1、釜山巨济的交通系统:沉管隧道开创新局面 Wim Janssen1, Peter de Haas 1, Young-Hoon Yoon 荷兰隧道工程顾问:大宇工程建设公司釜山巨济交通线隧道工程技术顾问 韩国大宇工程建设公司摘 要釜山巨济交通系统将会为釜山和巨济两岛上的大城市提供一条道路连接。该沉管隧道有许多特点:长度达到3.2千米,处于水下35米处,海况条件严峻、地基土较为软弱和线型要求较高。基于以上诸多特点,隧道的设计和建造面临着巨大的挑战。可以预见的是这项工程将会开创沉管隧道施工技术的新局面。本文突出论述了这些特点以及阐述在土木和结构方面的问题。1. 工程简介釜山是韩国的第二大城市和一座重要
3、新港地区至巨济岛的双重高速公路体系的一部分。这一系统总计8.204公里长,穿越海峡并将Daejuk, Jungjuk和Jeo三个无人小岛连接在一起。原则上该系统由一条长度为3240m的双向四车道沉管隧道和两座主跨475,两边跨230m的斜拉桥组成。2. 规划2.1 组织该项目是作为一个公私合作,共同建设的工程,GK交通系统公司可获得设计、施工和运营的特许权,经营期限为40年。特许权基于该系统设计理念的一个环节。GK交通系统公司由大宇工程建设公司领衔的7家特许权法人组成。TEC/Halcrow等合资公司作为技术顾问,从工程开始便参与该项工程。Halcrow与TEC两个合资公司分别负责关于桥梁和隧
4、道建设方面的技术问题。永久设施的设计工作已接近完成,后续的建设的准备工作也已经开始。图1. 工程地理位置 图2. 空中鸟瞰效果图2.2 设计要求和基本闲置因素 该项目将Gaduk岛与巨济岛经Daejuk, Jungjuk and Joe island三个小岛连接在一起,基本布局由三条航道的要求决定。位于Gaduk岛和Daejuk岛之间的主航道宽1800m,深18m。由于这条航道没有官方的水深规定,因此选择以隧道的方式穿越成为一种可行的方案。另外两条位于JungjukJeo岛和Joe巨济岛的次级航道,最小宽度分别为435m和404m,各自的通航净空要求分别为52m和36m。两条次级航道的水深均为
5、16m。 鉴于Daejuk岛和Gaduk岛之间相对较为陡峭的海岸,开挖作业又是在海床以下25至30米处,这就使得工程无法满足两岛之间的对准开挖。而为了驾驶的舒适与安全又不得不延长梯度线和坡长。因此,将穿越该水域的沉管隧道设置在略低于海床平面成为一个合理的选择。图3. 线路纵剖面图2.3 岩土条件地层在隧道线路方向上呈现出不同但是在纵向自上而下依次为典型的海洋粘土、海砂、砾卵石和海床基岩。在沉管隧道沿线的海床主要以海洋粘土为主,除了在海岸线附近露出地表的海床、浅滩和沙砾层。沉管隧道周围的海洋粘土厚度大多数都超过20m。因此沉管隧道的主体将会穿越该地层。海洋粘土包括正常固结和轻微超固结的软粘土。这
6、些粘土形成于全新世。位于海床以下的大部分粘土都是十分软弱和塑性非常高的。这种粘土的塑性指数范围从56%85%,均值为68%;饱和单位重度为13.915.4kN/m3,平均重度为14.6kN/m3。2.4 海洋情况 施工位置在太平洋上,处于朝鲜海峡上并位于日本海的南面。这将影响工地现场的海洋情况。10000年一遇的南向海浪会影响该工程的水文条件。设计最大浪高达到9.2m,对应的海浪周期为15s。这种由台风引起的海浪是向南运动的。图4.工程地质剖面图图 5. 波浪特征洋流主要受潮汐的影响,这是一个典型的半日潮,最大潮高达到1.6m,流速0.8m/s,流向与隧道走向一致。工程所处位置的海浪包括三个主
7、要部分: 当地海风引起的波浪,主要是冬季来自东北和西北方的风;雨水带来的风,主要是夏季来自南方和东南方的风;深水海流产生的波浪,主要是夏季来自南方和东南方的风。在海上设施建设期间,应该考虑浪高超过0.5m,周期为6次/s的海浪的影响。夏季的大多数时间里浪高都大于此值。2.5 地震条件根据韩国“地震设计标准研究”,釜山巨济交通系统的抗震等级被划分为重要的一级。韩国的地震活动主要是由位于Pohang湾和釜山市之间离岸的对马岛和陆上的Yangsan断层决定的。然而,只有很少的几次大地震被记录下来。这就解释了为什么在如此大的范围内,韩国的地震危害评级被定为低级。最近发生的一次地震是由Yangsan断层
8、引起的,震源位于施工地点东部510km处,由此产生的瞬时震级为5.76级。这项工程采纳了两种抗震设计方案,即运营地震抗震设计(ODE)和最大地震抗震设计(MDE)。在抗震能力上,MDE被认为是工程承受地震的极限状况。但是为了能承受地震荷载(保持工程结构主体的完整和安全),MDE被采用为运营地震抗震设计,以满足所有连接处的水密性良好和钢筋的应力不超过其屈服强度的要求。3.本隧道的特点作为釜山巨济交通系统一部分的沉管隧道有很多特别的地方,同时也面临了很多挑战。线形的要求对海床上隧道两端的出入口产生制约;本隧道是继连接丹麦和瑞典的厄勒联络线隧道之后的世界上最长的沉管 隧道;隧道基坑位于水面以下大约5
9、0m深处; 施工地点海况恶劣;地基土异常软弱。 此外,本隧道的施工方法尚未在韩国有过实际应用的经验。3.1 隧道线形从线路最低点到主航道处斜拉桥最高点的爬升高度为95m。道路的最大坡度为4.73%,略小于Gaduk岛入口处5%的坡度。二者均超过了标准情况下4%的最大设计坡度。隧道西侧的坡度与在海床上布置隧道客观上产生了冲突。由于在距西侧入口东面约350m处有一片天然的洼地,这就使得此处的沉管底部会高于原海床平面8m。海洋粘土厚度最薄处所在位置,可通过人工的改良,使之满足埋藏隧道的受力要求。初步的土壤调查表明,海洋粘土的厚度在其最薄处可以通过人工改良,使它的强度得到提高以满足埋藏隧道的受力要求。
10、在设计过程中更详细的土壤调查显示凹陷处的海洋粘土延伸范围更大。由于对隧道更深位置竖向线形的修正,我们采取了更广泛的研究以克服这一问题,但是最终得出的6%的坡度未能获得通过。从砂桩,土体置换,堆载预压和深层水泥搅拌等诸多预选方案中,最终认为深层水泥搅拌是技术和经济上最为可行的一种方案。深层水泥搅拌桩的灌注范围将会在隧道两头延伸到足够长,以支撑高于原海床平面约16m的基础和防止由于船只搁浅和海洋侵蚀的对基础造成的损害。3.2 隧道长度当前的设计有18个长度约为180m的沉管单元组成。混凝土构件的横截面积为60m2,宽26.5m,高9.75m。位于Daejuk岛侧的两个沉管宽度从26.5m扩大为28
