1、X X X X学院本科毕业论文(设计)题 目 Translation of Trademark 院(系) 专业 级 班学 号 姓 名 指导教师 成 绩 完成时间 2010 年 5 月iiCONTENTSAbstract.i摘要.ii 1 Introduction.12 The theory of functional equivalence.23 The sources and characteristics of trademark .33.1 The sources of trademark.33.1.1 Name-related trademark.43.1.2 Geographical
2、 name trademark.43.1.3 Exotic trademark.53.1.4 Fabricated trademark.53.2 The characteristics of trademark.63.2.1 Loyalty.63.2.2 Symbolic meaning.63.2.3 Advantageous remembrance.73.2.4 Clarity and coherence.74 Fundamental values in trademark translation .74.1 Information value.84.2 Cultural value .84
3、.3 Appreciation value.84.4 Commercial value.95 Fundamental methods in trademark translation.105.1 Transliteration.105.2 Literal translation.115.3 Free translation.115.4 Additional translation.116 Conclusion .13Bibliography.15Acknowledgements .16ABSTRACTWith the development of globalization, more and
4、 more products from China are walking into the international market. The name of trademark is of great importance in the image of a brand, so trademark translation is the fundamental task to build a worldwide brand. As a result, trademark translation seems even more urgent and important. A good trad
5、emark should be fluent to read, refreshing to see and easy to remember. The different characteristics of different language and the existence of different cultures make translation a recreation process. This paper firstly introduces the theory of Nadas functional equivalence, and then analyzes the s
6、ources and characteristics of trademark; in addition, four basic standards should be followed in translation. They are information value, cultural value, appreciation value and commercial value. Finally this paper proposes four essential translating methods in trademark translation. They are transli
7、teration, literal translation, free translation and additional translation. Therefore, in order to express a good trademark the four basic standards should be obeyed and the four basic translating methods should also be applied. In this way, the goal of attracting consumers will be realized as quick
8、 as possible.Key words: trademark; translation methods; value摘要随着全球化的进程加快,越来越多的中国产品进入国际市场.商标名称是树立品牌形象的重要内容,做好商标名称的翻译工作则是树立全球品牌形象的首要任务,因而商标的翻译工作显得尤为紧迫和重要,一个好的商标应该做到朗朗上口,清新优美和便于记忆.不同特点及民族文化差异的存在使得商标翻译必然成为一个再创造的过程.本文以奈达的功能对等理论为基础,通过对商标名称的来源及特点进行分析,进而提出了翻译过程中需要体现的四项基本价值,即:信息价值,审美价值,文化价值和商业价值.最后,文章阐述了商标名
9、称翻译的四种方法,即音译、直译、意译和增译.因此,一个好的商标在翻译的过程中要依据以上四项基本价值,运用恰当的翻译方法,来达到其吸引顾客的目的.关键词:商标;翻译方法;价值161. IntroductionWith the incessant increasing of the multi-international commodity trade, trademarks become more and more international, especially in the modern society of economic globalization, for opening up o
10、verseas market and setting up the whole world of brand of image, more and more enterprises attach importance to trademark translation, to help a commodity to find a foothold in the marketplace. Being one kind of important means of promotion and instrument in marketing and sales, the trademark, has a
11、n important effect on achieving the goal of enterprise. Every trademark implies its cultural connotation, the producing and accepting of a trademark is actually the process of intercultural communication. The effect of communication depends on how the trademark is translated.Trademark is the name of
12、 products, the agent of brand image. The quality of a trademark good or bad, being widely accepted by public or not, can not completely influence the future of the products and the fate of companies, but it will have a major impact on the product. Trademarks always determine the success or failure o
13、f the product. In modern information society, particularly in nowadays when China is developing international trade and economic relations, trademarks take on a dual mission of economics and cultures, and play a great role. And in which translation of trademark occupied the position that can not be
14、ignored. Therefore, translation of trademark becomes an important and meaningful work. Concerning this, how to translate a trademark good, appears to be very crucial.Unlike little variety of products was available of the past,now the market provides a feast for peoples eyes with various commodities.
15、 Facing so many choices,the consumers naturally consider not only quality but also other factors. Before buying things,people cannot help questioning: “Will the quality be good since its trademark is so ordinary? Whats this commodity for since the meaning of name is vague? Who are willing to buy thi
16、s as it sounds bad and possesses inauspicious meaning? Everyone would like to buy things with both trustable quality and distinctive trademark which can satisfy the consumers psychology of good wish and stimulate their desire to buy it. Although many people think that only the quality of products is
17、 important to the sales in the international market, successful translation of trademark as well as trademark itself is more necessary to attract consumers and make higher sales.2. The theory of functional equivalenceNida put up with “functional equivalence” to replace “dynamic equivalence” in the b
18、ook The theory and practice of translation, which coauthored with Charles Tabor in 1969.He explained:Translating means communicating, and this process depends on what is received by persons hearing or reading a translation. Judging the validity of a translation can not stop with a comparison of corr
19、esponding lexical meanings, grammatical classes, and rhetorical devices. What is important is the extent to which receptors correctly understands and appreciates the translated text. Accordingly, it is essential that functional equivalence be stated primarily in terms of a comparison of the way in w
20、hich the original receptors understood and appreciated the text and the way in which receptors of the translated text understand and appreciate the translated text (P116).Someone may hold the view that functional equivalence translation is a kind of translation that is not accurate for its deviating
21、 from the original in style. However, the accusation of functional equivalence translation in this reason equals to the explanation of “accurate” in a strict way. If you want to have the exact meaning of “accurate”, you must rely on the fact that either the reader in target language or in original l
22、anguage can give a basically identical response to the accepted information. That is to say it is the functional equivalence translation that makes the readers in different languages gives a basically identical response. If you can understand the word “accurate” in this way, it is no doubt that func
23、tional equivalence translation not only can make the translation work easily understood by readers, but much more accurate.Nida considered that translation serves for the ordinary readers or the language embracers. The evaluation of the translation work must combine with readers reaction. As well as
24、 the contrast between the above reaction and the reaction the authorship to original work. General speaking, these two reactions mentioned above indicate that whether the translation work can get a satisfied result in evaluation. It is request that translation work should make readers and authorship
25、 give a basically identical reactions not an exactly identical reactions in dynamic equivalence translation since various differences exist between original language and target language ranging from culture to historical background.The so-called functional equivalence refers to the original language
26、 speakers have the roughly same feeling with the target language speaker when they accept information. In other words, translators must try their best to reconstruct the original language information with the method “cultural equivalence” in semantic and stylistic. Whats more, translators should not
27、 pay attention to original words linguistic structure or formal correspondence but original words meaning and connotation in the process of translation. If you want to realize “functional equivalence” in trademark translation, these following tips should be highly emphasized: first, customer is God.
