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    1、湖 南 涉 外 经 济 学 院本科毕业论文(设计)题目A Study of Web-based English Learning Strategies in Middle School网络环境下中学英语学习策略研究作者仇翠娥学院湖南涉外经济学院专业英语学号200801005704指导教师付丽芳二 一二 年 四 月 十五 日湖南涉外经济学院毕业论文(设计)任务书学生姓名: 仇翠娥 学号: 200801005704 专业班级: 英语本科0809班 毕业论文(设计)题目: 网络环境下中学英语学习策略研究 题目类型: 理论研究 毕业论文(设计)时间: 自 2011 年 9 月 15 日开始至 2012

    2、 年 4 月 15 日止1. 毕业论文(设计)内容要求: 1题目类型:(1)理论研究(2)实验研究(3)工程设计(4)工程技术研究(5)软件开发2.主要参考资料1 Chamot, A. U. The role of learning strategies in second language acquisition J. In Michael P. B., Learner Contributions to Language Learning M. Harlow: Longman, 1987.2 Cohen. A. D. Strategies in Learning and Using a Se

    3、cond Language M. London: Longman, 1998.3 O Malley, J.& Chamot. A Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition M. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.4 Oxford, R. Language Learning Strategies in a Nutshell: Update and ESL Suggestions. TESOL Journal, 1989, No.2(2), 18.5 Stern, H. Fundame

    4、ntal Concepts of Language Teaching M. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.6 Van, L. L. Interaction in the Language Curriculum: Awareness, Autonomy & Authenticity (2ed.) M. New York: Longman, 1997.7 Warschauer , M., Kern, R. Network-based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice M.Cambridge: Cambri

    5、dge University Press, 2000.8 陈军向, The Internet as a TBLT Aid J.第二届中国外语教学法国际研讨会论文集, 2006.9 文秋芳. 英语学习策略论M. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1996.10 文秋芳, 英语学习的成功之路M. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社,2003.3.毕业论文(设计)进度安排阶段阶 段 内 容起止时间1查找并研读资料,拟定提纲2011年9-11月2完成开题报告2011年11月中旬3完成第一稿2011年12月底4完成第二稿2012年2月5定稿2012年4月上旬指导教师(签章):_ 日期:_系(教研室)主任(签章) :

    6、_ 日期:_二级学院院长(签章) :_ 日期:_注:任务书由指导教师本人填写,经教研室主任(学术小组组长)审核后下发给学生。湖南涉外经济学院毕业论文(设计)指导教师评语建议成绩: 指导教师: (签章)年 月 日湖南涉外经济学院毕业论文(设计)评阅教师评语建议成绩: 评阅教师: (签章)年 月 日湖南涉外经济学院毕业论文(设计)答辩记录日期: 学生姓名: 仇翠娥 学号: 200801005704 专业班级: 英语本科0809班 题目: 网络环境下中学英语学习策略研究 毕业论文(设计)答辩委员会(小组)意见:答辩成绩: 评定等级: 答辩委员会(小组)负责人: (签章)委员(小组成员): (签章)

    7、(签章) (签章) (签章) 二级学院审查意见: 论文(设计)最终评定等级:_ 负责人: (签章) _年_月_日ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of the information and economy, English is becoming more and more important. However, most students in middle school have been influenced by educational system and learning environment, they cant learn English

    8、 well. In web-based learning environment, appropriate learning strategy is vital to learn English well. The application of English learning strategies affects the cultivation and formation of language learning competence. Therefore, special emphasis on the research of English learning strategies in

    9、web-based learning environment have great theoretical and practical significance in improving middle school students English level.This paper first presents an overview, classification and importance of language learning strategies. After that, it summarizes some features of web-based learning envir

    10、onment, such as teachers traits, students traits, cultural traits and learning environment and four factors which influence students English learning, include gender, personality, motivation and confidence. And according to Oxfords classification of indirect learning strategies, it proposes three ki

    11、nds of strategy training to improve middle school students English which include meta-cognitive strategy training, affective strategy training and social strategy training. The end, from four aspects, some suggestions are put forward, as follows: raising learners awareness of autonomy and strategy u

