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    1、Specialized English for Students Major in Safety Enginering 矿山安全专业外语Basic Requirements基本要求Attend the class on time 按时上课Hand in homework 上交作业Pass the final test 通过结课考试A Small QuiznHow to read the following numbers in English?9999 Nine thousand nine hundred(and)ninety-nine 2782234467 2,782,234,467two

    2、billion,seven hundred and eighty-two million,two hundred and thirty-four thousand,four hundred and sixty-sevenA Small QuizHow to read the following numbers in englishn3/4 three-fourths n107 the seventh power of ten(ten to the seventh power)A Small QuiznHow to answer the following questions?What is t

    3、he time by your watch?Do you know the following words and phrases?Management system Organizational safety culture Hazard identificationComprehensive model of accident causation Why do you learn specialized English?Reading and understanding specialized materials in English.Be ready for your english a

    4、bstracts and papers which you have to write in the future.Be ready for you to communicate the academic or specialized issues with other people in english world.Study goals Be familiar to specialized vocabulary as more as possible,not less than one hundred words and phrasesBe familiar to the characte

    5、ristics of specialized expressions in EnglishBe familiar to the skills to read and understand specialized english materialsBe able to write the abstract for an academic paper expertly科技文章的特点科技文章的特点科技文章的特点科技文章的特点p大量使用名词化结构p广泛使用被动句p非限定动词的应用p大量使用后置定语p常出现长句一、名词化结构一、名词化结构p 名词化是指把动词、形容词通过一定的方式,如加缀、转化等转换成名

    6、词的语法过程。p因为科技文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实,而非某一行为。一、名词化结构一、名词化结构p名词化转换形式n用名词替代动词 The earth rotates on its own axis,which causes the change from day to night.The rotation of the earth on own axis causes the changes from day to night.n用名词替代形容词 It is doubtful how accurate the results are.The accuracy

    7、of these results is doubtful.n用名词替代句子 If the experiment is done by this method,there will be some loss of equipment.The doing of the experiment by this method will entail some loss of equipment.二、被动句二、被动句p科技文章侧重叙事、推理,强调客观、准确,因而大量采用第三人称叙述,使用被动语态。nThe safety policy should be put into practice through

    8、careful planning of the safety activities.三、非限定动词三、非限定动词p非限定动词,又叫非谓语动词,具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语等。p英语非限定动词有三种基本形式:n不定式(Infinitives)n动名词(gerunds)n分词(现在分词Present Participles和过去分词ed Participles)。三、非限定动词三、非限定动词p不定式nA safety policy is the managements expression of the direction to be follo

    9、wed in the organization.p动名词nOrganizational culture is a major component affecting organizational performance and behavior.p分词nHe walked down the hill,singing softly to himself.nHalf of the guests invited to the party were foreigners.四、后置定语四、后置定语p定语在修饰名词时,放在被修饰的名词之前,称为前置定语,反之,称为后置定语。p常见句子结构形式有:n介词短语

    10、后置 In small and medium-sized companies,the safety manager and the safety representative often have other duties besides their health and safety tasks.n形容词及形容词短语后置 The efforts necessary to assure that sufficient emphasis is placed on system safety are often organized into formal programs.四、后置定语四、后置定语

    11、p常见句子结构形式有:n副词后置 The air outside pressed the side in.n分词后置 The results obtained must be checked.n定语从句后置 The safety managers role is to act as an expert who is aware of the health and safety legislation and other obligations concerning the company.五、长句五、长句p科技论文中经常为了表达一个复杂的概念而使用长句。nOne comprehensive d

    12、efinition for an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has said that organizational culture is“a pattern of basic assumptionsinvented,discovered,or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integrationthat has worked well

