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    1、附件:1. 译文中国资源型城市产业结构调整的方法分析摘要:当前,资源型城市在发展过程中出现了许多问题,无论是自己原来,另一些则与生成的发展相关联的。不幸的是,现有的资源型城市,不仅未能解决问题,并呈现出的矛盾加剧,不仅需要国家和当地政府的支持,也需要企业和其他组织及社会各界的帮助,如果不能抓住资源型城市转型的时机,采取措施,实施产业结构调整,各种问题和冲突将会愈演愈烈,导致资源枯竭或市区老化,因此,分析和研究资源的工业城市转型就显得十分必要的现实意义。关键词:资源型产业,城市产业结构调整 产业结构首先,产业结构调整的途径和方法产业结构调整,产业转型的路径选择是一个核心部分,近年来,国内许多学者











    12、地和一些本地产业的技术优势,使生产要素在行业之间的水平移位,其中有一个为那些单一路径资源型城市的产业结构和产业优势,将有助于建立一个强大的工业共生系统,例如,以煤炭为基础的城市发展的产业,可以利用其优势,如火力发电,金属冶炼业(3 )在现有的开采类型,一种内源性的模型转换方法。在本质上,重新布置城市的资源,也就是的从资源依赖型产业发展的重点出发,其他现有的本地产业的内部资源产业基地作为农业和旅游业等。这条道路使适合城市的趋势更加明显,这些行业的全面发展,这样的城市可能有发展潜力和带动力的行业,这些行业的支持,成为国内领先的工业城市,从而达到改造的目的(4 )是使用武力植入直接的资源为基础的城市


    14、。2. 原文Chinas resource-based analysis of urban industrial restructuring approachAbstract: The current, resource-based cities in the development process there were many problems either own the original, while others associated with the development generated. Unfortunately, the existing resource-based

    15、cities not only failed to solve problems, and presents out of the conflicts intensified, not only the national and local government support, but also requires companies and other organizations and sectors of society to be attracted to work with and if not identify the timing of resource-based cities

    16、 to take measures to implement the industrial restructuring, various issues and conflicts will be intensified, leading to resource depletion or urban decay, therefore, analysis and research resource-industrial transformation of the city becomes very necessary and very practical significance. Keyword

    17、s: resource-based industry, the industrial structure of urban industrial restructuring First, the ways and means of industrial restructuring Industrial restructuring, industrial transformation of path selection is a core part of recent years, many domestic scholars have done a lot of research, Analy

    18、sis of specific methods and the transformation of the path, it is necessary to first understand the path of industrial transformation in general, including what content. Zhang Liquan, Zhang Yan in the study of heavy national resource-based regions in western industrial restructuring problems of indu

    19、strial restructuring in the path set selection should include: optimizing the industrial structure, to achieve local economic diversification, to industry to subsidize agriculture, to promote the development of agriculture, but also attract talent, improve population quality, nurturing creative tale

    20、nt. As for how to restructure, some scholars believe that the transformation of urban development, according to the life cycle, different stages of the development of targeted countermeasures. Infancy of the resource-based cities, and urban origin in resource development planning efforts, the city r

    21、esources need not be based on place of origin, should be positioned to implement the scientific planning and restructuring to avoid regulation, for the middle period of the resource-based cities, should be prepared well in advance transformation, which can make use of resources to adjust the industr

    22、ial structure and resources for the advantage of conversion; and for old age of resource-based cities, you can use accumulated capital, technology and talent to drive the development of other industries, the focus shifted to non-resource-based industry development. Consider the above point of view,

    23、the life cycle of urban development from the perspective of a critical period of industrial restructuring is the resource-based city middle age, and in this phase transition was dominated by the government, the transition is the key to the viability of the government. Because the citys competitivene

    24、ss in the government to develop and implement a sound system based on the improvement of urban environment and integrated environment is improved by the Government to establish the ecological and geological environment to complete the comprehensive prevention and control mechanism, the citys social

    25、services system and infrastructure is planned by the government in government intervention, through the introduction of advanced technology, to strengthen scientific and technological innovation in developing industries to change the traditional industries of the three high status quo, to establish

    26、technical superiority, resources advantages will become stable advantage, which is a key resource industry restructuring initiatives. Another key is to optimize the industrial structure. Zhou Xiaowen and Wang Xirong that the process to optimize the industrial structure is the configuration of resour

    27、ces between industries to optimize the process. In order to achieve industrial transformation, resources and industries should be two aspects. However, Yang Hans study more comprehensive and in-depth look, he said in the study, first the formulation of scientific development plan for the promotion o

    28、f urban development should be mature in the industry to find a suitable replacement industry, with emphasis on the choice of alternative industries , should be replaced to improve the development of industrial technology content, while labor-intensive industries, in understanding the status of the d

