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    1、附录A:internal control systeminternal control the management of internal checking, with the development of society has put forward the accounting control, management control, internal control structure, internal control integrated framework, internal control risk management framework, concepts.1.inter

    2、nal checkingas recorded in the historical books, as early as in the year before 3600 left and right of the Mesopotamia Cultural period, which, at that time was extremely simple financial management activities, the author requested the money to be paid for by money payment list, and by another record

    3、 will be the inventory reconciliation and summary reports; and in ancient Egypt, the oversight officer of the institution; and the ancient Roman Empire of the royal treasury, there has been a double account; my Western Zhou period there have been a bit financial access, the tree, the eyes and ears h

    4、ad been chapter. The period during the Song dynasty in the main library and 3 in the easy. All of these are internal checking of the application. Therefore, internal checking a person is not safe disposal account, and another person cannot be independent of the control system, that is to say it must

    5、 be two employees of mutual restraint and mutual inspection. internal checking the implementation of the system is to two is of universal significance of the basic assumption that: One is two or more than two persons or departments inadvertently committing the same the possibility of errors is very

    6、small, 2 is two or more than two persons or departments of conscious collusion collusion and fraud of possibilities is far lower than a single individual or department for fraud. As part of its internal control, internal checking requirements in management, all the assets and cash and cash equivalen

    7、ts of receipt and payment, clearing and its registration, it should be by two or more people to deal with, in order to check each other, and troubleshooting the disadvantages.2.internal control systemwith the industrial revolution, the AB, the market competition is becoming increasingly intense, the

    8、 original simple internal checking system gradually by individual economic control to all economic activities. The United States registered accounting belonging to the Association of the audit procedures in the 1958 release of the 29 audit procedures bulletin the independent auditors evaluating inte

    9、rnal control of the internal accounting controls, in the internal control in the internal accounting control, and internal management control, and the internal accounting control is defined as: The security of property and the accuracy of the accounting records, and reliability with direct contact o

    10、f the methods and procedures. internal accounting control, including the authorization and approval system, the financial assets of the physical control; accounting and preparation of financial statements, their property assets, and other on-the-job separation; as well as the internal audit and cont

    11、rol.In 1972, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in the Auditing Standards Bulletin No. 1 in accounting control and management control of the definition of a re-specification. The notice pointed out that the accounting control plans and procedures, in order to safeguard assets and

    12、 financial data for reliability, and for the following points provide reasonable assurance that: 1. Implementation of the economic business must meet the level of a general authorization or special authorization requirements; 2. Record economic business must, in accordance with generally accepted ac

    13、counting principles, or other criteria based on financial statements, and the protection of assets; 3. To access assets, must be approved by the senior management; 4. accounting personnel must be in a certain interval period, the assets of the account number for the amount and the physical assets of

    14、 the number and amount in the inventory stock, once it is found that difference, it is timely to take effective measures to remedy the situation. In 1973, the Auditing Standards Bulletin No. 1 of the amendment, it is necessary to further improve the accounting control of the definition and scope.3 i

    15、nternal control structure80s of the 20th Century, Western auditors gradually believe that internal control should be the focus of the internal control structure. In 1988 the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in the audit guidelines Bulletin No. 55 of the notice stated that: The Ente

    16、rprise Internal control structures, including the provision to meet enterprise-specific goals and establish the norms and procedures. Notice of the internal control structure of the 3 elements, namely the control environment, the accounting system and control procedures. control environment, includi

    17、ng the establishment of, and the strengthening or weakening of specific policies and procedures that affect various factors; accounting system provides the economic business identification, analysis, classification, and registration, as well as a report of the method, at the same time it made clear

    18、the assets and liabilities of the operational and management responsibilities; and control procedures whereby management guidelines and procedures, with a view to achieving a certain goal. internal control structure, there are no longer clear distinction between accounting control and management con

    19、trol, and the content and scope has expanded to include more management control of the content. The salient features of which are the control environment, the elements, and stressed that the management of internal control of the attitudes, awareness and behavior, and control of their environment, le

    20、ase, and that these factors is to achieve control objectives of the environment that requires auditors to assess the risks involved, in addition to our concern about accounting system and control procedures, it is responsible for the internal and external environment for evaluation. From the account