11、.5m,以为爬坡车道提供空间。为了节省单元管段的造价,原用于厄勒海峡隧道的沉管单元的制作方法被考虑在其中。计划采用的通过移动已浇注管段来制作沉管的方法被认为可操作性和经济性不好。所以后来将制作流程变为由可移动的造管机沿管身全截面制作管段,这样就可以同时进行不同沉管单元的预制工作。许多瑞士的隧道就是使用这样的方法,有很成功的经验。图6. 可同时制作4个管段的预制场模型3.3 隧道埋深3.3.1 防水在Daejuk岛一侧海床平面位于正常海面以下约35m处,这使得结构的底部到海平面的距离达到了47.5m,在有海浪作用时甚至深达55m。所有修建于西欧的混凝土分节段预制隧道均位于大约15m深的平缓的海域
13、的可靠性。3.3.2 隧道挖掘深度大多数沉管隧道的基坑都是由绞吸式挖泥船挖掘的。但是这种挖泥船的最大挖掘深得只能达到30m。在更大的深度上就只有两种选择:抓斗式挖泥船或者拖斗式挖泥船。抓斗式挖泥船的工作效率较低并且在开阔水域施工时会产生环境污染。大型拖斗式挖泥船能够达到100m的水下挖掘深度,同时它正被使用于韩国的矿砂填海工程。由于这些大型挖泥船的运营成本很高,所以只有在一项大的持续性工程中它们的运营经济型才能够得到体现。3.4 海洋环境3.4.1 安装期间沉管隧道所处的无遮蔽的海洋环境的情况很独特。气候的影响会在海上工作开展期间发挥作用。沉管操作面临的最大挑战是潮汐的作用,它会对沉管节段的拖
15、、固定和基坑回填。所以需要建立一个天气和海浪预报系统以便在沉放过程中预测浪高。3.4.2 对永久结构的影响为了研究大浪对永久结构的影响,我们在丹麦的DHI实验室做了模型试验。在经历最极端的台风时浪高确定为9.2m。在直接建成后回填的土石材料渗透性很高,但是随着时间的推移,好的粘土会不断深入回填土,使其渗透性降低并起到很好的保护作用。研究表明,随着回填材料粒径的减小,水平和纵向力都会增大。不过这些力都是动态的,变化的方向和强度都会导致隧道单元的微小移动来平衡隧道周围的水压力。隧道顶部超出原海床面的地方大浪将会对其保护层的稳定性造成影响。水工模型试验表明,需要预制超过30吨重的人造岩石块体。为了减
16、小保护层的厚度和重量,我们将Core-loc材料应用于隧道最易受影响的部分(位于Gaduk到一侧的最初的三个节段)。在隧道的两头,既有岛屿都被人工接长以在岛屿和隧道之间建设过渡区。为了保护这些过渡段,韩国一般用四角对称圆锥钢筋混凝土管。韩国Kordi水工研究所的水工模型试验表明,需要重量达到50,60和70吨的四角对称圆锥钢筋混凝土管。3.5 地基土情况和隧道基础在隧道线路上,海洋粘土占据了主导地位。海洋粘土的厚度虽然各处不同但是通常都超过30m且正好位于隧道基础的下方。非常软弱的海洋粘土和高塑性结合其低饱和重度,低固结度和土体的结构性质决定了基础施工方法的最终选择。通常情况下,沉管隧道、回填
18、指数与压缩指数的比例几近达到了14)。此外,隧道沿线还会有因土壤特性和回填土的不同而导致的巨大沉降。这是因为隧道较深且海洋条件严峻而导致的挖掘精度过低。图7. 隧道划分模型和开挖单元部分混凝土隧道能够适应这种不均匀沉降。但是应当避免在接头处的沉降。鉴于此,我们决定用深层搅拌桩来改良海洋粘土。用这种方法,直接将水泥注入粘土中,就形成了海洋粘土与水泥的混合桩。这种桩的直径取决于所使用的设备。沿岸工程通常是同时制作4根桩以形成一个1.8m1.8m的正方形区域。这种土壤改良方法排除了地基土沉降的影响并将这种不良影响纳入既有的经验范围之内。使用这种混合搅拌桩也会减少因隧道线路所经过的从海洋粘土到裸露基岩
19、的刚度变化的影响。从而减少这些部分的不同沉降。 图8. 制作70米深混合桩的沿岸设备4.结论 釜山巨济交通系统的隧道具有如此多的特点是有很多原因的。上文介绍了本工程并突出了这些特点。它们已经远远超出了现在混凝土沉管隧道施工技术的水平。并非所有的特殊设计在工程开始之前就已经被全面地考虑到,而是随着工程的进行同步设计的。在写就本文的时候尚有很多问题未全部解决,但是最根本的设计已经完成。我们期待此条交通连接线的完工能够开创沉管隧道施工技术在深水、严峻的海洋和地质条件下应用的新局面。Tunnelling and Underground Space TechnologyVolume 21, Issues
20、 3-4, May-July 2006, Page 332 Busan Geoje Link: Immersed Tunnel Opening New Horizons Wim Janssen1, Peter de Haas 1, Young-Hoon Yoon2 1. Tunnel Engineering Consultants, the Netherlands: Technical Advisor to Daewoo E&C for the Busan - Geoje Fixed Link 2. Daewoo E&C, Korea ABSTRACT The Busan Geoje Fixe
21、d Link will provide a road connection between the metropolis of Busan and Geoje Island. The Link comprises amongst others two cable stayed bridges and an under water tunnel constructed as a concrete immersed tube tunnel.The immersed tunnel has a number of special features: its length of 3,2 km, the
