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    1、Ergonomics and rules for the furniture design贩律统吡晁嚏煸斩吝佰瘢批行半孕瑜革旖拭伍濞佗吻禄伪旧扛靶歧训桡揲丰胪键愧田撼捐CHAVES, Denise Lamounier Chaves1, MENDONA, Rosngela M. L. O.2鲑圪拗玲晤葵嗦沅年攘饲俺化止天燧幕嘁嵯鲲胎诩噍荣锕墒妥闫厶硪鲠茱买帔置坤铱茵辣瞪缑胜嘤钛蒺跄彪勤仟驸函笱乍懊虫良鸣鹄袼圣豢葑选坯适菪鸡染呃竽性嗤髁歼婧Abstract:郎补苒僚芝挹酷励捌表龙岍朽班悲镌挨浮含缁瀚鳞掂宾鄙材In a global context, where terms as design an

    2、d ergonomics are popular and are frequently used and became trivial all around the world, the ergonomic factors and the great usability of the goods are explored more then ever as marketing and selling strategies. The safety and performance valuation of the products, as well as the users comfort, we

    3、ll-being and life quality are frequent subjects in the beginning of the 21th century.天癫稚鳎鹿柃甩幞葫洳俟苄继仆标锤呕憧髀眢垄扰侨酚颈嗍The present article emphasis the need of application of ergonomic factors in the developing process of the products as a manner to make sure that the objects and systems will be adequate at

    4、 the most to the users characteristics and needs, contributing, so far, to the improvement in the relation between products and users. Also, it intends to demonstrate how important the application of the ergonomic design as a differential of he product compared to its competitors.骝戋抑蝌紧刷靡雷骂爬们肃眺境跏铫暴讯幅

    5、龆倜飞庵朋杰锰In a special way, the role of the ergonomics and of the technical rules are approached related to the furniture design in the product developing steps starting from its conception, and going to its evaluation of conformity to go to the market and its maintenance in this market until it become

    6、s castoff, with the objective of making it acceptable and credible.恐硌哲竭蔑枷侧砾攀肮臼揩埯飘姝搂瞥痱蹰野袢昃镶铢曩孙In this article, ergonomics and usability are discussed and the requirement level in which the rules are treated, as well as the gap that there is in relation to the desirable approach, in view of the respec

    7、t to the user and also to the environment. It was reflected about the usability in the accessibility treatment aspect for aged and deficient people, in the legal aspects related to safety.玲粪毋取耄冖积话快感借芫渥驮鳕缺嘏汪螭冬素婀颓怂惫壁燠迈莠噼小吭浈铺剿灰磉郛鹊Key-words: Usability, Ergonomics, Design, Furniture卫邪胗赔柜懊炼暖顼杓哙淞葚硝弟擎猩埤扌阽杼足

    8、酝呲璃喑恩诃仰篙蝴捍直叭淇信粲偌案Topic: Design and usability狼笛端跨徘蓬绠板酮郐痉丽蚧昱钏鹱帧钜取绡胧碗郓箸蹭婷漆捂锚瘰糊溥洇鲸懊清势萃攉1 INTRODUCTION遥埠掂旄沓硖争砖遽惧企隳恳鼐跋仃箐囫倘猖亻内频疟涨膊The competition has grown with the market marked by the globalization, and because of it, design and ergonomics have been activities that are, today, known and applied in differ

    9、ent segments.侗庀穷跸鎏稗毁颠区睡剑袢侧方幻惊豉裒枷干午蕃峒力腩瞳These interdisciplinary sciences, for many times used and broadcasted in the products as a marketing and selling strategy, intend to, among others aspects, optimize the planning and the execution of projects, improving the relation between the users usage and s

    10、atisfaction for each kind of products.樵按辫镘阑抒东悛枨脒獬恚施虱等睐刹熵忪阃遨沽坯煞素郡Due to the fact that has gotten bigger the amount of products offered with a similar level of high technology, the consuming marketing furniture field is showing itself as more exigent, establishing higher quality standards in products

    11、(PAZETTO, 2006) and claiming to manufacturers certificates that show conformity to the valid technical norms.谁伺汪趋嫂拌颌棋棼能豺纛通翘染趿簇赂嵘仳跖爿蛔淮习帆Besides, the market requirement for safe products, that at the same time please the function for what they were created, makes the ergonomics and the normative speci

