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    1、外文资料翻译Every day a signicant percentage of drivers in single-occupancy vehicles search for a parking space. Additionally, less experienced drivers or out-of-towners further contribute to the increase of traffic congestion. Search for a vacant parking space is a typical example of a search process. Ev

    2、ery parking search strategy is composed of a set of vague rules. It is usually difficult to describe these rules explicitly. The type of the planned activity, time of a day, day of the week, current congestion on particular routes, knowledge of city streets, and potentially available parking places

    3、have signicant inuence on a chosen parking search strategy. On the other hand, the drivers usually discover diffierent parking alternatives one by one in a temporal sequence. Clearly, this temporal sequence has a very strong inuence on the drivers nal decision about the parking place19.During the pa

    4、st two decades, traffic authorities in many cities (Helsinki, Cologne, Mainz, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, Aalborg, Hague) have started to inform and guide drivers to parking facilities with real-time var-iable message signs directional arrows, names of the parking facilities, status (full, not full, numbe

    5、r of available parking spaces, etc.). Information about the number of available parking spaces could be displayed on the major roads, streets and intersections, or it could be distributed through the Internet.It is logical to ask the question about the benets of the parking guidance systems. Current

    6、 practice shows that parking guidance systems usually do not change the occupancy rate or average parking duration. Drivers easily become familiar with the parking guidance systems, and majority of them use, thrust and appreciate the help of the systems20.Guidance systems signicantly increase the pr

    7、obability of finding vacant parking space, mitigate frustration of the driversvisitors unfamiliar with the city center, decrease the queues in front of parking garages, decrease the total amount of vehicle-miles traveled (particularly in the city centers), decrease the average trip time, energy cons

    8、umption, and air pollution. Parking guidance system is a part of comprehensive parking policy and traffic management system, whose other elements are street parking control (including sanctions for the illegally parked vehicles), parking fare structure, and parking revenue management system.Parking

    9、guidance systems help drivers to nd vacant parking spaces when they are already on the network, and approaching their nal destination. Throughout this research the concepts of the parking reservation system and parking revenue management system are proposed. The proposed methodology could be applied

    10、 for parking lots and parking garages in cities and at the big international airports.The paper is organized as follows: Parking-pricing problems are presented in Section 2. Analogies between parking problems and some other industries are presented in Section 3. The parking revenue management system

    11、 is introduced in Section 4, and the Intelligent parking space inventory control system is introduced in Section 5. The algorithm to create intelligent parking spaces inventory control system is presented in Section 6. Results obtained with the intelligent parking system are given in Section 7, and

    12、Sec-tion 8 presents the concluding remarks and further research orientations.1. parking pricingIn majority of cities throughout the world drivers pay for using different parking facilities. In some instances, traffic congestion can be significantly reduced as a result of parking price. The parking r

    13、evenue is usually used to cover parking facility costs (access gates, ticket printers, parking meters, parking signs, attendants), or to improve some other traffic and transportation activities. Different parking pricing strategies should be a part of the comprehensive solution approach to the compl

    14、ex traffic congestion problems. There is no doubt that parking pricing represents one of the important demand management strategies. For example, traffic authorities, local governments and private sector could introduce higher parking tariffs for solo drivers or for long-term parkers in congested ci

    15、ty areas. They could provide special parking discounts to vanpoolers. Obviously parking pricing should be carefully studied in the context of the considered city area (down-town, residential, commercial, retail use areas).In some cities (Madison, Wisconsin) there are already time dependent parking f

    16、ees that force commuters to switch to diffierent alternatives of public transportation. Trying to promote public transit San Francisco traffic authorities increased parking tariffs at public and commercial garages. The Chicago authorities raised parking rates few times. Authorities in Seattle signic

    17、antly reduced parking tariffs for carpool at two Seattle parking facilities in downtown. Active role in parking pricing strategies could also have employers paying for employees parking. Employers who remove parking subsidies for the employees could significantly decrease the total number of solo dr

    18、ivers. The main role of any parking pricing strategy should be reducing the total number At the same time, when trying to implement any parking strategy, it is very important to provide enough parking space for shoppers, to provide preferential parking for residents in considered city area, to provi

    19、de preferential parking for different parking locations, to consider low income families, and to protect streets in the neighborhood from illegal parking.The basic economic concepts of supply and demand should be more utilized when solving complex traffic congestion and parking problems (Vickrey, 19

    20、69, 1994; Verhoef et al., 1995). So-called value pricing is also known as congestion pricing, or variable tolling. The basic idea behind the concept of congestion pricing is to force drivers to travel and use transportation facilities more during off-peak hours and less during peak hours. The idea o

