1、摘 要 中国的外汇储备经历了一个从短缺到充裕的过程,1978年我国外汇储备仅有1.67亿美元。为了解决改革开放之初的外汇短缺问题,中国政府自1994年外汇体制改革时起,实施了强制结售汇制度,对外汇采取集中管理,统一经营,规定除了国家许可的外汇账户保留之外,企业和个人必须将多余的外汇卖给外汇指定银行,由央行领导下的国家外汇管理局行使外汇管制的职能。随着中国对外贸易的大力开展,中国经常项目顺差大量累积,再加上外商直接投资的迅猛发展,双顺差的局面使得外汇储备激增。2006年,中国的外汇储备跨过了1亿美元大关,2010年末,国家外汇储备余额为28473亿美元,当时的人民币汇率为1美元兑6.6227元人
2、民币。中国外汇储备总量位居世界第一位,占全球储备的比重达到了30.7%。 数据来源:国家统计局2010年国民经济和社会发展统计公报外汇储备的增长伴随的是中国经济高速发展的大背景,在经济增长的拉动力方面出口和投资一直是GDP增长的主要贡献因素,而外汇储备的来源也主要集中在国际收支的经常项目和资本与金融项目的顺差,这与对外贸易、国际直接投资等因素密不可分。从这一点可以看出,两者间存在广泛的联系。而一定量的外汇储备一方面可以充当经济调节的手段,作为宏观经济内外部均衡的稳定器,另一方面外汇储备的大量增加也会产生负面影响,比如汇率变动的账面价值损失、对宏观调控作用的削弱以及外汇占款对于货币供给的影响等。
5、总量和结构两个层面分别考察了贸易顺差、外商直接投资、投机性热钱流入等因素的影响。第3章从理论层面分析外汇储备与经济增长的相互作用,并讨论了当前巨额外汇储备的机会成本和对物价、人民币汇率的冲击。第4章为实证分析部分,通过选取1981年至2010年的数据,利用时间序列的平稳性检验、格兰杰因果检验和协整分析的方法分析两者的关系。第5章从外汇储备的管理入手,结合我国的具体情况,提出了合理利用外汇储备的几种可行途径,并对以上的分析做了总结。关键词:外汇储备;经济增长;协整分析;格兰杰因果检验AbstractChinas Foreign Exchange Reserves (FER) experience
6、 both scarcity and affluence periods. In 1978, there was only 0.167 billion dollar left as the FER of China, while in the end of 2010 the amount of FER of China has increased to 2847.3 billion dollar. In order to solve the FER shortage problem in the beginning of the reform and the opening, the gove
7、rnment has implemented the mandatory exchange settlement system since 1994, which declared that enterprises and individuals must sell their extra exchanges to appointed banks except certain officially permitted save in exchange account. With the great development of Chinas foreign trade, current acc
8、ount has experienced consistent accumulation. Besides foreign direct investment has spurred significantly, FER grows fast due to the surplus both in current account and capital account. Up to now, Chinas FER ranks the first place during the world and takes up 30% of the globe reserves.The growth of
9、FER is accompanied by the rapid development of economy of China. Export and investment are the main impetus of GDPs proliferation, while trade surplus and FDI are also the main reasons to explain the spur of FER. From this perspective, we can conceive that FER and GDP are highly connected and they c
10、an affect each other mutually. Foreign Exchange Reserves can be served as the stabilizer of the macro economy and tool for adjusting the balance of payments. On the other hand, the proliferation of FER also brings negative effects to the economy, such as book value lost due to exchange rate fluctuat
11、ion, stimulus to inflation by outstanding funds for exchange reserves, and so on. Nowadays, China has a large amount of FER, so how to effectively utilize this wealthy and how to manage it become the focus of the government and the scholars. On 13th Aug 2007, the State Administration of Foreign Exch
12、ange announced that domestic institutions can keep their foreign exchange income of current account, which suggest companies for the first time have the authorized right to held exchanges without handing in all to the government. This policy reflects the adjustment of the SAFE. There are numerous di
13、scussion about the scale of FER before and after the International Financial Crisis, which makes this article about the relationship between the soar of FER and the growth of economy have more significance. This article studies the reason for the increase of FER through the analysis of the sources,