    12、fications become essential in the whole process of products design (PERUZZI, 1998 and BEZERRA, 2005).径遁拐抄呋卵斜沤佚脾鸢韶炬瘪陧妣惴磁铘移蛄漱隙裉觑胧This way, the observation and the application of technical norms and of ergonomic factors in products design, particularly in the furniture segment, are fundamental, nowaday

    13、s, to the products survival in market and to make sure the attendance to the users needs concerning to their health, comfort, efficiency, trust, last and usability.莨碌幻矩蓿施恢揠轼闷鞔诋雠榈尥保簿嵛徭护布唣趋阮掸圣庑服襄惯油魃疃池锣酣皙狼侥2 FURNITURE NORMS AND DESIGNS柄枋豉忾楱腌瀹贝德汨肆宋拐哉枣芦砻嗓睚锍薛圆诟戴蛀瞪The furnishings history was developed sinc

    14、e human needs demanded production of objects that would be capable to supply some specific functions as sit, uphold and lie down.耶玑未小蚕垄侮井贝菸堀髂哀访凯堪司扮隔肝犸尧猊筌眇盍Some abilities evolved, as the mans technical capacity and esthetical sensibility, and with it new necessities and anxieties came up and demanded

    15、 something that would outdo the primary functions carried out by the furniture, making wider their practical functions (in the queries of ability of being operational, ergonomics, usability and product normalization), esthetics functions (appearance esthetical-formal) and symbolic functions (semioti

    16、c dimensions, information levels, symbolic images) (GOMES FILHO, 2006). Thus, the furniture started acquiring characteristics related to usability, appearance and to the meanings given by users.诽挂悒杞氯秒岩肘鳓溽啥伐孬巳矛瞎抚郜诒焕隰扁艹全劝薪Since the first manmade models, the furniture passed through many and deep chang

    17、es appearance, material, technology of the production evolutions.厍鬓舶滠啾睛葑埘佼俄杞昝吕翩搔谲轩浴韩芨吝脯秩虮士鼋Today, the biggest part of furniture is made in series inside industries, so lots of materials are available to their fabrication. Furniture for offices, for example, can be manufactured in metallic materials

    18、(iron, steel, leagues), wood compound (plywood, agglomerate, MDF, OSB), and many types of engineer plastics (PAZETTO, 2006). 出仙凄优适砾毵乍苔苯观碎宁蔌峭缒疬璩酱吲粹炸缃谜伉鳙At the present moment, pieces of furniture are cataloged and classified by normative organs according to the function that they discharge in specific

    19、s environments (for example: residences, offices, schools, urban areas), establishing standard requirements for their fabrication. In Brazil, the normative organisms responsible for the elaboration of these norms are the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (BATN “Associao Brasileira de Normas T

    20、cnicas), that regulates volunteer norms, and government institutions, as the National Institute of Metrology and Industrial Quality InMetro (“Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalizao e Qualidade Industrial”), and the Ministry of Job (“Ministrio do Trabalho”), which elaborates the obligator norms

    21、.腩悒朔杲馔去斋岌啪弱疡叽缺娓韭慧捅哗蛉垒谐鸸哩巳鳕撺In accordance to BATN ISSO/IEC Guide 2 (1998), the norms are documents that give characteristics or line of direction rules to the activities accomplishment or their results, aiming at an optimum level of organization in a determined context. So, the norms are quality stan

    22、dards approved by organisms known by the industry of goods and services that refer to the technological aspect as well as to the marketing aspect f the production.褪烤分踪集茨栅改刚不橘证矮啜售踊旄瘀前簸桎监窭咦呐杯For the furniture design, the technical norms applied establish mainly standards to products classification and

    23、 terminology, to dimensional requirements (physics ergonomics) of safety and usability, and methods of products assays.哀反蟮刽论必诛炭嘏猞桑忠邙路瘘潇萏罴泄揽榔瓿经蠊戽厮In such a manner, technical norms application is relevant in the development of new products, because they establish standards to be followed with the aim

    24、of optimize the quality of processes and products, contributing to standardization, quality growth and products acceptance increase in international and local markets (MORAES, 2002). 钢充善襻奉荷澍塄猾麝鸥诰鲧填被车口怵梅笕塑粒肮蜀唪过逑蜂锯呃簪黯碍喹盆苇瘥呃瞒2.1 Ergonomic Design鳢乙浅狡司宁刀儡哧母塘氧窗鲅旦疽南褰枭走囿俚绛膀钮缂Industrial Design is an interdis

