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    1、毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译院 系:土木工程与建筑系年级专业: 姓 名: 学 号: 附 件:盾构SHIELDS指导老师评语: 指导教师签名:年 月 日SHIELDS【Abstract】A tunnel shield is a structural system, used during the face excavation process. The paper mainly discusses the form and the structure of the shield. Propulsion for the shield is provided by a series of hydra

    2、ulic jacks installed in the tail of the shield and the shield is widespread used in the underground environment where can not be in long time stable. The main enemy of the shield is ground pressure. Non-uniform ground pressure caused by the steering may act on the skin tends to force the shield off

    3、line and grade. And working decks inside the shield enable the miners to excavate the face, drill and load holes. 【Keywords】shield hydraulic jacks ground pressure steering working decksA tunnel shield is a structural system, normally constructed of steel, used during the face excavation process. The

    4、 shield has an outside configuration which matches the tunnel. The shield provides protection for the men and equipment and also furnished initial ground support until structural supports can be installed within the tail section of the shield. The shield also provides a reaction base for the breast-

    5、board system used to control face movement. The shield may have either an open or closed bottom. In a closed-bottom shield, the shield structure and skin provide 360-degree ground contact and the weight of the shield rests upon the invert section of the shield skin. The open shield has no bottom sec

    6、tion and requires some additional provision is a pair of side drifts driven in advance of shield excavation. Rails or skid tracks are installed within these side drifts to provide bearing support for the shield.Shield length generally varies from1/2 to 3/4 of the tunnel diameter. The front of the sh

    7、ield is generally hooded to so that the top of the shield protrudes forward further than the invert portion which provides additional protection for the men working at the face and also ease pressure on the breast-boards. The steel skin of the shield may vary from 1.3 to 10 cm in thickness, dependin

    8、g on the expected ground pressures. The type of steel used in the shield is the subject of many arguments within the tunneling fraternity. Some prefer mild steel in the A36 category because of its ductility and case of welding in the underground environment where precision work is difficult. Others

    9、prefer a high-strength steel such as T-1 because of its higher strength/weight ratio. Shield weight may range from 5 to 500 tons. Most of the heaviest shields are found in the former Sovier Union because of their preference for cast-iron in both structural and skin elements.Propulsion for the shield

    10、 is provided by a series of hydraulic jacks installed in the tail of the shield that thrust against the last steel set that has been installed. The total required thrust will vary with skin area and ground pressure. Several shields have been constructed with total thrust capabilities in excess of 10

    11、000 tons. Hydraulic systems are usually self-contained, air-motor powered, and mounted on the shield. Working pressures in the hydraulic system may range from 20-70 Mpa. To resist the thrust of the shield jacks, a horizontal structure member (collar brace) must be installed opposite each jack locati

    12、on and between the flanges of the steel set. In addition, some structural provision must be made for transferring this thrust load into the tunnel walls. Without this provision the thrust will extend through the collar braces to the tunnel portal.An Englishman, Marc Brunel, is credited with inventin

    13、g the shield. Brunel supposedly got his idea by studying the action of the Teredo navalis, a highly destructive woodworm, when he was working at the Chatham dock yard. In 1818 Brunel obtained an English patent for his rectangular shield which was subsequently uses to construct the first tunnel under

    14、 the River Thames in London. In 1869 the first circular shield was devised by Barlow and Great Head in London and is referred to as the Great Head-type shield. Later that same year, Beach in New York City produced similar shield. The first use of the circular shield came during 1869 when Barlow and

    15、Great Head employed their device in the construction of the 2.1 in diameter Tower Subway under the River Thames. Despite the name of the tunnel, it was used only for pedestrian traffic. Beach also put his circular shield to work in 1869 to construct a demonstration project for a proposed New York Ci

    16、ty subway system. The project consisted of a 2.4 m diameter tunnel, 90 m long, used to experiment with a subway car propelled by air pressure.Here are some tunnels which were built by shield principle.Soft-ground tunneling Some tunnels are driven wholly or mostly through soft material. In very soft

