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    1、剑桥国际少儿英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第(第3册)册)Lesson 1,Unit 8WarmerAsk and answer.Whats the date today?Whats the weather like?PresentationLook,think and answer.(P70.1)1.Whos got a pet?2.Where is Meera on holiday?3.Whos on holiday in the country?4.Wheres Lenny on holiday?PracticeRead and check.(P70.2)1.Whos got a pet?2.W

    2、here is Meera on holiday?3.Whos on holiday in the country?4.Wheres Lenny on holiday?Production Listen and say yes or no.(CD2-36 P70.3)sun snow cloud rainbow rain wind 剑桥国际少儿英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第(第3册)册)Lesson 2,Unit 8Warmer432165Presentation Listen and match.(p71 CD2-37)sunsnowrainbowwindraincloudIn the mount

    3、ainsIn the foreston the islandAt the lakeAt the beachIn the fieldPractice Ask and answer.Use the words in the box.(P71.5)cloudy raining snowing sunny wet windyWhat s the weather like at the beach?Its windy.ProductionListen and draw the weather.Now complete the sentences.剑桥国际少儿英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第(第3册)册)Less

    4、on 3,Unit 8WarmerTalk about the clothes.ClothesYou are wearing blue jeans.PresentationLook,think and answer.(P72.6)Practice Listen and check.(CD2-39)1.Who is Alex talking to?2.Who is Alex with?3.Whats the weather like today?4.Wheres Alex?ProductionListen and say yesterday or today.(CD2-40)Read and c

    5、omplete the sentences.Look at the code.Write the secret message.剑桥国际少儿英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第(第3册)册)Lesson 4,Unit 8WarmerWrite T or F.It wasnt sunny yesterday.FPresentation Read and complete,then listen and check.(CD2-41 P73)coat cold hat scarf snow sweater windy PracticeSing the song.(CD2-42)Make sentences.Sh

    6、e is in a scarf and sweater because it was cold and there was a lot of snow.ProductionAsk and answer.Choose words from the boxes.Write about your weekend.On Saturday I was_ 剑桥国际少儿英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第(第3册)册)Lesson 5,Unit 8WarmerLook and think.(P74.)Thursday dirty curly were bear her bird:Thursday dirty curly

    7、 were her bird PresentationSay it with Stella.(P74.12 CD2-43)There were thirty dirty shirts And thirteen purple skirt.:PracticeCan you hear:?Say yes or no.(CD2-44)1.Worse Yes.Production Make a quiz.Ask and answer.(P74.14)1.What colour was door number 85 on page 19?2.Where were Lock and Key on page 2

    8、3?It was black.剑桥国际少儿英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第(第3册)册)Lesson 6,Unit 8WarmerWhat are the characters of the two detectives?Retell the last story.PresentationPractice Listen and answer the questions.(P75 CD2-46)Where is Robin Motors?Whats the weather like?Where is Robin Motors last Tuesday morning?Are they hot or co

    9、ld?What does Lock ask Robin Motors?ProductionDo you remember?Can do.剑桥国际少儿英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第(第3册)册)Lesson 7,Unit 8WarmerListen to the music.What picture does it make in your mind?PresentationDo you know that?(P76)The world biggest _ had 3,889 children.It was in _,England in 1998.PracticeRead and answer th

    10、e questions.(P76.1)1.Which is your favourite pop group and singer?2.Have you got a favourite pop song?3.Do you know the names of any classical composers?Production Listen and say the letter.(CD2-47)Read and order the pictures.Read and write yes or no 剑桥国际少儿英语剑桥国际少儿英语(第(第3册)册)Lesson 8,Unit 8Warmer le

    11、ts do a game.string brass percussion woodwind Presentation Listen and say the letter.(P77.3 CD2-48)violinflutetrumpetelectric guitardrumsPracticeMake a musical instruments.Answer the questions.(P77)ProjectYou need:Some rice and some beansA bottle with a lid1.What happens if you put more or les in the bottle?2.Do rice and beans make the same sound?ProductionLook and match,What can you see?Answer the questions.Now talk to your friend.Same or different.


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