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    中国文化英文之龙文化dragon culture in China.ppt

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    中国文化英文之龙文化dragon culture in China.ppt

    1、Dragon Culturein ChinaContent:1.Definition of dragon2.Origin of Chinese dragon3.Image of Chinese dragon4.Symbolic Value in China 5.Dragon warship in China6.Forms of dragon culture in ChinaDefinition of DragonDragon cultures exit in both the Eastern and Western world.However,there are totally differe

    2、nt connotations under the different culture backgrounds.Eastern Dragon VS.Western DragonWestern dragon is considered as the embodiment of Sadan,who is believed as evil,and mostly takes on a form of monster.Dragons from the West are said to breathe fire and are seen as unwanted and something that a h

    3、ero must work to get rid of.These dragons try to kill people who get near them by breathing out fire.They also have great wings and sharp claws.In contrast,Chinese dragon traditionally symbolizes strength and auspicious powers,particularly control over water,rainfall and floods.It is also a symbol o

    4、f good luck.The Chinese even have a year of the dragon,and it is said that anyone born in this year will be healthy,wealthy,and wise.Cautious Usage of“Dragon”Great attention is required when the word“dragon”comes into use.1.A person is like a dragon.-not a compliment at all.2.If you call a woman a d

    5、ragon-she is fierce and unpleasant.3.She is a bit a dragon around here.-She is a domineering woman.In order to distinguish the Chinese dragon“龙”and the English dragon,some dictionaries call the Chinese one as“Chinese dragon”to distinct from the English one.Some scholars believe that they can be dist

    6、inguished in spelling.English one is spelled as“dragon”while the Chinese one as“loong”.However,the ideas have not been in broad agreement so far.About the use of Loong:Suggestions of Loong:As the image of China in the world is dragon,the westerners,especially the Christians,often misunderstand Chine

    7、se characters.They may think China is a barbarous people for the difference in culture.Thus,the promotion of adopting“loong”seems quite necessary in maintaining the Chinese image which is actually a kind and persistent people.Origin of Chinese DragonSome scholars believe that dragon originated from

    8、totems of different tribes in ancient China.Some suggest that it comes from a stylized depiction of existing animals,such as snakes,fish or crocodiles.In all,dragon doesnt exist at all;it is an imaginary animal.Why did ancient Chinese people create such an imaginary animal?The development of agricul

    9、ture in ancient ChinaThe development of science Dragons are considered as the governors of rain.They have the power to decide where and when to have rain falls.The kings of dragons live in the dragon palaces under the oceans.Image of Chinese dragon Nobody really knows where the dragon comes from.The

    10、 dragon looks like a combination of many animals,is described visually as a composite of parts from nine animals:The horns of a deer;the head of a camel;the eyes of a rabbit;the neck of a snake;the abdomen of a large cockle;the scales of a carp;the claws of an eagle;the paws of a tiger;and the ears

    11、of an ox.“角似鹿,头似驼,眼如兔,项似蛇,腹如蜃,鳞如鱼,爪似鹰,掌似虎,身如牛。角似鹿,头似驼,眼如兔,项似蛇,腹如蜃,鳞如鱼,爪似鹰,掌似虎,身如牛。”Symbolic Value in ChinaHistorically,the dragon was the symbol of the Emperor of China,for dragons are viewed as being potent and auspicious powers.Chinese emperors think they are the real dragons and the sons of heave

    12、n.Thus the beds they sleep on are called the dragon beds,the throne called the dragon seat,and the emperors ceremonial dresses called the dragon robes.Dragon Warship in China1.Ruler of weather and waterChinese dragons are strongly associated with water in popular belief.They are believed to be the r

    13、ulers of moving bodies of water,such as waterfalls,rivers,seas or flood.In times of drought or flooding,it was customary for the local gentry and government officials to lead the community in offering sacrifices and conducing other religious rites to appease the dragon,either to ask for rain.There a

    14、re four major Dragon Kings,representing each of the four seas:The East Sea,the South Sea,the West Sea,and the North Sea.Because of this association,they are seen as“in charge”of water-related weather phenomenon.2.Symbol of imperial authorityThe dragon,especially yellow or golden dragons with five cl

    15、aws on each foot,was a symbol for emperor in many Chinese dynasties.The imperial throne was called the Dragon Throne.During the late Qing Dynasty,the dragon was even adopted as the national flag.The dragon is featured in the carving in the imperial palaces and tombs.清康熙清康熙清乾隆清乾隆In some Chinese legen

    16、ds,an Emperor might be born with a birthmark in the shape of a dragon.And in contrast,the Empress of China was often identified with the Fenghuang,or phoenix.Forms of dragon culture in China1.The dragon plays an important part in Chinese Festivals.2.The dragon dance has a long history,which was alre

    17、ady a popular event during the Song Dynasty(960-1279 AD).3.The Dragon Boat Festival,is almost purely dragon-related festival,which becomes popular international events now.4.Typical Chinese costume5.Dragon and architecture decoration北京北海公园:九龙壁承德须弥福寿庙大殿承德须弥福寿庙大殿上海豫园上海豫园Dragons nine sons嘲凤*螭吻,又叫鸱尾、鸱吻。

    18、口润嗓粗而好吞,遂成殿脊两端的吞脊兽,取其灭火消灾。*椒图形状像螺蚌,性好闭,最反感别人进入它的巢穴,将其形象雕在大门的铺首上,或刻画在门板上以求安全.蚣蝮蚣蝮 性喜水,被雕成桥柱、建筑上滴水的兽形。螭首 嘴大,肚子能容纳很多水,在建筑中多用于排水口装饰 赑屃,貌似龟,有齿,力大,好负重。其背亦负以重物,在石碑下的石龟为其形象。在拆除北京旧城墙时,在东便门和西便门的城墙下各发现半个赑屃,因此有赑屃驮着北京城之说。睚眦睚眦 睚眦相貌似豺,好腥杀。常被雕饰在刀柄剑鞘上。睚眦的本意是怒目而视,所谓“一饭之德必偿,睚眦之怨必报”。所以,像豺一样的龙子就出现在刀柄刀鞘上了。狻猊狻猊 狻猊本是狮子的别名,

    19、所以形状像狮,好烟火,又好坐。庙中佛座及香炉上能见其风采。Stories or idioms about Dragons in ChinaLord Yes Love of Dragons(叶公好龙)The idiom means professed love of what one really fears.The story behind the idiom:Lord Ye loved dragons deeply.He had dragons everywhere and he was thinking about dragons all the time.His love of drag

    20、ons moved a real dragon,so the dragon came to visit him one day.When he saw the real dragon,he was frightened to death.Assignments:Try to explain the following idioms in English:1.鲤鱼跳龙门2.掷杖成龙 3.画龙点睛 鲤鱼跳龙门古代传说黄河鲤鱼跳过龙门(指的是黄河从壶口咆哮而下的晋陕大峡谷的最窄 处的龙门,今称禹门口),就会变化成龙。埤雅释 鱼:“俗说鱼跃龙门,过而为龙,唯鲤或然。”清李元蠕范物体:“鲤黄者每岁季春逆



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