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    会计报表附注工作底稿(英文版) (1).doc

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    会计报表附注工作底稿(英文版) (1).doc

    1、会计报表附注工作底稿(英文版)(执行企业会计制度的非上市公司适用)ContentsI. General AspectsII. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates Adopted by the CompanyIII. Changes of Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates and Corrections of Material Accounting ErrorsIV. Major Items in the Financial StatementsV. Relat

    2、ed PartiesVI. ContingenciesVII. Post Balance Sheet Date EventsVIII. Other Important MattersIX. Approval of the Financial Statements for Issue注:前景色为蓝色的内容为可选项,在翻译时请根据被审计单位实际情况和中文版附注的内容选用。_Co., Ltd.Notes to Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2004I. General Aspects_Co., Ltd. (“the Comp

    3、any”) was established by _ and _ on _. Its establishment was approved by _ (the Peoples Government of Shanghai Municipality, the Foreign Investment Commission of Shanghai Municipality), and its business license is numbered _. Its total investment is RMB/USD _, and its registered capital is RMB/USD _

    4、. Its duration of operation is _ years.The Company started its operation in _. It is mainly engaged in _. (Or: As at _, the Company is still in its start-up period.)II. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates Adopted by the Company1. Basic accounting assumption adopted【此处为关于持续经营问题的说

    5、明。如有则其他会计政策、会计估计的编号相应顺延:)】The financial statements are prepared on going concern basis. This assumption is acceptable because the foreign party of the Company has promised to provide continuous adequate financial support in the foreseeable future to the Company in order for it to fulfil its financia

    6、l obligation due. Therefore the Company has sufficient working capital to satisfy its operation needs in the foreseeable future and will not face any problems concerning going concern caused by shortage of working capital.1. The applicable accounting regulation: The Accounting Standard for Chinese E

    7、nterprises and Accounting Regulation for Chinese Enterprises is adopted by the Company.2. The fiscal year: The fiscal year of the Company runs from 1 January to 31 December of each calendar year3. Recording currency: Renminbi4. Bookkeeping and valuation basis: The accrual basis and historical cost b

    8、ased valuation is adopted. 5. Foreign currency transactionsThe amount of transactions in foreign currencies occurred in the reporting year were translated into RMB at the mid-exchange rate quoted by Peoples Bank of China and the exchange rate quoted by New York Foreign Exchange Market on the first d

    9、ay of the month in which these transactions are entered into/the date of the transactions. Adjustments are made to the Renminbi balance of the accounts in foreign currencies at the end of each month to reflect the exchange rate prevailing on that date. The resulting exchange gains or losses which we

    10、re related to borrowings specially for construction and acquisition of fixed assets (including interests accrued) was capitalized; those occurred during the start-up period were charged to the deferred debits; and those occurred during the operation were charged to the profit and loss account.6. Tra

    11、nslation of financial statements presented in foreign currencies(1) For items in balance sheet(s) presented in foreign currencies: balances of all asset and liability items are translated into Renminbi at the mid-exchange rate on the balance sheet date; amount of transactions involving owners equity

    12、 items (with the exception of undistributed profits) are translated into Renminbi at the mid-exchange rates on the date of these transactions, and the balance of these items as shown on the translated balance sheet is the total of translated transaction amounts; the balance of undistributed profits

    13、is referenced from the translated statement of income and its appropriation and distribution. The difference of the total assets and the total liabilities and owners equity on the translated balance sheet is recognized as “differences on translation of financial statements in foreign currency” and s

    14、hown after the item of “undistributed profits”. The balances of all items as at the beginning of reporting year are referenced from the translated balance sheet as at the end of the previous year.(2) Amounts of all items on the statement of income and its appropriation and distribution (with the exc

    15、eption of the balance of undistributed profits as at the beginning of reporting year) are translated into RMB at the average exchange rate for the reporting year. The balance of undistributed profits as at the beginning of reporting year is referenced from the translated balance sheet as at the begi

    16、nning of the reporting year.(3) The aforesaid principles are also applicable to the translation of cash flow statement, on the basis of grouping of items in cash flow statement by their nature (whether they represent balances or transaction amounts).7. Cash equivalentsThe cash equivalents are define

    17、d as those items meeting all of the 4 criteria listed below: (1) short-lived (due within 3 months since purchased); (2) with strong liquidity; (3) can be easily converted into known amount of cash; and (4) bears low risk of fluctuation in value.8. Current investments(1) Measurement of, and recogniti

    18、on of income on, current investmentsThe Accounting Regulation for Chinese Enterprises requires initial measurement of current investments at the total price paid on acquisition, including such incidental expenses as taxes and handling charges, less declared bonuses or interests due but not yet recei

    19、ved. Cash dividends or interest on current investments, other than those recorded as receivable items, shou1d be offset against the carrying amount of investments upon receipt. When disposed of, the difference between sales proceeds and their book value is recognized as gains. (2) Provision for impa

    20、irment of current investmentscriteria for recognition and determination of amount to be provided forCurrent investments should be stated at the lower of the cost and market value at the end of each year and interim reporting period. If the cost is higher than market value, the difference should be r

    21、ecognized as a provision for impairment of current investments. Provision for impairment of current investments is made on an individual item basis/on group basis/for overall current investments as a whole. If the value of a current investment is significant (that is, it accounts for 10% or more of

    22、total current investments), the provision for impairment loss on this current investment should be determined and recognized separately.9. Accounting for bad debts(1) The bad debts are written off when- The debtors concerned have gone liquidation or passed away, and the bankrupts estate or the herit

    23、age are not enough to make the full recovery. Then the amount outstanding is recognized as the bad debts; or- The account has been overdue and there is strong evidence regarding its uncollectibility.The bad debts are written off after being approved by the Board of Directors/the shareholders meeting

