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    1、北京市团结湖第三中学教案 教案编号 年级班级 学 科英 语授 课日 期 课 题Analysis of the Final Exam Paper (Chanoyang) 授 课类 型试卷讲评教学目标1. The students will be able to grasp the language points on which most students missed, such as Multiple choice, Cloze, Reading; Sentence completion. 2. The students will be able to: analyze questions;

    2、pick up necessary information in reading; 3.The students will be able to experience cooperation during the analysis. 重点Help the students to understand Language points which most students missed, such as Multiple choice, Cloze, Reading and Sentence Completion better.难点How to find out key words and in

    3、fer answers from the text while reading. 教法Communicative and Cooperative methods教具The computer, the exam paper , the blackboard and CAI 板书设计1. must2. Its adj.+for sb. To do stop sb. From doing sth.spend on.北京市团结湖第三中学教案教学环节教师活动学生活动Step1.General analysis 1. Ask students to look through the paper.2. Th

    4、e teacher gives a general analysis of the paper. 平均分: 98.50 及格率: 97.3% 优秀率: 48.65% 最高分: 116 进步生: 窦佳美等1. Look through the paper, analyze their own paper, find out which part they did best or needs to be improved.2. Listen and think about it.Step2 Problems solving 1. Analysis of the Multiple Choice (单

    5、选分析) (1) Ask the students to look through the table and get a general idea about it. (2) Have the students to check the answers with the screen and talk about the two questions (28, 33) which the students did worst together. (3) Have the students to work in pairs to talk about their problems and hel

    6、p each other to understand better.2. 第二卷,根据中文补全英文句子。(1) Show the students Sentence 15, and the typical answers from the students, and then talk about the answers with the students to help them understand why some answers are wrong. (2) Have the students to work in pairs to talk about their problems

    7、and help each other to understand better.3. Analysis of the cloze (完型填空) (1) Ask the students to look through the analysis data and get a general idea about it, and find out which one they have problems.(2) Have the students to check the answers with the screen , and then work in groups to talk abou

    8、t the cloze.(3) Have the whole class to talk about the 41,48, and help them understand better if necessary.4. Analysis of the third passage of Reading (阅读C篇)(1) Have the students look through the analysis data and get a general idea about it, and find out which one they have problems.(2) Have the st

    9、udents to read the passage again and get its main idea.(3) Have the whole class to talk about the 56,57,58,59 and help them understand better if necessary.(1)Look through the table and get a general idea about it. (2)Check the answers with the screen and talk about the two questions (28, 33) which t

    10、he students did worst together. (3) Work in pairs to talk about their problems and help each other to understand better.(1) Look at Sentence 15, and the typical answers from the students, and then talk about the answers with the teacher to understand why some answers are wrong. (2) Work in pairs to

    11、talk about their problems and help each other to understand better.(1)Look through the analysis data and get a general idea about it, and find out which one they have problems.(2)Check the answers with the screen , and then work in groups to talk about the cloze.(3) The whole class to talk about the

    12、 41,48, and talk with the teacher to understand better.(1) Look through the analysis data and get a general idea about it, and find out which one they have problems.(2) Read the passage again and get its main idea.(3)The whole class to talk about the 56,57,58,59 and help them understand better.Step3

    13、.SummaryLet students think about the best methods in reading. Give a summary of solving methods in reading.Step 4 Quiz 1. Have the students to read a passage and answer the questions.2. Check the answers in class if there is enough time. 1. Read a passage and answer the questions individually.2. Check the answers in class. Step 5.Homework1. Correct the mistakes on your notebook.2. Finish off the exercise paper. 1. Correct the mistakes on your notebook.2. Finish off the exercise paper. 课堂检测内容1. Reading Comprehension 2. Multiple Choice3. Sentence Completion 教学效果教学完成情况: 学生掌握情况:_%课后反思


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