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    1、Planning and Design of Association Space of residential AreaXiaLiangdongAbstract: The association space refers to the indoor and outdoor space for communication between residentsThe article presents an overall discussion of the necessity,hierarchy and functionality of association space,with a wish t

    2、o create positive and healthy association atmosphere and stimulate good communication among residents so that the residential area can become a homeland full of love and harmony Keywords: residential area;association space;necessity;hierarchy; Functionality0 foreword As the housing system reform and

    3、 the rapid development of real estate, urban residential areas large urban settlements have emerged on the layout of residential buildings, public buildings, public green space, life and living facilities such as roads, to provide urban residents live in the community and The establishment, is an in

    4、tegral part of the city. Exchanges between the living room area residents is to communicate and exchange of indoor and outdoor space. At this stage, peoples living standards greatly improved the living environment of continuous improvement district. Developers should not only focus on residential co

    5、nstruction and the reasonable comfort, paying greater attention to the construction of residential environment. However, the current environment in the construction of residential areas, they are often the natural ecology of greening the environment is much more to consider, and the promotion of exc

    6、hanges between the residents of the space environment to consider less, environmental construction can not meet the occupants of the psychological characteristics and needs. From the basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields of promoting a higher level, the re

    7、sidential area is not only the function of living, but also peoples thinking and feelings of the local exchange. Therefore, the strengthening of exchanges between the residential areas of space construction, increase residential neighbourhood affinity, should be developed in the planning and constru

    8、ction of residential areas should also consider the issue. How to conduct exchanges between the residential areas of space planning and design, improve peoples quality of life, the author of his own real estate development experience and try to contact the living room area of need, level of function

    9、ality for a Review. A residential area of exchanges between the need for space Exchanges between the residential areas to create space for the process, in a sense, is in the course of exchanges between the people and the natural world and define the space environment between the development process.

    10、 1.1 exchanges create a space to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of residents. Jan Gaelic in the contacts and space, a book, the residents will live within the community of contacts divided into three categories: necessity of activities (such as school, work, etc.), the participants did not ha

    11、ve much choice, subject to very little Material and environmental impact; spontaneous activities (such as walking, wait-and-see stop, etc.), greatly dependent on the quality of material and the space environment: social activities (such as childrens games, chatting and people-to-people contacts betw

    12、een the passive January 1 simple See, hear, etc.), also, to a certain extent, the impact of material and the space environment. Therefore, the exchanges between the residential area of the space will create a direct impact on the residents of the contacts. As peoples living standards gradually impro

    13、ved, the residents of the spiritual and cultural needs arising from the exchanges with the requirements will be getting higher and higher. Create a space of 120 contacts is the need to maintain traditional family ties Traditional historical neighborhoods and the living units Daza Yuan on the shape o

    14、f an objective to maintain and develop the neighbourhood family. As the market economy and the development of new residential development and construction, and many residents to move to multi-storey high-rise residential, the link between households and households reduce, and even people are not fam

    15、iliar with the portal. At the same one floor, did not know each other very common phenomenon, the traditional relations in the neighbourhood gradually indifferent. Carry forward the traditional virtues, to promote family residential, Healthy demonstration projects in the country has long been propos

    16、ed for residential High-quality, new life, which new life, including guidance on the new concept of living, to guide the new consumer awareness, a new form of exchanges, to form a new management model, and so on five aspects. According to this standard, the exchanges create a space it is very import

    17、ant. Create a space of 130 contacts is the need to build a harmonious society Residential area is to build a harmonious society space unit, a harmonious society is an important part. A residential area of a harmonious society can be harmonious. Harmonious residential areas should be a moderate consu

    18、mption of economic, social management, diversification and harmonious relations between the neighbours, living environment, and with the humanistic spirit and the rich local cultural characteristics of the geographical space. From the hardware side, there should be a scientific and rational planning

    19、, good construction quality, improve infrastructure, the complete establishment of contacts, good landscape. From the software side, there should be quality property management, and improve the community-based organizations, the rich cultural atmosphere, good morality. Therefore, the exchanges betwe

    20、en the space as an integral part of residential areas, create a far-reaching significance, and China recently and residential real estate will be put on the build a harmonious family residential district, the objective is consistent. 2 residential district-level exchanges between the space of The li

    21、ving space planning and construction in accordance with people at different times, different locations, different activities in different levels of privacy, can be divided into private space, semi-private room, semi-public space, public space, the formation of four space-related fields. The level an

    22、d the field of space will help create a sense of belonging among the residents and enhance the interaction and pro-neighborhood and. People from the private space into the public space, is a gradual process. In this process, after all the residents of different levels of outdoor space, making contac

    23、ts to become a necessity. 2.1 residential building space to create exchanges Dwellers in privacy is assured and meet under the premise of hope neighbourhood close, harmonious and to mutual exchanges and contacts. Therefore, the need to have exchanges between the space settings, and create a way as f

    24、ollows: 2.11 expand the staircase depth Staircase is home residents in the buffer space, but also public housing tenants upstairs room at the break. The platform is too small to affect the length of stay of residents, not conducive to the exchanges between the residents. Expand the staircase depth,

    25、increase platform space, will increase their contacts, exchanges of opportunity. 2.12 set up home gardens Garden is home residents into the indoor space for the transition, here, achieved a semi-private room for the transition to private space, residents here can support grass flowers, reception gue

    26、sts. Nanjing-day Hong Villa-home platform into the home in the Garden set up a grill door, both outdoor green landscape will be conducted to the interior of the extension, for two people through the grille gate to create an opportunity for exchange. 2.13 expand the unit foyer area Unit in the entran

