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    1、 美国黑人文化得以幸存的 原因解析The Reason for the Survival of the Afro-American CultureLiu JuanUnder the Supervision ofJiang LuSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractContentsAbstract.Key Words摘要关键词Introduction.1I. The Origin and Development of Afro-American Culture

    2、2II. The Effects of Afro-American Culture2. The Excellent Component of the Afro-American Culture3 A. The Comparability of the Ancestors Culture.3 B. The Original and Unvarnished Character of the Afro-American Culture4 C. The Idea of Double Self-identity of Afro-American5. The Struggle that the Afro-

    3、American had Made7. The Reformation of Nationality Consciousness of the Black8. The Care and Instruction of the Elder Generation9. The Help of the White10. Promotion of Culture Movement11 A. The American Modern Black Culture Reformation11 B. The New Black Culture Movement.11 C. The American Civil Ri

    4、ghts Movement of 1960s.11 D. Other Culture Movements 12. Other Factors 12 A. Not Yielding to the Christianization of the White13 B. Culture Diversity 13Conclusion14Acknowledgements15Notes16Bibliography17AbstractThis thesis is to study the reasons why the Afro-American culture has survived from the a

    5、spect of its history. It includes many factors such as the excellent component of the Afro-American culture, the blacks striving, and the assistant of the white and so on. Meanwhile, it also refers to some main culture movements in the process of Afro-American culture development and some figures th

    6、at have made great contribution to the survival and development of Afro-American culture. Among these factors, the basic reason of survival is the excellent component of the Afro-American culture, as it provides original power for the spread of the black culture and long-drawn life-force for the con

    7、tinuing of the black culture. It is the black struggle that impels the survival of the black culture, and injects new energy for its development. A good many factors, such as the elders instruction and the whites help create advantageous exterior condition. According to the study of the reasons for

    8、the survival of Afro-American culture, we can find that only do Afro-Americans know their history and culture that they can have more encyclopedical and good-tempered attitude toward the world, place their self-worth properly, receive extra culture on the condition of preserving traditional cultural

    9、 and make it melt with American culture and finally make the Afro-American culture be out of the effects of history and reality to obtain real freedom and development. Key WordsAfro-American culture; cultural diversity; cultural movement of the black; national consciousness摘要本论文从美国黑人文化的历史入手,分析黑人文化的优


    11、我价值,在坚持传统文化的基础上接纳新的外来文化,并使之融入到美国主流文化中去,最终使黑人文化摆脱历史的包袱与现实的包袱,得到真正的自由与发展。关键词美国黑人文化;文化多元化;黑人文化运动;民族意识攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 IntroductionIntroduction The Afro-American culture reached America with the black who were sold to America as slaves. But at that time, the Afro-American culture hardly had the possibility o

    12、f survival because of several reasons. First, the African emigrations came from different countries with different language. It was very hard for the slave to communicate with different language. To survive and communicate, they had to create a language themselves. Therefore, their native language h

    13、ad been gradually forgotten and lost in the communication of new environment. As for religion belief, nothing was left about their original religion. The Afro-American culture could not develop and carry on. Next, at the beginning of emigrating, they were a nation with no family. And there was no hi

    14、story evidence to show that the normal African family structure preserved. They could not enjoy the family life and they even could not have the jural relative relation through marriage. Husband, wife, children did not exist under the slavery. The African women were regarded as personal property and

    15、 humiliated at will or fed as offspring. The Afro-American culture was deeply isolated and destroyed. In addition, the strong white culture and the all-pervasive white culture media made the force of white culture double enlarged. Therefore, the development of Afro-American culture was deeply restri

    16、cted as the black could neither exclude nor syncretize the value and tasting view transmitted by the white culture and media. However, though under the oppression of strong white culture and affected by so many disadvantages, the Afro-American culture does not die out. Instead, it has taken root in

    17、the other shore of Atlantic and affected with local culture mutually, mixed harmoniously and developed together to form its unique Afro-American culture. This thesis analyzes the reasons why the Afro-American culture has survived from several aspects.2攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Body.The Origin and Development of A

    18、fro-American CultureIn fact, the Afro-American culture itself is mixture of African culture, America aboriginal culture and Christianity white people culture and its origin is African black culture. Therefore, we must know African black culture if we want to study the black culture. The black cultur

    19、e is one of the earliest human civilizations made great contribution to culture. The black once built basilica, mansion, and pyramid; developed smelt iron technology; wrote Muslim corpus juris lection; founded developed business and city culture; developed African unique industrial arts and made gre

    20、at contributions to the old Egypt civilization. The Kushi country, the earliest country of the black, which lay in the upriver Nile once conquered by Gippy and became one of Egypts provinces. Then they accepted Egyptian religion and management system, studied Egyptian architectural arts, character,

    21、workmanship, and mixed their own traditional value of culture with Egyptian culture to make it preserve and carry forward. The black of Kushi became stronger after absorbing the Egyptian culture. Furthermore, in reverse, they conquered Egypt and developed their own phoneticizd letter system, smeltin

    22、g iron technology, religion belief, industrial arts, city culture, foreign trade and commodity economy. The Kushi culture declined at about 400AD. Then it formed the Sudan culture of western Africa which made the economy of these black countries of East African developed and made Sudan the business

    23、center of the whole African continent, because of its camel trade in inland and foreign trade on the sea after mastering the smelting iron technology. However, the golden time of African culture ended with the coming of European slave trader. The Effects of Afro-American CultureThe black culture has

