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    1、2024/8/301 英语学术论文写作英语学术论文写作Academic WritingAcademic Writing 2024/8/302Introduction of the course2024/8/303I.英语学术论文的性质n英语学术论文是指用英语撰写的英语学术论文是指用英语撰写的自然科学和社会科学的著作,既自然科学和社会科学的著作,既可指用于发表的科技论文和报告,可指用于发表的科技论文和报告,也可指非正式发表的实验报告和也可指非正式发表的实验报告和方案,各类科技情报和文字资料,方案,各类科技情报和文字资料,科技使用手册科技使用手册;也包括大学本科生、也包括大学本科生、研究生的研究生

    2、的学期论文学期论文和和毕业论文毕业论文。2024/8/304II.课程论文,学年论文,学位论文课程论文,学年论文,学位论文课程论文课程论文(course work essay):英语专业本科生在高年级阶段:英语专业本科生在高年级阶段就各类专业课程或选修课程所提交的小论文。写法随意,简单就各类专业课程或选修课程所提交的小论文。写法随意,简单明了,围绕所学课程,就任课老师布置的问题或自己所发现的明了,围绕所学课程,就任课老师布置的问题或自己所发现的问题发表一些见解和观点问题发表一些见解和观点学年论文学年论文(term paper):大学高年级阶段在有经验的教师指导下:大学高年级阶段在有经验的教师指


    4、程序性的学术答辩。Bachelor thesis,Master thesis,Doctoral dissertationThesis 和和dissertation 的区别的区别BrE:dissertationB.A.M.A.thesis Ph.D.AmE:thesis B.A.M.A.dissertation Ph.D.2024/8/305III.学士学位论文特点学士学位论文特点n1、内容。、内容。侧重于科学研究规范的基本训练,综合侧重于科学研究规范的基本训练,综合考察学生运用所学本专业理论、知识、技能分析和考察学生运用所学本专业理论、知识、技能分析和解决实际问题的能力。解决实际问题的能力。表




    8、改充实,提高论文质量。是在书面审阅后的一种答辩评价。一般侧重于:书面审阅后的一种答辩评价。一般侧重于:n1)论文中是否有阐述不清、重点不突出的;论文中是否有阐述不清、重点不突出的;n2)论文中是否有重大遗漏、失误的;)论文中是否有重大遗漏、失误的;n3)对论文涉及的创造性问题有无更充分的材料;)对论文涉及的创造性问题有无更充分的材料;n4)论文涉及的学科范围内基础知识的深度、广度)论文涉及的学科范围内基础知识的深度、广度是否牢固。是否牢固。VI学士论文的结构学士论文的结构nTitle nAbstractn中文摘要中文摘要nAcknowledgementsnContentsnList of ta

    9、bles and figures(if any)nIntroductionnMain bodynConclusionnBibliographynAppendices(if any)92024/8/3010VII.Language Features1)1)词汇特色词汇特色 在在词词汇汇表表达达上上,英英语语学学术术论论文文用用词词规规范范、严严谨谨;多多倾倾向向于于使使用用正正式式语语体体的的词词语语,除除非非出出于于修修辞辞效效果果上上的的考考虑虑,一一般般不不用用俚俚、俗俗语语,忌忌讳讳“插插科科打打诨诨”的的语语气气1 1,力力求求给给人人以以持持重重感感,避避免免流流于于谐谐谑谑、轻轻诮

    10、诮;较较多多使使用用专专业业化化技技术术词词汇汇。为为摆摆脱脱句句子子冗冗长长、结结构构盘盘结结之之弊弊,学学术术英英语语重重简简明明、畅畅达达,重重条条理理性性、纪纪实实性性和和充充分分的的论论据据,它它强强调调论论理理的的客客观观性性,不不主主张张作作者者表表露露个个人人的的感感情情,倡倡导导在在论论证证中中排排除除感感情情因因素素,尽尽其其“解解释释”而而非非“感感召召”之之功功能能,因因而而用用词词正式正式,多使用,多使用中性词、非人格化的词中性词、非人格化的词 2024/8/3011n1)使用词的完整形式,使用词的完整形式,避免使用省略形式:使用避免使用省略形式:使用do not 而

    11、非而非dont;will not 而非而非wont;it is/it has而非而非its;there is 而非而非theres;they have 而而非非 theyve,等。等。n2)使用正式或标准词,使用正式或标准词,避免使用不正规或非标准的避免使用不正规或非标准的词或词组,诸如口语、俚语和忌讳性的词组:词或词组,诸如口语、俚语和忌讳性的词组:用用Cannot tolerate it 代替代替 cant hack it;用用I do not have any idea代替代替 I dont have a clue;用用please go away 代替代替 flake off.口语中的

