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    1、前言学弟学妹们,当你们看到这篇复习资料的时候, 学长已经在文档上传的当天上午参加了国际金融的考试, 本复习资料主要针对对象为成都信息工程学院(CUIT)英语系大三学生, 且立足教材也基于托马斯A普格尔(Thomas A. Pugel)先生所著国际金融英文版第15版, 其他版本或者相似教材也可作为参考, 本资料的整理除了参考维基百科,百度百科以及MBA智库百科,当然最重要的是我们老师的课件. 为了帮助同学们顺利通过考试, 当然是拿到高分, 希望此资料能够帮助你们节省时间, 达到高效复习的效果. 外国语学院2011级,陈爵歌(Louis) 2014年1月6日晚于宿舍Chapter 2Transna

    2、tionality Index(跨国化指数)(TNI) is a means of ranking multinational corporations that is employed by economists and politicians. (反映跨国公司海外经营活动的经济强度,是衡量海外业务在公司整体业务中地位的重要指标)Foreign assets to total assets(外国资产占总资产比)Foreign sales to total sales(海外销售占总销售)Foreign employees to total employees(外籍雇员占总雇员)跨国化指数的构成

    3、联合国跨国公司与投资司使用的跨国化指数由三个指标构成: 国外资产对公司总资产的百分比; 国外销售对公司总销售的百分比; 国外雇员人数对公司雇员总人数的百分比关于TNI的计算公式:International Economic Integration(国际经济一体化)International economic integration refers to the extent and strength of real-sector and financial-sector linkages among national economies.(国际经济一体化是指两个或两个以上的国家在现有生产力发展水

    4、平和国际分工的基础上,由政府间通过协商缔结条约,让渡一定的国家主权,建立两国或多国的经济联盟,从而使经济达到某种程度的结合以提高其在国际经济中的地位)Real Sector(实际经济部门): The sector of the economy engaged in the production and sale of goods and services(指物质的、精神的产品和服务的生产、流通等经济活动。包括农业、工业、交通通信业、商业服务业、建筑业等物质生产和服务部门,也包括教育、文化、知识、信息、艺术、体育等精神产品的生产和服务部门.)Financial Sector(财政部门): (Th

    5、is is) the sector of the economy where individuals trade in financial assets. (从中央到地方的政府行政机关中负责财政管理工作的机构)Though economists tend to measure activity in these two sectors separately, an important point of this chapter is to show that they are linked.Cross-Border Transaction in Bonds and Equities(债权和股票

    6、的跨境交易)TNC(Transnational Corporation跨国公司)Balance of Payments Accounting(BOP)(国际收支账户的平衡/差额)A double-entry system(复式记账系统).Debit Entries(借方项目“-”): Transactions that generate a payment outflow (e.g., import).一国进行支付的价值流动,如进口Credit Entries(贷方项目“+”): Transactions that generate a payment inflow (e.g., export

    7、).一国接受支付的价值流动,如出口国际收支平衡(balance of international payments accounts): are an accounting record of all monetary transactions between a country and the rest of the world (国际收支平衡也称外部平衡,指一国国际收支净额即净出口与净资本流出的差额为零。即:国际收支净额净出口净资本流出;或BPNXF)Includes:Goods(商品)Services(服务)Income Receipts and Payments(收入的获得与支出)Un

    8、ilateral Transfers(单方面转移,如馈赠)Current Account(经常项目): In economics, the current account is one of the two primary components of the balance of payments, the other being capital account. It is the sum of the balance of trade (i.e., net revenue on exports minus payments for imports), factor income (earn

    9、ings on foreign investments minus payments made to foreign investors) and cash transfers. (经常账户(Current Account)一国国际收支的主要组成部分,主要包括商品贸易收支,即有形货物的进出口,及服务贸易收支,即诸如旅游、银行及保险等各种服务的往来。经常账户不包含长期借贷和投资的资金流,这些均是资本账户上的项目。or经常账户(即“经常项目”):指本国与外国进行经济交易而经常发生的项目,是国际收支平衡表中最主要的项目,包括对外贸易收支、非贸易往来和无偿转让三个项目。)Goods: Exports

