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    1、学校代码:10254密 级:论文编号: 上海海事大学SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY硕 士 学 位 论 文MASTER DISSERTATION论文题目: 从目的论的角度浅谈工程机械产品说明书的翻译学科专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名: 指导教师: 完成日期: 二一年六月 On the Translation of Construction Machinery Product Instruction-from the Perspective of the SkopostheorieBy Under the Supervision ofProfessor A Th

    2、esis Submitted to the College of Foreign Languages ofShanghai Maritime Universityin Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements for the MA DegreeShanghai Maritime UniversityJune, 2010论文独创性声明本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或其他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均己在论文中做了明确的声明并表示了谢意。作者签名:

    3、 日期: 论文使用授权声明本人同意上海海事大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权送交论文复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以上网公布论文的全部内容或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵守此规定。作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: AcknowledgementsI would like to thank those who helped me finish this dissertation. Without their support it would be really hard for me to have made the dissertation

    4、 come into being.First of all, I want to show my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Weng Fengxiang. He spent much time reading the draft and gave me comments and suggestions. Without his help, I could not have finished this dissertation satisfactorily.Then I want to thank all the other te

    5、achers during the two-year postgraduate study here in SMU. I learnt a lot from them in the lectures, which were quite useful for the accomplishment of this dissertation. Besides, my friends also gave me much advice on my dissertation and helped me finding related materials for the dissertation. They

    6、 help me improving it. So I would like to extend my thanks to them from the bottom of my heart.Last but not the least, I feel grateful to my dear parents. They gave great support to me during the dissertation work. And they supervised me studying the dissertation when I was at home on vacation. My p

    7、arents helped me finish the dissertation on time.摘 要随着世界经济的发展,国家间的贸易往来日益密切。其中,工程机械类的产品贸易占着十分重要的位置。2008年底开始的一场百年难遇的经济危机席卷了全球,中国制造业在这场经济风暴中也遭受了沉重的打击。短短几个月间,沿海城市数万家出口加工型工厂倒闭,大量工人失业,地方经济遭受重创。这些现象的背后除了这些工厂技术陈旧、工艺低下外,无法提供完善和全面的售后服务也是其难以抵御世界经济危机的重要原因。售后服务中的第一步,也是最关键的一步就是对产品的介绍,即:产品使用说明书的制作。以中国的工程机械制造业为例,向国



    10、工程机械类产品说明书的特点和目前翻译现状的基础上提出来的,有待进一步论证和补充。关键词:目的论; 工程机械; 产品说明书; 翻译ABSTRACTWith the development of world economy, the trade between countries is increasingly close and the construction machinery product trade takes up a very important position. Now a great number of companies are beginning to expand th

    11、e overseas markets while more and more foreign products come into the local market. To promote the product sales, the first and most important step is to make qualified product instructions; however, few Chinese companies pay much attention to the translation of product instructions, especially the

    12、construction machinery product instruction. Not many scholars study this field. This dissertation attempts to focus on the translation of construction machinery product instruction from the perspective of the Skopostheorie. The dissertation includes five chapters: Chapter One mainly discusses the ge

    13、neral background of the subject and the current situation.In Chapter Two, the author gives a brief introduction to product instructions, including the types, functions and features.In Chapter Three, the author gives an overall and systematic study of the theoretical basis-the Skopostheorie. The auth

    14、or first introduces the development of the functional theory of translation. It includes four stages. And then the Skopostheorie is elaborated.In Chapter Four, the author puts the Skopostheorie into practice. This chapter talks about the characteristics of construction machinery product instruction,

    15、 translation principles and translation methods with a large number of examples. And Chapter Five is the conclusion, the author calls for the construction machinery companies to lay enough emphasis on the product instruction translation.Through the five-part analysis of the whole dissertation, the a

    16、uthor hopes to provide an overall guidance to the translation of construction machinery product instruction so as to improve the translation quality. The principles described in this dissertation are to analyze the features of construction machinery product instruction based on the current status of

    17、 translation. The author expects comments and suggests on this dissertation in order for her to better it. KEYWORDS: construction machinery, product instruction, translation Skopostheorie VCONTENTSAcknowledgements.IAbstract in Chinese.IIAbstract in English.IVChapter One: Introduction .11.1 Backgroun

    18、ds.11.2 Structure of the Dissertation.21.3 Literature Review.31.3.1 Study on the Skopostheorie.31.3.2 Study on the Translation of Product Instructions.41.3.3 The Significance of the Dissertation.5Chapter Two:An Introduction to Product Instructions.72.1 Definition of Product Instructions.7 2.2 Types

    19、of Product Instructions.72.2.1 Three Criteria of Classification.72.2.2 Four Forms of Product Instructions.92.3 Functions of Product Instructions.112.4 Features of Product Instructions.122.4.1Brief, Easy to Understand.122.4.2 Information: Complete and Accurate.122.4.3 Scientific and Professional.132.

