1、Downton Abbey S01 Scripts【唐顿庄园】第一季中英对照剧本 由 英语我帮您编辑整理 Downton Abbey S01E01 1-上帝啊 Oh,my God.2-这不可能 Thats impossible.3-我这就送去 Ill take it up there now.4-别傻了 Dont be stupid.5-等他们起床还早呢 不差这一会儿 None of them will be up for hours.What difference will it make?6-吉米来了自会去送 Jimmy will do it when he comes in.7-1912
2、 年四月 8-六点了 Six oclock!9-谢谢 黛西 Thank you,Daisy.10-安娜 Anna.11-哪怕这辈子只有一次 Just for once in my life 12-我真想睡到自然醒 Id like to sleep until I woke up natural.13-炉火还旺吗 Is your fire still in?14-是的 帕特莫太太 Yes,Mrs Patmore.15-还真是不可思议啊 Oh,my,my,will wonders never cease?16-仆人们的早餐摆好了吗 Have you laid the servants hall b
3、reakfast?17-好了 帕特莫太太 Yes,Mrs Patmore.18-炉子擦亮了吗 And finished blacking that stove?19-是的 帕特莫太太 Yes,Mrs Patmore.20-卧室的炉火呢 What about the bedroom fires?21-都生好了 帕特莫太太 All lit,Mrs Patmore.22-好的 带上家什 Right,well,take your things 23-去把底楼的火也生了 and get started on the fires on the ground floor.24-动作快点 Now,hurry
4、up.25-见着威廉了吗 -没有-Any sign of William?-No.26-你上哪儿去了 -我没迟到吧-Where have you been?-Im not late,am I?27-我说你迟了就是迟了 Youre late when I say youre late.28-黛西 你蜷在那儿做什么 Daisy,whatever are you doing there,29-黑灯瞎火的 crouching in the dark?30-你不在 我也不想用 You werent here and I didnt like to touch 31-脏手去拉窗帘 the curtains
5、 with me dirty hands.32-说得没错 Well,quite right,too.33-你怎么不开灯 -我不敢-Why didnt you put the lights on?-I darent.34-电又不是什么牛鬼蛇神 Well,its electricity and not the devils handiwork.35-你早晚都得习惯的 Youll have to get used to it sooner or later.36-人家斯凯尔顿庄园连厨房都通上电了 At Skelton Park,theyve even got it in the kitchens.3
6、7-为什么呀 What for?38-好的 帕特莫太太 Yes,Mrs Patmore.39-早膳已备好 卡森先生 Breakfast is ready,Mr Carson.40-威廉 报纸送来了吗 Ah,William,any papers yet?41-送报员迟到了 -见怪不怪-Theyre late.-They certainly are.Downton Abbey S01 Scripts【唐顿庄园】第一季中英对照剧本 由 英语我帮您编辑整理 42-把板子准备好 报纸一来就可以熨了 Get the board out so you can do them as soon as theyr
7、e here.43-书房收拾妥当了吗 Is the library tidy?44-收拾好了 休斯太太 Yes,Mrs Hughes.45-很好 今天要彻底打扫餐厅 Good.I want the dining room given a proper going over today.46-他们用完早餐 你们就开始 You can do it when theyve finished their breakfast.47-天哪 傻丫头 Oh,heavens,girl!48-你是要生火 又不是钻木取火 Youre building a fire,not inventing it.49-还剩几个了
8、 How many have you done?50-主人下楼前最后一个了 This is me last till they come downstairs.51-很好 Very well.52-赶紧回厨房 免得被人瞧见 Now,get back down to the kitchens before anyone sees you.53-他们起来了 -片刻不得消停-And theyre off.-No rest for the wicked.54-是玛丽小姐 茶盘备好了吗 Lady Mary.Are the tea trays ready?55-都准备好了 帕特莫太太 All ready,
9、Mrs Patmore.56-就等水开了 If the waters boiled.57-你能帮忙把另两个端上去吗 Could you give us a hand to take the other two up?58-我还要服侍夫人呢 Ive got her ladyships to carry.59-我来吧 -后门有人-Ill help.-Back door.60-报纸终于来了 威廉 The papers,at last.William!61-你迟到了 -是 我知道 但是-Youre late.-Yeah,I know,but.62-但是什么 -你看了就知道了-But what?-You
10、ll see.63-先熨泰晤士报 他早餐时只读这份 Do The Times first,he only reads that at breakfast.64-再是夫人的每日见闻报And the Sketch for her ladyship.65-其他的等会儿再说 如果需要的话 You can manage the others later,if need be.66-为什么还要熨报纸 -关你什么事-Why are their papers ironed?-Whats it to you?67-为了让油墨干透 傻丫头 To dry the ink,silly.68-怎能让老爷的手弄得和你一样
11、脏呢 We wouldnt want his lordships hands to be as black as yours.69-卡森先生 我想你得看看这个 Mr Carson,I think you ought to see this.70-简直不敢相信 -我也是-I cant make myself believe it.-Me neither.71-老爷更衣完毕 -威廉-His lordships dressed.-William!72-别聊天了 把这盘鱼蛋烩饭端上去 Will you stop talking and take this kedgeree up.73-小心下面还烧着火
12、呢 And mind the burners are still lit.74-好的 帕特莫太太 Yes,Mrs Patmore.75-这是真的吗 -恐怕是的-Is it really true?-Afraid so.76-世事无常啊 Nothing in life is sure.77-早安 卡森 Good morning,Carson.78-早安 老爷 Good morning,my lord.79-他们所言当真 Is it true what theyre saying?80-我想是的 老爷 I believe so,my lord.81-恐怕船上还有我们认识的人 Im afraid w
13、ell know some people on it.82-幸存者的名单还没公布吧 I dont suppose there are any lists of survivors yet?83-据我所知大多数女士被及时救出了 I understand most of the ladies were taken off in time.Downton Abbey S01 Scripts【唐顿庄园】第一季中英对照剧本 由 英语我帮您编辑整理 84-你是说头等舱的女宾吧 You mean the ladies in first class?85-上帝保佑那些下等舱的可怜人儿 God help the