    12、表达法口语中的表达法如如“naff”,“ok”,“maybe”取而代之以取而代之以“unsuccessful”,“acceptable”,“perhaps”n3)使用具体的词和词组,使用具体的词和词组,避免使用模糊或不确切的避免使用模糊或不确切的术语:避免使用术语:避免使用 bit,thing,stuff 等词。等词。2024/8/3012n4)尽量选用单词的首要含义,避免利用单词不常见、不正式尽量选用单词的首要含义,避免利用单词不常见、不正式或文学含义的词:例如:或文学含义的词:例如:na)表示原因时,避免使用具有较强时间含义的表示原因时,避免使用具有较强时间含义的“since”来来代替代替

    13、“because”。n劣:劣:Since solvent reorganization is a potential contributor,the selection of data is very important.n优:优:Because solvent reorganization is a potential contributor,the selection of data is very important.nb)用用“and”或或“or”时含义要明确,避免用斜线符号(时含义要明确,避免用斜线符号(/)。)。n劣:劣:Hot/cold extremes will damage

    14、the samples.n优:优:Hot and cold extremes will damage the samples.ninjected with the only test compound.(表示表示no other test compounds)2024/8/3013n5)避免使用双重否定表达法。避免使用双重否定表达法。如:如:n劣:劣:This reaction is not uncommon.n优:优:This reaction is common;或:或:This reaction is rare;或:或:This reaction occurs about 40%of t

    15、he time.n6)注意起修饰、限制作用单词的位置。注意起修饰、限制作用单词的位置。例如:例如:nOnly the largest group was injected with the test compound.(表示表示no other group).nThe largest group was injected with only the test compound.(表示表示no other compounds).nThe largest group was only injected with the test compound.(表示表示not give the compoun

    16、d in any other way).nThe largest group was injected with the only test compound.(表示表示no other test compounds)3.2024/8/3014 7)常常用用词词汇汇专专业业化化(Professionalized terms)学学术术写写作作的的用用词词具具有有高高度度术术语语性性,其其专专业业术术语语多多来来源源于于拉拉丁丁语语和和希希腊腊语语。他他们们的的意意义义比比较较稳稳定定,利利于精确地表达概念。于精确地表达概念。nTo analyze a discourse may be consi

    17、dered to select one level of phonology,or other levels like graphonological level,semantical and lexical level,textual level,syntactic level and level of textual orientation.In general,these levels can be applied to analyzing a discourse.The analysis of legal English will be initiated from the lexic

    18、al level,the textual level and syntactic level.2024/8/3015n8)使用中性词使用中性词n避免使用避免使用“man”,代之以代之以“people”,“humans”,“human beings”,“human species”,等。例如:等。例如:n劣:劣:Mans search for beauty and truth has resulted in some of his greatest accomplishments.n优:优:The search for beauty and truth has resulted in some

    19、of our greatest accomplishments.n同样,根据表达需要用同样,根据表达需要用“workers”,“staff”,“work force”,“labor”,“crew”“employees”,“personnel”等代替等代替“manpower”;用用“synthetic”,“artificial”,“built”,“constructed”,“manufactures”,“factory-made”等代替等代替“manmade”.n避免使用避免使用“he”,“his”,“he or she”,“his or her”等,代之等,代之以以“they”,“theirs

    20、”,“we”,“us”,“ours”,等等;尽量不使用尽量不使用第一人称代词第一人称代词“I”和第二人称代词和第二人称代词“you”,若不能避免,若不能避免,用第三人称指示性的词如用第三人称指示性的词如“the writer”,“the present author”等。如等。如:n劣:劣:The principal investigator should place an asterisk after his name.n优:优:Principal investigator should place an asterisk after their names.2024/8/3016n9)使用

    21、非人格化的词使用非人格化的词(depersonalization)n在学术写作中,作者一般都极力避免在表达一种在学术写作中,作者一般都极力避免在表达一种意见或观点时带有个人色彩,而尽量使用非人格意见或观点时带有个人色彩,而尽量使用非人格化的词汇。化的词汇。例如:例如:nIt can be seen that,而不使用而不使用 you can see thatnIt is commonly believed that,而不使用而不使用 I believen其它表达如:其它表达如:it is argued;it is found through research/Research has foun

    22、d/Studies have revealed;it is estimated;it is contended,等等等等。2024/8/3017n使用非人格化的词使用非人格化的词uConcerning the use of voices,it is widely accepted that passives are applied much more frequently in academic papers than in most other types of writing,e.g.narratives,recipes,advertisements,etc.2024/8/3018 10)

    23、动词名词化动词名词化(Nominalization)-从动态过程从动态过程变成存在状态变成存在状态n名词化倾向主要是指广泛使用能表示动作或状名词化倾向主要是指广泛使用能表示动作或状态的抽象名词或起名词功用的非限定动词。例如态的抽象名词或起名词功用的非限定动词。例如:nThis disposal method can exacerbate of forming odor emissions and contribute to soil contamination.2024/8/3019 10)动词名词化动词名词化(Nominalization)-从动态过从动态过程变成存在状态。通常由动词或形容词

    24、派生而来程变成存在状态。通常由动词或形容词派生而来n名词化倾向主要是指广泛使用能表示动作或状态名词化倾向主要是指广泛使用能表示动作或状态的的抽象名词抽象名词或或起名词功用的非限定动词起名词功用的非限定动词。例如。例如:nThis disposal method can exacerbate of forming odor emissions and contribute to soil contamination.nIn another experiment at Yale University,Dr.Jerome Singer observed improved concentration.