22、water depth of over 35 m, the severe marine conditions, the soft subsoil and alignment constraints. Combined with the scale of the project these features make the design and the construction of the tunnel a major challenge. It is expected that the project will open up new horizons for the use of imm
23、ersed tunnel technology. This paper highlights these special features and concentrates on the civil and structural aspects only. 1. INTRODUCTION Busan is the second largest city and a major harbour in South Korea. It is located in the southeast and bordered by the Korean Strait at the south and east
24、 side whilst at the north steep mountains arise. The city is developing rapidly; the population grew over the recent years to 3,7 million inhabitants in the city (4,6 million in the agglomeration). The density of population is 4850 inhabitants/km2 which is about three-quarter of the density of Hong
25、Kong. The options for expansion are limited due to its geographic location. The Busan Geoje Link has to create a direct link between Geoje Island and the city of Busan with the objective to allow Busan to expand, to develop industrial areas on Geoje and to add recreational facilities within driving
26、distance of Busan city. Geoje Island is currently connected to the mainland at the west side of the island. The two hours drive by car from Busan city to Geoje will be reduced to 45 minutes after completion of the Link. The Busan Geoje Fixed Link will provide a road connection between Geoje Island a
27、nd Gaduk Island as part of a dual carriage motorway connecting the Busan Newport region to the island of Geoje. The Link will be 8.204 km in total, crosses navigation channels and links the small island of Daejuk, Jungjuk and Jeo, which are uninhabited. The principle components of the link are an im
28、merse tunnel 3240 m long with two-lane traffic tubes in each direction and two cable stayed bridges with respectively one main span of 475 m and a two main spans of 230 m each. 2. THE PROJECT 2.1 Organization The project is developed as a Public Private Partnership where GK Fixed Link Corporation ha
29、s been awarded the concession to design, construct and operate the Link for a period of 40 years. The concession is based on a conceptual design for the Link. The GK Fixed Link Corporation consists of seven Korean contractors amongst them Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. as the leading com
30、pany of the concessionaire. The joint venture TEC/Halcrow is appointed as Technical Advisor and as such involved from the start of the project. In the joint venture Halcrow and TEC take care of the bridge and tunnel related aspects respectively. The design of the permanent works is almost completed