14、 poor devils below decks.86-死后能得以超度 On their way to a better life.87-真是灭顶之灾啊 What a tragedy.88-安娜告诉我的时候 When Anna told me,89-我还以为她说梦话呢 I thought she must have dreamt it.90-船上有熟人吗 Do we know anyone on board?91-你妈妈认识阿斯特一家 至少认识他本人 Your mother knows the Astors,at least she knows him.92-我们上个月还和罗斯小姐共进晚餐 W
15、e dined with Lady Rothes last month.93-势必还有其他熟人 There are bound to be others.94-我以为它永不沉没呢 I thought it was supposed to be unsinkable.95-没有高不可攀的山峰 Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it,96-也没有永不翻沉的船 so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.97-早安 爸爸 -早 那是什么-Good morning,Papa.-Good mor
16、ning.Whats that?98-刚到的 电报 Just arrived.Telegram.99-夫人醒了吗 -醒了 老爷-Is her ladyship awake?-Yes,my lord.100-我这就去把早餐端来 -谢了-Im just going to take in her breakfast.-Thank you.101-谁啊 Hello.102-我能进来吗 May I come in?103-简直太不幸了 Isnt this terrible?104-一想起露西罗斯出发有多兴奋 When you think how excited Lucy Rothes was at th
17、e prospect.105-真是惨到无以言表 Its too awful for any words.106-阿斯特逃过一劫了吗 Did J.J.Astor get off?107-他的新婚妻子肯定获救了 Of course that new wife of his is bound to have been rescued.108-我收到了乔治莫里发来的电报 Ive had a telegram from George Murray.109-他有位合伙人在纽约 -怎么了-One of his partners is in New York.-Yes?110-詹姆斯和帕特里克好像也在船上 I
18、t seems James and Patrick were on board.111-什么 怎么可能 他们要五月才出发 What?They cant have been.They werent going over until May.112-那就是计划有变 Then they changed their plans.113-他们的确在乘客名单上 Theyre on the passenger list.114-谢谢 奥布瑞恩 先就这样吧 Thank you,OBrien.Thatll be all for the moment.115-但他们肯定获救了吧 But surely they w
19、ere picked up?116-不尽其然 -什么-Doesnt look like it.-What?117-一个都没救上来吗 Neither of them?118-你得告诉玛丽 You must tell Mary.119-只有你亲口告诉她才行 She cant hear about it from anyone else.120-两个都没被救上来 他是这么说的 Neither of them were picked up,thats what he said.121-卡劳利先生和帕特里克少爷吗 Mr Crawley and Mr Patrick?122-他是这么说的 Thats wh
20、at he said.123-夫人惊得面色煞白 Her ladyship was the colour of this cloth.124-如果真是这样 那就太可惜了 Well,its a terrible shame if its true.Downton Abbey S01 Scripts【唐顿庄园】第一季中英对照剧本 由 英语我帮您编辑整理 125-怎一个可惜了得 这下麻烦大了 Its worse than a shame,its a complication.126-此话怎讲 -你说呢-What do you mean?-What do you think?127-卡劳利先生是老爷的堂
21、兄 Mr Crawley was his lordships cousin 128-也是爵位继承人 and heir to the title.129-我以为玛丽小姐才是继承人 I thought Lady Mary was the heir.130-她是个女孩 傻丫头 Shes a girl,stupid.131-女孩不能做继承人 Girls cant inherit.132-但现在卡劳利先生已故 But now Mr Crawleys dead 133-而帕特里克少爷又是他的独子 and Mr Patrick was his only son.134-这下如何是好 -真是太可怕了-So,w
22、hat happens next?-Its a dreadful thing.135-您好 Hello.136-我一直等在后门 却一直没人应门 Ive been waiting at the back door.I knocked,but no one came.137-那你就推门而入了 So you pushed in?138-我叫约翰贝茨 是新来的男仆 Im John Bates,the new valet.139-新来的男仆 -没错-The new valet?-Thats right.140-你来得真早 -搭清晨的车过来的-Youre early.-Came on the milk t
23、rain.141-想用白天的时间熟悉环境 今晚上任 Thought Id use the day to get to know the place,start tonight.142-我是安娜 女仆领班 Im Anna,the head housemaid.143-您好 How do you do?144-我是奥布瑞恩小姐 夫人的贴身侍女 And Im Miss OBrien,her ladyships maid.145-随我们来 You better come along with us.146-但你要怎么应付得过来 But how can you manage?147-不必担心 我自能应对
24、 Dont worry about that,I can manage.148-我们可都有活在身 -我能行-Because weve all got our own work to do.-I can manage.149-好了 休斯太太 All right,Mrs Hughes,150-我来负责这里 谢谢 Ill take over.Thank you.151-早上好 贝茨先生 欢迎 Good morning,Mr Bates.Welcome.152-愿你旅途一切顺利 -顺利 谢谢-I hope your journey was satisfactory.-It was fine.Thank
25、 you.153-我是唐顿庄园的管家 我叫卡森 I am the butler of Downton.My name is Carson.154-您好 卡森先生 How do you do,Mr Carson?155-这位是托马斯 第一男仆 This is Thomas,first footman.156-自沃特森先生走后 老爷的起居 Hes been looking after his lordship 157-一直由他负责 since Mr Watson left.158-这下终于能回归正轨了 对吧 托马斯 Itll be a relief to get back to normal,wo
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