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    1、智 能 停 车 场 系 统 中 英 文 对 照 外 文 翻 译 文 献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原 文 :Intelliaent parking systemAbstractThe basic concepts of the parking reservation system and parking revenue management system are discussed in this paper. The proposed intelligent parking space inventory control system that is based on a combinati

    2、on of fuzzy logic and integer programming techniques makes “on line” decisions whether to accept or reject a new drivers request for parking. In the first step of the proposed model, the best parking strategies are developed for many different patterns of vehicle arrivals. These parking strategics a

    3、rc developed using integer programming approach. In the wsecond step, learn-ing from the best strategies, specific rules are defined. The uniqueness of the proposed approach is that the rules are derived from the set of chosen examples assuming that the future traffic arrival patterns are known. The

    4、 results were found to be close to the best solution assuming that the future arrival pattern is known.Keywords: Traffic; Uncertainty modeling; Control; Parking; Fuzzy logic1. IntroductionEvery day a significant percentage of drivers in single-occupancy vehicles search for a parking space. Additiona

    5、lly, less experienced drivers or out-of-towners further contribute to the increase of traffic congestion. Search for a vacant parking space is a typical example of a search process. Every parking search strategy is composed of a set of vague rules. Tt is usually difficult to describe these rules exp

    6、licitly. The type of the planned activity, time of a day, day of the week, current congestion on particular routes, knowledge of city streets, and potentially available parking places have significant influence on a chosen parking search strategy- During the last four decades numerous parking search

    7、 models have been developed (Vander Goot, 1982; Axhausen and Polak, 1991; Polak and Axhausen,1990; Young et al.,1991a, b; saltzman, 1997; Shoup, 1997; Steiner, 1998; Thompson and Richardson, 1998; Arnott and Rowse, 1999; Tam and Lam, 2000; Wong et al., 2000; Waterson et aL , 2001). In many decision-

    8、making situations in transportation (modal split, choice of air carrier, choice of airport,etc.) the competitive alternatives and their characteristics are reasonably well known in advance to the decision maker (passenger, driver). On the other hand, the drivers usually discover diffierent parking a

    9、lternatives one by one in a temporal sequence. Clearly, this temporal sequence has a very strong influence on the drivers final decision about the parking placeDuring the past two decades, traffic authorities in many cities (Helsinki, Cologne, Mainz, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, Aalborg, Hague) havestarted

    10、 to inform and guide drivers to parking facilities with real-time var-iable meSwSage signs directional arrows, names of the parking facilities, status (iuil, not iuil, number of available parking spaces, etc.). Information about the number of available parking spaces could be displayed on the major

    11、roads, streets and intersections, or it could be distributed through the Internet.It is logical to ask the question about the benefits of the parking guidance systems. Current practice shows that parking guidance systems usually do not change the occupancy rate or average parking duration. Drivers e

    12、asily become familiar with the parking guidance systems, and majority of them use, thrust and appreciate the help of the systems. Guidance systems significantly increawSe the probability of finding vacant parking space, mitigate frustration of the drivers - visitors unfamiliar with the city center,

    13、decrease the queues in front of parking garages, decrease the total amount of vehicle-miles traveled (particularly in the city centers), decrease the average trip time, energy consumption, and air pol 1 ution. Parking guidance system s a part of comprehensive parking policy and traffic management sy

    14、stem, whose other elements are street parking control (including sanctions for the illega丄丄y parked vehicles), parking fare structure, and parking revenue management system.Parking guidance systems help drivers to find vacant parking spaces when they are already on the network, and approaching their

    15、 final destination. Throughout this research the concepts of the parking reservation system and parking revenue management system are proposed. Such systems would help drivers to find a vacant parKing space even before beginning their trip. The proposed intelligent parking space inventory control sy

    16、wStem that is bawSed on the combination of simulation, optimization techniques, and fuzzy logic makes “real-time” decisions as to whether to reject or accept a new request for parking. The proposed methodology could be applied for parking lots and parking garages in cities and at the big internation