    10、and imports of tangible items(有形物品).Services: Exports and imports of services.Income Receipts(海外资产的投资收入): Include items such as Investment income on US-owned assets abroad.Receipts of income on US direct investment abroad.Income receiptsIncome Payments(向外国人支付的投资收入): Include items such as Investment

    11、income on foreign-owned assets in the United States.Payments of income on foreign direct investment in the United StatesUS Government income payments Unilateral Transfers(单方面转移支付): Includes items such as: Government grants abroad(政府海外捐赠) Private remittances(私人汇款) Private grants abroad The current ac

    12、count balance is the sum of the debit and credit entries in the accounts just described. A current account deficit occurs when the sum of the debit entries exceeds the sum of the credit entries. A current account surplus occurs when the sum of the credit entries exceeds the sum of the debit entries.

    13、The Financial Sector: includes The Capital and Financial Account(资本与金融账户)The capital and financial account: - Includes portfolio and foreign direct investment(证券和对外直接投资)- Includes changes in banks and brokers cash deposits that arise from international transactionsPortfolio Investment: Individual or

    14、 business purchase of stocks, bond, or other financial assets or deposits. (An income strategy)(是狭义的投资,是指企业或个人用积累起来的货币购买股票、债券等有价证券,借以获得收益的行为)Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Purchase of financial assets that result in a 10 percent or greater ownership share. (A financial control strategy)(国际直接投资是指投资

    15、者以控制企业部分产权、直接参与经营管理为特征,以获取利润为主要目的的资本对外输出。国际直接投资可分为创办新企业和控制外国企业股权两种形式.)国际直接投资特点 国际直接投资与其他投资相比,具有实体性、控制性、渗透性和跨国性的重要特点。具体表现在: (1)国际直接是长期资本流动的一种主要形式,它不同于短期资本流动,它要求投资主体必须在国外拥有企业实体,直接从事各类经营活动。 (2)国际直接投资表现为资本的国际转移和拥有经营权的资本国际流动两种形态,即有货币投资形式又有实物投资形式。 (3)国际直接投资是取得对企业经营的控制权,不同于间接投资,他通过参与、控制企业经营权获得利益。当代的国际直接投资又

    16、有以下几个特点:规模日益扩大、由单向流动变为对向流动、发展中国家国际直接投资日趋活跃、区域内相互投资日趋扩大、国际直接投资部门结构的重大变化、跨国并购成为一种重要的投资形式等等。 A net creditor is a nation whose total claims on foreign residents exceed the total claims of foreign residents on the residents of the domestic nation. (净债权国:当一个国家的对外债权债务净头寸为正数时,我们称其为净债权国。 净债权国并不意味着境外投资收益的优良。如

    17、果一国的对外投资是以直接投资、私人性质的证券投资和其他投资为主体,那么它的债权国地位可以称之为“私人债权国”地位;如果一国的对外投资是以储备资产或官方贷款为主要形式,则债权国称为“官方债权国”。)A net debtor is a nation whose total claims on foreign residents are less than the total claims of foreign residents on the residents of the domestic nation. ( 一国持有的他国金融资产总量低于他国持有的该国金融资产总量,这样的国家就是债务国。)T

    18、he Relationship Between the Current Account and the Capital Account (经常项目与资本账户的关系)Expenditures Approach to National Income (国民收入支出的方法)- National income is the sum of expenditures in the following categories; consumer expenditures, private investment expenditures, government expenditures, and net exp

    19、ort expenditures (国民收入支出的总和在以下类别;消费者支出、私人投资支出、政府支出和净出口费用)y= c + ip + g + (x-m) c本国对商品和服务的私人消费支出ip 对建筑、设备软件及存货的国内实际投资(指p)g 政府的商品和服务购买X-M外国对本国和本国对外国商品和服务购买的净额Let the current account, ca equalca = (x m)Then y=c + ip + g + caIncome Approach (入息计算法/收益法/收入法) - Income has three possible uses; it can be spe

