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    牛津版八年级英语上Unit 2课件.ppt

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    牛津版八年级英语上Unit 2课件.ppt

    1、Unit 2 School lifeIt is a mixed school./mikst/Boys and girls study togetherChineseMathsEnglishPEArtsubjectsHome Economicssewcooktasty fooddeliciousWe have a sports meeting tooDo you have a sports meeting as well?basketballsoftballShe is my heroYang LiweiFei Junlong and Nie HaishengheroesWhere are th

    2、eir schools?JohnsNancysRead the first and second passages quickly and then answer the questions belownear Londonin DenverWho is the second passage about?Who is the first passage about?Nancy JohnTrue or false4 Nancy is a girl of 16.()5 Nancys brothers name is Tom.()6 Jim drives Nancy to school now.()

    3、F F T F 1 John is in Year 9 at Woodland School,a mixed school.()2 John likes Home Economics best of all.()3 There are two Reading Weeks in Johns school every year.()F T Read carefully again then judge T or FWhat do they like in the school?John Nancy older students talk to new students about school l

    4、ifeHome EconomicsReading WeeksoftballBuddy Clubcook and sewread any books from the schoollibrary and even bring in books and magzines from homeReading aloud and discussionAsk questions beginning with:(1)who-?(2)where-?(3)what-?(4)when-?etc.a mixed schoolplay softballhave lessons togetherHome Economi

    5、cspractice softballcook and sewTasty mealsgo to a buddy clubReading Weektalk to new studentsread any booksmeet friendsbring in books and magazinesgo to shopping mallsJohn Nancy Fill in the blanks according to the text and hints(提示)提示)Text 1Johns school is a (mix)school.Boys and girls have lessons (一

    6、起一起).His favourite is Home Economics.He didnt know how (do)things for (he)before he came to that school.Now he can cook (与与delicious同义同义)meals.He loves Reading Week because he can read any books from the school and even books and from home.mixedtogethersubjecthimselfto dotastylibrarybring inmagazine

    7、sText 2Nancy is 14 years old.Her brother had lessons in school last year.Now he drives Nancy to school every day.It takes timethan taking the bus.She loves playing after school,she spends much time .She also goes to every Monday.In the Buddy Club,older students talk to new students about .Julie is her because she can help her with her homework.drivinglesssoftballpracticingbuddy clubschool lifeheroWhat kind of books should we read?Why?Who is the hero in your mind?Why?What can you learn from John and Nancy?Thanks


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