    12、se; guiding by teachers; building a more humanizing learning environment by courseware designer; promoting autonomy through curriculum design.Key words: web-based environment; learning strategies; English learning; middle school students摘 要随着信息和经济的飞速发展,英语在人们的生活中变得越来越重要。然而,受教育体制和学习环境等因素的影响,我国的中学生英语学习


    14、一些建议,包括学习者要树立自主学习和使用学习策略的意识;教师的引导;通过软件设计建立一个更富人性化的网络学习环境;课程设置方面多注重学生自主学习等。 关键词:网络环境;学习策略;英语学习;中学生III湖南涉外经济学院本科生毕业论文(设计)ContentsAbstractI摘要IIIntroduction1Chapter 1 An Overview of Language Learning Strategies21.1 Definition of Language LearningStrategies21.2 Classification of Language LearningStrategi

    15、es31.3 Importance of Language Learning Strategies5Chapter 2 Web-based English Learning Strategy of Middle School Students6 2.1 Main Features of Web-based English Learning62.1.1 Teachers Traits62.1.2 Students Traits72.1.3 Culture Traits82.1.4 Learning Environment82.2 Relevant Factors that Influencing

    16、 Learners Strategy Usage92.2.1 Gender92.2.2 Personality102.2.3 Motivation102.2.4 Confidence10 2.3 Strategy Training in Web-based Learning Environment11 2.3.1 Meta-cognitive Strategy Training 11 2.3.2 Affective Strategy Training122.3.3 Social Strategy Training13 Chapter 3 Suggestions of Improving Web

    17、-based Learning15 3.1 Raising Learners Awareness of Autonomy and Strategy Use15 3.2 Guiding by Teachers 16 3.2.1 Selecting Suitable Online Learning Material from the Internet16 3.2.2 Giving Students Relevant Instruction163.2.3 Organizing Students to Communicate on the Internet16 3.2.4 Evaluating Stu

    18、dents Learning Feedback Logs173.3 Building a More Humanizing Learning Environment by Courseware Designers173.4 Promoting Autonomy through Curriculum Design18Conclusion20Bibliography21Acknowledgements23Appendix A: Informative Chinese Abstract24湖南涉外经济学院本科生毕业论文(设计)IntroductionWith the rapid development

    19、 of the information and economy, English is becoming more and more important. Oxford (1990:1) indicates that language learning strategies are “especially important because they are tools for active, self-directed involvement, which is essential for developing English learning competence”. Also, some

    20、 researchers specify that language learning strategies contribute to the development of the English learning competence of students. Meanwhile, many problems of using learning strategy also appear and have restrained web-based learning. Students are lack of proper learning strategies under network c

    21、ontext. Some students usually lack effective web-based learning methods and their study is not well-planned or systematic. When they study under web-based context and meet some problems, they even do not know how to solve these problems. They can not find out some counter-measurements. As for Englis

    22、h learning in web-based learning environment, the focus is how to use learning strategy and help students themselves learn more efficiently. As a result, it is necessary for students to take language learning strategy training to develop their English learning competence.In general, the situation in

    23、 English language teaching is changing and students are given more opportunities to learn English, but the result is not satisfactory for various complicated reasons. The basic one is the lack of effective learning methods and strategies in English learning. So, as teachers they have a responsibilit

    24、y to train the students to be able to learn English in the real world outside the classroom and the testing room. And teaching students how to learn and training them in learning strategies is English teachers important task at present time.This paper falls into three chapters. Specifically speaking

    25、, besides the introduction and conclusion, it is organized as follows:Chapter one is the general overview of language learning strategies, including the definition, classification on language learning strategies and importance of language learning strategies.Chapter two summarizes some features of w

    26、eb-based learning environment and four factors which influence students English learning and proposes some indirect English learning strategy training to improve middle school students English. Chapter three puts forward four corresponding suggestions to improve web-based learning.Chapter 1 An Overv

    27、iew of Language Learning StrategiesLanguage Learning Strategy is considered as one of the most influential factors in the field of second language learning. The importance of language learning strategies is a topic in the acquisition of English as a second or foreign language that commands that atte

