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    1、I Itinerary of YunNantinerary of YunNan Yunnan five days tourMain line:the ancient city of Dali,Old Town of Lijiang,Beam River ancient town,Tea-horse road ,Yulong Snow Mountain,Blue moon valley Shangri-La,Lugu Lake Time Time 8:008:0012:0012:0015:0015:00 1919:0000FirstdayFirstdayVisittheVisittheScene

    2、ryofSceneryofDaliDaliLunchLunchDeparturetheDeparturetheDaliancientDaliancienttowntown DinnerandDinnerandrestrestSecondSeconddaydayTraveltooldTraveltooldtownoftownoflijianglijiang RestandRestandlunchlunchVisitthreeVisitthreePagodasofPagodasofChonshengChonshengTempleTemple FreetimeFreetimeThirddayThir


    4、lleyGotohotelGotohotelFifthdayFifthdayVisitShangri-VisitShangri-La,La,freetimefreetimeGoLuguLake,GoLuguLake,feelthelocalfeelthelocalcustomsandcustomsandpracticespractices leaveleave the ancient city of DaliChinas historical and cultural city The city from the south to the north,across the street,sec

    5、luded alley deep street from west to East,arranged in a crisscross pattern tile roof,clear the uniform,the cobble stones walls,shows that Dalis simple,chic,elegantOld Town of Lijiang,The only ancient city without walls in China Lijiang is a 5A-level scenic spot,in 1997 was inscribed on the World Her

    6、itage List.Lijiang also called Dayan ancient Town,Lijiang mountain with water,also known as the Venice of the East,the building combines Tibetan,Bai,Naxi style,Lijiang real charm lies not in her long history,but in her cultural heritage.There have been popular since the Naxi ancient music,Dongba cul

    7、ture(Dongba characters,Dongba music,Dongba painting,which is the worlds Dongba characters only surviving still using hieroglyphs),Baisha murals.Lijiang had A mans paradise,a womans underground,said,in Lijiang,a man need only poetry and painting tobacco tea while women are responsible for all the fie

    8、lds live at home,so in Lijiang,womens clothing was daytime only because work light.because work light.Beam River ancient townShuhe is the live specimens of Naxi civilization from the commercial transition to farming civilization is he hometown of Qingquan ,handmade,miscellaneous,township of culture

    9、and education.In December 1997,Shuhe and Dayan one was included in the World Heritage List,In 2005 was selected CCTV Chinese charm of the town.Beam River ancient town:three wells synopesesSnowy mountains Water,clear icy,people put drink or bottled beer into the drains,its utilityin than refrigerator

    10、Tea-horse road Have deep historical heritage andCultural heritage,is the indispensablebridge and linkthe of ancient WestTibet and China Contact.The corridor ofSouthwest country Economic and Cultural ExchangeTea Horse Road is a very special area called.The most spectacular of natural scenery,culture

    11、mostMysterious tourist gem Line in the worldIt bears the endless developmentCultural heritage.Yulong Snow MountainFrom the foot of the valley to peaks with complete vertical bands natural landscapea of subtropical,temperate to frigid.is the most southern big mountain of the northern hemisphere.show

    12、known world of dangerous,extraordinary beauty,.In May 8,2007,Lijiang City,Yulong Snow Mountain scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration approval for the state 5A class tourist attractions Blue moon valleyCan be comparable with the Sichuan Jiuzhaigou,and regardless of the beauty Shangri-La。Lugu lakeKnown as the pearl of the plateau


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