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    1、08级国贸资料整理Chapter 1 General introduction Learning objectives: Define international trade Explain the reasons for international trade Identify the benefits of international trade Explain the major categories of international trade Tell the differences between domestic trade and international tradeDefi

    2、nition of international trade International trade refers to the exchange of goods and service between nations.Reasons for international trade1) Resource reasons:a. Uneven distribution of natural resources;b. Development of human and technological resources2) Economic reasons:i.e. economic benefits3)

    3、 Other reasons:A. Political objectivesB. Diversification of the productC. ConsumersrequirementsBenefits of international tradeEconomic growthCheaper goods or servicesGreater varietyDifferences between international trade and domestic trade Different language and culture Different currency Different

    4、legal system and policies Different risk levels Different difficulties and managementClassification of international tradeExport tradeImport tradeTransit tradeDirect tradeIndirect tradeEntrepot tradeVisible tradeInvisible tradeBarter tradeFree-liquidation tradeChapter 2 International Trade TermsThin

    5、k about it:l 按FOB条件达成的合同,凡需租船运输的大宗货物,应在合同中具体证明( )A. 装船费用由谁负担 B. 卸货费用由谁负担C. 保险费用由谁负担l 当我在进口合同中使用FOBST条件或在出口合同中使用CIF ex ships hold条件时, 在使用班轮运输船的情况下,我是否有权向对方收回装货费或卸货费?为什么?l 我某出口公司按CIF条件向德国某进口商出口一批草帽,向中国人民保险公司投保了一切险, 并规定用信用证方式支付。 我出口公司在规定的期限、指定的我国某港口装船完毕,船公司签发了提单,然后去中国银行议付款项。第二天,出口公司接到客户来电,称:装货的海轮在海上失火,

    6、草帽全部烧毁,要求我公司出面向中国人民保险公司提出索赔,否则要求我公司退回全部货款。问:该批交易按CIF汉堡条件成交,对客户的要求我公司应如何处理?为什么?有关贸易术语的国际贸易惯例 、 1932年华沙牛津规则l 2、1941年美国对外贸易定义修正本l 3、国际贸易术语解释通则 l INCOTERMS国际贸易惯例的性质与作用国际贸易惯例是长期实践中产生的为人们承认接受的习惯做法与规则,但它不是各国的共同立法,也不是某一国的法律,他们对买卖双方没有强制的约束力,只有实际的效力,是否采用完全由双方当事人决定。 l ICC : International Chamber Of Commerciall

    7、 (国际商会)l INCOTERMS 2000(2000年国际贸易术语解释通则) International Commercial TERMSBasics of Incoterms 20001. Scope of governance a. the relation between sellers and buyers b. the contract of sale c. delivery of the goods sold2. Division of obligation and cost + Transfer of risks Learning Objectives:l To unders

    8、tand the role of trade termsl To understand the six commonly used termsl To study the special issues in practice1. Trade terms and International Rulesl Trade terms (price terms or delivery terms)l Range of use: in sales contractsl contents: place Manner for transfer Price Shifting risk of loss Cost

    9、of freight and insurance Purpose: to simplify the process of negotiation of contract, thus save the time of cost for business.Four categories of Incotermsl 1) the “E” term: EXWl 2) the “F” terms: FCA, FAS and FOBl 3) the “C” terms: CFR, CIF, CPT and CIPl 4) the “D” terms: DAF, DES, DEQ, DDU and DDP2

    10、. FOB, CFR and CIFl FOBl Free on board (named port of shipment)l In FOB, the seller is required to deliver goods on board a vessel that is to be designated by the buyer at a particular port.l FOB Singaporel FOB s.s DongFong QingdaoThe sellers obligation under FOB:l 1) providing the goodsl 2) obtaini

    11、ng export license and other documentsl 3) carrying out all customs formalities for exportl 4) delivering the goods on board and notify the buyerl Notes for 4):l a. the vessel designated by buyerl b. at the particular portl c. within the stipulated time periodl 5) bearing all risks of loss of or dama