    24、.(2) Provision is regularly made for bad debts, which may happen on account receivables and other receivables, with the exception of inter-company receivables from other entities within the scope of consolidation (combination) of financial statements.The provision for the bad debts is made at % of t

    25、he balance of accounts receivable / other receivables at date or on an aging analysis basis. The rates of provision is listed as follows: Age of accountsProvision Rate (%)Within 1 year (including 1 year)1-2 years (including 2 years)2-3 years (including 3 years)3-4 years (including 4 years)4-5 years

    26、(including 5 years)Over 5 years 【对于采用个别认定法的公司,表述如下:The provision for bad debts is made on the basis of a combination of specific identification and percentage-of-balance determination/aging analysis. For those receivables greater than RMB _ or distinct from others in collectibility due to various re

    27、asons, such as the specific location of debtors, the financial and operating status of the debtors, the disputes with the debtors etc., if the same policy of provisions for bad debts were applied to them and to the other receivables, their recoverable amount may be distorted. Thus, specific identifi

    28、cation is more appropriate for them. That is, a detailed analysis, based on the operating results, cash flow status and credit records of previous years of the debtors, is made of the collectibility of each of those receivables, then a rate of provision is determined specifically for each item of th

    29、e receivables falling within that group. For other receivables not qualified for specific identification, a general provision is made at % or using aging analysis method, the details are as follows:】10. Amortization of prepaid expensesItemTerm of amortizationAmortization Method_On straight-line basi

    30、s_11. Accounting for inventories(1) Classification of inventoriesInventories are assets (a) held for sale in the ordinary course of business; (b) in the process of production for such sale; or (c) in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of se

    31、rvices. The inventories of the Company are classified into the following groups: (raw materials, work-in-process, finished products/commodities in stock, materials sent out for processing, low-cost and short-lived articles, packages).(2) Initial measurement of inventories on acquisitionInventories a

    32、re valued at the actual cost when acquired. (3) Determination of cost of inventories dispatched/consumed计划成本法或定额成本法下的表述:The planned cost method (计划成本)/ coefficient-norm costing method (定额成本法) is adopted in routine data processing. At the end of each month, the differences between the planned cost an

    33、d the actual cost are adjusted for to arrive at the actual cost using the cost variance rates for that month/the previous month. 实际成本法下的表述:Determination of cost of inventories dispatched/consumed for routine data processing purposes is based on actual cost, method (weighted average/moving average/FI

    34、FO/LIFO) is adopted in determination of cost of inventories dispatched/consumed.(如企业采用了个别认定法,则补充说明如下:The cost of inventories of items that are not ordinarily interchangeable and goods or services produced and segregated for specific projects should be assigned by using specific identification of the

    35、ir individual costs.)(对于采用售价金额法核算的商品流通企业,可以表述如下:The commodities in stock of the Company are valued at their selling price. At the end of each month, the “purchase-sales difference” (that is, the difference between selling price and acquisition cost) allocable to commodities sold in that month is det

    36、ermined, on the basis of which the cost of sales for that month is adjusted to the actual amount.)(4) Amortization of low cost and short-lived articles and packages Method (“half-half amortization”/ “one-off writing off”) is adopted in amortization of low cost and short-lived articles Method is adop

    37、ted in amortization of packaging.(5) Inventory taking system The Company applied a periodical/ perpetual inventory system. (Perpetual inventory system is applied to material inventory items, and periodical inventory system is applied to the other inventory items.)(6) Recognition criteria and policy

    38、of provisions for impairment of inventoriesThe inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. The impairment of inventories are provided for at the end of each reporting period. The provision is made for costs of inventories that are probably unrecoverable. Provision is made f

    39、or the cost of inventories which suffer from spoilage, or become entirely or partially obsolescent, or the selling prices of which are lower than the costs etc. The provision is made on an item by item basis at the difference by which the cost of inventories is higher than the NRV. For miscellaneous

    40、 and low cost items, the provision is made on a category by category basis.Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.12. Long-term investments(1) The valuation of lo

    41、ng-term equity investments and recognition of income thereonLong-term investment in shares and other long-term investment are collectively called long-term equity investment. The long-term equity investments are recorded at its initial cost on acquisition, i.e., the total price paid on acquisition.C

    42、ost method is used to account for long-term equity investments when the Company does not have control, joint control or significant influence over the investee enterprise. The equity method is used to account for long-term equity investments when the Company can control, jointly control or has signi

    43、ficant influence over the investee enterprise.(2) Accounting for equity investment differencesIf the initial investment cost of the Company is greater than the Companys share of owners equity of the investee enterprise, the difference is charged to equity investment difference account and amortized

    44、evenly over the duration of investment and recorded in the income statement (or: amortized evenly over a defined period, namely, _ years). If the initial investment cost of the Company is less than the Companys share of owners equity of the investee enterprise, the difference arising from investment

    45、s made before March 17, 2003 is credited to equity investment difference account and amortized evenly over the duration of investment and recorded in the income statement (or: amortized evenly over a defined period, namely, _ years); the difference arising from investments made on or after March 17,

    46、 2003 is credited to capital surplus account. For the additional investments made on or after May 28, 2004, if the equity investment differences arising therefrom are on the opposite side from that arising from the original investment, the equity investment differences arising from the additional in

    47、vestments should first be offset against the balance of that arising from the original investment (including capital surplus items arising therefrom), the excess of equity investment differences arising from additional investments over that arising from original investment is treated in the same manner as described above.(3) The valuation of long-term investments in bonds and recognition of income thereonThe long-term investments in bonds are recorded at the total price paid on acquisition (including/excluding incidental expenses such as taxes and handling charges), less unpaid


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