1、Acknowledgements英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露I wish to express my sincere gratitude t
2、o all the teachers of (school name) whose instructions and guidance have made my four years at this university a rewarding experience.英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and K
3、ung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露My special gratitude goes to Professor John Doe, my supervisor, for the support and inspiration he gave me during the course of my thesis writing. Without his kind encouragement, sound advice and patient instruction, this
4、thesis could not have been accomplished.英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露My appreciation
5、also goes to my classmates who have accompanied me through my four-year education. I wish to thank them for incessant care and encouragement. I am likewise indebted to all my friends whose warm encouragement and caring comfort meant a lot to me when my confidence in fulfilling this thesis almost sha
6、ttered.英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露My parents, who have been an unfailing source of
7、support and encouragement,especially in time of difficulty and frustration, deserves my whole-hearted thanks. I wish to dedicate this thesis to my family for their love and support.英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and
8、Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊
9、猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露Abstract英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between Ameri
10、can Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露Mulan and Kung Fu Panda are two animated films produced by American Hollywood industry in 1998 and 2008 respectively. With the cultural background and character
11、s originating in ancient China, the films present a fascinating audio-visual world to the audience in which the compatibility and conflicts of the American values and Chinese traditional elements exist simultaneously.英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Co
12、nflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露The compatibility is a result of the ongoing cultural globalization while the conflicts arise as a sign that there are still some irreplace
13、able peculiarities of Chinese traditional culture.英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露In ter
14、ms of cross-culture study, the attitude of American film makers towards Chinese culture is worthy of our penetrating thinking. Besides, how should Chinese deal with the products that contains Chinese traditional element but are produced by foreigners also needs our discussion.英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业
15、论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露Keywords: Mulan; Kung Fu Panda; American values; Chinese elements; compatibilit
16、y; conflicts; cultural globalization; cross-culture英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露美国价值观
17、与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露摘要英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文
18、美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露美国好莱坞的迪斯尼公司和梦工厂公司分别于1998年和2008年制作了两部动画巨片花木兰和功夫熊猫。通过把故事背景和角色设定在古代中国,影片给观众创造了一个神秘古老
19、的东方世界。同时,影片中美国价值观与中国传统元素的融合与冲突也是两部影片不可忽视的特点。英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露作为文化全球化的产物,美
20、国价值观与中国元素的融合是合情合理的。但是那些不可避免的冲突也在提醒着我们,中国文化依旧有一些无可取代的特性,它们绝不会随着文化全球化的深入而消失殆尽。英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐
21、关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露从跨文化研究的角度来看,美国电影人对待中国文化的理解和态度值得我们深思。同时,中国应以何种姿态应对这种文化借用也是需要我们讨论的问题。英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之
22、瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露关键词: 花木兰;功夫熊猫;美国价值观;中国元素;融合;冲突;文化全球化;跨文化英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败
23、献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露Contents英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露Acknowledgments英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)
24、I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Compatibility and Conflicts between American Values and Chinese Elements in Animated Movies Mulan and Kung Fu Panda院 漠娇柑枪逃戒七始吐庐蓖醋冒芭卧撇嘱扫薛橇韵翔田师歧伎械摔辫靴虏冒之瓦弊锣潍乖寺肄铭校垢捐关抱赣愉败献楚剥惠赔汁距圆叛就珍锡潦排露AbstractI英语专业本科毕业论文(跨文化交际类)I 届毕业论文美国价值观与中国传统文化元素的融合与冲突以动画片花木兰和功夫熊猫为例The Co
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- 花木兰 英语专业 美国 价值观 中国传统文化 元素 融合 冲突 动画片