    24、 far-reaching effects both in the world and American culture. There are two aspects about it. One is that the black culture is a jewelly part in the development of American culture because the religion culture of Africa also makes deep effects both in American and Latin American religion cultures. O

    25、n the other hand, though the black in Europe and Asia are correspondingly less and always cannot form an independent culture community, the European and Asian society provide motivity for their own development by absorbing the excellent component of Africa black culture through culture selection. In

    26、 addition, the modern American culture is mainly formed by the culture mixture of European white and African black. Comparatively, the main part is European culture, and the African culture is mainly in art and physical culture especially in exoteric art and popular physical culture. Jazz, for examp

    27、le, is a composed rhythm formed voluntarily by the mutual absorbing and effect between black music and the local music. In a word, if there were not art gene of the black, it is hard for us to imagine that America should hold leading status in the world popular culture and what the world popular cul

    28、ture would be. Moreover, the Afro-American played an important role in American history. They actively joined in American Revolution and antifascist war and made a series of battle achievements. The Afro-American also had made great contribution to the development of American economy and culture and

    29、 were always the major strength of American agriculture. There are 1/3 black workers in iron and steel industry, half in automobile industry. And the blacks achievements in music, literature and sports are more notable. . The Excellent Component of the Afro-American CultureThe excellent component of

    30、 the Afro-American culture is the basic reason of its survival, as it provides original power for the spread of the black culture and long-drawn life-force for the continuing of the black culture.A. The Comparability of the Ancestors Culture Most black sold to America come from three regions of Afri

    31、ca, the up Guyana, the down Guyana and the Angolan seashore. And the three regions can be divided into seven sub-regions and the culture within each sub-region is very similar. Most slaves are prisoners and they are carried to America in the ship. While the prisoners of one war always come from the

    32、same sub-region culture, therefore, the slave on one or even a set of mongered slave ships are similar in culture. Because of the similarity in culture, the contact between slaves formed on the mongered slave ship are strengthened in the new environment. Whats more, the slave monger of the Europe al

    33、ways chronically monger the salve of one certain port of Africa to an narrowed area of America. On the other hand, many planters of America are not very strict with the salves coming from some certain areas. Though they are in different plantations, the slave with different cultural underground can

    34、often meet each other. The slave with the same cultural underground can even marry and form a family. Therefore, it is not strange that the Africa black culture can transmit to American and carry on. The following are some examples.The spread of the language and name culture of Africa black in Afric

    35、a play an important role in the development and continuing of Afro-American culture. The lyric of the black song is also an important form of the spread of African language in America. The name of the Afro-American is a way of surpassing slavery, keeping self-respect and insuring their identity iden

    36、tification. Some blacks can trace their family origin back to many years ago by having their planters surname as their own surname. This is propitious to increase the identification of their unique culture. Moreover, the African name also appears directly in the Afro-American name, “some African nam

    37、es are well known by the black and white”. To name after “Monday”, “Friday” is the continuing of the way of African naming. Even if when they use European names, the black are willing to use the names that sound like African names. B. The Original and Unvarnished Character of the Afro-American Cultu

    38、reThe Afro-American culture has the original and unvarnished character mainly in music and art. It is passed down from the African black culture.In music, the original and unvarnished black music mixes with other music culture and creates more and newer characterized music culture. The music culture

    39、 of North and South America is deeply affected by the black music culture. And the bluesy and jazz are the two contributions that the Afro-American have made for the American culture. The bluesy music is revolting music. It gets rid of the restriction of western civilization and gains free rhythm to

    40、 express symbolically the discontentment about the restriction that imposed on them. It also expresses the Afro-American cultures pleasure and feeling of collectivity. Hughes says with high appreciation that the black culture has potential charm and its unique rhythm is as strong as humans heart and

    41、 does not disappoint you forever. It is full of the sense of humor and has deep strength. In art, the blacks art of painting and sculpture have deep impact to the world culture. The art of Afro-American culture has its own abstract, balance and no theatrical emotional painting. Their paintings focus

    42、 on practical art with clear and brief line. The worlds great painter Picasso breathes the African primitivism into his own painting and gain good effects. Then, the white artists of America follow and breathe the Africa black culture into their own works. In sculpture, the European artists make a d

    43、eep rethinking after seeing African sculptural works. They think Rodin makes sculpture as soft as wax oil and the African sculpture is the real sculpture. Therefore, the European sculptors increase sculptures hardness and strength to represent peoples feeling of pain and psychosis of struggling in q

    44、uick changing times with exaggerated distortion twist. Therefore, it is said that the cubism art which is the most fundamental revolution in the art history of 20th century was founded with the aid of the African culture spread. With the spread of the black music, painting and sculpture art all over

    45、 the world, the Afro-American culture not only makes deep effect to the world culture but also makes it recognize by more and more people. In America, the white artist also realizes that the black culture is no longer original, wild and lower culture. And this impels actively the continuing of Afro-

    46、American culture in America.C. The Idea of Double Self-identity of Afro-AmericanIt is to absorb the foreign cultures that the black culture can develop and expand in America. The Afro-American culture is not the pure black culture but the mixture of the black culture, the Africa aboriginal culture and the Christianity white culture. This proofs that the Afro-Americans idea of identify with foreign culture is one more important reason why the Afro-American culture should develop and expand. The American self-identity of


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