1、广州越秀区王圣堂村更 新 改 造 概 念 方 案C O N C E P T U A L S C H E M E F O R R E N O V A T I O N O F WANGSHENGTANG VILLAGE,YUEXIU DISTRICT,GUANGZHOU2021.09CITY RENOVATION OF WANGSHENGTANG VILLAGEYUEXIU GUANGZHOU 03 场地优化 VISION 04 形象提升 IMAGE05 附录 APPENDIX3.1 规划策略3.2 土地利用图3.3 总平面3.4 效果图3.5 规划结构3.6 交通优化3.7 环境优化3.8 空间
2、优化公共服务及市政基础规划成本估算01 背景认知 BACKGROUND 02 产业升级 DIRECTION目 录CO N T E N T S1.1 城市背景1.2 产业现状1.3 基地现状1.4 思考2.1 发展机遇2.2 资源优势2.3 产业定位2.4 发展策略4.1 规划愿景4.2 三大有机更新的“回归目标”4.3 越秀时尚创新共享极核4.4 三大主题板块城市超引擎4.5 三大主题板块活力秀场4.6 三大主题板块未来无界社区背景认知 BACKGROUND聚焦王圣堂村的发展现状1.1 项目背景1.2 产业现状1.3 基地现状1.4 思考广佛GUANG ZHOU&FO SHAN 深港 SHEN
3、ZHEN&HONGKONG 珠澳 ZHUHAI&MACAU南沙滨海湾南海佛山东莞中山江门珠海澳门深圳香港惠州广州GUANGZHOU粤港澳大湾区发展规划解读广州是粤港澳大湾区最核心的城市,是大湾区联系内地、辐射内地最佳桥梁和纽带广州属于全国首批历史文化名城,是海上丝绸之路发祥地、岭南文化中心地、近现代革命策源地和改革开放前沿地,有深厚的历史文化沉淀和鲜明的文化个性广州将建设岭南文化中心和对外文化交流门户城市区位:广州是粤港澳大湾区及一带一路的枢纽城市Wang Shengtang Village will be linked with the transformation of Guangzhou
4、 Station1.1项目背景BACKGROUNDPlanning and interpretation-Guangzhou is the core city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.It is the best bridge and link between the Greater Bay Area and the mainland-Guangzhou is one of the first batch of famous historical and cultural cities in China.It is t
5、he birthplace of the Maritime Silk Road,the center of Lingnan Culture,the source of modern revolution and the forefront of reform and opening up-Guangzhou will build a Lingnan Cultural center and a gateway for cultural exchanges with other countries 黄花岗公园3KM8KM广州起义烈士园千年古道中山纪念堂广州起义史迹观音山战斗遗址镇海楼五羊石像五仙观
6、石室圣心大教堂珠 江天河北珠江新城白云区市政府广州中医药大学白云山人民北路西汉南越王博物馆陈廉伯公馆沙面岛流花西苑中华基督教西村堂旧址陈子壮纪念馆内环路 恒福路人民北路广州大学广州开放大学财经大学中山大学广州医科大学至白云机场广州东站广州站三元里抗英斗争纪念公园SITE基地位于广州老城区,区位优越:基地交通区位优越,紧邻广州火车站,机场高速横穿基地内部,连接市内内环主路,处在对外的门户区周边教育、文化资源丰富:基地位于广州市最古老的中心城区越秀区,周边历史人文资源分布密集,文化底蕴深厚1.1项目背景BACKGROUND基地区位:王圣堂村位于广州门户位置location:Wangshengtan
7、g Village is located at the gate of GuangzhouThe base is located in the old city of Guangzhou,with excellent location:The transportation location of the base is superior.It is close to Guangzhou Railway Station,and the airport highway runs through the base and connects the main road of the inner rin
8、g of the city.It is located in the gateway area to the outside world The surrounding educational and cultural resources are rich:The base is located in yuexiu District,the oldest central city of Guangzhou,with dense distribution of historical and cultural resources and profound cultural deposits广州站地
9、区综合提升规划范围 核心规划范围广州火车站改造示意图广州站及周边地块一体化设计图1974 年建成运营站内改建酒楼、旅店、商场立项动工拆除酒楼、旅店、商场,改回候车室提出建设构想候车室大规模扩容改造和装修预计 2024 年开启改造扩建工程1984 年1958 年2000 年1955 年2005 年2016 年2021 年广州火车站大事记过去现在将来明确广州站将改造为高铁站1.1项目背景BACKGROUND王圣堂村改造将于广州站改造联动Wang Shengtang Village will be linked with the transformation of Guangzhou Station
10、SITE1、广州专业批发市场是广州“千年商都”的重要载体和名片。截至 2019 年底,广州共有专业批发市场 644 家。年成交额突破万亿元大关,占全国份额约 1/7,仅亿元以上年成交额的市场就超过 150 家 2、广州站流花服装、站西鞋材市场集群,构成了广州最大的专业市场聚集区之一,也是广州现代商贸走廊的重要节点悦汇城1.2产业现状INDUSTRY STATUS基地所属片区主导产业鲜明,是广州现代商贸走廊的重要节点The leading industry of the base is distinct1.Guangzhou Professional Wholesale Market is an
11、 important carrier and name card of guangzhous millennium Business Capital.There were more than 150 markets with annual turnover of more than 100 million yuan alone 2.Liuhua clothing and Zhanxi footwear material market cluster of Guangzhou Railway Station constitute one of the largest professional m
12、arket gathering areas in Guangzhou,and also an important node of guangzhou modern trade corridor嘉添名钟表广场广州金泰服装城红棉国际时装城广州白马服装市场西城鞋业广场广东汽运站中国邮政广州站宇宙服装鞋业广场星辰皮革天伦鞋业交易中心国际时装城汇美国际服装城流花片区服装专业市场经营面积:40 万从业人员:20 万年交易额:500 亿站西鞋材专业市场经营面积:10 万营业铺面:6000 间年交易额:60 亿仓储物流住宅住宅综合市场皮料城国际服装城鞋业广场雅苑分场鞋材城沿街商业商务办公沿街商业沿街商业商业零