    13、enough to be considered valid and,therefore,to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive,think,and feel in relation to those problem”.目前较为常见的在线翻译工具p谷歌翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ 与其他两款在线翻译相比,谷歌在线翻译界面清爽,支持全球50多种语言的翻译,翻译结果可以随着输入实时显示,而且当鼠标划到某个单词或某句话时,还支持双语对照显示。输入词组时也可支持扩展释义,而且文本和翻译结果都可以朗读。l 本次采

    14、用谷歌在线翻译。PART 1 汉译英p首先打开浏览器,进入谷歌在线翻译。p在页面左侧选择中文,右侧选择英语。p复制想要翻译的文章并将其粘贴在图中左侧的空框中。p单击翻译选项得出结果。翻译原文与翻译结果对照p汉语原文:p在采矿业中,普遍应用风机产生风流。矿上的新式风机大多数都是轴流式的。然而,许多离心式风机仍在使用中,它们也许是一些应用的首选.不论是轴流式扇风机还是离心式扇风机,其一般规律都是相同的。它们的不同处仅仅是功率、压力和风量的个体特性。p翻译结果:pIn the mining industry,the universal application of the fan produces

    15、airflow.Mine new mostly axial flow fan.However,many centrifugal fan is still in use,they may be the first choice of some applications.Both axial fan blower or centrifugal fan blower,the general rules are the same.They differ at only the individual characteristics of power,pressure and air volume.英语原

    16、文:The application of fans to induce airflow is common in the mining industry.The majority of modern mine fans are the axial-flow type.However,many centrifugal fan is still in use,they may be the first choice of some applications.Both axial fan blower or centrifugal fan blower,the general rules are t

    17、he same.They differ in only the individual characteristics of power,pressure and air volume.LESSON 4 Mechanical Ventilation翻译原文与翻译结果对照p通过矿井或矿井区段的风量Q所需的风压H是通过公式H=RQ2表示的。公式中的R为阻力因数,可以由已知的压力损失计算得出,也可以由通用的公式计算得出。矿井可用的风机能够满足大多数矿井阻力条件和所需风量间的关系。新式轴流式风机安装有可变安装角的叶片,这就使单个风机的应用范围更为广泛。不同的叶片设置可使同一风机能够在矿井阻力关系变化大的

    18、情况下运行。pRequired air flow through the section of the mine or mine air pressure H by the formula H=the RQ2 said.In the formula R is the resistance factor,the pressure loss can be known by the calculated,may also be calculated by a general formula.The mine fan available to meet the most mine resistance

    19、 conditions and the relationship between the amount of wind needed.New axial fan installed variable installation angle of the blade,which makes a single fan broader range of applications.Different set of blades the same fan can be able to run in the case of large changes in the mine resistance relat

    20、ion.The pressure(H)required to pass a quantity(Q)through a mine or segment of a mine is expressed by the common formula H=RQ2,where R,the resistance factor,may be calculated from known pressure losses or from the common formula.Mine fans are available to suit most conditions of mine resistance and d

    21、esired volume relationships.Modern axial-flow fans are built with variable-pitch blades that permit a wide range of application for the single fan.The various blade settings permit the same fan to operate through a wide range of mine-resistance relationships.与之前的英文原文相比,由于翻译软件只是按照汉语的语句逐字进行翻译,所以可能得出的有

    22、些结果并没有达到我们的要求,这时就需要我们对翻译软件所得出的结果进行整理和修改。以下列几句为例:例 1汉语原文:在采矿业中,普遍应用风机产生风流。矿上的新式风机大多数都是轴流式的。在线翻译结果:In the mining industry,the universal application of the fan produces airflow.Mine new mostly axial flow fan.错误分析:第一句前半句翻译比较正确,并不需要修改。后半句虽然将句子的大体意思翻译了出来,但仍存在问题,如application of the fan 中fan应使用复数形式fans等。第二句

