1、Journey Down the Mekong 一、教学设计思路英语标准指出,“高中英语课程的设计与实施要有利于学生优化英语学习方式,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力;要有利于学生学会运用多种媒体和信息资源,拓宽学习渠道,形成具有个性的学习方法和风格”。这就要求教师在充分领会新课程理念的基础上,挖掘自身的潜力,结合学生的实际需要,创造性地选择和设计自己的教学方式与方法(程晓堂,2004)。下面笔者就NSEFC BOOK B1 Journey Down the Mekong的教学实践谈谈自己如何创造性地将“三动六步”教
2、学模式(见下图)运用在高中英语阅读教学中。师生互动 启动 激情、入境 互动 探究、深化 小组互动 能动 强化、拓展 生生互动二、前期分析本单元的中心话题是旅游。本话题的学习不仅是学生知识体系的一次丰富,并且是一次情感上的充实和发展。通过travel journal的学习使学生了解湄公河,湄公河流经的国家风土人情、城市文化,掌握旅游所需的准备工作和基本的旅游常识,学会解决旅游中出现的一些问题。在整个单元教学过程中教师要培养学生热爱生活,热爱大自然和珍惜生命的意识。本堂课的教学内容为阅读课Journey Down the Mekong,是整个单元的重点。文章分两部分,即dream和 plan, 通
3、过“三动六步”教学模式循序渐进地培养学生各项阅读技能和综合语言运用能力。“启动”阶段:听歌曲Moon River,谈论熟知的河流 (激情)了解湄公河的地理位置及沿途风光 (入境) “互动”阶段:通过略读、速读,探讨主人公的梦想与计划 (探究) 通过细读,深入理解主人公的态度 (深化) “能动”阶段:对比主人公,预测遇事态度 (强化) 为自己制定一份旅游计划 (拓展)高一大部分学生来自周边各乡镇,他们的英语水平参差不齐。但旅游是他们熟悉的话题,很容易唤起学生们讨论和学习的兴趣。Journey Down the Mekong这一旅游行程学生初听起来似乎觉得不可思议,但稍加思索一下,学生可以运用他们
4、学过的中国地理和世界地理知识,对湄公河的地理概况及沿途国家进行分析,这在一定程度上为本堂课的学习降低了难度。三、教学目标【知识与技能】1学会运用本单元几个重点单词及词组,如graduate from, take a bike trip, dream about, cycle, altitude, stubborn, determined etc.; 2识别有关地理的单词及短语,如glacier, rapids, valleys, waterfalls, plains etc.【过程与方法】1通过对本课的学习,提高速读、略读能力;2能够获取与有关湄公河的信息、处理信息,分析旅行问题、制定旅游计划
5、,知道如何解决旅行中可能会出现的问题。【情感、态度与价值观】1感受湄公河上各国的风土人情,开拓国际视野,体验其中的个人态度、价值取向;2参与合作学习,并通过不断努力,体验,感受学习中的成功和喜悦,形成积极,乐观的学习态度乃至生活态度。 四、教学准备多媒体课件:呈现一些湄公河沿途国家的地理环境及有关名胜古迹。五、教学过程设计Step1.Warming-upActivity1.Enjoy the music -“Moon river” and some beautiful river scenery播放奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖餐桌上的早餐的插曲月亮河(Moon river),其欢乐的旋律,纯美的河流风
6、景图给人一种美的享受,同时带给人一种追求美好生活的愿望,从而激发学生产生强烈的好奇心与兴趣,点燃学生求知的火花。Activity2. Introduce the great rivers in the world or the river in your hometownT: A river is the birthplace of civilization.Where there is a river, there is a city.Can you say something about rivers that you know well?(屏幕展示)The source of the r
7、iver is inThe river flows inThe water of it is very clear and cold.A great river is very important to the life of people who live near it.Great rivers are well-known in history.班级的学生有来自城市与乡村。他们可介绍世界闻名的河流,也可介绍自己家乡的河流,让各层次的学生都能参与教学。部分学生可能从小就居住在河边,对河流有一定的认识和感情,用英语描述河流的概况既能让学生灵活地、创造性地使用语言表达自己的思想,也能勾起学生对
8、以往生活的美好回忆,或对未来的河边生活充满向往。Step2. Pre-readingActivity3.List the countries that the Mekong River flows throughT: Do you know anything about the Mekong River? Where is it?Look at the map. How many countries does it go through?Ss: India, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand. 全班活动,看世界地图。本环节设计
9、的目的在于激活学生充分使用资源策略,共享已有知识与经验。学生通过查找信息,进一步了解湄公河的地理位置,并掌握中国周边的国家名称,开阔视野,为本单元的阅读主题作好铺垫。 Activity4.Enjoy the sights along the Mekong river Picture1: The glacier lies on Tibetan mountain Picture2: The rapids passes through valleysPicture3: The waterfall enters wide valleys Picture4: The river delta enters
10、 the South China Sea边欣赏湄公河沿途美景,边处理文中第三段一些疑难词句,为课文阅读扫清障碍。同时优美的景色,激起学生阅读课文的欲望,从而进入新知识的学习境界。Step3.While-readingActivity5. Skimming: Go through the passage quickly and tell the main factors about the travel.Bb:what who Travel where when how这个练习指导学生快速扫描全文,借助图表弄清文章的总体思路,了解课文的结构特点。并在第一时间把握旅游日志的要素:事件发生的时间、地
11、点、人物等。Activity6. Scanning: Ask and answer T: Look at the diagram on the Bb. Lets have a group competition. The whole class will be divided into two groups. Group one will make as many questions as possible according to the content of the passage, and group two will try your best to answer their ques
12、tions. Either a good question or a good answer will get 10 scores. Lets see which group will win. Now you will have 3 minutes to prepare for it.The following are the questions and answers from the class.THE DREAM AND THE PLANWh-QuestionsAnswers(key words)Para.Text organizationWho are WangKun, WangWe