    12、ge to the goods until the time theyve passed the ships raill 6) providing the commercial documents, or its equivalent electronic message to buyerThe buyer obligation under FOB:l 1) obtaining import license or other official authorization l 2) carrying out all import customs formalitiesl 3) preparing

    13、 carriage from the named port of shipmentl Notes for 3):l a. paying the freightl b. informing the seller of the name and the date of arrival of the shipl 4) bearing all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time theyve passed the ships raill 5) taking delivery of the goods, making payment

    14、 to the sellerl FOBl Scope of use: sea or inland waterway transportSpecial issues in practice:l 1.the passing point of riskl FOB, CFR and CIF: the passing point of risking is the ships rail.l Problem: how to loadl Suggestion: it is better for businessmen to stipulate the sellers and buyers responsib

    15、ility and risks.l 2. linkage between ships and goods under FOB 1) The buyer should give the seller sufficient notice of the vessel name, loading point and required delivery time on time. 2) The seller should inform the buyer after the goods are on board 3) The party who can not fulfill their obligat

    16、ions shall bear all the risks or damage caused.Variations of FOB Terms 变体l FOB Liner Terms: FOB 班轮条件l FOB Under Tackle: FOB吊钩下交货l FOB Stowed: FOB理舱费在内l FOB Trimmed: FOB平舱费在内l FOB Stowed and Trimmed: FOB理舱费和平舱 费在内CFR l COST AND FREIGHT (named port of destination)l 成本加运费(指定目的港)l Under the CFR term, th

    17、e seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination.Shipment advice(转船通知)A shipping advice containsDifference with FOBl The seller instead of the buyer is responsible for making arrangement of the ship (chartering a ship or booking a space)DIY: the o

    18、bligations of seller and buyerThe obligation of seller:1) Be responsible for booking the shipping space, deliver the goods on board the vessel at the port of shipment on the date or within the period stipulated.2) Give the buyer the shipping advice at once after shipment, so that the buyer can arran

    19、ge for insurance 3) bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until such time as they have passed the ships rail at the port of shipment.4) clear the goods for export and provide export license or other official authorization for the exportation of the goods.The buyers obligations:1) bear all

    20、 risks or damage to the goods from the time they have passed the ships rail at the port of shipment.2) arrange for insurance and pay the insurance premium.3) accept the documents when tendered by the seller, if they are in conformity with the contract of sale, and pay the price as provided in the co

    21、ntract.4)accept delivery of goods when they have been delivered at the named port of destination and bear all charges as well as the cost of carrying out the customs formalities payable upon importation of the goods and, where necessary, for their transit through another country.Special issues under

    22、 CFRl Shipping advice(装船通知)l A shipping advice contains the vessel name, the voyage number, the sailing date and the date of loading.l The purpose:l 1)to inform the buyer or its agent to make preparation for taking delivery of goodsl 2) to inform the buyer to effect the insuranceExample of shipping

    23、adviceS/CC215 L/C7643 4000DOZEN SHIRTS SHIPPED PENGCHING101 SAILING26The variations of CFRl CFR Liner Terms (CFR班轮条件 )l CFR Landed (CFR卸至码头)l CFR Ex Tackle (CFR吊钩下交货)l CFR Ex Ships Hold (CFR舱底交货)CIF (named port of destination) l COST, INSURANCE AND FREIGHTl 成本、保险加运费 (指定目的港)Under CIF term, the seller

    24、 must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to a named port of destination, and must also procure marine insurance against the buyers risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.Compared with CFRl CIF is the same as CFR except that the seller is responsible for effect

    25、ing insurance, paying the premium(保险费).l (the insurance required under a CIF contract has to cover minimum conditions)In general, CIF involves the exporter in three contracts:Contract of sale;Contract of insurance;Contract of transportation.The sellers obligations under CIFl 1) providing the goods l

    26、 2) clearing the goods for exportl 3) obtaining export license or other official authorization for the exportation of the goodsl 4) chartering a ship or booking a spacel 5) delivering the goods on board the vessel at the port of shipment on the date or within the period stipulated and notifying the