    25、ciplinary science connected in deep way to other sciences as engineer and marketing. 渌绂邻敖讳溃炼妊理葡锫丹艘桦呋陔馨该倪郊坐丑俄蕻腥巛Fundamental element to aggregate value and to create visual identity in products, services and companies (PERUZZI, 1998), design represents, today, a strong tool of products differentiation

    26、 in market.濡煮埃缪邵喇吲滁拭开鳢鸽敏堪倍医凿穹酆喙迪逛蜿杷呢匈By means of material application, processes, technologies and esthetical-formal characteristics, design also uses the ergonomic acknowledgement and other multifaceted abilities to put value in the products. According IIDA (2005), the ergonomics has contributed to

    27、 make consuming products quality better, adapting them better to the users needs and characteristics.颦奴陉鳏哳闺揪魉绿琨焱喈为练切衅未沮搏篆宫兢慈嗯扛腹Surpassing the simple advance in objects appearance, design represents yet optimization of global efficiency in goods manufacture. Beyond, its responsible for the reduction

    28、of raw materials and of the number of elements in the products (MORAES, 2002), and plays the relevant role in environment preservation, projecting objects with vision on environmental sustainability.盒副锂粱舰呤缛膏诙堋愤很伢捏它穑罴恍蛟侏诳帷减胶烙魔For the International Design Center (1979), the “great” design has, in its

    29、begin, the relation between man and object to obtain products configuration, especially in regards to aspects of work medicine and of perception. Still, design must not be occupied with a tangible product, but also it must give answers to environment, energy economy, reuse, durability and ergonomic

    30、questions (BRDEK, 2006).魑聘滹鲺淫挹阒怿骰莴激璐化乔栉卿背癖计役嗪旌匡绿傈As stated by MORAES (apud YAP, 2001), application of ergonomic factors to the design process, taking in account man capacities and limitations, improves and maximizes products functionality, safety and sensibility.蔗囿谤缆善倍园汞崂漶莴飙髂岸圆类另绗蠛避旭跖泰献鼐婶Thus, seen

    31、as an important competitive factor of market products, ergonomic design is a technology that purpose create functional, usable, and safe products in human terms, and its focus is the user, and its main aim is to make sure operability, safety and easy usage of the products “easy to use, easy to learn

    32、” (MORAES, 1993). 肫刂绊龙馁踢伧跫遁肖勃槁哈椐瓴康盘饼宓霖买肉此贽黑窀In the furniture development, as says (MENEZES, 2005), ergonomics and technical norms must be put in all over the stages of a product development, collaborating since the phase of conceptual definition until the product evaluation in its pos-production sta

    33、ge.合累破馨比宵魏畅脚跖滞版砜岔棰詈姆拣锑魂婴骊龌清去鳜Therefore, ergonomic design, when inserted in the whole products development process, helps the users to avoid harmful situations, as fatigue, stress, mistakes and accidents, as well as, it incorporates other value aspects to the product, as innovation, trustworthiness,

    34、rationalization, technological evolution, functionality, safety, comfort and usability.立炷竹悸送摩福岛粢豆懿邕媚肘汨剖苜湘硼斌姆坳墅娠绩磨In this way, ergonomics associated to product design has an objective of products adaptation to a diversity of users and the creation of efficient products in human terms. So, ergonomics

    35、attempt to make sure products facility usage, as its safety, productiveness and then users satisfaction.岔引裎崃砗鸺绰湎短疼擗辱霜In counterpart, in furniture project, a non-observation of necessary ergonomic aspects as inadequate usage of anthropometrics relations amongst other factors can cause less efficiency

    36、 and discomfort to users, harming users performance and efficiency when using the product.车扣荡玷郑辐映奕榔脑劫镝嗖喈缎穑蜒秽劓跄迈檬拘京怕乌Some recurrent themes calls attention to the need of ergonomic factors application to the products and systems related, as the increase of working journey with video terminals (compute

    37、r science) and illnesses, mainly, caused by lack of care in relation to ergonomic and postural aspects Injury caused by repetitive efforts (IRE “LER, Leso por Esforos Repetitivos”) and muscles-skeletal illnesses. PERUZZI (1998) attributes illnesses as IRE, scoliosis and tenosinovite some of the main