    20、nt on current consumption, it can be saved (private saving), and we pay taxes to the government(收入有三种可能的用途,它可以用于当前消费,它可以保存(私人储蓄),我们向政府纳税)y= c + sp + tBecause both approaches equal national income, we can set the two identities equal:c + sp + t = c +ip + g + caor, sp ip (g - t) = caPrivate Saving(私人储

    21、蓄)Private saving can be used to purchase three types of assets, domestic private investment, government debt (g t) or to accumulate foreign assets (fa) (私人储蓄可以用于购买三种类型的资产,国内私人投资,政府债务(g - t)或积累外国资产(fa) sp = ip + (g t) + fa Where fa is the (net) accumulation of foreign assets (domestic residents purch

    22、ases of foreign assets in excess excess of foreign residents purchases of domestic assets).Then, by rearrangementsp ip (g t) = faPutting the two together:ca = sp ip (g t) = fa结论: Private domestic saving less private domestic investment less the fiscal balance (government saving) equals the current a

    23、ccount balance, which also equals the (net) accumulation of foreign assets. (私人国内储蓄私人国内投资财政收支平衡经常账户收支=净外汇资产)实例:Using the equality we derived, ca = sp ip (g t) = faSuppose a nations private saving rate is 5.2 percent of its total output, its private investment rate is 7.3 percent, and its fiscal budg

    24、et deficit is 3.3 percent ca = fa = 5.2 7.3 3.3 = -5.4.In words, this nations residents must borrow from abroad (fa = -5.4) to finance their investment expenditures, resulting in a current account deficit in the amount of 5.4 percent of total output.Chapter 3Exchange Rate(汇率): The value of one curre

    25、ncy relative to another currency as the number of units of one currency required to purchase one unit of the other currency(汇率亦称“外汇行市或汇价”。一国货币兑换另一国货币的比率,是以一种货币表示另一种货币的价格。由于世界各国货币的名称不同,币值不一,所以一国货币对其他国家的货币要规定一个兑换率,即汇率)Foreign Currency Denominated Financial Instrument(以外汇计价的金融工具):- A financial asset, s

    26、uch as a bond, a stock, or a bank deposit, whose value is denominated in the currency of another nation.Foreign Exchange(外汇):外汇(Foreign Exchange,或Forex)是货币行政当局以银行存款、财政部证券、长短期政府证券等形式所持有的国际收支逆差时可以使用的债权。它是国际贸易的产物,是国际贸易清偿的支付手段,分为spot(即期) and forward rates(远期). 以美元作为国际货币衡量:US $ equivalent or US $ per cur

    27、rency ($/).直接标价法 (外币的数量固定不变,折合本币的数量则随着外币币值和本币币值的变化而变化) Direct quote is the home currency price of a foreign currency, 即1美元=6.2420人民币Currency per US $ /$-间接标价法(1英镑=1.6025美元;1欧元=1.5680加拿大元;1欧元=1.0562美元;1澳大利亚元=0.5922美元等) Indirect quote is the foreign currency price of the home currency.Appreciating(升值)

    28、 and Depreciating(贬值)CurrenciesA currency that has lost value relative to another currency is said to have depreciated. ( 单位货币所含有的价值或所代表的价值的下降)A currency that has gained value relative to another currency is said to have appreciated. (单位货币所含有的价值货所代表的的价值的上升)These terms relate to the market process an

    29、d are different from devaluation(下浮) and revaluation(上浮)Example: Pesos currency is 11.3855 MXN/USD on Monday, 11.1245 MXN/USD on Wednesday. Peso takes fewer pesos to purchase each dollar. The amount of appreciation is (11.1245-11.3855)/11.3855*100=-2.29%Cross Rates(交叉汇率): is an unobserved rate that

    30、is calculated from two observed rate(是指制定出基本汇率后,本币对其他外国货币的汇率就可以通过基本汇率加以套算,这样得出的汇率就是交叉汇率,又叫做套算汇率(也叫交叉盘)。Example: 加元对美元的即期汇率为1.3176C$/$, 美元对欧元的即期汇率为1.2153$/加元对欧元的交叉汇率为:1.3176/1.2153=1.6013C$/.(将美元作为基础货币)Bid - Ask Spreads(买卖价差)Example: bid, 1.2148$/(美元对欧元)ask1.2158$/. Midpoint= (bid+ask)/2=1.2153Bid-As

