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    1、成人高等教育本科生毕业论文(设计)题目:On the Means to Convey Emotion inNon-verbal CommunicationExpression 论非言语交际中的情感表达方式表情学院成人高等教育毕业论文(设计)评分标准评价基元评价要素评价内涵满分值选题质量25%目的明确符合要求符合培养目标,体现学科、专业特点和教学计划的基本要求,达到毕业论文(设计)综合训练的要求。10理论意义或实际价值符合本学科的理论发展,有一定的学术意义;对经济建设和社会发展的应用性研究中的某个理论或方法问题进行研究,具有一定的实际价值。10选题确当题目规模适当,难易度适中;有一定的科学性。5


    3、要求。用语、格式、图表、数据、量和单位,各种资料引用的规范化(符合标准)。10论文篇幅文科5000字左右,理工科4000字。5说明:成绩等级:90分100分为“优秀”;80分89分为“良好”;70分79分为“中等”;60分69分为“及格”;60分以下为“不及格”。学院2011届成人教育毕业论文(设计)课题开题报告院(系): 外语系 专业: 英语 学生姓名学号班级课题名称论非言语交际中的情感表达方式表情On the Means to Convey Emotion in Non-verbal CommunicationExpression课题所属领域的现状The last decade has s

    4、een a tremendous upsurge in research and popular interest in the phenomena of non-verbal communication because when communicating, non-verbal messages can interact with verbal messages. Nov-verbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving

    5、 wordless messages. NVC can be communicated through gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact; object communication. At present, many scholars including anthropologists, communication experts, psychologists, cross-cultural communication researchers, language teachers study

    6、 non-verbal communication. They focus on three elements: facial expression, posture expression and intonation expression. In their joint efforts, some achievements have been made in non-verbal communication. With the improvement of the material and spiritual life today, non-verbal communication is g

    7、radually gaining importance, which appears that research on the subject is extremely urgent and valuable. As a new branch of science, however, it is still unable to have a complete theoretical system like mathematics, physics and to be widely studied. Neglecting its importance in communication is a

    8、common fault all over the world. 课题重点难点和特色i Catching the main aspects on the three types of emotion: facial expression, posture expression and intonation expression. Analyzing the differences of the three types in different areas.ii Ways of setting examples and comparisons are made to discuss the re

    9、asons for the differences.iii Ways to avoid cultural conflicts when using expression.计划进度2010年10-12月 论文开题 2011年3月 论文一稿 2011年4月 论文二稿2011年5月 论文定稿2011年6月 论文答辩指导教师意见 签名:年 月 日教研室意 见签名年 月 日说明:开题报告作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一,此报告应在导师指导下,由学生填写,将作为毕业设计(论文)成绩考查的重要依据,经导师签署意见及教研室审查后生效。学院2011届成教毕业论文(设计)指导教师评阅

    10、表系、部: 外语系 学生姓名学 号6班 级专 业英语指导教师姓名崔曦课题名称论非言语交际中的情感表达方式表情On the Means to Convey Emotion in Non-verbal CommunicationExpression评语:(包括以下方面,限200字以上)1、 学习态度、工作量完成情况;2、 检索和利用文献能力、外文翻译和计算机应用能力;3、 学术水平或技术水平、综合运用知识能力和创新能力;该论文以非言语交际中的情感表达方式表情为研究对象,分别阐述了三种不同的情感表达方式:面部表情、姿态表情和语调表情,通过论述在不同文化中表情使用的异同提出了在使用表情过程中有效避免文

    11、化冲突的方法。 论文选题比较适当,符合英语专业要求,观点正确, 能独立查阅文献,具有收集、整理各种信息及获取新知识的能力,查阅文献有一定的广泛性,但缺少独创性的思想。 论证内容比较充分,例证丰富,对与课题相关的理论和实际问题有一定的认识,但缺乏论证深度。论文结构基本合理,层次较为清晰,英语表达比较通顺,但存在少量语法错误。论文格式符合规范要求,态度认真,按时完成论文。是否同意论文送审指导教师签字: 年 月 日学院2011届成教毕业论文(设计)评阅教师评阅表系、部: 外语系 学生姓名学 号6班 级专 业英语评阅教师姓名论文题目论非言语交际中的情感表达方式表情On the Means to Con

    12、vey Emotion in Non-verbal CommunicationExpression评语:(包括以下方面)对论文学术评语(包括选题意义;文献利用能力;所用资料、实验数据和计算结果可靠性;创新成果及写作规范化和逻辑性。注意对其中可能存在的剽窃、论据作假等把好关,如果发现请详细说明)选题质量优( ),良( ),中( ),及格( ),不及格()能力水平优( ),良( ),中( ),及格( ),不及格()论文质量优( ),良( ),中( ),及格( ),不及格()综合评价等级中是否同意参加答辩 评阅人(签名): 年 月 日学院2011届成教毕业论文(设计)答辩成 绩 评 定 表 系、部(