    17、al airports-The paper is organized as follows:1. Parking-pricing problems are presented in Section 2. Analogies between parking problems and some other industries are presented in Section 3. The parking revenue management system is introduced in Section 4, and the Intelligent parking space inventory

    18、 control system is introduced in Section 5- The algorithm to create intelligent parking spaces inventory control system is presented in Section 6. Results obtained with the “intelligent” parking system are given in Section 7, and Sec-tion 8 presents the concluding remarks and further research orient

    19、ations.2. parking pricingIn majority of cities throughout the world drivers pay for using different parking facilities. In some instances, traffic congestion can be significantly reduced as a result of parking price. The parking revenue is usually used to cover parking facility costs (access gates,

    20、ticket printers,parking meters, parking wsigns, attendants), or to improve some other traffic and transportation activities. Different parking pricing strategies should be a part of the comprehensive solution approach to the complex traffic congestion problems. There is no doubt that parking pricing

    21、 represents one of the important demand management strategics. For example,traffic authorities, local governments and private sector could introduce higher parking tariffs for solo drivers or for long-term parkers in congested city areas. They could provide special parking discounts to vanpoolers. O

    22、bviously parking pricing should be carefully studied in the context of the considered city area (down-town, residential, commercial, retail use areas).In some cities (Madison, Wisconsin) there are already time dependent parking fees that force commuters to switch to diffierent alternatives of public

    23、 transportation . Trying to promote public transit San Francisco traffic authorities increased parking tariffs at public and commercial garages. The Chicago authorities raised parking rates few times. As a consequence, the total number of cars parked significantly decreased, as well as parking durat

    24、ion time- The greatest decrease was in the number of all day parkers. Authorities in Seattle significantly reduced parking tariffs for carpool at two Seattle parking facilities in downtown Active role in parking pricing strategies could also have employers paying for employees parking. Employers who

    25、 remove parking subsidies for the employees could significantly decrease the total number of solo drivers. The main role of any parking pricing strategy should be reducing the total number of vehicle trips during certain time periods, shifting commuters to alternative transportation modes, and to di

    26、fferent parking locations. At the same time, when trying to implement any parking strategy, it is very important to provide enough parking space for shoppers, to provide preferential parking for residents in considered city area, to provide preferential parking for different parking locations, to co

    27、nsider low income families, and to protect streets in the neighborhood from illegal parking.The basic economic concepts of supply and demand should be more utilized when solving complex traffic congestion and parking problems (Vickrey, 1969, 1994; Verhoef et al., 1995). So-called value pricing is al

    28、so known as congestion pricing, or variable tolling. The basic idea behind the concept of congestion pricing is to force drivers to travel and use transportation facilities more during off-peak hours and less during peak hours. The idea of congestion pricing is primarily connected with the road (dri

    29、vers pay for using private, faster roacks, drivers with lower vehicle occupancy pay for using High Occupancy Vehicle lanes, drivers pay more to enter citys downtown on weekdays) or airport operators (more expensive landing fees during peak hours). In the context of parking probl ems, this means: c t

    30、hat different peirking tari trs should exist for different users; (b) that the parking fees should increase and/or decrease few times during a day.3. Parking problems and revenue management systems: Analogies with some other industriesAirline industry, hotels, car rental, rail, cruise, healthcare, b

    31、roadcast industry, energy industry, golf, equipment rental, restaurant, and other industries are utilizing revenue management concepts when selling their products (Cross, 1997). Revenue management could be described as a group of different scientific techniques of managing the company revenue when t

    32、rying to deliver the right product to the right client at the right price at the right time. The roots of the revenue management are in the airline industry. The basic characteristics of the industries to which different revenue management concepts were successfully applied are: (a) variable demand

    33、over time; (b) variable asset utilization; (c) perishable assets; (d) limited resources; (e) market segmentation; (f) adding new capacity is expensive, difficult or impossible; (g) direct cost per client is negligible part of the total cost of making service available; (h) selling products in advanc