    31、k margin(点差)(ask-bid)Ask*100, example, (1.2158-12148)/1.2158*100=0.082%Arbitrage(套汇): Is the simultaneous buying and selling to profit-no risk (as opposed to speculation). (套汇是指利用不同外汇市场的外汇差价,在某一外汇市场上买进某种货币,同时在另一外汇市场上卖出该种货币,以赚取利润。在套汇中由于涉及的外汇市场多少不同,分为两角套汇、三角套汇和多角套汇.) - Spatial Arbitrage(空间套利) refers t

    32、o buying a currency in one market and selling it in another. - Triangle Arbitrage(三角套汇) involves a third currency and/ or market.( 利用三个或多个不同地点的外汇市场中三种或多种货币之间的汇率差异,同时在这三个或多个外汇市场上进行外汇买卖,以赚取汇率差额的一种外汇交易)Example: USD 作为基本汇率:英镑兑换美元:1.60$/, CHF(瑞士法郎) 换,美元0.5$/CHF 所有瑞士法郎对英镑是 3CHF/需求曲线(Demand Curve)反比例函数,S代表

    33、货币供给,D代表货币需求,Q代表商品服务的需求量, The Supply of a Currency: Consider the demand schedule for the dollar. If the dollar depreciates relative to the euro, there is an increase in the quantity demanded of dollars. As more dollars are purchased, the quantity of euros supplied in the foreign exchange market incr

    34、eases. 实际是个正比例函数, 如图:At exchange rate Sb the quantity supplied of the euro exceeds the quantity demanded and the euro will depreciate.At exchange rate Sc, the quantity of euros demanded exceeds the quantity supplied and the euro will appreciate. 如图:Purchasing Power Parity (购买力平价)Absolute or the Law

    35、of One Price(单一价格法则)Example: 一本经济学人在英国卖2.5, 美国3.95$, 所以s=3.95/2/5=1.580($/) (s指即期汇率)S=P/P*(P*本国价格, P外国价格) Absolute PPP(绝对购买力平价)Rearrange APPP(重新排列绝对购买力平价)s=p/p* 相对购买力平价relative pppForeign Exchange Risk(外汇风险) is the risk that the value of a future receipt or obligation will change due to a change in

    36、foreign exchange rates.( 指一定时期的国际经济交易当中,以外币计价的资产(或债权)与负债(或债务),由于汇率的波动而引起其价值涨跌的可能性)Source of Risk(风险来源)- Transaction exposure (交易风险) the risk that the domestic cost or proceeds of a transaction may change.- Translation exposure(折算风险): (also known as accounting exposure) the risk that the translation

    37、of value of foreign-currency-denominated assets is affected by exchange rate changes. - Economic exposure(经济风险): (also known as operating) the risk that exchange rate changes may affect the present value of future income streams.外汇风险的分类:交易风险也称交易结算风险,是指运用外币进行计价收付的交易中,经济主体因外汇汇率变动而蒙受损失的可能性。它是一种流量风险。折算风

    38、险又称会计风险(accounting risk),是指经济主体对资产负债表进行会计处理的过程中,因汇率变动而引起海外资产和负债价值的变化而产生的风险。它是一种存量风险。经济风险(economic risk)又称经营风险(operating risk),是指意料之外的汇率波动引起公司或企业未来一定期间的收益或现金流量变化的一种潜在风险。Hedging(对冲): Hedging is the act of offsetting an exposure to risk.Covered Exposure(抵补风险) refers to a foreign exchange risk that has

    39、been completely eliminated with a hedging instrument.Forward Market(期货市场, 远期市场) is the market for contracts that ensure the future delivery of a currency at a specified exchange rateTypical maturity is 1,3,6, 9 and 12 monthsforward premium(远期升水)计算: F=(f-e)/e*(12/N(月份)*100%Example: 假设即期汇率为1.4926(SFr/