    27、buyerl 6) bearing all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until such time as they have passed the ships rail at the port of shipmentl 7) arranging for an insurance and paying the costs of freight and insurance8) Providing the buyer with relative documents including the insurance policyBuyers obl

    28、igations under CIFl 1) bearing al risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the time they have passed the ships rail at the port of shipmentl 2) accepting the documents when tendered by the seller, if they are in conformity with the contract of sale, and pay the price as provided in the contractl

    29、 3) taking delivery of the goods when they have been delivered at the named port of destination and bearing all charges of unloading goodsl 4) clearing the goods for importl 5) carrying out customs formalities for importation of goodsVariations of CIFl CIF Liner Terms:l CIF Landed:l CIF Ex-Ships Hol

    30、d:l To solve the problem: who will bear the charges of unloading the goods at the port of destinationl 注意:CIF的变形只是为了说明目的港卸货费用的负担问题,并不改变CIF的交货地点和风险划分界线。The use of CIFl CIF is preferred by buyerl 1) it means they have little to do with the goods until the goods arrive at the port of destination in the

    31、ir country.l 2) it allows buyers to compare prices from suppliers around the world without having to take into consideration differing freight rates, since the seller pays the freight and insurance.l Seller “like” CIF too: under the pressure from their government, seller is required to use domestic

    32、carriers and insurers.Special issues in practice of CIFl 保险险别 一般做法是, 在签订买卖合同时,在合同的保险条款中,明确规定保险险别、保险金额等内容,这样,卖方就应按照合同的规定办理投保。 但如果合同中未能就保险险别等问题作出具体规定,那就根据有关惯例来处理。按照2000年通则对CIF的解释,卖方只须投保最低程度的险别,但买方可以要求卖方办理附加保险。象征性交货问题l 象征性交货(symbolic delivery)规定的包括物权凭证在内的有关单证,就算完成了交货义务,而无需保证货到。l 特点:卖方凭单交货,买方凭单付款。l 只要卖方

    33、如期向买方提交了合同规定的全套合格单据(名称、内容和份数相符的单据),即使货物在运输途中损坏或灭失,买方也必须履行付款义务。反之,如果卖方提交的单据不符合要求,即使货物完好无损地运到目的地,买方仍有权拒付货款。卸货费用负担问题l 按照CIF交货条件,卖方负责将合同规定的货物运往合同规定的目的港,并支付正常的运费。那么货到目的港的卸货费用应由谁来负担?l 根据通则的解释,如无相反的规定,应由买方负担。l 华沙牛津规则和美国对外贸易定义并未对这一问题作出具体规定。CASE STUDY 1 我西北某市某出口公司于某年12月向日本出口30吨甘草膏,每吨40箱共1200箱,每吨售价为1800美元FOB新

    34、港,共54,000美元,即期信用证,装运期为12月25日前,货物必须装集装箱。该公司在12月上旬便将货物运到天津,并负责订箱装船。不料货物在天津存仓后的第三天,仓库午夜着火,1200箱货物全部被焚。该公司只好要求日商将装运期延长15天,重新发货。Case Study 2某公司按FOB与一外商成交,合同规定交货期为12月。12月8日卖方收到买方发来的派船通知,指定船只将于12月18日到达我港口。卖方遂准备好货物于12月16日运到了码头。可是直至12月26日船舶仍无踪影,当晚发生火灾,使我出口公司货物遭到严重损失。该项损失应由谁承担?Case Study 3某市一进出口公司按CFR贸易术语与法国马