    27、ce foyer area and configure the appropriate expansion of some facilities such as rest stool, reading Baolan, a resident contacts, rest places, and units of the immediate household contacts. Conditional foyer can also do a lobby for households in this exchange, chat. 2.14 bottom overhead Residential

    28、Design for the elevated bottom of open space and ensure the smooth flow of green space on the ground. Supported by flowers, Zuodeng facilities as residents of rest, such as chat room, and in connection with outdoor landscape, easy to create a good atmosphere for exchanges. Even rainy day also will n

    29、ot be affected, adding unlimited life for fun. 2.15 set-Gallery - Gallery of traditional Chinese architecture is a form of construction, is a form can be effective in promoting exchanges between the people of the fun of space incentives, are widely used in modern residential design, such as the Osma

    30、nthus Hangzhou City District, Guangzhou Zhuyun Villa And so on. Gallery-factor here is traffic, and the exchange of places, played a role in the integration of the adjacent space, people can chat here, the sun, and so on. 2.16 exchanges of high-rise building The rising high-rise building in the phys

    31、ical environment restrictions on the freedom of the people exchanges, to reduce contact between the residents, the elderly rest, the lack of childrens play space. Therefore, the high-rise building in the interval to set up a number of similar exchanges in the Chamber of good will to solve these prob

    32、lems. In this way, for the elderly in the rest of the space, to provide children with a playground, and the promotion of social interaction among residents. 2.17 Roof Garden On the platform set up in the roof garden, an increase of green space, was restored to the construction of the ground. People

    33、in this walk, fitness, chat, natural contact, an increase of exchanges between the residents of places to create a multi-level exchanges between the space. 220 yards, a delegation of the association space To achieve effective settlements between the groups and the exchanges have recognized the need

    34、for clear and appropriate areas of the border and logo. Chinas traditional courtyard space is part of building space, the area is a strong sense of space and border patterns, the neighbourhood is to increase exchanges and contacts between the effective means. Beijing Da Zayuan the old mode of living

    35、, residents of harmonious relations in harmony, a human face. Renowned architect Wu Liangyong design of the Beijing-ju infants alley, inheritance and development of this form of living. Shanqiang residential use of the wrong column, platform height difference, changes in residential space, residenti

    36、al settings between Lianlang, plants of the tube, creating a siege without closure, without dredging through the group space and formed a semi-private, semi-public The field of space. In the courtyard between the layout Zuodeng, the elderly here Xiejiao, Cuxitanxin, no longer feel lonely: reserve so

    37、me space, children play in the home, mothers can be seen here in the kitchen, children no longer worried about the safety of: Members of mutual Reference , And mutual exchanges, and exchanges are deep-seated. Not only enhance the feelings and prevent the formation of a collective consciousness, to e

    38、ffectively prevent the destruction and crime, security, have been protected. So that more people can enjoy the environmental landscape comfort, more and more developers are good attention to the landscape of the building. Pichu in the group in a space, as a delegation of the public landscape. Howeve

    39、r, they often re-design of visual effect light social effect. Although the construction of a large number of hardware shops, flower beds, shrubs planted Joe, it lacks some residents to promote exchanges between the rest of the shelters, chairs, and affected the exchanges between the extension of the

    40、 neighbourhood. Therefore, the delegation landscape in the strengthening of public infrastructure construction, and create a space for exchanges, will promote exchanges between the residents of outreach. 2.3 exchanges between the public spaces to create space By the semi-public space to public space

    41、, people exchanges between the exchanges from the neighbourhood to the public exchanges, contacts between the characteristics of exchanges between the decision to create a space for the different practices. 2.3.1 open space for public relations Residential area of central green space is often the ar

    42、ea of public venues, as shared by the entire population, is the residential area of the living room. Here, residents of various gatherings, community activities, fitness. Open space should be designed, without borders and at the same time, various groups in the residential area green space to the ce

    43、nter of the road, should be easily accessible, guide the people into public space, to participate in contacts and exchanges. 2.3-2 and landscape combine Pieces Residential area of landscape and peoples exchanges with the interaction between people in the landscape before the stop watch, the exchange

    44、s have the desire, with the landscape, more full of vigor. Therefore, public exchanges between the space and landscape Pieces should be combined, such as sculpture on the square, around the fountain Waterscape layout Zuodeng, people appreciate the side of sculpture, fountain, while exchanges and red

    45、uce the distance between people. At the same time should play a guiding role in the landscape, emphasizing participation, attractive to flow through the landscape, gathering popularity. 3 exchanges between the living room area of the building features Different groups of people because of their age,

    46、 occupation, cultural background of different exchanges of the functions of space have different needs. According to the characteristics of different populations and demand for space contacts between the different functions of the building, creating a different theme of space, will help attract peop

    47、le from outside, spontaneous interaction. 3.1 exchanges between the functions of space and building occupants should be suited to the age structure Children naturally active, have a strong sense of curiosity, games and more activities for climbing, jumping, leisure, such as Xishua. Therefore, the ve

    48、nue should be set up in the slides, swings, Leisure Pool, bunkers and other facilities, taking into account the needs of adults to care for children, some blocks in the surrounding layout stool. On the one hand, children in the game was physical and mental exercise, on the other hand, care for the c

    49、hildren of people have been exchanges. Young people like sports. Therefore, in order to increase the sports facilities, planning to basketball courts, tennis courts and other sports space. However, it should be far from some residential, so as to avoid interference on the daily life of residents. Like the elderly in the early morning fitness, such as doing Qigong, a tai chi, like the rest of the time playing chess, play cards, chat, Yangniao such activit


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