    40、$) 3个月后的远期汇率是1.4887,那么远瑞士法郎的远期升水为(1.4887-1.4926)/1.4926*(12/3)*100%=-1.05%Covered Interest Parity(抵补利率平价) is a condition that relates interest differentials to the forward premium or discount.Covered interest differential (CD): CD= (1+iUK)*f/e-(1+iUS)The handy approximation is: CD=F+(iUK-iUS)F=Forwa

    41、rd Exchange iUK=the interest return on the pound investment itselfiUS=the return to investing in dollar-denominated assetsExample: 假设美元利率为4%, 英镑的利率为3%(为年利率) 再假设在同一时间 即期汇率和一年的远期汇率是2.00, 则CD=0.01 F+iUK=iUSUncovered Interest Parity(不抵补利率平价)Expected uncovered interest Differential (EUD): EUD=(1+iUk)*eex

    42、/e-(1+ius)Handy approximation is: EUD=expected appreciation+(iuk-ius)名词解释:第二章 国际收支国际收支指一国在一定时期内全部对外经济往来的系统的货币记录。经常账户对实际资源在国际间的流动行为进行记录的账户。资本和金融账户对资产所有权在国际间流动行为进行记录的账户。错误与遗漏账户一种抵消结账时出现的净的借方或贷方余额的账户,数目与上述余额相等而方向相反。临时性不平衡指短期的由非确定或偶然因素引起的国际收支失衡。(程度较轻,持续时间不长,带有可逆性)结构性不平衡国内经济、产业结构不能适应世界市场的变化而发生的国际收支失衡。货币性

    43、不平衡指一定汇率水平下国内货币成本与一般物价上升引起出口货物价格相对高昂、进口货物价格相对便宜,从而导致的国际收支失衡。收入性不平衡一国国民收入相对快速增长而导致进口需求的增长超过出口增长所引起的国际收支失衡。周期性不平衡指一国经济周期波动所引起的国际收支失衡。预期性不平衡由于人们对未来经济的预期,使实物流量和金融流量发生变化,从而引起国际收支失衡。马歇尔-勒纳条件当出口商品的需求弹性和进口商品的需求弹性之和大于1时,贸易收支才能改善。J曲线效应贬值对贸易收支发送的时滞效应。第三章 汇率基础理论外汇指外国货币或心外国货币表示的、能用来清算国际收支差额的资产。即期汇率指目前市场上两种货币的比价,



    46、其长期稳定均衡值,并因而被一个相反的调节所跟随。导致这种现象出现的起因在于商品市场上的价格存在“粘性”或者“滞后”的特点。第四章 内部均衡和外部平衡外部均衡在国内经济均衡发展,内部均衡实现基础上的国际收支平衡。米德冲突在固定汇率制下,政府只运用开支培养政策而引起内部均衡和外部均衡的冲突问题。数量匹配原则要实现N个独立的政策目标,至少需要相互独立的N个有效的政策工具。丁伯根原则为达到一个经济目标,政府至少要运用一种有效的政策;为达到几个目标,政府至少要运用几个独立、有效的经济政策。最优指派原则如果每一工具被合理地指派给一个目标,并且在该目标偏离最佳水平时按规则进行调控,那么在分散决策的情况下仍有

    47、可能实现最佳调控目标。有效市场分类原则每一目标应当指派给对这一目标有着相对最大影响力、因而在影响政策目标上有相对优势的工具。支出增减型政策指改变社会需求或支出总水平的政策,方根包括财政政策和货币政策。支出转换政策指不改变社会总需求和总支出而改变需求和支出方向的政策,方根包括汇率政策、补贴和关税政策以及直接管制。第六章 外汇管理制度汇率制度指一国货币当局对本国汇率水平的确定、汇率变动方式等问题所作的一系列安排或规定。三元悖论在开放经济条件下,汇率稳定、本国货币政策独立性和资本自由流动不能同时实现,最多只能同时满足其中两个目标,而放弃另一个目标。货币局制指在法律中明确规定本国货币与某一外国可兑换货币保持固定的兑换率,并且对本国货币的发行做特殊限制以保证履行这一法定的汇率制度。汇率目标区指将汇率浮动限制在一个区域内(例如中心汇率的上下各10%)的汇率制度。爬行钉住制指汇率可以作经常地、小幅度调整的固定汇率制度


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