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    1、China has rich and profound food culture.Western nation has exquisite and self-system food civilization.The Main food of ChinaFujian cuisine Shandong cuisine Sichuan cuisineCantonese cuisineJiangsu cuisineZhejiang cuisineHunan cuisineAnhui cuisine Mashed potatoesBaked potatoesBaked beanOmeletteFries

    2、Cole slaw Crme cornBrownie PancakeBeef steak It shows us many delicious food,Chinese food is various,and they need complicated stuff.It need a lot of time to make it.So,it is tasty.And American food is simple than Chinas.It concentrates on fast food.So Americans on the go also tend to eat a lot of j

    3、unk food”.Chinese breakfast usuallyconsists of vegetables,steamed buns(小笼包),deep-fired dough sticks(油条),eggs,milk,bean products.American breakfast food mainly includes Bread,milk or dairy products,meat,vegetables and fruitsMost Chinese families are used to buying freshfoodevery dayAmericans like to

    4、buy from supermarket a large bag one-time,then eat coldfoodeveryday.American using knives and forks Chinese using chopsticks needs dozens of muscles and joints,which is called a fitness activity.Greeting by Asking Your Meal in China It is a very common practice we Chinese people say Have you had you

    5、r meal?when they meet each other around the time before or after meals.Sometimes they even ask this question everywhere even in toilets.In fact,it is a kind of greeting to communicate with each other.Greeting by Asking Your Meal in AmericaBut American cannot understand that because they think why yo

    6、u ask me this.They tend to think you want to invite me to dinner or I am not rich enough to feed myself regularly but that is my business not yours.Chinese think food is very important and essential to people so it shows some care and concern about you.Why?Everything is eatable in China It seems tha

    7、t we eat everything and everything can be eatable in Chinese food,whether it comes from land or from the sky or from the sea or whether it is wild or domestic or whether it is inside or outside.American cannot imagine we eat the food like snakes,,scorpion(蝎子),centipede(蜈蚣),dogs and even frogs.When w

    8、e sell the meat from the animal and poultry,we normally sell it as a whole or cut it from the whole body.A woman American teacher didnt want to buy and eat pork when she first came to China because she saw the meat cut from a certain part of the pig.In America,we know the animals and their meat are

    9、used different words because the words of the meat from animals originally come from French and they are used by upper class while the words of animals are Anglo Saxon,which are used by the farmer of lower class.So there are pig and pork,sheep and mutton and cattle and beef in America but it is not

    10、the case in China.PigPorkWhentheguestscome,Chinesewillmakeacupofhottea.Teacanreducebloodcholesterol.Onthecontrary,Americanpeoplelikedrinkingcoffee,butitispossibletoincreasebloodfatandstimulationtotheheart.Afterdinner,Chinesepeoplelovetoeatfruit,whileAmericansoftenaddasweetmeat.Obviouslymelonsaremorehealthy.Chineselovetoaddvinegar,ginger,garlic,onionandchiliwheneatingameal.Americanliketousemilkdairy,saladsauce,tomatosauce,blackpepper,etc.


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