    21、ing control and management control of the case, and that the internal control structure of the building, so that internal control has expanded the scope and content, and, more importantly, from a single policy and procedural changes to the 3 elements of build Chongqing people have learned, + thesis

    22、into the structure in order to bring about the internal control of the heat sink to the system of change and development. This shift also led the internal control from the technology-oriented enterprise to guide development.4 internal control the overall research frameworkto the 1990s, in order to c

    23、urb the ever fiercer accounting fraud activities, 1992 COSO Committee published the internal control integrated framework report, as a result of the 1994 revision, and the internal control is defined as: The internal control is a business by the Board, the management and other staff, the management

    24、layer is designed to achieve the following objectives and provide reasonable assurance that the process: Improve business performance and efficiency, and ensure that the financial reporting reliable and relevant laws are followed. Report and the internal control of the 3 elements to 5 elements, name

    25、ly control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring. Since then, internal control into the overall framework of the era. COSO consolidation of the internal control framework emphasized the following concepts: the first, internal control is a lon

    26、g-term process that is used to achieve the purpose of the tool, and not an end in itself; its 2, internal control is in the organization at every level of staff, and is not simply a policy, the manual and a table; its 3, the internal control of the board of directors and management to provide reason

    27、able assurance that, rather than an absolute guarantee of its 4, the internal control by adjusting to achieve one or more independent, but there are cross-cutting objectives.5 risk-management frameworksince the start of the 21st century, there have been a few major events, in particular, the Enron b

    28、ankruptcy, WorldComs scandal and Xeroxs take account of events, the heavy blow to the investor confidence in capital markets. Based on this, and in 2004 for the month of September, the Commission COSO published the enterprise risk management framework, the constructor has an internal risk control fr

    29、amework, internal control of 4 goals and 8 major elements. 4 goals, strategic objectives, operational objectives, objective of the report and the legitimacy of target. 8 elements, respectively, to control the environment, goals, risk identification, risk assessment, risk response, control activities

    30、, information and communication, and monitoring. The report also pointed out that the risk to the business management is a process, and it is composed of a main body of the board of directors and management, as well as all of the other employees, and to the specified strategic and cross-cutting the

    31、enterprise production and management, and is designed to identify and assess the possible impact that the principal objectives of the potential issues and risk management, and to make it to the main goal of providing a risk capacity within reasonable assurance.The COSO for the enterprise risk manage

    32、ment concept of the State, has a strong emphasis on the following concepts: A. enterprise risk management is a process, and it flows to the business; B. enterprise risk management is applied to develop a strategy for the entire process; C. enterprise risk management is in the organization at all lev

    33、els of all staff in the implementation of the; D. enterprise risk management throughout the business, at all levels and units, including the Enterprise at all levels of the risk portfolio;E. enterprise risk management to identify any in the event of a may affect business operations and production po

    34、tential, and the risk to control the inclusion of risk capacity; F. enterprise risk management will be able to provide a corporate board and management to provide reasonable assurance that; G Enterprise Risk Managements goal was to achieve one or more different types, but also cross-cutting goals.附录








    42、理框架,构造了一个内部控制风险框架,规定内部控制的四个目标和八大要素。四个目标分别为战略目标、经营目标、报告目标和合法性目标。八大要素则分别为控制环境、目标制定、风险识别、风险评估、风险应对、控制活动、信息与沟通、监督。该报告还指出,企业的风险管理是一个流程,它由一个主体的董事会、管理层以及其他所有员工实现,应用于指定战略并贯穿于企业生产经营之中,旨在识别和评估可能会影响到主体目标实现的潜在事项与管理风险,以使得其能够为主体目标的实现提供一个风险容量范围之内的合理保证。在对“企业风险管理”概念的阐述中重点强调了以下几点理念:.企业风险管理是一个过程,它持续流动于企业之中;企业风险管理应用于制定战略的整个过程中;企业风险管理是由组织中各个层级的所有人员一同实施的;.企业风险管理贯穿于企业整体,在各个层级和单元应用,还包括了采取企业所有层级的风险组合观念;企业风险管理意在识别任何一旦发生就可能会影响企业生产经营活动的潜在事项,并将风险尽量控制在可包容的风险容量之内;企业风险管理能够向一个企业的董事会和管理层提供合理的保证;企业风险管理的目标是实现一个或多个不同类型但又相互交叉的目标。. .此处忽略!


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