    20、4.4 Imperative Sentences in Product Instructions.142.5 Construction Machinery Product Instruction.15Chapter Three:The Functional Theory of Translation and Its Core Theory-the Skopostheorie.163.1 The Development of the Functional Theory of Translation.163.2 The Core Theory-the Skopostheorie.19 3.2.1

    21、The Introduction to Skopos.19 3.2.2 The Three Principles of Skopostheorie.19 3.2.3 Translation Brief.21Chapter Four:From the Skopostheorie to the Translation of Construction Machinery Product Instruction.234.1 Linguistic Characteristics of Construction Machinery Product Instruction.234.1.1 Long Comp

    22、licated Sentences.244.1.2 Different Use of Voice.254.1.3 Non-finite Verbs.274.1.4 Technical Jargons.284.2 Translation of Construction Machinery Product Instruction.284.2.1 The Skopos of Construction Machinery Product Instruction.284.2.2 Translation Brief of Construction Machinery Product Instruction

    23、.294.2.3 Translation Principles.314.2.3.1 Skopos Rule as a Guiding Principle.314.2.3.2 The Coherence Rule.334.2.3.3 The Fidelity Rule.344.2. 4 Two Factors in the Translation.364.2.4.1 Cultural Diversity.364.2.4.2 Consumer Psychology.384.3 Translation Methods.394.3.1 Literal Translation.404.3.2Free T

    24、ranslation.434.3.2.1 Abridgement.454.3.2.2 Addition.464.3.2.3 Adaptation.474.4 Improving the Translation Consciousness.48Chapter Five:Conclusion.50Bibliography.53Chapter One: Introduction1.1 BackgroundsNowadays, with the dramatic development of globalization and Chinas entering WTO, we are more freq

    25、uently involved in foreign business, which brings lots of opportunities for China. More and more foreign goods flow into China to compete with local products. Meanwhile, local goods of sorts actively open the international market. On the one hand, the quality of local products is appreciated by fore

    26、igners. For example, on the markets of textile goods, toys and electronic facilities in the main European and American countries, “Made in China” has been popular and necessary; on the other hand, the population of foreign citizens and tourists in big and medium-sized cities is increasing quickly. F

    27、oreign consumers obviously account for more percentage on the local market. Therefore, any local firms should think about prospective foreign consumers and translate product instructions carefully.The constant development of export and import trade makes the translation of product instructions more

    28、and more necessary. The expression of product instructions has a great effect on the purchase desire of consumers. It will help foreign consumers know about the quality, functions and the use instructions of products. So from the form to the content, the translation of product instructions must be e

    29、xact, real and reliable to attract consumers. For this reason, the translating task has been important for translators.Translation, as Peter Newmark puts it, is “ rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.” (1988:5) Eugene Nida interprets tran

    30、slating as reproducing in the target language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style. According to Sperber and Wilson (1986a), they says that to understand natural language people should in advance look for relevance and

    31、depend on inference. In order to achieve pragmatic equivalence, the presupposition is just accurately cognizing and understanding the source language.Under the guidance of the Skopostheorie of translation, the author tries to study the translation of construction machinery product instruction. Trans

    32、lation, as a social activity, is unique and complicated. So is the translation of product instructions. We have already worked at translating the instructions of local products before long. Since the reform and the opening to the outside world, almost all the product packages have been printed with

    33、relative English instructions. However, the translations of instructions are not so satisfied, some even rather terrible to make the whole translation unreadable and ridiculous. Although manufacturers really do translating and the English printings on the packages of products are so exquisite, the E

    34、nglish printings are nominal actually. Therefore, the need is fast growing to probe for a suitable translation method to improve translating.1.2 Structure of the DissertationThis dissertation attempts to focus on the translation of construction machinery product instruction from the perspective of t

    35、he Skopostheorie. The dissertation includes five chapters: Chapter One mainly talks about the general background of the subject and the current situation. In Chapter Two, the author gives a brief introduction to product instructions, including the types, functions and features. In Chapter Three, the

    36、 author gives an overall and systematic study of the theoretical basis-the Skopostheorie. The author first analyzes the development of the functional theory of translation from four stages. And then the Skopostheorie is elaborated. In Chapter Four, the author puts the Skopostheorie into practice. Th

    37、is chapter talks about the characteristics of construction machinery product instruction, translation principles and translation methods with a large number of examples. And Chapter Five is the conclusion, the author calls for the construction machinery companies to lay enough emphasis on the produc

    38、t instruction translation.1.3 Literature ReviewThis dissertation talks about the translation of construction machinery product instruction from the perspective of the Skopostheorie. The related study results on the research current are explained in the following sections.1.3.1 Study on the SkopostheorieThe Skopos theory has been Germanys most influential translation school since 1970s. It developed through fou


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