28、 As a kind of popular and influential artistic form, trademark translation should be based on consumers appreciation ability and easily acceptable verbalism. Second, translators should take advantage of translated language and objectively functional equivalence. In view of the existence of cultural
29、differences between original language and target language, mechanical form equivalence is able to make vivid trademarks in original language become meaningless in translated language. If translators want to realize the functional equivalence in trademark, they must take advantage of translated langu
30、age to make reconstruction. The final purpose of trademark translation is using the most ordinary language style and approximately cultural equivalence to translate the original trademark so as to cause the similar reaction between the consumers in both translated language and original language.3. T
31、he sources and characteristics of trademark3.1 The sources of trademarkThe sources of goods always are associated with the founder of the enterprise and its birthplace. Different commodities have different connotations because of different geographical and cultural conditions. The combination and un
32、derstanding of goods is a right way and a prerequisite for the translation of trademark. Throughout the forms of trademarks, trademark names can be named according to peoples names, names of places, exotic names and fabrication.3.1.1 Name-related trademarkTrademarks named after enterprises, the foun
33、der of the company, product or invention patent holders is the international norm. Such as Ford(福特), Benz (奔驰), Cadbury (吉百利), Sassoon (沙宣), Li Ning (李宁), the famous car “Audi” is translated into“奥迪”, “Cadillac” is“卡迪拉克”in Chinese, “Ford” is“福特”.Those translated names often do not have special meani
34、ng, but they keep and express the style of the original ones. In addition, they can reflect foreign culture by transliteration. When named trademarks, sometimes, names of gods from myths and legends are also chosen, or names from literature, film and television works, such as NIKE (耐克) is a victory
35、of the goddess of Greek mythology, ANGEL (安琪儿) refers to the messenger sent by God. Another kind is word trademark which applies ordinary words to make people easily associate with the product because most words have figurative meaning. Therefore, to those trademarks, the normal way is to translate
36、literally so that it will stimulate the consumption because of good association to be reminded whenever consumers see this product. Literal translation can keep the characteristic of the original names, and directly and accurately express the information that original ones intend to. For instance, A
37、pple, as a trademark of computer, is translated literally into“苹果”. This name sounds very cordial and close to buyers and its proved that “Apple” does sell well.3.1.2 Geographical names trademark To name a trademark according to its birthplace is often widely used as an important means. For example,
38、 luxury hotels Shangri-la (香格里拉) from the well-known British writer James Hiltons literary works, “Lost Horizons” in the fictitious names, its original site is in the territory of Yunnan Province in China, it is permanent year-round spring, a beautiful area and a desirable “ideal world”. Another exa
39、mple Cashmere (开斯米) is named after the place Cashmere, NOKIA (诺基亚) is a small town in northern Finland, and the first Nokia was built here. These are: Champagne (香槟) from the French champagne named after the place of production; Tsingtao Brewery (青岛啤酒); Shanghai Sweater (上海羊毛衫), and so on.3.1.3 Exot
40、ic trademark Trademark term from foreign words is the result of different cultures exchange, such as LUX (力士) from the Latin, meaning “daylight”. The trademark leads people to connect “sun and a healthy color” immediately. Another example shampoo (香波) from the Hindi Campo, which means “massage”. The
41、 term specifically refers to shampoo, refers to shampoo in the right direction: gently knead by hand, at the same time massage on the scalp. In the eighteenth century, British colonialists invaded India, brought this word in English, written in Shampoo. SONY(索尼) derived from the Latin Sonus, which m
42、eans “voice”.3.1.4 Fabricated trademark Trademarks designed according to certain intentions, with some accordance and subjective imagination is an important way to name trademarks. Those words that are invented to express some information according to certain principles and intentions, attains the l
43、argest proportion in vocabulary of trademark. The construction of those words normally concerns several fields such as marketing, industrial design and psychology since the word-formation is various, translators must flexibly interpret. For these words, transliteration is still one way, but it must
44、be accompanied with other means such as literal translation or paraphrase. Take “Bubble Yum” for example, Yum originally means “tasty”, and here is paraphrased into “百宝”(meaning treasure). Moreover, it sounds similar to “Bubble”. Added with the literal meaning of bubble(泡泡糖),the final translation ap
45、pears as “百宝泡泡糖”,In this way, its more vivid for consumers to have knowledge of this brand and more able to guide consumption. Another example is Kodak (柯达), the mark reminds us of the moment to press the shutter with a dynamic voice; Haier (海尔) has a similar voice with the English word “higher”, which means higher and better; Supor (苏泊尔) has a similar voice with the English word “super”, which means excellent.3.2 The characteristics of trademark The trademark of commodity stands for a kind of commodity, just as on