31、and construction in advance of the permanent works has started. Figure 1. eographic location of site Figure 2. Aerial overview of the project. 2.2 Design requirements and basic constraints The project has to provide a fixed link from Gaduk island via Daejuk, Jungjuk and Joe island to Geoje island. T
32、he basic layout is defined by the requirements to the three navigation channels. A main channel between Gaduk and Daejuk island with a width of 1800 m and a depth of 18 m. For this navigation channel no height restriction is accepted by the Authorities and as such a tunnel has been the obvious way t
33、o cross. For the two secondary channels located between Jungjuk-Jeo island and Joe-Geoje island, a minimum width of 435 m and two times 202 m, clearance heights of 52 and 36 m respectively are required. Water depth for both secondary channels is 16 m.The relative steep shores of Daejuk island and Ga
34、duk island and the deep position of a bored tunnel of about 25 to 30 m below the seabed make it physically impossible to fit an alignment for a bored tunnel in between these two islands. The gradient of the alignment would be too great and slopes too long for driving comfort and safety. For this rea
35、son the crossing by an immersed tunnel with its position just under the seabed has been a logical choice. Figure 3. Longitudinal section of the link 2.3 Geotechnical The geological strata vary along the tunnel alignment but top down typical consist of marine clay followed by marine sand and gravel o
36、n top of the bedrock. Marine clay is forming the seabed along the immersed tunnel alignment except in the near shore areas where outcrops of bedrock and shallow sand and gravel layers are found. The thickness of the marine clay exceeds 20 m along most of the immersed tunnel alignment. Most of the im
37、mersed tunnel will consequently be founded in this layer. The marine clay comprises normally consolidated to slightly over-consolidated soft structured clays. These clays have been deposited during the Holocene epoch. The major part of the marine clay, from seabed down, is very soft to soft and of v
38、ery high plasticity to extremely high plasticity. The marine clay plasticity index ranges from 56% to 85% with an average of 68%. The range of saturated unit weights of marine clay is 13.9 to 15.4kN/m3, with a mean value of 14.6k N/ m3. 2.4 Marine conditions The site is exposed to the Pacific Ocean