    21、f congestion pricing is primarily connected with the road (drivers pay for using private, faster roads, drivers with lower vehicle occupancy pay for using High Occupancy Vehicle lanes, drivers pay more to enter citys downtown on weekdays) or airport operators (more expensive landing fees during peak

    22、 hours). In the context of parking problems, this means: that different parking tariffs should exist for different users; that the parking fees should increase and/or decrease few times during a day.2. Parking problems and revenue management systems: Analogies with some other industriesAirline indus

    23、try, hotels, car rental, rail, cruise, healthcare, broadcast industry, energy industry, golf,equipment rental, restaurant, and other industries are utilizing revenue management concepts when selling their products (Cross, 1997). The roots of the revenue management are in the airline industry. The ba

    24、sic characteristics of the industries to which different revenue management concepts were successfully applied are: variable demand over time; variable asset utilization; perishable assets; limited resources; market segmentation; adding new capacity is expensive, difficult or impossible; direct cost

    25、 per client is negligible part of the total cost of making service available; selling products in advance. The main characteristics of the parking space inventory control problems are the following:Parking demand is variable over time.Like hotel rooms, or restaurant chairs, parking spaces also have

    26、daily opportunity to be sold (used by clients).Any parking lot or garage has limited number of parking spaces that can be used by driversMarket segmentation means that different customers are willing to pay different prices for the same asset (hotel room, airline seat, seat in a rented car). Busines

    27、sman wanting to park a car near a meeting point 15 minutes before the meeting would be ready to pay much higher parking fee than a pensioner planning to walk with his wife through the downtown, who made parking reservation four day in advance.Building new garages and parking lots could be very expen

    28、sive and sometimes very difficult.Parking places can be easily reserved in advance.3. Introducing parking revenue management systemA certain number of drivers would maybe cancel their reservations before beginning of the parking.These cancellations would also be made at random moments of time. Like

    29、in some other industries, a certain number of drivers would not appear in parking garage for which they have a con-rmed reservation and purchased ticket. Would these drivers be penalized for their behavior? Depending on ration between parking demand and parking supply, the answer could be Yes or No.

    30、In case of a nested reservation system, the high tariff request will not be rejected as long as any parking spaces are available in lower tariff classes. For example, if we have four tariff classes, then there is no booking limit for class 1, but there are booking limits (BLi, i = 2, 3, . . ., m) fo

    31、r each of the remaining three classes). All parking spaces are always available to class 1. There are always a certain number of parking spaces protected for class 1, certain number of parking spaces protected for classes 1 and 2, and certain number of parking spaces protected for classes 1, 2 and 3

    32、. If we make a request-by-request revision of booking limits, there is no longer a difference between distinct and nested reservation system.In this research (like in the paper of Teodorovic et al., 2002) an attempt was made to make reservation decisions on the request-by-request basis. In the scena

    33、rio that we consider, we assume that there are more than two types of tariffs. The basic characteristic of the parking space inventory control model that we propose is real-time decision making about each driver request. The developed model is called an intelligent parking space inventory control sy




    37、了库存控制系统在第6节。所得结果与“智能”停车第7节中给出了系统,Sec-tion 8会致闭幕词及进一步的研究方向。停车定价在多数城市在世界司机支付使用不同的停车设施。在某些情况下,交通拥堵可以显著减少由于停车的价格。停车收入通常是用于覆盖停车设施费用(访问盖茨,票打印机、停车米、停车标志,服务员),或提高一些其他交通运输活动。不同的停车定价策略应该是一个部分的综合解决方案方法复杂的交通拥堵问题。毫无疑问,停车定价代表了一个重要的需求管理策略。例如,交通部门、地方政府和私营部门可以引入更高的停车关税独奏司机或长期帕克在拥挤的城市地区。他们可以为我们提供特别折扣来vanpoolers停车。显然停





    42、停车位都可以在低关税类。例如,如果我们有四个关税类,那么就没有预订限制1班,但是有预订限制(BLi,我= 2,3,。,m)对于每个剩余的三个类。所有的停车空间1类总是可用的。总会有一定数量的停车位保护1班,一定数量的停车位保护类1和2,一定数量的停车位保护类1、2和3。如果我们让一个request-by-request修订的预订限制,不再有一个区别不同的和嵌套的预订系统。求和停车场之间的定量供应,答案可能是“是”或“否”。在这项研究中(如本文的Teodorovic等人,2002)试图预订决定“request-by-request”的基础。在该方案中,我们考虑,我们假设有两个以上类型的关税。基本特点的停车空间库存控制模型,我们提出“实时”的决策是关于每个司机请求。应用模型称为一个“聪明”的停车位的库存控制系统21。. .此处忽略!


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