    25、nGrowth of trade depends greatly on availability of energy sources.2024/8/3020 10)动词名词化动词名词化(Nominalization)-从动词或从动词或形容词派生或转化来的,具有动作意义。形容词派生或转化来的,具有动作意义。从动态从动态过程变成存在状态。过程变成存在状态。It is therefore necessary for an exporter to have knowledge of both foreign culture and the negotiating process in that cul

    26、ture.This includes familiarity with the spoken language and with body language;knowledge of the countrys social customs and formalities;awareness of the degree to which subtleness or,inversely,directness is current in negotiations;undertanding of the use of in formal talks.2024/8/3021 10)动词名词化动词名词化(

    27、Nominalization)-从动词或从动词或形容词派生或转化来的,具有动作意义。形容词派生或转化来的,具有动作意义。从动态从动态过程变成存在状态。过程变成存在状态。It is therefore necessary for an exporter to have knowledge of both foreign culture and the negotiating process in that culture.This includes familiarity with the spoken language and with body language;knowledge of t

    28、he countrys social customs and formalities;awareness of the degree to which subtleness or,inversely,directness is current in negotiations;undertanding of the use of in formal talks.2024/8/30222)2)句法特色句法特色 学学术术论论文文句句子子结结构构较较复复杂杂,句句型型变变化化及及扩扩展展样样式式多多。文章的逻辑性较强,具体体现在:文章的逻辑性较强,具体体现在:动动词词一一般般现现在在时时和和被被动动态

    29、态的的出出现现频频率率较较高高,多多使使用用陈陈述述句句和和复复杂杂句句,一一般般不不使使用用祈祈使使句句、反反意意问问句句和和感感叹叹句句;很很少少使使用用夸夸张张、拟拟人人、借借代代、比比喻喻等等修修辞辞手手段段。多多数数使使用用完完全全句句,很很少少使使用用省省略略句句。较较多多地地使使用用形形式式主主语语itit引引导导的的句句式式和和用用that that 引引导导的的主主语语从从句句;较较多多使使用用非非谓谓语语动动词词形形式式。另另外外,主主从从复复合合句、同位语、插入语地使用频率也较高句、同位语、插入语地使用频率也较高 2024/8/3023n1.复杂句和长句复杂句和长句(Co

    30、mplex sentences)n有时,论文写作中被描述的问题较复杂,需要有时,论文写作中被描述的问题较复杂,需要使用复合句来清楚地表达,因此,各类复合句和长使用复合句来清楚地表达,因此,各类复合句和长句在学术论文中出现的频率也较高。例如:句在学术论文中出现的频率也较高。例如:nDebt is distinguishable from the above two categories,which together comprise“equity”,in that the corporation must repay the debt holders contribution within a

    31、certain time and debt holders are entitled to regular payment of fixed interest rather than to such dividends as the directors may declare.n句中句中which引起的非限制性定语从句引起的非限制性定语从句,in that引起引起的状语从句以及的状语从句以及such as 引起的定语从句引起的定语从句2024/8/3024n2.大量使用被动语态大量使用被动语态n 由于学术英语以叙述某一过程、强调事实为主,句子的重由于学术英语以叙述某一过程、强调事实为主,句子的

    32、重点往往不在于点往往不在于“谁做谁做”而在于而在于“做什么做什么”和和“怎样做怎样做”,因,因此动作的执行者常处于无关紧要的地位此动作的执行者常处于无关紧要的地位,而且,作者在占重而且,作者在占重要语法成分的主语中可放入大量的信息。例如:要语法成分的主语中可放入大量的信息。例如:n At welding temperature,the metal sheets apply the pressure,thus it squeezes out the oxide film,and any impurities which are trapped between the sheets,and mak

    33、es the weld.n At welding temperature,a strong pressure is applied to the metal sheets,thus the oxide film and any impurities which are trapped between the sheets,are squeezed out,and the weld is made.Which is better?Which is better?2024/8/3025n3.it句型及结构句型及结构(It+be+adj./participle(分词分词)+that clause)n