14、果来看,2020年王圣堂片分红金额,对比前一年度都有明显下降,产业发展动力渐显不足1.2产业现状INDUSTRY STATUS基地内部产业以批发零售为主,合作社收入分红较往年有所下降The leading industry of the base is distinct1.Relying on the professional markets of surrounding cities,Wang Shengtang Village is mainly engaged in wholesale and retail,catering,accommodation and other industr
15、ies,with a small overall scale and low industrial level 2.According to the results of basic data survey,the dividend amount of Kings Shrine Film in 2020 has decreased significantly compared with the previous year,and the driving force of industrial development is gradually insufficient新冠肺炎疫情的冲击城市战略定
16、位的提升互联网经济的影响1.2产业现状INDUSTRY STATUS宏观环境转变,传统专业市场面临挑战As the macro environment changes,the traditional professional market faces challengesTHE PROMOTION OF THE POSITIONING THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 EPIDEMICTHE IMPACT OF THE INTERNET ECONOMY供应链、价值链和资金链“三链”均受影响,亟待国际国内双循环互相促进,发展新格局对标世界级城市,广州将继续深化推进高质量发展,
17、产业能级将进一步提升电子商务的迅猛发展“去中间化”不断推进,传统专业市场流失了大量的客源1、结构单一,以专业市场主导2、规模偏小,与现代城市功能定位不匹配、不兼容3、缺乏转型意识,制约产业集群化发展1、品牌化程度较低,缺少技术研发与宣传平台2、经营模式较为单一,产品质量、价格、技术含量低3、与其他产业,如新兴产业的协同发展模式还不明确1、相对落后的交易模式限制专业市场的辐射能力2、现代商贸产业相匹配的服务功能仍有缺口,如电子商务、信息技术、结算中心、酒店餐饮、物流配送产业结构规模待优化自主创新能力待突破配套服务产业待提升2131.2产业现状INDUSTRY STATUS内生动力不足,产业发展存
18、在三大问题There are three major problems in industrial development due to lack of endogenous impetus1.Single structure,dominated by professional market 2.the scale does not match and incompatible with the functional positioning of modern cities 3.Lack of awareness of transformation restricts the developm
19、ent of industrial clusters1.Low degree of branding,lack of technology research and development and publicity platform 2.The business model is relatively single,and the product qualityand technical content are low 3.The collaborative development mode with other industries is not clear1.Relatively bac
20、kward trading patterns limit the radiation capacity of professional markets 2.There are still gaps in the service functions matching the modern trade industryThe scale of the industrial structure needs to be optimizedOur capacity for independent innovation needs to be improvedSupporting service indu
21、stry to be upgraded体育休闲医疗图例绿地开敞空间社区边界图例住宿生活服务购物餐饮图例防救灾通道社区出入口应急避难场所社区边界图例1949 年前1949 年-1989 年20 世纪 90 年代至今社区边界图例购物45.68%生活17.56%餐饮18.60%公司9.38%体育1.34%金融1.34%科教2.23%住宿1.49%医疗2.38%社区产业丰富度(Poi)购物 45.68%体育 1.34%餐饮 18.60%科教 2.23%医疗 2.38%金融 1.34%公司 9.38%住宿 1.49%生活 17.56%1.3基地现状B A S E S TAT U S用地:权属与功能较混乱
22、,服务设施严重不足Land use:ownership and functions are chaotic,and service facilities are seriously inadequate社区内房屋密集,街巷狭窄破旧,环境卫生差。仅入口处和办公楼前有几处开敞空间基本没有体育休闲设施,内部和周边医疗资源和物资储备均不足,灾时无法提供基本的医疗保障社区内缺乏应急避难场所、消防通道、逃生路线,灾害发生时无法保证居民正常的避难需求目前社区内小型购物设施不成规模,只能满足居民基本生活需求,社区内缺少大型商业娱乐场所何氏宗祠建于 1949 年前,少量建筑建于 1949 年至 1989 年,大
23、部分建筑建于 20 世纪 90 年代后建筑普遍老旧社会产业丰富度(poi)缺少应急避难场所商业设施有待升级绿地空间匮乏医疗及体育设施不足Lack of green spaceInadequate medical and sports facilitiesLack of emergency shelterThe lack of emergency shelters in the community can not guarantee the shelter needs of residentsShopping facilities can only meet the basic needs of
24、 residents,lack of large commercial entertainment venuesThe houses in the community are dense,the streets are narrow and dilapidated,and the environment is poor.There are almost no sports and leisure facilities,and medical resources and material reserves are insufficientThe Ho ancestral halls were b
25、uilt before 1949,a few between 1949 and 1989,and most were built after the 1990sCommercial facilities need to be upgradedBuildings are generally old广东汽运站广州站环 市 西 路站 西 路梓 元 岗 路站 西 路机场高速基地现状B A S E S TAT U S交通:受铁路和快速高架路割裂,与周边地块联系不畅Transportation:separated by railway and fast viaduct,poor connection wi
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