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    1、写作训练写作训练句子改错1.I in the library read a book.2.I am listening the music.3.I love key ring because theyre beautiful.4.My breakfast have milk and eggs.5.I am a 7-years-old boy.I read a book in the library.I am listening to the music.I love my/the key ring because it is beautiful.I have milk and eggs for

    2、 breakfast.I am a 7-year-old boy.句子改错6.There has mutton and tomatoes.7.I can play the soccer.8.The street has a bank there.9.I at seven oclock went to school.10.I with my family went to China.There is mutton and tomatoes.I can play soccer.There is a bank on the street.I went to school at seven ocloc

    3、k.I went to China with my family.句子改错11.I had fun weekend.12.How did you spent your weekend?13.I and my friend went swam yesterday.14.I would like watching TV tonight.15.Thank you for help me .I had a fun weekend.How did you spend your weekend?My friend and I went swimming yesterday.I would like to

    4、watch TV tonight.Thank you for helping me.句子改错16.Im buy it in a market.17.I went to school played basketball.18.He has medium height and is long hair.19.I am in the supermarket buy the watch.20.I was last weekend very happy.I bought it in a market.I went to play basketball at school.He is medium hei

    5、ght and has long hair.I bought the watch in the supermarket.I was very happy last weekend.句子改错21.I reading a book.22.Do you like the game show?No.I cant stand.23.I am from Chinese.24.I like the watch because it is my father bought.25.I went to home late last night.I am reading a book.No,I cant stand

    6、 it.I am from China.I like the watch because it is a gift/present from my father.I went home late last night.句子改错26.I at school played basketball.27.I have pen,wallet,key ring and sunglasses.28.Id like beef and tomatoes noodles.I played basketball at school.I have a pen,a wallet,a key ring and sungl

    7、asses.I d like beef and tomato noodles.短文改错 I have four of these things.I have watch,scarf,wallet and sunglasses.I very like a wallet and scarf.Because they is very cute.And I dont like watch.Because is ugly.But I love sunglasses.Because color is blue.so I very like sunglasses.I have a watch,a scarf

    8、,a wallet and sunglasses.I like the wallet and the scarf.Because they are very nice.But I dont like the watch.Because it is ugly.I love the sunglasses.Because it is blue and the color is my favorite.短文改错 My friend is Alan.He is a actor.He has short straight hair.He is small eyes.He not wears glasses

    9、.He is medium height and medium build.He wears blue shirt and blue pants.He favorite sports is soccer ball.He plays soccer is very well.I have a friend.His name is Alan.He is an actor.He has small eyes.He doesnt wear glasses.His favorite sport is soccer.He plays soccer very well.短文改错How to describe a person:1.look:face,hair,height,build,2.wearings:clothes and color3.decorations:watch,hair clip,4.likes and dislikes:food,sports,TV shows,5.specials.6.age,sex,family,nationality,language,etc


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