    23、句中缺少be动词,且mine应该修饰fan,而不是放在句首。英语原文:The application of fans to induce airflow is common in the mining industry.The majority of modern mine fans are the axial-flow types.例 2汉语原文:在通风系统中,如果一台风机单独运行,那么该风机的性能决定于它的特性曲线和矿井的阻力;如果风机和其它压力源联合运行,那么该风机的性能决定于它的特性曲线、其它压力源的特性和自身影响区域的阻力。在线翻译结果:Ventilation system,if a

    24、 wind turbine is run separately,then the performance of the fan is determined by the resistance of its characteristic curve and mine;fan and other pressure source is the joint operation,the fan performance is determined by its characteristic curve,other pressure source characteristics and impact res

    25、istance of the region.英语原文:The performance of a fan in a ventilating system is determined by its characteristic curve and the mine resistance if acting alone on the system,and by its characteristic curve,characteristic of other pressure sources,and the resistance of individual zones of influence if

    26、acting incombination with other pressure sources.错误分析:在通风系统中不可以直译成ventilation system,而是应该译成in a ventilating system 在文中作定语。又比如说将矿井阻力翻译成mine,准确的翻译应该是mine resistance。PART 2 英译汉p首先打开浏览器,进入谷歌在线翻译。p在页面左侧选择英文,右侧选择中文(简体)。p复制想要翻译的文章并将其粘贴在图中左侧的空框中。p单击翻译选项得出结果。例英语原文:The performance of a fan in a ventilating sy

    27、stem is determined by its characteristic curve and the mine resistance if acting alone on the system,and by its characteristic curve,characteristic of other pressure sources,and the resistance of individual zones of influence if acting in combination with other pressure sources.在线翻译结果:风扇的通风系统的性能是由它的

    28、特性曲线和矿井阻力,如果单独行动的系统上,并通过其特性曲线,其他压力源的特点,和电阻的个人如果结合其他压力源区的影响。错误分析:我们明显可以看出这句话翻译的比较杂乱。我们可以从中读出大致的意思,但有的地方翻译的并不到位。如acting in combination 我们应翻译成联合运行,又比如说谷歌翻译给出的答案由于是逐个单词翻译出来的,这就学要我们对最终的结果进行整理。汉语原文:在通风系统中,如果一台风机单独运行,那么该风机的性能决定于它的特性曲线和矿井的阻力;如果风机和其它压力源联合运行,那么该风机的性能决定于它的特性曲线、其它压力源的特性和自身影响区域的阻力。练习 1英语原文:The f

    29、an power-input varies directly as the fan speed cubed and directly as the air density(twice the volume requires eight times the power).The mechanical efficiency of the fan is independent of fan speed and air density.在线翻译结果:风扇的电源输入成正比的风扇转速的立方和为空气密度(体积的两倍,需要8倍的功率)。风扇的机械效率是独立的风扇速度和空气密度。汉语原文:风机输入功率和风机转速

    30、的立方成正比,与密度成正比(风量增大到两倍需要功率增大到八倍)。风机的机械效率与风机转速和风流密度无关。练习 2英语原文:The efficiency of the fan is power output divided by power input.The power input is the actual horsepower used to drive the fan rotor and equals the measured motor horsepower minus shaft or belt losses.在线翻译结果:风扇的效率是输出功率除以输入功率。的电源输入是用来驱动风扇转

    31、子的实际马力等于测得的电机马力,减去轴或皮带损失。汉语原文:风机的效率指的是风机输出功率除以输入功率。(风机的)输入功率指的是用以启动风机转子所需的实际马力,它等于测定的电动机马力减去轴损失或皮带带动损失。有道词典的应用Unit 1 safety management system Words and PhrasenAccident causation models 事故事故致因理论致因理论(模型)模型)nSafety management 安全管理安全管理nPhysical conditions 物质条件物质条件nMachine guarding 机械保护装置机械保护装置nHouse-kee