    34、e. The main characteristics of the parking space inventory control problems arc the to I lowing: Parking demand is variable over time. Like hotel rooms, or restaurant chairs, parking spaces also have daily opportunity to be “sold (used by clients). Any parking lot or garage has limited number of par

    35、king spaces that can be used by drivers Market segmentation means that different customers are willing to pay different prices for the same asset (hotel room, airline seat, seat ina rented car) Businessman wanting to park a car near a meeting point 15 minutes before the meeting would be ready to pay

    36、 much higher parking fee than a pensioner planning to walk with his wife through the downtown, who made parking reservation four day in advance. Building new garages and parking lots could be very expensive and sometimes very difficult. Parking places can be eciwsily rewServed in advance.Introducing

    37、 and developing parking reservation system (created in an Internet and cell phone environ-ment) would present further improvement in modern parking technologies. Drivers would be advised and guided before beginning of the trip, as well as during the trip. Parking reservation system should be coupled

    38、 with the parking revenue management system. In this way, parking operators and traffic authorities would be able to implement different parking strategies. Once the driver is allowed to park, it is possible to implement internal garage guidance system that guides the driver to an empty parking plac

    39、e.A. Introducing parking revenue management systemLet us assume that we have parking reservation system. Drivers make their requests for parking at random moments of time (by phone from home, by cell phone while driving,through the Internet, etc.).A certain number of drivers would maybe cancel their

    40、 reservations before beginning of the parking. These cancel lations would also be made at random moments of time. Like in some other industries, a certain number of drivers would not appear in parking garage for which they have a con-firmed reservation and purchased ticket. Would these drivers be pe

    41、nalized for their behavior? Depending on ration between parking demand and parking supply,the answer could be “Yes” or “No .Reservation system should be flexible enough allowing some drivers to appear right before wished beginning of parking, looking for an empty space in a garage, even though they

    42、do not have a confirmed reservation. Would it be good to have few different parking tariffs? The answer is obviously “Yes . Drivers paying lower parking tariffs could be disabled and senior citizens, people who reserve parking space few days in advance, or HOV drivers. Drivers paying higher tariffs

    43、could be solo drivers, long term parking drivers, or drivers showing up and asking for parking without making reservation in cidvance. Obviously, there is a lot of possible parking pricing strategies.The stochastic nature of reservation generation and cancellation, the stochastic nature of driver sh

    44、ow-up during reserved time slot, variety of parking tariffs, and the need to respond to drivers requests in real time, indicate that the management of parking garage revenues represents a complex problem.In the past 30 years a relatively large number of papers have been devoted to different aspects

    45、of the air-line seat inventory control problem (Littlewood, 1972; Bclobaba, 1987; Brumelle and McGill, 1993; Teodorovic et al. , 2002). The model proposed in this paper is highly inspired by the developed airline yield management stochastic and/or deterministic models.Let us assume that we have few

    46、different parking tariffs. The simplest reservation system (similar to some airline reservation systems in the past) could be “distinct tariff class parking space inventories” (Fig.1 (a), indicating separate parking spaces in the garage for each tariff class. In this case, once the parking space is

    47、assigned to a tariff class, it may be booked only in that taritr class or else remains unsold. There are certain advantages, as well as certain disadvantages in the case of distinct parking space inventories. In this case users paying lower tariffs would be relatively well “protected” . In other wor

    48、ds, this system would pay a lot of attention to the disabled person, senior citizens,people who reserve parking space few days in advance, and IIOV drivers. Obvious disadvantage of the distinct parking space inventories is the fact that very often some parking spaces assigned to lower tariff users w

    49、ould be empty even the higher tariff users demand is very high. In other words, it would be possible to reject some drivers even all parking spaces in garage are not occupied.B L 1B L 2CB L m( a )B L 1 =CB L 2B L m( b)Fig .1In case of a “nested reservation system”,the high tariff request will not be rejected as long as any parking spaces are available in lower tariff classes. For example, if we have four tariff classes, then t


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