    17、ground, little or no blasting is necessary because the material is easily excavated.At first, forepoling was the only method for building tunnels through very soft ground. Forepoles are heavy planks about 1.5 m long and sharpened to a point. They were inserted over the top horizontal bar of the brac

    18、ing at the face of the tunnel. The forepoles were driven into the ground of the face with an outward inclination. After all the roof poles were driven for about half of their length, a timber was laid across their exposed ends to counter any strain on the outer ends. The forepoles thus provided an e

    19、xtension of the tunnel support, and the face was extended under them. When the ends of the forepoles were reached, new timbering support was added, and the forepoles were driven into the ground for the next advance of the tunneling. The use of compressed air simplified working in soft ground. An air

    20、lock was built, though which men and equipment passed, and sufficient air pressure was maintained at the tunnel face to hold the ground firm during excavation until timbering or other support was erected.Another development was the use of hydraulically powered shields behind which cast-iron or steel

    21、 plates were placed on the circumference of the tunnels. These plates provided sufficient support for the tunnel while the work proceeded, as well as full working space for men in the tunnel.Under water tunneling The most difficult tunneling is that undertaken at considerable depths below a river or

    22、 other body of water. In such cases, water seeps through porous material or crevices, subjecting the work in progress to the pressure of the water above the tunneling path. When the tunnel is driven through stiff clay, the flow of water may be small enough to be removed by pumping. In more porous gr

    23、ound, compressed air must be used to exclude water. The amount of air pressure that is needed increases as the depth of the tunnel increases below the surface.A circular shield has proved to be most efficient in resisting the pressure of soft ground, so most shield-driven tunnels are circular. The s

    24、hield once consisted of steel plates and angle supports, with a heavily braced diaphragm across its face. The diaphragm had a number of openings with doors so that workers could excavate material in front of the shield. In a further development, the shield was shoved forward into the silty material

    25、of a riverbed, thereby squeezing displaced material through the doors and into the tunnel, from which the muck was removed. The cylindrical shell of the shield may extend several feet in front of the diaphragm to provide a cutting edge. A rear section, called the tail, extends for several feet behin

    26、d the body of the shield to protect workers. In large shields, an erector arm is used in the rear side of the shield to place the metal support segments along the circumference of the tunnel.The pressure against the forward motion of a shield may exceed 48.8 Mpa. Hydraulic jacks are used to overcome

    27、 this pressure and advance the shield, producing a pressure of about 245 Mpa on the outside surface of the shield.Shields can be steered by varying the thrust of the jacks from left side to right side or from top to bottom, thus varying the tunnel direction left or right or up or down. The jacks sho

    28、ve against the tunnel lining for each forward shove. The cycle of operation is forward shove, line, muck, and then another forward shove. The shield used about 1955 on the third tube of the Lincoln Tunnel in New York City was 5.5 m long and 9.6 m in diameter. It was moved about 81.2 cm per shove, pe

    29、rmitting the fabrication of a 81.2 cm support ring behind it.Cast-iron segments commonly are used in working behind such a shield. They are erected and bolted together in a short time to provide strength and water tightness. In the third tube of the Lincoln Tunnel each segment is 2 m long, 81.2 cm w

    30、ide, and 35.5 cm thick, and weighs about 1.5 tons. These sections form a ring of 14 segments that are linked together by bolts. The bolts were tightened by hand and then by machine. Immediately after they were in place, the sections were sealed at the joints to ensure permanent water tightness.Shiel

    31、ds are most commonly used in ground condition where adequate stand-up time does not exist. The advantage of the shield in this type of ground, in addition to the protection afforded men and equipment , is the time available to install steel ribs, liner plates, or precast concrete segments under the

    32、tail segment of the shield before ground pressure and movement become adverse factors.One of the principle problems associated with shield use is steering. Non-uniform ground pressure acting on the skin tends to force the shield off line and grade. This problem is particularly acute with closed bott

    33、om shield that do not ride on rails or skid tracks. Steering is accomplished by varying the hydraulic pressure in individual thrust jacks. If the shied is trying to dive, additional pressure on the invert jacks will resist this tendency. It is not unusual to find shield wandering several feet from t