    28、ntion of researches world-wild (Green & Oxford, 1995: 13). This chapter summarizes a number of definitions of language learning strategies and classification of language learning strategies. Then it discusses the importance of language learning strategies.1. 1 Definition of Language Learning Strateg

    29、iesLanguage learning strategies refer to all kinds of strategies employed by language learners for effective learning. However, as a matter of fact, up to now there still remain many unresolved issues concerning language learning strategies because researchers studied the strategies from different p

    30、erspectives. Different definitions of learning strategies,narrow or broad in scope,can be found in the literature. For instance, the following definitions of learning strategies demonstrate a number of different opinions of some influential researchers. Tarone (1981: 17): Learning strategies are att

    31、empts to develop linguistic and sociolinguistic competence in the target language.Stern (1983: 5): In our view strategy is best reserved for general tendencies or overall characteristics of the approach employed by the language learner, leaving techniques as the term to refer to particular forms of

    32、observable learning behavior.Chamot (198 7: 4): Learning strategies are techniques, approaches or deliberate actions that students take in order to facilitate the learning, recall of both linguistic and content area information.Rubin (1987: 15): Learning strategies are strategies which contribute to

    33、 the development of the language system which the learner constructs and affect learning directly.Oxford (1989: 18): Language learning strategies are behaviors or actions which learners use to make language learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable.Wen Qiufang (1996: 21): Learning strate

    34、gies are the measures taken to enhance learning. The aim of strategy use is to improve learning efficiency.Cohen (1998: 129): Second language learning strategies encompass both second language learning and second language use strategies. Taken together, they constitute the steps or actions conscious

    35、ly selected by learners either to improve the learning of a second language, the use of it, or both.In these definitions,a number of terms such as“strategy”,“techniques” and“learning behaviors” are used. It is obvious that these definitions reflect that peoples recognition of strategies goes from a

    36、behavioral level to a more cognitive level.1.2 Classification of Language Learning StrategiesJust as there is debate on defining language learning strategies, no consensus has been reached on categorizing those strategies either. As language learning strategy studies develop and researchers identify

    37、 more and more strategies, the classification schemes become more detailed and complicated which in itself is not frustration because it helps us to have a better understanding of the nature of language learning strategies. At present, the most popular classifications in the field of applied linguis

    38、tics are the following four kinds: (1) OMalley and Chamots three-part-approachOMalley and Chamot (1987: 17-22) classify learning strategies into three major types: cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies and social/affective strategies.Cognitive strategies: They operate directly on incoming

    39、information,manipulating it in ways that enhance learning. They involve interacting with the material to be learned,manipulating the material mentally and physically,or applying a specific technique to a learning task.Meta-cognitive strategies: They are higher order executive skills that make use of

    40、 knowledge about cognitive processes and constitute an attempt to regulate language learning by means of planning, monitoring and evaluating. Social/Affective strategies: They concern the ways in which learners interact with other learners and native speakers.(2) Oxfords two-part-approachOxford (199

    41、0:9-11) considers the aim of language learning strategies as being oriented towards the development of communicative competence. Oxford divides language learning strategies into two main types, direct and indirect, which are further subdivided into 6 groups.Direct strategies: They require mental pro

    42、cessing of the language,including Memory strategies (to memorize words and expressions ad pronunciation as well.); Cognitive strategies (to enable learners to manipulate materials in direct ways, e.g. through reasoning, analysis, note-taking and so on.); Compensation strategies (to guess from the co

    43、ntext, circumlocution, gestures and pause words to make up for missing knowledge.);Indirect strategies: They support and manage language learning without directly involving the target language,including Meta-cognitive strategies (to identify ones needs and preferences, planning, monitoring mistakes,

    44、 and evaluate task success. In a word, to manage the whole learning process); Affective strategies (to identify ones mood and anxiety level, talk about feeling, help learners to manage their emotions and motivation level); Social strategies ( to ask questions, ask for clarification, asking for help,

    45、 talk with a native speaker, and explore culture and social norms, to learn via interaction with others.)In Oxfords system, meta-cognitive strategies help learners to regulate their learning. Affective strategies are concerned with the learners emotional requirements such as confidence, while social strategies lead to increased in


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