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    1、人教版人教版义义务务教育教育教教科科书书九年九年级级全全一一 册册Unit1 Sad movies make me cry.Section B(2a-2e)The Winning TeamWhats your feeling?What happened to the little boy?He missed s_coring a goal.The coach didnt _k_ick the boy off the team.The boys p_u_lled_ _togeth_e_rto win the game.The boy _let his coach down.What happen

    2、ed?Teaching aims1.To improve reading skills by doing some exercises.2.Learn how to talk about our experiences and feelings.3.To develop team spirit and keep on fighting.PredictionPeterPeters teammatesWhat happened to Peter?A.The team won the game.Peter felt happy.B.The team lost the game.But Peter f

    3、elt lucky at last.Read the story and divide it into some parts.How many parts can the story be divided into?1234567891011Part.1Part.2Part.3Peters fathers advice.Teammates support.Peters trouble.Read and match.worriedhis coach kick him off the team.Whats Peters trouble?Peter missed scoring a goal.He

    4、had let his team down.How did Peter feel?angrystupid mistakeHe feltPart 1If you were Peter,what would you do?What are his fathers suggestions?Read and underline them.1.Dont be too_hard o_nyourself.2._S u p_p_o r teach other.3.W_inning or los_ingis only half the game.4.Learn how tocommunicate withyou

    5、r teammates.5.Learn fromthe mistakes.Part 2Pay attention to the intonation(语调语调)and feelings.Father:Whats wrong,Peter?You look sad.Peter:I missed scoring a goal.I made my team lose the game.Father:Come on,boy.Dont be too hard on yourself.Im sure youre not the only reason your team lost the game.Pete

    6、r:I I dont understand.What do you mean?Father:Soccer is about team effort.If you have a good team,you should support each other.Winning or losingmay be important.But its also important to learn how tocommunicate with your teammates and learn from your mistakes.Peter:Oh,thank you dad!I think I know w

    7、hat I should do.Tip:Pay attention to the int onation and feelings.Challenge!1Challenge!2Challenge!3No matter what happens,our parents will always be there for us.1.What did Peter do the next day?2.What did Peter say after he saw his teammates?3.Did Peters teammates agree with him?Why?4.How did he fe

    8、el?Teammates supportPart 31.What did Peter do the next day?Peter went to soccer team with courage rather than fear in his heart.Teammates support2.What did Peter say after he saw his teammates?Peter said he was sorry.He thought if they continued to pull together,they were going to win the next game.

    9、Teammates support3.Did Peters teammates agree with him?Why?Yes,they did.They said it was never one persons fault.4.How did he feel?He smiled and felt lucky.If you were Peters teammate,what would you say?Peters team lost the game.Why did Peter still think he was on the winning team?learn from mistake

    10、spull togethercommunicatewith each othersupport each otherWinning or losing isonly half the game.a good coachDiscussionHomework1.Write a passage about your experiences.2.Role-play the conversation between Peter and his teammates.The winners songI started with nothing Now I have somethingI proved them all they were wrong So glad I kept fightingAnd I never stopped trying Been waiting to sing for so long My winners song!Thank you!


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