    32、ping 工作场所管理工作场所管理nTop management 高层管理人员高层管理人员nHuman errors 人为失误人为失误nAccident-proneness models 事故事故倾向模型倾向模型nMunitions factory 军工厂军工厂nMutual trust 相互信任相互信任nSafety officer 安全官员安全官员nSafety committee 安全委员会安全委员会nShop-floor 生产区生产区nUnionized company 集团公司集团公司nSeniority 资历、工龄资历、工龄nLocal culture 当地文化当地文化nAbsen

    33、teeism rate 缺勤率缺勤率nPower relations 权力关系权力关系nStatus review 状态审查状态审查nLower-level management 低层管低层管理理Unit 1 safety management system Words and PhrasenLoss prevention 损失预防损失预防nProcess industry 制造业制造业nHazard control 危险控制危险控制nIntensive study 广泛研究广泛研究nOrganizational performance企业绩效企业绩效nCausal factors 起因起因n

    34、Risking taking 冒险行为冒险行为nCorporate culture 企业文化企业文化nBusiness performance 组织绩效组织绩效nMost senior executive 高级主管高级主管nSupervisory level 监督层监督层nSafety principle 安全规则安全规则nWall-board 公告栏公告栏nImplement plan 执行计划执行计划nHazard identification危险辨识危险辨识nSafety performance 安全性能安全性能重要句子翻译nOne comprehensive definition fo

    35、r an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has said the organizational culture is“a pattern of basic assumptions invented,discovered,or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration that has worked well enough to b

    36、e considered valid and,therefore,to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive,think,and feel in relation to those problems”n译文:译文:ScheinSchein给出了组织文化的综合性定义,他认为组织给出了组织文化的综合性定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这种模式是由某文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这种模式是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或

    37、完善的。由于以这种模式工作的有效性得到发明、发现或完善的。由于以这种模式工作的有效性得到了认可,因此将它作为一种正确的方法传授给新成员,让了认可,因此将它作为一种正确的方法传授给新成员,让他们以此来认识、思考和解决问题他们以此来认识、思考和解决问题 指外部适应与内部整合指外部适应与内部整合问题问题。重要句子翻译nThe safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values,attitudes,perceptions,competencies,and patterns of behavior

    38、 that determine the commitment to,and the style and proficiency of,an organizations health and safety management.译文:个人和群体的价值、态度、观念、能力和行为译文:个人和群体的价值、态度、观念、能力和行为方式造就了组织的安全文化,决定了个人和团体对组方式造就了组织的安全文化,决定了个人和团体对组织的健康和安全管理的责任、形式和效率。织的健康和安全管理的责任、形式和效率。Unit 2 System Safety Engineering Words and PhrasenSystem

    39、safety engineering 系统安全工程系统安全工程nBy-product附带产生的结果附带产生的结果nEngineering practice工程实践工程实践nSafety problem 安全问题安全问题nAccelerating technology 快速快速发展的技术发展的技术nSafety effort 安全投入安全投入nSystems life cycle 系统的生命系统的生命周期周期nLogical reasoning 逻辑推理逻辑推理nPotential accident 潜在事故潜在事故nAccident cause 事故原因事故原因nLogical program

    40、ming 合理的规划合理的规划nSystem hazard系统危害系统危害nSafety input 安全投入安全投入nInherently safe system 本质安全系统本质安全系统nSystem effectiveness 系统有效性系统有效性Unit 2 System Safety Engineering Words and PhrasenConcept phase 初步计划阶段初步计划阶段nSafety criteria 安全标准安全标准nGovernment regulations 政府管理办法(条例、规则)政府管理办法(条例、规则)nSystem operation系统运行系

    41、统运行nSystem analysis系统分析系统分析nSystem design系统设计系统设计nAid in有助于有助于nEquipment specifications 设备说明(规格)设备说明(规格)nIncorrect interpretation 误解误解nHazardous material危险物质危险物质nWork area layout工业区布局工业区布局nEducational solutions 教育方法教育方法/手段手段nTraining sessions培训会议培训会议nSafety promotion programs 安全促进项目(计划)安全促进项目(计划)nAd