14、volume, and structure of FER of China. By using the statistics between 1981 and 2010, we exploit the analytical methods for time series to conduct the empirical analysis on the relationship between FER and GDP in China. We find that Chinas FER and GDP have the co-integration relationship in the long
15、 term and they have influences towards each other. However, in the short term, GDP has a bigger impact on FER, while FER does not significantly affects the growth of GDP. We can call GDP the Granger causality of FER, but they are not in a causal relationship in a long run. In addition, this article
16、also discusses the negative impact on the economy brought by excessive FER and the potential risks resulting from the sole capital structure of FER, and gives some suggestions.The paper can be divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is introduction, which introduces the research backgrounds and signif
17、icance of topics, reviews the foreign and domestic research of FER and the relationship between FER and GDP, and presents the innovation and imperfection of this article. Chapter 2 focuses on analyzing the reason for the soar of FER in China, and investigates the influence of trade surplus, FDI and
18、hot money at the angles of volume and structure of FER. Chapter 3 is the theoretical analysis on the relationship between FER and the growth of economy in China, and establishes a cost-benefit framework to thoroughly analyze the positive and negative effect brought by FER. Chapter 4 conducts the emp
19、irical analysis by exploiting ADF test, Co-integration teat and Granger Causality test on the data from 1981 to 2010. Chapter5 presents some suggestions to the management of FER and summarizes the whole study.Key words: Foreign Exchange Reserves; Growth of economy; Co-integration Analysis; Granger C
20、ausality Test目 录第1章 导论11.1 问题的提出11.2 研究的意义21.3 国内外文献综述21.3.1 国外研究现状21.3.2 国内研究现状51.4 文章的创新之处与不足6第2章 中国外汇储备的现状及增长的原因分析72.1 外汇储备的概念界定72.2 我国外汇储备的发展历程及规模现状82.2.1 我国外汇储备的增长阶段82.2.2 我国外汇储备的规模现状82.3 我国外汇储备的结构分析102.3.1 外汇储备的币种结构102.3.2 外汇储备的资产结构112.4 中国外汇储备增长的原因分析112.4.1 来源分析112.4.2 增量分析122.5 中国外汇储备的发展趋势14
21、第3章 外汇储备与经济增长关系的理论分析163.1 经济增长对外汇储备的影响163.2 外汇储备对经济增长的影响183.2.1 外汇储备对经济增长的一般影响183.2.2 中国巨额外汇储备对经济增长的影响193.3 理论分析的不同视角21第4章 中国外汇储备与经济增长关系的实证研究244.1 样本的选取和描述244.2 时间序列的平稳性检验264.3 协整关系检验274.4 误差修正模型274.5 格兰杰因果检验284.6 实证分析总结28第5章 我国巨额外汇储备的管理305.1中国目前的外汇储备管理模式305.2中国外汇储备管理模式存在的问题315.2.1外汇储备的形成方式单一,不利于货币政
22、策实施315.2.2资产组合未达到优化315.2.3管理体系不完善325.3 优化中国外汇储备管理模式的可行路径325.3.1 建立我国外汇储备分类经营管理体制325.3.2 成立专门的外汇储备经营管理机构335.3.3 外汇储备持有主体和投资方向多元化335.3.4 推动人民币国际化进程345.4 本章总结35附 录36参 考 文 献:38致 谢41图表索引表2-1 从1981年至2010年中国外汇储备数额8表2-2 2000至2010年外汇储备增量分析表(单位:%)13表3-1 投资美国的资本收益率比较分析(20012006)单位:%20表3-2 2010年世界各国或地区外汇储备排行榜21
23、表4-1 1981至2010年中国外汇储备和GDP数据表25表4-2 一阶差分DLNFER和DLNGDP的ADF检验结果26表4-3 一阶差分DLNGDP和DLNFER的Granger Causality Test 结果28图2-1 2000年至2010年中国外汇储备走势图10图2-2 2000至2010年外汇储备的变动额及其构成14图2-3 20062010年外汇储备增长趋势图15图3-1 1981年至2010年中国外汇储备与GDP增长的趋势对比17图4-1 1981至2010年外汇储备与GDP对数变换时序图26中国外汇储备与经济增长的关系研究第1章 导论1.1 问题的提出改革开放以来,尤其
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- 外汇储备 现状 增长 原因 分析