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    1、Part III翻译三级口译实务2006年10月Part IIn this part you are going to hear an interview with a Chinese rural woman who has earned the honor of 11 Environmental Protection Ambassador of Chinafl. Please interpret the British journalist1 s remarks into Chinese and the Chinese woman1s remarks into English?Now, le

    2、t1s begin1、Interviewer: You began collecting used batteries in 1999 ?What was it that started you on this?田:那年我碰巧在一张报纸上读到这样一篇文章。文章说一粒纽扣电池能污染6万升水,相当于一 个人一生的用水量。当时我很震惊,因为我自己就是个卖电池的,8年來己经卖出了几百万节的电池。 如果这些电池用完后都被随便扔掉,那会造成多大的污染,真是不敢想象。Interviewer: So you believed what the newspaper said, and began to recl

    3、aim used batteries, right?w:对。我发现它们不足被随意扔到河里,就足被埋在地里。我感到废旧电池对环境的污染确实太大了,所以收集废in电池对保护环境是很重要的一件事。从那以后我就开始收集废电池了。Interviewer: Do people understand what you are doing?田:刚开始时很不理解。为了呼吁人们关心环保,我做了600个回收箱,全都是用我自己的钱。 Interviewer: I heard that you put an advertisement in a local newspaper, advocating environme

    4、ntal protection and the recycling of usedbatteries . That1 s great.田:可有些人笑话我,有些人觉得我傻,还有些人说我为了;h名。Interviewer: Is it difficult to deal with the used batteries?田:可不是吗!现在处理废旧电池还是个世界性的难题。不过,我的工作是先引起大伙对废旧电池的重视。Part II工n this part you will hear a keynote speech delivered in English by an official from Tha

    5、iland at the Boao Forum for Asia CEO Summit. Please interpret this speech into Chinese.Now, let1s begin.2、Ladies and gentlemen,This is not my first time at a Boao Forum for Asia event. In fact.工 was one of the lucky ones to have witnessed the birth of the BFA back in the spring of 2002 in Boao, Hain

    6、an Province. I am glad to be back. I am also glad to see that the BFA is going strong-engaging governments, business, and civil society in dialogue on issues directly affecting Asia and its peoples.Back when the BFA was born, another forum also came to life. Many of you may have heard of a forum cal

    7、led the Asia Cooperation Dialogue, or ACD for short工 spoke on this topic at the First BFA Annual Conference?There, I introduced the ACD as a unique ministerial-level forum that brings together, for the first time, all the sub-regions of Asia-from East Asia to South Asia to West Asia-in dialogue and

    8、cooperation. At that Conference. I proposed that the ACD and the BFA work closely together because they share the same goals of promoting cooperation and prosperity in Asia.For this morning,工 wish to share with you my thoughts on the prospects for Asia in the world economy. They are not new but they

    9、 need to be emphasized. Number one: Asiaf s dynamism is key to the worldf s economic future?Number two: Asia*s diversity is an important strength for the region. Number three: Asia1s collaboration will be solidified if governments and business work together. Number four: Asia1s cooperation will enha

    10、nce the region1s competitiveness ?This is what I would like to call the 11 Asia Can Do,f attitude.In this part you will hear a speech delivered in Chinese by the president of Asia-Pacific Management School. Please interpret this speech into English. Now, let1s begin?3、女士们、先生们:亚太管理学院正式成立于1985年,经过20年,

    11、我院Q在亚太地区声名卓著,在教学、设施以及 东、丙方管理文化的结合上,都已走到前列。在过去的3年里,我院积极地与国际著名学府成立战略联盟,其中包括加州大学洛杉矶分校、斯 坦福大学和香港大学等,共同开设课程。为幵阔学生的视野,我院与多所同际知名大学合作开展了学 生交流互访活动。我院于1995年正式开办以英文授课的EMBA课程。为了适应亚太地区经济高速增K的迫切需求, 培养更多通晓英文的网际型管理人才,我院于2000年开办了以屮英文双语授课的MBA学位课程。 答案:Part I1、Tian:工 happened to read a short article in a newspaper that

    12、 year ?The article said that just one button battery could contaminate 600,000 liters of water-the equivalent amount of what a man consumes in a lifetime ?That was a big shock to me because I was a battery dealer, having sold millions of batteries for more than eight years. It1s hard to imagine what

    13、 damage 工 could have done if all those batteries were casually thrown away.记者:所以你相信了这些报道,然后开始收集废旧电池,是吗?Tian: That抯 right.工 found out that used batteries were directly thrown into rivers, or buried in the fields. I knew they were very harmful for environment and found it crucial to collect these used

    14、 batteries for environmental protection. Since then I started this collecting work.I己者.人们理解你的做法吗?Tian: Not in the beginning. To call upon people to protect environment I made 600 collecting boxes, all at my own expense.记者:听说你在当地-家报纸上登了一则启事,号召大家都来回收废旧电池,保护环境。真不简单。 Tian: Some people, however, laughed

    15、me off, some thought I was being silly and others accused me of fishing for fame and compliments?记者:处理那些废电池麻烦吗?Tian: Yes, it remains a worldwide problem to deal with used batteries. But my work is to draw people s attention to the proper disposal of used batteries .Part II2、女士们、先生们:这己经不是我第一次参加讨论亚洲事务

    16、的博螯论坛。事实上,本人非常幸运地见证了博鳌亚洲 论坛的诞生,那还是在2002年春天,在屮国海爾将的博鳌。我非常高兴再次参加论坛会议,也非常 高兴地看到博鳌亚洲论坛在发展壮大一它聚集了各国政府、商界和民间团休,共同探讨与亚洲和亚 洲人民密切相关的问题。在博鳌亚洲论坛诞生时,还出现了另外一个论坛。可能你们许多人都听说过这个论坛,它叫亚 洲合作对话,简称ACD。我曾经在博螯亚洲论坛第一次年会上谈到这个话题。当时,我介绍了ACD这 个独特的部长级论坛。它首次通过对话与合作来整合所有亚洲次区域,包括东亚、南亚和西亚。在那 次会议上,我曾提议ACD与博鳌亚洲论坛密切合作,因为它们的H标都足促进亚洲地R的

    17、合作与繁荣。今天上午,我希望能向大家介绍我关于亚洲如何在卅界经济中实现繁荣的理念。这些理念并不 陌生,但还需要强调。首先,亚洲的活力是未来世界经济的关键。第二,亚洲具有的多样性是这一地 区的重要实力。第三,如果各国政府与商界共N努力,亚洲地区的合作将得以巩固。第四,亚洲的合 作将提升这一地区的竞争力。这种心态,用我的话说就是亚洲能够做到。3、 Ladies and gentlemen,The Asian-Pacific Management School was officially established in 1985 ?20 years has passed and the school

    18、 has become a famous one in Asian-Pacific region, for its excellent teaching performance, advanced facilties and the integration of western and eastern management cultures.工n the past three years, we have formed strategic alliance with world famous colleges and universities through joint programs. A

    19、mong these universities are UCLA, Stanford University and Hong Kong University. To broaden our students 1 vision, we have carried out student exchange programs with a number of internationally renowned universities.Back in 1995, we started to offer EMBA courses in English. Later, in order to meet the urgent need along with the rapid growth of economy in the Asian-Pacific Region, and to train more excellent international managerial personnel who have good command of English, our school came to offer MBA courses in both Chinese and English in 2000.


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