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    1、Student:雷超Number:200937329Major&Class:2009级英语一班Supervisor:黄景On American Black English论美国黑人英语Due to the historic reason,many black people living in America have become a compelling class.Their language Black English has now become the characteristic of the nation because of its astonishing features.T

    2、oday the Black English is very popular in the Hollywood movies and music.Though the sound、form、syntax and lexical system is distinct from the standard English,it is still in line with the principle that language is a system of rules as well as the product under rules operation.Black English is featu

    3、red with its own self-discipline and system.Background of The SubjectOutlineIntroductionThe History of American Black EnglishThe Feature of American Black EnglishThe Influence on American CultureThe Practical Significance of Black EnglishConclusion123456This paper first introduced the history of Ame

    4、rican Black English and then explored these features of American Black English and the differences in its phonetics and grammar with American English.Then it elaborates on the specific aspects of the influences on American Culture,such as language,art and literature.Finally,through the gradually imp

    5、roved status of black people in politics and economy with the integration of blacks and American society,it comes out of the practical significance of American Black English on the American Culture.The Brief Introduction of My PaperThe Key Points of My PaperThe Feature of American Black EnglishThe I

    6、nfluence on American Culture3.The Feature of American Black English3.1 Phonetics Differences3.2 Analysis of the Vocabulary Feature3.3 Grammar4.The Influence on American Culture4.1 The Influence on American English4.2 The Influence on American Art4.3 The Influence on American LiteratureSummaryThe abo

    7、ve discussion of Black English is by no means comprehensive but it can serve our purpose to improve the regulation and state of Black English.The significance of studying the nature of Black English is really multifaceted.Undoubtedly,the Black English makes Black people more dramatic in the movies.W

    8、ith the black music,novels and movies continuously mix into the mainstream of American society,the syntax rules and special vocabulary of Black English begin to be accepted by American English and become parts of the American culture.AcknowledgementsMy initial thanks go to my tutor,Huang Jing,who pa

    9、tiently supervised my dissertation and was at times very willing to offer me good advice or suggestions.Without her help,I could not have finished this dissertation.I am also indebted to other teachers and my classmates who have not only offered me their warm encouragements but also shared with me their ideas and books.Thank You!


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