    34、学学术术论论文文重重客客观观事事实实,强强调调论论理理的的客客观观性性,不不主主张张作作者者表表述述中中带带有有个个人人主主观观色色彩彩,在在文文献献回回顾顾、结果讨论等部分常常使用结果讨论等部分常常使用it句型及结构。例如句型及结构。例如:uIt was shown that nitrite(亚亚硝硝酸酸盐盐)could be substituted for nitrate(硝硝酸酸盐盐)in the cure solution with the production of a more uniform and completely satisfactory product in a sho

    35、rter period of time.uIt is apparent that the behavior of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by the viscosity of the fluid and the speed at which it is pumped.2024/8/3026n4.非谓语动词的大量使用非谓语动词的大量使用n 非谓语动词在学术论文写作中的大量运用是为了非谓语动词在学术论文写作中的大量运用是为了减少时间从句或表示时间的句子的使用减少时间从句或表示时间的句子的使用,从而达到行从而达到行文更紧凑地效果文更紧凑

    36、地效果。例如:。例如:nWeapon is associated with violence in the mind of English spoken people,referring to the tools which could do harm to others from knives to missiles,while arms are just the fighting tools of soldiers.nThe students of experimental group and control group participating in this experiment w

    37、ere strictly confidential.2024/8/3027n5 名词代替名词从句名词代替名词从句n有时,名词或名词短语可用来代替名词从句以达到有时,名词或名词短语可用来代替名词从句以达到确切、简洁的目的。例如:确切、简洁的目的。例如:nIt is necessary to examine whether the new design is efficient.The examination of the efficiency of the new design is necessary.2024/8/3028n6.同位语及插入成分同位语及插入成分n在学术论文写作中,同位语可用来

    38、进一步说明前在学术论文写作中,同位语可用来进一步说明前面某一名词的内容,使本位语的含意具体化;同面某一名词的内容,使本位语的含意具体化;同样地,插入成分的运用也是为了进一步补充说明样地,插入成分的运用也是为了进一步补充说明句子的含意,使表达更明确,清晰。句子的含意,使表达更明确,清晰。例如例如:n The owners of the corporation,the shareholders,do not as a general ruler have any personal liability for corporate debts,so that their financial expos

    39、ure is said to be“limited”to their investment in the corporation.2024/8/3029 Politicians and political parties may be different from country to country,but I know peoples political views fall into only three categories.First is the conservative.I havent traveled much,but in my experience conservativ

    40、es are all alike no matter where they live.They want to be comfortable,but they dont want to spend much on anyone elses comfort or welfare.Second is the liberal.From what Ive read in the newspapers,liberals seem to want the government to do everything.They usually dont have much experience in the re

    41、al world of hard work.Third are the middle-of-the-roaders.Middle-of-the-roaders cant make up their minds about what side to be on.In my opinion,most people are in this class.I dont think I fit any of these categories,but you can place most people into one of these three groups.2024/8/3030nExercise:i

    42、mprove the following sentence1.We should take measures to promote the balanced development of import and export.Measures should be taken to promote the balanced development of import and export.1.Looking from trade structure,the processing trade takes a big part in Chinas foreign trade.In terms of/W

    43、ith regards to trade structure,the processing trade takes a big part in Chinas foreign trade.2024/8/3031nExercise:improve the following sentence1.The best solution is both sides promote the development of high technology trade actively.The best solution is that both sides promote the development of

    44、high technology trade actively.The best solution is both sides promoting the development of high technology trade actively.To solve the problem,both sides should promote the development of high technology trade actively.2024/8/3032nExercise:improve the following sentence1.Make RMB appreciate to prom

    45、ote the economic structure adjustment and promote industrial upgrading.Its necessary to make RMB appreciate to promote the economic structure adjustment and promote industrial upgrading.RMB should be made to appreciate to promote the economic structure adjustment and promote industrial upgrading.1.2

    46、024/8/3033nExercise:improve the following sentence1.From what are analyzed above,we can see that Chinese Small and medium-sized enterprise has some disadvantages factors in the international competition.From what are analyzed above,it can be seen that Chinese small and medium-sized enterprise has so

    47、me disadvantages factors in the international competition.2024/8/3034nTranslation(nominalization)nProblem section,the first required section of a research report,is the statement of the problem with which the research project is concerned.This section requires a precise statement of the underlying q

    48、uestion which the researcher has set out to answer.In this same section there should be an explanation of the significance social,economic,medical,psychological,educational,etc.of the question;in other words,why the investigation was worth conducting.2024/8/3035 Thus,if we set out,for example,to ans

    49、wer the question“What is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager?”we must explain that the question is thought to have significant relevance to the health of this segment of the population and might lead to some sort of regulation on such foods.2024/8/3

    50、036Assignments:Find 3 articles from academic journals according to your own interest and copy themRequirements:1.Articles should bear:Title,authors name,Journals name,issue number,2.Distinguish which are research paper/applied study/practical studyWhat is research?nLook at the following situationSit


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