39、via the Korean Strait and the Sea Of Japan at the South. This affects the marine conditions on site. An impression is given below by the 10000 years return period hydrological conditions for the south wave direction. The maximum design wave height Hs is 9,20 m and the corresponding mean wave period
40、Tm is 15 sec. The principle wave direction due to typhoons is South. Figure 4. Geological profile Figure 5. Wave characteristics The current is mainly influenced by the tide, which is a typically semi-diurnal type with a spring tide range of 1,60 m with a maximum current of 0.80 m/sec at the tunnel
41、alignment. The waves on site comprise three main components: - Locally generated wind waves, mainly from the northwest and northeast during the winter season; - Deep water generated wind waves, mainly from the South and South east, during the summer season; - Deep water swell waves, mainly from the
42、South and South east. During construction of the marine works the swell waves with a Hs of more than 0.50 m and a period of 6 seconds have to be taken into account. In the summer season most of the time waves exceeds these values. 2.5 Seismic conditions According to the Korean Research on Earthquake
43、 Design Standard the Busan Geoje Fixed Link is classified as an aseismatic grade I structure with regard to the importance level.The seisemicity of South Korea is mainly governed by the tsushima offshore and the yangsan onshore fault systems located in the depression between the Pohang Bay and Busan
44、. However, only few major events have been recorded on those faults. This explain why, on a large scale basis, seismic hazard analyses leads to low hazards for Korea. The closest fault to the project site is the Yangsan onshore fault and the decisive (characteristic) earthquake will be an event on t
45、he Yangsan Fault at a distance of 5-10 km to the east of the project site and with a moment magnitude of 5.7-6. A two-level earthquake hazard design approach has been adopted quake hazard levels are the operating design earthquake (ODE) and the maximum design earthquake (MDE). In respect of strength
46、 the MDE is regarded as Ultimate Limit State, but in order to survive seismic loads (prevention of major failure and maintaining safety) the MDE is regarded as service limit state, with the requirements that all joints shall remain watertight and rebar stress does not exceed yield strength fyk. 3. T
47、he tunnels special featuresIn a number of ways the immersed tunnel part of the Busan-Geoje Link is special and imposes a number of challenges. - The alignment constraints impose a position above seabed at both outer ends of the alignment;- It is after the .resund Link between Denmark and Sweden the longest imm