    13、公章): 外语系 学生姓名学号6班级答辩日期论文题目论非言语交际中的情感表达方式表情On the Means to Convey Emotion in Non-verbal CommunicationExpression指导教师崔曦成 绩 评 定等级评 定总 评教师1教师2教师3教师4教师5课题介绍思路清晰,语言表达准确,概念清楚,论点正确,实验方法科学,分析归纳合理,结论严谨,设计(论文)有应用价值。优秀良好中等及格不及格答辩表现思维敏捷,回答问题有理论根据,基本概念清楚,主要问题回答准确大、深入,知识面宽。必答题优秀良好中等及格不及格自由提问优秀良好中等及格不及格答辩综合评定等级最终评定意

    14、见:答辩委员会主任签名: 年 月 日 论非言语交际中的情感表达方式表情On the Means to Convey Emotion in Non-verbal CommunicationExpression 姓名: 学号:6系别: 外语系 专业:英语学习形式:函授 指导教师:崔曦起止日期:2010.102011.5 (注:汉字标题用小二号字、黑体;英文题目用小三号字。姓名、学号等用三号宋体。)论非言语交际中的情感表达方式表情姓名: 学号:6 专业:英语摘要在人类历史的长河中,非言语交际的研究一直未形成一个完整的体系。但随着社会的进步,人类也越来越重视非言语在人际交往中的重要作用。美国著名心理学

    15、家Mehrabian指出:人的情感信息只有7%靠言语传递,38%由声调表达,55%通过肢体语言传达。本文阐述了表情的三种类别:面部表情,姿态表情和语调表情以及不同文化下表情使用的异同,提出了如何避免在使用表情过程中产生的文化冲突的方法。通过列举,对比和比较等多种手法强调表情在人际交往中的重要作用。提醒人们要学会理解和运用各种表情,避免文化差异所带来的误解和冲突,为构建和谐社会的目标而努力。关键词非言语交际;表情;面部表情;姿态表情;语调表情 Nonverbal communication; Look; Facial expressions; Attitude expression; Inton

    16、ation expression On the Means to Convey Emotion in Non-verbalCommunicationExpressionAbstract In humans long history, the study of non-verbal communication is still unable to have a complete theoretical system. But with the development of the society, people pay more attention to non-verbal elements

    17、in interpersonal communication. Mehrabian pointed out that: three elements account differently for our liking for the person who puts forward a message concerning their feelings: words account for 7%, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and body language accounts for 55% of the liking. This thesis prese

    18、nts the three types of expression involving facial expression, posture expression and intonation expression. By comparing expressions in different cultures, it proposes some ways of avoiding cultural conflicts when using expression. Several figures of speech are used in this thesis such as citing ex

    19、amples, compare and contrast. Through discussion, people should know that expression plays an important role in communication and learn to understand and use various kinds of expression. Only in this way can we avoid misunderstanding and conflicts brought by culture differences and can we take a fur

    20、ther step toward the aim of building a harmonious society.Keywords non-verbal communication;expression; facial expression;posture expression;intonation expressionIntroductionNowadays, people have many ways, such as sending E-mails, making phone calls, chatting with the MSN to keep in touch with thei

    21、r family members, friends, colleagues and other persons. While, the most common way is still face-to-face communication with words spoken and hands waving. Scholars usually use a strict sense of the term “verbal”, meaning “of or concerned with words,” and do not use “verbal communication” as a synon

    22、ym for oral or spoken communication. Thus, vocal sounds are not considered to be words. Sign languages and writing are generally understood as forms of verbal communication, as both make use of words although like speech, both may contain paralinguistic elements and often occur alongside non-verbal

    23、messages. On the contrary, Non-verbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Non-verbal communication can be communicated through body language, eye contact, object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even archit

    24、ecture, symbols and even can occur through any sensory channel sight, sound, smell, touch or taste. Non-verbal communication is important as “When we speak (or listen), our attention is focused on words rather than body language. But our judgment includes both. An audience is simultaneously processi

    25、ng both verbal and non-verbal cues. Body movements are not usually positive or negative in and of themselves, rather, the situation and the message will determine the appraisal.” (Givens, 2000) 6Charles Darwin conducted the first scientific study of non-verbal communication which argued that all mam

