代替)by computers?4.A new book will be _(出版)next year.5.Our _(知识)of the universe is growing all the time.6.Its three_(街区)to the store from here.7.The fire_(蔓延)quickly in the building so the firemen could

    16、 do nothing.8.We should have an _(介绍)first when we meet each other.9.Dont forget to help me charge the _(电池).10.Dont be silly.It is only an _(普通的)camera.1.What is the advantage(优势)of shopping online?2.That digital(数码的)camera is so expensive that I cant afford it.3.Can books be replaced(代替)by compute

    17、rs?4.A new book will be published(出版)next year.5.Our knowledge(知识)of the universe is growing all the time.6.Its three blocks(街区)to the store from here.7.The fire spread(蔓延)quickly in the building so the firemen could do nothing.8.We should have an introduction(介绍)first when we meet each other.9.Dont

    18、 forget to help me charge the battery(电池).10.Dont be silly.It is only an ordinary(普通的)camera.V.阅读课文,并将短文补充完整。阅读课文,并将短文补充完整。(b)Paper and print are used by almost everyone every day.Can you1 _ life without them?Paper was first2 _ about 2000 years ago,and has been 3_from silk,cotton,bamboo and wood.The

    19、n people learned to make books and write on it.But the books could not be 4 _ by many people because the books could only be 5_one at a time by hand,and they were expensive and 6_.Later printing was 7_ in China.At the beginning of the 11th century printing was 8 _quickly.Books could be read by more

    20、people.After that,knowledge and ideas 9_ quickly.But in the 20th century,with the 10_ of the Internet.It seems that book wont be 11_.Information can be received online.Many things can be 12_from the Internet,and they can be 13_on DCD-ROMs or MP3,MP4 players.They are easy to 14_.So can books be 15_by

    21、 computers one day?No one knows.阅读课文,并将短文补充完整。(b)Paper and print are used by almost everyone every day.Can you imagine life without them?Paper was first created about 2000 years ago,and has been made from silk,cotton,bamboo and wood.Then people learned to make books and write on it.But the books cou

    22、ld not be read by many people because the books could only be produced one at a time by hand,and they were expensive and rare.Later printing was invented in China.At the beginning of the 11th century printing was developed quickly.Books could be read by more people.After that,knowledge and ideas spr

    23、ead quickly.But in the 20th century,with the introduction of the Internet.It seems that book wont be needed .Information can be received online.Many things can be downloaded from the Internet,and they can be kept on DCD-ROMs or MP3,MP4 players.They are easy to carry.So can books be replaced by compu

    24、ters one day?No one know.take part in,stand for,get to,set up,finishing line,so far,now that1.BIG _Beijing International Globetrotter.Its a basketball team.2.With the help of the doctors,the sick runner ran across_.3.Liu Xiang _the Athens Olympic and won the gold medal.4.She plans _her own business.

    25、5._you are a middle school student,you should try your best to enter a good high school.6.The heat was beginning to _me,so I went indoors.7._Liu Xuan has been asked to appear in many films.stands forthe finishing linetook part into set upNow thatget toSo farask a favour,from now on,look after,take p

    26、hotos,one day,for ages,turn on,a couple of,see to,in a way1._,its a kind of nice thing to be work alone.2.Ill go to Tonys party this evening.Will you _the cats?3.I think human will live on the moon_.4.The two families have been friends_.5.The camera is used for_.6.May I_?I hope you can help me with these maths problems.7.The old should _well by everyone.8.My mum asked me _the radio,because she wanted to listen to the news.9.We have been good friends for _years.10.Im going to study harder_.In a waysee toone dayfor agestaking photosask a favourbe looked afterto turn ona couple offrom now on


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