    42、ministrative solutions 行政(管理)方法行政(管理)方法/手段手段Unit 2 System Safety Engineering Words and PhrasenMaintenance plans 维护计划维护计划nSafety problems 安全问题安全问题nDevelopment phase发展阶段发展阶段nOperation phase运行阶段运行阶段nPerformance reviews绩效评估绩效评估nDisposal phase处理阶段处理阶段nIntuitive process直觉过程直觉过程nMake decisions做决定做决定nHazard

    43、 control危险控制危险控制nProtective apparel 防护服防护服nEngineering solutions 工程方法工程方法/手段手段nProtective devices保护装置保护装置nWarning devices报警装置报警装置nSchedule delays进度拖延进度拖延重要句子翻译nHazard analysis is not an intuitive process.For an analysis to be meaningful,it must be logical,accurate,descriptive of the system,and based

    44、 on valid assumptions.Its success largely depends on the skill and knowledge of those conducting the analysis.Anyone who has a thorough,working knowledge of both the system under consideration and the analysis technique to be used may perform a hazard analysis.In practice,the efforts of several pers

    45、ons with varying backgrounds are usually required to assure that meaningful and comprehensive hazard information is obtained.n译文:危险分析过程不是凭直觉就能完成的。对于一个有意义的分析,必须译文:危险分析过程不是凭直觉就能完成的。对于一个有意义的分析,必须在有效的假设基础上对系统进行合理的、准确的描述。它的成功主要取决于在有效的假设基础上对系统进行合理的、准确的描述。它的成功主要取决于进行分析的人所具有的技能与知识。只要对被研究的系统和用于分析的技术进行分析的人所具有

    46、的技能与知识。只要对被研究的系统和用于分析的技术有全面的了解,任何人都可以进行危险分析。在实践过程中,要想获得全面有全面的了解,任何人都可以进行危险分析。在实践过程中,要想获得全面而有价值的危险信息,必须要一些具有不同知识背景的人共同努力才行。而有价值的危险信息,必须要一些具有不同知识背景的人共同努力才行。重要句子翻译nSystem safety engineering is a relatively new approach to accident prevention.Its concepts and techniques have evolved from efforts to impr

    47、ove the safety of the complex technical systems that are common in todays society.It is based on the ideas that accidents result from a number of interacting causes within a system,and that each cause and interaction can be logically identified,evaluated,and controlled.Through the logical applicatio

    48、n of scientific and management principles over the life cycle of a system,system safety engineering attempts to achieve an optimum degree of safety.n译文:安全系统工程是一个相对较新的预防事故的方法,它的概念和技术是在译文:安全系统工程是一个相对较新的预防事故的方法,它的概念和技术是在改善当今社会常见的复杂技术系统安全性的各种实践中,逐渐发展而来的。安改善当今社会常见的复杂技术系统安全性的各种实践中,逐渐发展而来的。安全系统工程基于这样一个思想,即

    49、所有的事故都是系统内大量相互作用的原因全系统工程基于这样一个思想,即所有的事故都是系统内大量相互作用的原因造成的,而且,各种原因及相互作用都能被合理地辨识、评估和控制。通过在造成的,而且,各种原因及相互作用都能被合理地辨识、评估和控制。通过在系统的生命周期内合理的应用科学管理原则,系统安全工程有望达到最佳的安系统的生命周期内合理的应用科学管理原则,系统安全工程有望达到最佳的安全程度。全程度。HomeworknRead and understand the“translation skill”on Page 20-21.nTranslating practice based on the sen

    50、tences on page 20-21nTranslating the passage“Summary”on page 19-20 into Chinese.Unit 3 The ergonomics Process Words and Phrasenergonomics process人机工程过程人机工程过程nMSDs(Musculoskeletal disorders):injuries and illnesses of the safe tissue and nervous system that affect your bodys:Muscles,Nerves,Tendons(腱、经


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