    26、mals show emotion reliably in their faces. Studies now range across a number of fields, including, linguistics, semiotics and social psychology. At the same time, many scholars including anthropologists, communication experts, psychologists, cross-cultural communication researchers, language teacher

    27、s devoted in the field of non-verbal communication. In their joint efforts, some achievements have been made in non-verbal communication. As a new branch of science, however, it is still unable to have a complete theoretical system like mathematics, physics and to be widely studied. Argyle (1988)2 d

    28、id many researches into non-verbal communication and finally concluded there are five primary functions of non-verbal bodily behavior in human communication: to express emotions, to express interpersonal attitudes, to accompany speech in managing the cues of interaction between speakers and listener

    29、s, self-presentation of ones personality and rituals (greetings). In face-to-face communication 65% of the information is communicated through non-verbal means.And according to Mehrabian (1972)8, three elements account differently for our liking for the person who puts forward a message concerning t

    30、heir feelings: words account for 7%, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and body language accounts for 55% of the liking. So, non-verbal communication is playing an important role in human communication.It is widely known that expressions can hardly be the same from culture to culture, but a large prop

    31、ortion may be universally understood. In different culture types, even though people use gestures, eyes, body, tone and other non-verbal media to convey information, the meaning of non-verbal information is not exactly the same all over the world and there is no Universal Dictionary to explain the n

    32、on-verbal information around the world. The reason is that non-linguistic information is ever-changing and it often dues to culture, gender, personal information and location. In other words, the information except language can never be understood accurately without the specific circumstances. But i

    33、t is sure that no matter what kind of human society is “non-language language” can express thoughts and strong emotion beyond the words. To analyze the different ways of non-verbal communication among people can greatly improve peoples understanding. Observing people is always a happy thing to do, a

    34、nd understanding the significance of the results of the observation can often give us inspiration. If being sensitive to human behaviors besides language and knowing that those things, even in the same society, will also have various explanations and different levels, we certainly can understand and

    35、 accept human behaviors from other cultures.Therefore, to emphasize the importance of expression in interpersonal communication, this thesis focuses on the discussion of the three expression types: facial expression, posture expression and intonation expression and tries to compare and contrast them

    36、 in difference cultures. Then, the paper presents some ways to help people to have a better use of expressions when communicating with foreign friends.I. Types of ExpressionExpression is an external reflection related to humans feeling and emotion. It plays an important role in human communication.

    37、According to different subjects, it has different types. Based on psychology, experts divided expression into three main parts: facial expression, posture expression and intonation expression.1.1 Facial ExpressionA facial expression results from one or more motions or positions of the muscles of the

    38、 face. These movements convey the emotional state of individual to observers. Facial expressions are a form of non-verbal communication. They are a primary means of conveying social information among humans, but also occur in most other mammals and some other animal species. Human can adopt a facial

    39、 expression as a voluntary action. However, because expressions are closely tied to emotion, they are more often involuntary. It can be nearly impossible to avoid expressions for certain emotions, even when it would be strongly desirable to do so. The close link between emotion and expression can al

    40、so work in the other direction; it has been observed that voluntarily assuming an expression can actually cause the associated emotion.1.1.1 EyesAs the saying goes “the eyes are the window to the soul”. Eyes are the most important organ on humans face to convey peoples emotion. On different occasion

    41、s, eyes can, for example eyes smiled when someone is happy or excited; looked dragged at others when angry; gazing at a place when surprised, express various feelings. Besides to convey emotion, eyes can also be used to communicate with others when it is not convenient to talk. Through eyes, approva

    42、l or disapproval, acceptance or refusal, like or dislike will be seen clearly because facial muscles can be consciously controlled in all areas of the face except the eyes. The eye muscles are not as readily controlled, so the ocular response reveals not only the truth but also much about a persons

    43、individual personality structure. Eye contact is an aid to social interaction.1.1.2 Other OrgansApart from eyes, other organs on face are also essential not only for humans lives but also for interpersonal communication.Nose: It is common in some countries to make an insulting movement with their no

    44、ses. Brushing the thumb against the nose is a “tough guy” gesture usually meaning to provoke another.Mouth: The shape of mouth is an important clue for feelings and emotion. For example, gnash ones teeth means angry and widely open ones mouth and eyes means surprise.Eyebrows: Raised eyebrows are ind

    45、icated peoples surprise or frighten while frowned means unhappy or unsatisfied.Chin: Raised chin implied aggressive and rubbed ones chin can be understood as masking his or her worry. Sometimes, a direction may be pointed by chin. For example, when the arms are doing something else, the head is turned in the corresponding direction and the chin is slightly jerked up in the pointed direction


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