    29、evelopment of local resources, based on the focus on domestic and international market demand, extend, extend the industrial chain and the development of new industries is a good way, but in the heyday of the exploitation of resources should be taken into account, efforts to strengthen human resourc

    30、es development should be taken seriously, the management needs of emerging industries of resource-based industries to train workers to adapt them to new industries, the introduction of talent is to meet the industrial transformation and do the most essential is to raise funds, resource-based cities

    31、that they can solve this problem, such as preferential policies to attract foreign investment through other channels, the states financial support is needed to ensure the transformation of the funds. Qian Yong urban development from the perspective of the life cycle of transformation, but pay more a

    32、ttention to the development of his early problems, he suggested the government should distinguish between urban development planning, in the beginning of construction on the mine to consider the feasibility of urban development, when development problems should also be treated differently, especiall

    33、y to early planning, to create a conscious transformation of the environment, the urban transformation of the integrated city the same time, choosing the subject and its transformation to cultivate, encourage enterprises to implement transformation. Ren Yukun seem more pessimistic point of view, he

    34、believes that the industrial transformation of resource-based cities on its own strength alone is difficult to complete, must use the power of external parties. Throughout the country hundreds of resource-based cities, many of them are weak in the city , so it seems he has a rational point of view.

    35、In addition, he resource-based view of urban industrial restructuring described above coincides with a variety of perspectives. In addition to the transformation approach, Liu Haibin, Sun Xiujing, Tsang Cheung-wai suggested efforts in other areas, while government forces are also in transition leade

    36、r, who suggested that the policy to rehabilitate, and appropriately increase investment in the country, focused on solving the compartmentalization phenomena and industrial distribution division positioned to promote the coordinated development of land prices; corporate finance through the financial

    37、 system to create the conditions for the development of good mining town, must be in accordance with objective laws of development of the city and its a good plan, appropriate development resources, in the transition process , the use of appropriate industry adjustment assistance policies to promote

    38、 the structural transformation of resource-based cities, to promote the rationalization of industrial structure between regions and selected pillar industries, and improve population quality, deepen market reforms and improve the ecological environment, efforts to achieve sustainable urban developme

    39、nt, The key step is to reform and innovation. Mentioned above, the transformation approach basically requires the government or from large enterprises to improve or change aspects of existing models, so that resource-based cities toward a good direction and then, from small side, in the transition p

    40、rocess Who is the main? the focus and do what aspects? Zhangxin Ying and Lu Ping, the study gives a better representative of the views. Their research shows that industrial restructuring should be based on improving the capability of independent innovation, develop high-tech and use it to transform

    41、traditional industries, can improve the traditional high-tech industries to promote the technological upgrading of industrial structure, the purpose is to create competitive advantage and foster comparative advantage, which is the main way to transformation, that the resource-based cities to innovat

    42、ive city. Industrial transformation and upgrading of industrial structure is important, because in essence refers to the industrial restructuring industrial restructuring, which includes the industrial structure adjustment and optimization. First to understand the industrial structure adjustment. Sh

    43、ould adjustments can be for sure, just know how to adjust here, Fan Yanping Chong Huai and cattle on this issue gives good answers. They believe that, first of all to do ideological work, change the old thinking. Have a recycling economy concept because the economic cycle to extend the life of resou

    44、rce-based industries, to achieve waste recycling and reduce environmental pollution, thereby enhancing economic efficiency. Secondly, we must respect the resource-based cities in the special law under the premise of gradual adjustment of industrial structure. cycle of economic thought specific forms

    45、 of implementation is a resource-based industries from design, construction, mining, transportation, processing, waste disposal and other aspects of planning and implementation, and can not be separated for recycling in order to achieve these economic systems and policies of the establishment of ent

    46、erprises and consumers to implement the cycle of economic thought, the incentives. Links to free download come to understand the industrial structure. Huang Fei has done a detailed description of his from a business perspective analysis, optimization of industrial structure that requires the formati

    47、on of enterprise groups and the development of economic clusters to form a group of cost advantage, expand and market advantages and innovative strength, efficient and attractive elements related to the construction of a number of relatively intensive facilities, and As the group continued to enlarg

    48、e the scale of the industry, can promote the development of the whole industry chain Huang Fei also favor the development of circular economy in order to achieve diversification of industrial structure. He believes that industrial restructuring and development of alternative industries need to foste

    49、r high-tech industries, and scientific research and high technical staff in this area has become a key role, resulting in the demand for talent and high-tech, which is often the weak link in the resource-based city, it needs to increase its investment in these two areas, he also pointed out that the development of alternative industries and alternative to technology-intensive industries to focus on the development of tertiar


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