    34、he required. Although lasers are frequently used to provide continuous line and grade data to operator, once the shield wanders off its course, its sheer bulk resists efforts to bring it back. Heterogeneous ground conditions, such as clay with random boulders, also presents steering problems.One the

    35、oretical disadvantage of the shield is the annular space left between the support system and the ground surface. When the support system is installed within the tail section of the shield, the individual support members are separated from the ground surface by the thickness of the tail skin. When st

    36、eel ribs are used, the annular space is filled with timber blocking as the forward motion of the shield exposes the individual ribs. A continuous support system presents a different problem. In this case, a filler material, such as pea gravel or grout, is pumped behind the support system to fill the

    37、 void between it and the ground surface.The main enemy of the shield is ground pressure. As ground pressure begins to build, two things happen, more thrust is required for shield propulsion and stress increases in the structural members of the shield. Shields are designed and function under a presel

    38、ected ground pressure. Designers will select this pressure as a percentage of the maximum ground pressure contemplated by the permanent tunnel design. In some cases, unfortunately, the shield just gets built without specific consideration of the ground pressures it might encounter. When ground press

    39、ure exceeds the design limit, the shield gets “stuck”. The friction component of the ground pressure on the skin becomes greater than the thrust capability of the jacks. Several methods, including pumping bentonite slurry into the skin, ground interface, pushing heavy equipment, and bumping with dyn

    40、amite, have been applied to stuck shields with occasional success.Because ground pressure tends to increase with time, the cardinal rule of operation is “keeping moving”. This accounts for the fracture activity when a shield has suffered a temporary mechanical failure. As ground pressure continues t

    41、o build on the nonmoving shield , the load finally exceeds its structural limit and bucking begins. An example of shield destruction occurred in California in 1968 when two shields being used to drive the CarlyV.Porter Tunnel were caught by excessive ground pressure and deformed beyond repair. One o

    42、f the Porter Tunnel shields was brought to a halt in reasonably good ground by water bearing ground fault that required full breast-boards. While the contractor was trying to bring the face under control, skin pressure began to increase. While the face condition finally stabilized, the contractor pr

    43、epared to resume operations and discovered the shield was stuck. No combination of methods was able to move it, and the increasing ground pressure destroyed the shield.To offset the ground pressure effect, a standard provision in design is a cutting edge radius several inches greater than the main b

    44、ody radius. This allows a certain degree of ground movement before pressure can come to bear on the shield skin. Another approach, considered in theory but not yet put into practice, is the “watermelon seed” design. The theory calls for a continuous taper in the shield configuration; maximum radius

    45、at the cutting edge and the minimum radius at the trailing edge of the tail. With this configuration, any amount of forward movement would create a drop in skin pressure.Working decks, spaced 2.4 to 3.0 m vertically, are provided inside the shield. These working decks enable the miners to excavate t

    46、he face, drill and load holes, if necessary, and adjust the breast-board system. The hydraulic jacks for the breast-board are mounted on the underside of the work decks. Blast doors are sometimes installed as an integral part of the work decks if a substantial amount of blasting is expected.Some for

    47、m of mechanical equipment is provided on the rear end of the working decks to assist the miners in handing and placing the element of the support system. In large tunnels, these individual support elements can weigh several tons and mechanical assistance becomes essential. Sufficient vertical cleara

    48、nce must be provided between the invert and the first working deck to permit access to the face by the loading equipment.盾 构【摘要】隧道盾构是一结构系统,通常用于洞室开挖。本文主要论述了盾构的形式和构造,通过安装在盾构尾部的液压千斤顶来实现盾构的推动,并普遍使用于不能长时间自稳的地下环境中。地压是盾构的主要问题,驾驶导致的不均一地压会作用在外壳上使有离开轨道和坡道的趋势。在盾构内的工作台,可用于工人开挖工作面、钻探和装药。【关键词】盾构 液压千斤顶 地压 驾驶 工作台隧道



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