    35、赛一进口商签订一批抽纱台布出口合同,价值8万美元。货物于1月8日上午装“昌盛轮”完毕,当天因经办该项业务的外销员工作繁忙,待到9日上班时才想起给买方发装船通知。法商收到我装船通知向当地保险公司申请投保时,该保险公司已获悉“昌盛轮”已于9日凌晨在海上遇难而拒绝承担。于是法商立即来电表示该批货物损失应由我进出口公司承担并同时索赔8000美元,且拒不赎单。由于该法商是我方老客户,经我方向其申述困难并表示歉意后也就不再坚持索赔,但我方钱货两空的教训实值得吸取。Case Study 4一份CFR合同,A公司卖3000吨小麦给B公司,A公司按规定的时间和地点,将5000吨散装小麦装船,其中的3000吨属于

    36、卖给B公司的,货抵目的港后由船公司负责分拨。A公司装船后及时发出装船通知。受载船只在途中遇险,使该批货损失了3000吨,其余2000吨安全运抵目的港。买方提货时,卖方宣称3000吨小麦已全部灭失,而且按FOB合同,货物风险已在装运港越过船弦时转移给B公司,卖方对此项损失不负任何责任。CASE STUDY 5某公司从美国进口特种异型钢材200吨,每吨按900美元FOB Vessel New York成交,支付方式为即期L/C并应于2月28日前开达,装船期为3月份。我方于2月20日通过中国银行开出一张18万美元的信用证。2月28日美商来电称:“信用证金额不足,应增加1万美元备用。否则有关出口税捐及

    37、各种签证费用,由你方另行电汇”。我方接电后认为这是美方无理要求,随即回电指出:“按FOB Vessel条件成交,卖方应负责出口手续及费用,这在INCOTERMS中已有规定”。美方回电:“成交时未明确规定按INCOTERMS办理,应按我方商业习惯和1941年修正本”。我方只好将信用证金额增加至19万美元。 How to use FOB、CFR、CIF?When exporting CIFWhen importing FOB1. Similarities and Differences between FOB, CFR,CIF2. Price under FOB, CFR, CIFFOB +F(国

    38、外运费)= CFR +I(国外保险费)= CIFFOB=Cost of goods+ Domestic expenses+ ProfitsFCA (named place)v Sellers Obligations1. ResponsibilitiesA. Deliver the goodsB. Clear the goods for exportC. Deliver the goods to the carrier named by the buyerD. Notify the buyer immediatelyE. Deliver the documents of equivalent e

    39、lectronic data2. ExpensesExpenses before the goods have been delivered to the carrier.3. RisksUpon delivery to the carrier.If delivery occurs at the sellers premises, the seller is responsible for loading.If delivery occurs at any other place, the seller is not responsible for unloading.CPT(named pl

    40、ace of destination)CPT=FCA+F(国外运费)CIP(named place of destination)CIP=CPT+I(国外保险费)Relationship between terms in common useFOBFCACFRCPTCIFCIPRefers to sea & inland waterway transportation Refers to any mode of transportationShips railDelivery to carrier+F+F+I+IOther Trade TermsGroup EEXW(named place )

    41、1) The seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the sellers premises or another named place (i.e. works, factory, warehouse, etc.) not cleared for export and not loaded on any collecting vehicle. 2) This term represents the MINIMUM OBLIGATION for the seller, and the b

    42、uyer has to bear all costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the sellers premises. 3) This term should not be used when the buyer cannot carry out the export formalities directly or indirectly. In such circumstances, the FCA term should be used, provided the seller agrees that he will load

    43、 at his cost and risk.Group FFAS(named port of shipment)1) The seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at the named port of shipment. 2) This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that moment. 3)The FAS term requires the se

    44、ller to clear the goods for export. 4)This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway transport.Group DDAF(named place)1) The seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport not unloaded, cleared for export, but not cleared for import a

    45、t the named point and place at the frontier, but before the customs border of the adjoining country.2) The term frontier may be used for any frontier including that of the country of export. However, if the parties wish the seller to be responsible for the unloading of the goods from the arriving me

    46、ans of transport and to bear the risks and costs of unloading, this should be made clear by adding explicit wording to this effect in the contract of sale. 3) This term may be used for all modes of transport when the goods are to be delivered at a land frontier. DES (named port of destination)1) The seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on board the ship not cleared for import at the n


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