13、i, DaoWei and YuHang?graduate from1DreamWhat was their dream?dream about;take a bike trip; cycling1Where did they plan to start the journey?at an altitude of;be excited about2PlanHow did they prepare for the trip?atlas3How does the Mekong river look like?glacier; rapids; hills; valleys;waterfalls;pl
14、ains3培养学生快速获取信息的能力。教师不断地激发学生认知的内部动力,变静态的文字结论为学生动态的探索过程,使学生在探索、实践、发现中主动获取知识。 同时,竞赛活动的设置营造了活跃的课堂氛围,有力地调动学生的学习情绪。Activity7. Careful reading: How much do you know about Wang Wei and Wang Kun?活动形式一(individual work):“T” or “F” exercise(易) 1. Wang Wei insisted that they begin the journey in Qinghai. 2. Wan
15、g Wei thought that her way was the proper way. 3. Wang Wei was a stubborn and careful girl. 4. Wang Kun gave in at last. 5. Wang Kun thought that it would be easy to start in Qinghai.活动形式二 (pair work):Fill in the following form(中)Similar attitudes about the trip Different attitudes about the tripBot
16、h Wang Wei and Wang Kun think 1234Wang Wei believes12Wang Kun believes12活动形式三 (group work):Discussion (稍难) T: Who do you think was right about the trip? Why? Use words to describe the characteristics of Wang kun and Wang wei if neccessary.Ss: Wang Wei: stubborn; determined; adventurous Wang kun: ser
17、ious; careful 本设计目的是想让学生理解文中人物的态度,共分易中难三个层次。其中活动一要求学生对文章具体细节的把握;活动二培养学生整合信息的能力;活动三留给学生广阔的思维空间,并且通过与小组成员的合作交流,让学生学会客观地评价事物和辨证地看问题,锻炼他们形成独立见解的能力。此活动设计层层深入,教师利用多种变式手段使知识由感性认识逐步成为理性理解,再逐步深化纳入已有知识体系中。 Step4. Post-readingActivity8. Open question:If you were Wang wei and Wang Kun, would you cycle down the
18、Mekong River? Give reasons to support your ideas.增加开放性的问题来强化学习内容,创造条件让学生对比自己与主人公的遇事态度,不仅有利于学生巩固前边所学知识,还有利于学生思维和想象力的发展,更为学生向最后的高级任务发起冲刺奠定了扎实基础。Activity9. Project: Make a plan for your tripT: National Day is coming. You will have seven-day holiday. Are you going to plan your schedule for a trip? Now r
19、ead the following “Tour Guides” and work in groups of six to report your journey plan. Your report should include the items like what your plan is, how you plan, what difficulties you may have and how you are going to deal with them etc.Tour Guides1. Choosing places for traveling . 12. List of place
20、s83. Choice of transport 324. Budget 365. Weather.406. Preparation for travelingl Clothesl Moneyl Documentsl Others.427. Guidelines for travelling.668. Writing travel journal 70拓展学习内容,进一步深化主题,达到学以致用的目的。利用一些趣味性较强的教学资源来挖掘他们头脑中已有的知识,并对这些知识进行整合,使学生对旅游有更加清晰明确的认识。Activity10. Formative evaluation: How many
21、 “stars” can you get for each item?1star= not so good; 2stars=need improvement; 3stars=good; 4stars=very good; 5star=excellent1. I have learned how to plan a trip. 2. I have learned some knowledge about traveling.3. I have learned something about the Lancang River and I love my country more than bef
22、ore.4. I have learn to express the location as well as the features of rivers in English.5. I know what scanning and what skimming is.6. I know how to find key information from the reading passage.7. I take an active part in the group work,8. I can do the task successfully with others.9. Im happy wh
23、en I cooperate with others.I still need to improve_.通过测评,使学生在英语学习的过程中不断体验进步与成功、认识自我、建立自信、调整学习策略。Step5.Homework1. Surf the Internet to find out more information about the Mekong River then share it with the classmates. (individual work)2. Surf the internet to collect some information about travel journal, and use your ideas to make a brochure with other classmates. (group work)从学生的生活经验和兴趣出发,在完成任务的过程中锻炼了他们的思维能力,使他们的想象力,合作和创新精神等综合素质得到发展。Internet为学生提供了新的学习平台,有利于培养学生的自主学习能力与探究能力。7