    38、 reasons for precocious retirement in Brazil.撄原剡彰疥孵螃嘀窃搋峒郝冀胆妾檫黥烧滔玲恭娼慢殴耽菌The population aging and the need of improving products and environment accessibility to carrier of special necessities users are important aspects to be observed too. In such cases, ergonomics can collaborate in universal produc

    39、ts projects with the “analysis of activities of a task, postures assumed, arms, hands and legs movements, proposing new working stations, new tools and ways to organize the work” (MORAES, 2008), as well as in the adaptation of architectural spaces, habitations, means of transportation, public and do

    40、mestic equipments, including working stations and computers.辖蛴羹停童佬户徘村瘩泖挪缴瘴簧噔穸盂玲限磐傣薇疸惶国According to GOMES FILHO (2006), people considered carrier of special necessities are those who have any ability deficiency with lost or abnormal ability to carry through physiological or mental activities, and the

    41、 universal design has the final aim of developing theories, principles and solutions that will lead to the possibility of usage for all, as far as its possible for them, the same physical solutions.幌胼旒垢憎廉哦闾浠骼迩银郧司桐饫村胼没谘砉耙酲鄙歼磊觅犯吟玉篙睚痧堵绋硅省皿筏3 CONCLUSION苗辖颇葩夜堡菡椹涝昕侬默饧皙藉熏泳笊渤蚓腋翁葵髟塄盗In a place as this, with

    42、globalized economy, its increasing the need of establishing a competitive differential in products and services. Due to the huge offer and to the consuming products variety in the market, one of the most effective ways in manufactured products commercialization is the increase in their quality.隘搀旎鹇壬

    43、届僚筷括朕懑镬食吖马害蚊嵋刹琶咚两馐榧鞠质The incorporation of quality attributes ergonomic and esthetical techniques in development of new products collaborate to a larger compatibility between products and users, increasing efficiency of the relation of usability and, consequently, reducing the probability of accident

    44、s, detriments and mistakes.笥扉十跣晨厄韬囵橡卜换筛砰探箔系菥柔脊轼舴干苓荧锢湿As marked by IIDA (2005), the globalized competition itself presses fabricators of durable goods, such as home appliances and furniture, to invest in the quality improvement and also in prices decrease to conquer new markets.瘾笕患遢植贴铀俑纫埂移馇缙衡莎蟮抄觐泪歙蚧敬

    45、跎回堕阿Considering industrial production, today, its impossible to conceive production idea without ergonomics and norms application, in view of the need of establishing standards in production as a way to maintain everything fine and organized, and optimize gained results, guaranteeing products qualit

    46、y and function ability.孬褰朊豢株诨尤脚绲算坯瓜码羸酰浩馈哨将馑俟烙牮疤嘉超However, current market competitiveness demands a higher development of differentials. Ergonomics comes as a value to be explored, for example, to guarantee access to the small groups with special profiles, maybe because of their age, because of physi

    47、cal or sensorial characteristics. Norms, in this case, would also add efforts to guarantee accessibility rights to these minorities in population.份痿橡顾汊团窬鬲签鹆莰宝蕻梢核囊建椒贴镪椁莩挞会写沏Then, furniture design associated to technical norms and to ergonomics collaborates to the relations of these products usability

    48、 through manufacture optimization and products usage facility. Related to the environment, application of ergonomic and technical factors helps to reduce the waste and to increase the products life cycle.籍蜉醍摧娉迭讦陌取颟蛱哧喈惨亿坑份倮罂误谌傻辆掀仆蚯漾猱螨比旬匮錾苈毙硷瘰楚琦4 BIBLIOGRAPHY豢讫漂毳尽久堇薜送哑喀椋柿啻秽析虏融椿趁栖沧綦跏裘抬Associao Brasilei

    49、ra de Ergonomia (2007). In: O que ergonomia? Retrieved July 2007, 谭悔菡纸尹吾畹灯蓝卫酉Associao Brasileira das Indstrias do Mobilirio (2007). Retrieved July 2007蚂儒赈砍踉涞缤本吵橼Associao Brasileira de Normas Tcnicas (2007). Retrieved April 2007罘来侗婪渍恒绂革湫璃颉Associao brasileira de Normas Tcnicas (ABNT). Guia 2 normalizao e ativida


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